1 merican* —- ©bttwtlj— ■ ■ ■ — — — LXIII I ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. No. 8. &Dbftttft«nuntft. LOCAL AFFAIRS. march at the vesiry this evening, has SttetfKMnli. been indefinitely postponed. NKW AUVKKI'Isk.VI KNTN THIS WEEK B. 3. Jellison and wife of Ellsworth Falls went to Tarrytown, N. Y., last Tues- In bankruptcy—Eugene C Hanna day, called there by the death of their Notice of foreclosure—Joseph H Whitmore -Ella J Smith little nephew, Hayden Lowell. Mr: Jelli- Insurance Ins Co A statement—Agricultural son returned botne Mrs. Jellison Service That •* Ins Co Saturday, Banking —Phoenix —Peerless Casualty Co remaining with her sister-in-law', Mrs. I__-_ Admr notice—Alonzo 8 Gray fora ftw weeks. « —Ann Stuart Lowell, *' You Will —8 Whitcomb Cousins There w ill be a HVthday sociable at the Appreciate Exec notice—John T R Freeman DON’T DELAY —Frank T Doyle Methodist vesiry next Wednesday even- —Anna Harkins ing, the admission to be pennies to the -Martin Ball or Martin M Ball number of the d <’e of the month in the Mrs G A Parcher—Girl wanted We believe in Housekeeper wanted person wns horn. Therp will h<> a musical honest and conservative for Parcher’s Pharmacy Positive protection your valuables. and ref ♦ h » • nts w ill he E F Robinson Co program, served, methods. We believe in promptness, Our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault is Boston Auto show including a birthday cake to everyone at- Lamoinr: tending courtesy and the best banking service that the for them. Fred W Cousins—Auction sale place Bar Harbor: Lygonia lodge, F. and A. M., will work it is possible to attain. Safe Boxes for rent, $3.00 and Ptne, pulpwood, other timber wanted the third degree and nave an inspection Deposit Camden: next Tuesday evening. A banquet will be With these ever before we F A purposes us, up per year. Packard—Woolens served at 6.30. Masons are requested lo Cleveland, O note the change from the regular meeting cordially invite YOUR account, with the Saleemen wauted—O L Doty —The Victor Oil Co night--Tuesday instead of Thursday. assurance of Safety and Satisfaction. Binghamton, N Y: Inspection w ill be by D D. J. M. George Domestic Supply Co—Old false teeth wanted 3. Harmon of Southwest Harbor. The republican can us for .the nom- CONDENSED TIME TABLE ination of candidates for mayor and stre t WEEK DAYS. UNION TRUST commissioner will oe held at Hancock COMPANY of Ellsworth Trains arrive at Ellsworth from ihe wesi al hall this evening, Feb. 21. at 7 30 *■'.41 a. m., 4. 3 m. Capital, $100,000. p. o’clock. The caucui-es of wards 1, 2, 3, Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 11.10 j a id 5 wul follow '<e genera' caucus at the and a. m., 6.22 p. m. Surplus Profits, $125,000. same place. The ward 4 caucus was called for this afternoon at North Ellsworth. SCHEDULE OF MAILS Donaqua lodge, K. of P., will give a ball AT ILL8WORTH PO8T0FPICK. at Odd Fellows ball to-morrow In effect Oct. a, 1916 evening. The farce, “Not | Minin the House,” an- nounced to be given in connection w iih MAILS RECEIVED. A Strong Financial Friend. Week Day*. this ball, has been postponed on account of the illness of members of the cast. From West—6.41 a m; 4.23 p m. An account with the Hancock Bank to which aie i Music will be furnished County Savings you From by Higgins’ East—11.10 a m; 6.22 p m. is a orchestra, six pieces. Refreshments will adding regular deposits friend that can be depended upon at all j MAILS CLOSE at POSTOFFICE be served. times. Now is a good time to make this Ban : your depositary. Going West—10.40 a m; 5.60 m. The democratic caucus for the p municipal Hancock Bank Going East—6.10 a m; 3.55 p tn. nomination of candidates for mayor and County 3avirgs street commissioner will be held to-mor- Ellsworth, ••':.jne Registered mail should be at postoffice half row evening at 7.15 o’clock, at Hancock an hour before mail clones. hall. The caucuses of wards 1, 2, 3 and 5 will follow the general caucus, at the same Sudden Death of Orland Woman. WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. place. The ward 4 caucus will be held at ANOTHER BAD FIRE- North Fri- Abbie C., wife of Roscoe Dorr,one of Or- For Week Agricultural hall, Ellsworth, Ending at Midnight Tuesday, land’s most esteemed women, died early Fell. 80. 