Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & University Archives The Eastern Echo 1921 The orN mal College News, April 22, 1921 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The orN mal College News, April 22, 1921" (1921). EMU Student Newspaper: The Normal News & The Eastern Echo. 522. https://commons.emich.edu/student_news/522 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & The Eastern Echo by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE NORJ\'\i\L COLLEGE EWS VOLUME 18 YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN, APRIL 22, 1921. NUMBER 27 FRESHMAN DEBATERS tOLLEGE Y. M. C. A. NORMAL CASTE ALBION GAlVI}J UHINESE OPERET'fA WIN OVER KAZOO ELECTS OFFICERS PERFORM \YELL FIRSrr ON LIST NEXT )VEDNESDAY A TWO ·ro OX E lrnCISION GIVES NOW PJU�PARTNG FOH NEXT ('LEY ER COlUEDY BY GO,LTlSlUT'fH FTHS'r GAME OF '.I.'HE lU. I. A. A.; SOLOISTS, CHORUS, NEW SCEN- VIC'.I.'ORY TO OUR 'l'EHl; BO'l'H YEA R'S WORT{ l'Nl)Elt T,]U I). )IJrn'rS WT'J'Tl 1\JU('H APPLAUSE YPSI S'fANnS GOOD CHANCE }�RY, STUNNING •COSTUMES, TEAlUS SPEAU. WJ�LL ERSHTP OF HEAUlN ANT) lU.\NY LAUGHS OF WINNING S!IART DIAGOLUE The dual debate between the A A.meeting was called by the Y. M. A group of Normal people, under Michigan State Normal CoHege A novelty with plenty of "kick'' freshman class of this institution C. cabinet for the purpose of the direction of Prof. J. Stuart meets Albion in the first base ball is on for Wednesday evening in the and Kalamazoo College took place electing officers for the next year. Lathers of the Expression Depart­ game of the season Friday afternoon auditorium. A Chinese operetta with last Friday eveninl?,i. The Normal af­ The ball,oting resulted in the elec­ ment, closed the year's lecture course on the home lot. As weH as being Little Almond-Eyes, Wang-Ho, Ping­ firmative team encountered the Kal­ tion of Perry Deakin to the presi­ Tuesday evening at Pease Auditorium the first list on the Normal diamond, Po, Fee-Fo-Fum, not to speak of The amazoo negative team here, while dency, Donald Ross to the vice-presi­ with a delightful1 presentation of the Albion game will be the first dip Emperor Ming, and his attendant la­ our negative and the Kalamazoo af­ dency, Earl Younglove to the secre­ Goldsmith's clE ver comedy, "She of the Normal nineA. intoA. the swirling dies, the Misses Ti.p-Toe, Lady-Slip­ firmative trios met at Kalamazoo. taryship and Donald Holbrook to the Stoops to 'Conquer." It is now quite pool of the M. I. base ball race per, Deer-Foot, Jasmine-Bud and The result was both victory and de­ treasurership. The men hope to a tradition at the college that the for the championship of the Mich­ Lotos-Leaf. A young army of cos­ fea�, as our home team won and our start the work off immediately and last number on the lecture course igan colleg·e league. tumes, scene painters, Mongolian visiting team lost. in the near future to provide for shaH be a play staged by campus Albion is reported to have a first dancers, solo singers, chorus singers, The question was the same as in furnishing the rooms which are lo­ talent. Ticket holders look eagerly class team so if the Normalites are young and budding actors, poster ar­ the Bowling Green debate, "Resolved, cated on the ground floor of the Ad­ forward to the event and their eag­ desirous of remaining in the running tists, business managers, producers that 'Congress should enact legisla­ ministration building. Under the erness has yet to be disappointed. it is quite imperative that they musical and stage and expert adver­ tion providing for the compulsory ar­ leadership of Deakin, who is a live Each year's production seems better downA the Albion aggreg·ation Friday. tising agents-all these have turned bitration of all Ia:hor disputes in the wir.e, the associationA should prosper than its predecessor'\, and this latest large crowd of enthusiastic root­ our classic conservatory into a Chink United States, constitutionality and s.erve a purpose on the Normal was no exception to that rule. In ers is always conducive to athletic Bee-Hive! The place is giddy with waived." The Normal team remain­ campus. .ll members are asked to reading of lines and interpretation achievement and it is sincerely hoped a new industry. Gorgeous Chinese ing at home consisted of Paul Mis­ boost the organization. the work of the cast was far from that many college students will uti­ colors in kimonas and mandarin coats ner, Erna Pas.ch and Harvey Klem­ amateurish. Much difficulty was ex­ lize this opportunity to manifest an and •black skull caps with their long mer. They maintained the cause of ALL COLLEGE PARTY .perienced in the arranging of the interest in their institution and to black pigtails are everywhere. compu-lsory arbitration against El­ SATURDAY NIGHT settings, because of the size of the give their loyal support to a team Chinese -rhythms and oriental sca·les mer Littell, Robert Lundy and Vern stage and the lack of theatrical pro­ that is sure to win honor and glory haunt the halls consecrated to the Bunnell. perties but it speaks, well for the for the Green and White. shades of Bach and Palestrina.. For Both sides did remarkably well. cast that any deficiencies in the set­ CLASS GOES the moment Starly Polyphony has Our team showed the results of care­ The regular aH college party will ting went unnoti�ed because of their gathered her majestic robes about ful training; they presented a clear be given in the gymnasium on Sat­ skilifol work. SIGHT-SEEING her archaic figure and fled before analysis of the subject and had a urday evening. Heretofore the par­ Glen Knicely, as Mr. Hardcastle, the hypnotizing· swing of the Catchy well-polished delivery. Their rebut­ ties of the year have been enjoyed made a typical English country gen­ St'uff that comes out of a Chinese tal lacked energy, though it did con­ by all the students in attendance at Ueman of Goldsmith's time and garden. siderable damage to their opponents' a nominal price of admission. Now Marie Rathbun was equally good as Tuesday morning the Household Mr. Leary is the producer and arguments, that the students are enjoying an or­ his ambitious, dissatisfied wife. Ca­ Management class took a walking sings the part of Ping-Po, the master of ceremonies of the Court of Cathay. The Kalamazoo speakers gave a chestra of five pieces an additional therine VanHorn, as Kate Hardcastle, trip around the city to study loca­ AH last term the principals re­ good logical treatment of their case. ten cents must be asked to defray she who "stooped to conquer,'' and tion and architecture of houses. It hearsed weekly under Mr. Leary's Their delivery was poor, being ner­ the expenses of the parties. Certain Beatrice Johnson, as Constance Ne­ was very interesting to find designs supervision and are already in per­ vous and hurried. Though they were it is that the addition of two instru­ vi lie, were the charming blondes and styles that belong to the differ­ fect condition for their world pr.e­ somewhat inclined to quibble over ments to the orchestra necessitating of modes,ty and wisdom that litera­ ent periods of time. The Old Eng­ mi er. The chorus numbers fifty of the technical structure of the af­ an extra assessment wiH meet with ture has pictured for us of the maid­ lish Colonial and the Bungalow types our young singers and they are un­ firmative argument, their rebuttal the approval of the students. ens of the day. Almon Vedder, as were the predominating styles in der the direction of Frederick Alex­ was effective. One member of the At the last party the men certain­ Charles Marlow, and Russell Blakes­ the most attractive houses. Even ander. Mrs. Burton has b�en train­ Kalamazoo team was undoubtedly the ly were in evidence as nearly half of lee, as George Hastings, played skill­ the Old Southern Colonial is stiH to ing a group of boys to do a Mon­ best speaker on the platform. the attendance was made up of men. ful roles, as well-to-do and nothing·­ be found holding its own in dignity The question is "What has happened to-do young men. Arold Brown, as and reserve. Almost aH kinds of golian Ballet; Miss Lida Clark and As a. whol� the contest was very Miss Elirror Strafer are doing the close. M. S. N. C. was justly en­ that the men should be conspicuous Stingo, landlord at the Three Pig­ architecture are in display, varying at an all college party? eons, in both makeup and acting, from the Greek Ionic, Doric and Co­ stage setting; stunning posters have titled to the two to one decision the been executed by the art students judges awarded her; but the Kala­ Remember the admission will be might well have just stepped from rinthian, Venetian, Elizabethean, By­ 25 cents on Saturday evening. the .pages of one of Goldsmith's own zantine to combinations that must and very efficient business and ad­ mazoo freshmen put up a very strong vertising management is swinging fight, especially when one considers HOME ECONOMICS CLUB tales.
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