1917. day evening. MAIN STREET AGAIN VISITED yesterday morning, after an illness of only From observations taken at Next the Unitarian | the powet Sunday morning BY FLAMES. an hour. station of the Bar Mrs. Dorr was sixty years of Harbor & Union Rivet minister will commence a series of ser- Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is age. For the past fifteen years she had in inches for the mons on “Men Who Knew Jesus”. The given twenty-four hours JOY BLOCK DESTROYED AND THE JOR- conducted a at general store. ending midnight.J subject of the first sermon will be “John Weather Precip- DAN BLOCK BADLY DAMAGED—FIVE Besides her husband, she leaves four Temperature condition* itatiou the Baptist, the Ascetic.’. The minister TENANTS BURNED OUT—INSURANCE sons-Everett of Bucksport, Ralph of Crie- Butter Printed at also calls the attention of his pari-hioners Paper 4 a John and ra 12 m forenoon afternoon SMALL. haven, Isaac, of O -land, and one to the fact that the monthly vespe- service Wed 10— 21— Zsnow.fair clear .01 daughter, Mrs. Gladys Tarr of Orlan 1. 6— will be held next auemov**- Fire made another bad gash on the Tburs 31— fair clear Sunday She is survived also by four sisteri—Mrs. Fri 16— 20— snow snow 4. to 5 o’clock. north side of Main street in the early The American Office .33 Mary Blunders of Bucksport, Mr*-. Laura Sat 6— 38— clear clear hours of yesterday a Sheriff Wescott’s boarding-house on the morning, involving Wentworth of East Orland, Mr®. Sarah 3nn 82— 39— cloudy fair loss of with only Saunders and Rest Red Lion water-; roof and grease proof vegetable parch hill has been made more inviting than approximately $15,003, Mrs. Reuu Sianbrook of quality Mon 10— 23— clear clear of Insurance. Orlando, Fla. merit paper, with especially-made butter-paper ink to comply ever. The old iron beds, many of them $4,200 printed Tues 13— 3b— snow cloudy .29 with new law. There is cheap) r paper on the market; none better broken and all uncomfortable, “so they The Joy builning, .occupied by Harold P. with COMING EVENTS. say,” have been replaced by new and com- Carter, geueral store, dwelling Miss Elizabeth Morris is ill rooms was burned to the PRICE, paper and printing: seriously fortable white iron bedsteads, with new above, ground, iiluding at the home of Mrs. Thomas and the Jordan build Wednesday evening, Fab. 21, at Ma- Lee. matting. Each one of the eleven cells three-story mg on the east was sonic hall—Sociab le; all Masons and mem- The woman’s club will meet next Tues- and three rooms of the jail have oeen adjoining badly damaged, 500 sheets pound size, $2.00; half-pound size, $1.75 the burned out and the bers of their lamily invited. day afternoon with Roy C. Haines..J. fitted with the new beds. upper part being wet down. *k “ whole building thoroughly Thursday evening, Feb. 22, at Odd Fel- ,000 “ “ “ There will be a “chestnut social” in the The annual installation and reception of 3.00; $2.75 Both were owned Dr. A. C lows hall—-Ball given by Donaqua lodge, Methodist vestry Wednesday evening, Banquefort commandery, Knights .Temp- buildings by whose loss is about K. of P. March 7. lar, will take place next Mondsy even- Hagerthy, $8,000 with $1,500 insurance on the Joy block Friday evening, Feb. 23, at Court hall, Philip H. Sheridan council, K. of C., ing. Sir Knights have the privilege of in- and $2,000 on the Jordan block. 200 Huntington avenue, Boston, at 8 o’clock gave a sociable at its hall last viting their wives, unmarried daughters Thursday Mr. Carter’s stock and furniture are a —Bluehill reunion. 60cents. evening. and minor sons. A banquet will be served Subscription, estimated at with no at 6.30, followed by the installation and complete loss, $3,000, Feb. 22, 23 and 24 at Ellsworth, and Feb. Miss Gladys Hooper of 8outh;Goulds- C. C. BURRILL Sc SON Right Eminent Sir Arno W. insurance. 26, 27 and 28 at Surry—Extension school in boro is visiting Deputy Sheriff Fred A reception. will officiate as installing officer. The tenants of the Jordan block were “Poultry Husbandry.” —1 stablislied 1807— Patten and.wife. King W. meats and The three-day poultry school which has Capt. George Alley, grocer- Thursday, March 1—District convention C. E. Monaghan and wife are visiting insurance E. E. been requested by the farmers of Ells- ies, loss $1,500, $500; Joy, of Odd Fellows at Bluehill. their daughter, Mrs. Daniel J. Doherty, stock was moved out with AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE worth and will be held at the jeweler, whose FIRE iu Mass. vicinity Frida evening, March 23, at Paul Re- Melrose, slight damage, but who will still have board of trade room in Hancock hall be- vere hall, Mechanics building, Boston— sono-nt Mie f this and countries Members of of a with no Andrew Representing lending companies foreign Donaqua lodge, Knights ginning at 9.30 Thursday morning.
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