Annual Catalogue of the State University Of

Annual Catalogue of the State University Of

A;N:NUA.L" 'CATALClGU~,E Iff 90 - I cg &f I OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. SEA'f'fLE, WASHING'fON. ' OLYMPIA, WASH.: , O. c. WmTE, STATE PRINTER. , 1891. CALENDAR.- = 1892 1891. JJ I j I f1 . 1f 111 , J JuI; •...•........ ..... ...•• ..... 1 2 3 4 JanDIll'f ........... == === == ~I-; 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:1 26 27 28 29 30 31 •. ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August... ....... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1 31 ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ........ 2 3 .. 5' 6 J 8 Februarl.... ..... 1 2 3 .. 5 6 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~~25~272829 n22~~25.~ 30 31 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 28 29 ........................ September..... ..... ..... 1 2 3 4 5 Morell ....... ; ..... ..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 ]9 2On2223~25~ 2On~~~25~ 27282930............... 2i28293031 ........ .. October......... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1 2 3 AprIl......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~H20~22~M H~ru20~2223 25~2i282930m ~25~27282930 November...... 1 2 3 .. 5 6 7 . MOJ............ 1 2 3 .. .; I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223M25.~2728 2223M25~2728 "r-,_ 29 30 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 29 30 31 ........... ...... .. December...... ..... ..... 1 2 3 .. 5 June.......... ..... ..... ..... 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20~2223~25~ m20~2223~25 2i 28 29 30 31 ..... ..... 26 27 28 29 30 ..... .. ... AUGUST 17. 1891 ........................................................................ Flrst Semester begins. OCTOBER 16. 18!11 ........................................................................... Flrst Quarter ends. OCTOBER 19. 1891 ....................................................................Second Quarter begins. DECEMBER 18. 1891. ..................................................................... Flrst Semester ends. JANUARY 4. 1892 ....................................................................Second Semester begins. MARCH 11. 1892 ............................................................................Thlrd Quarter ends. MARCH 14, 1892 .......................................................................Fourth Quarter begins. MAY 15, 1892 ............................................................................ Baccalaureate Sermon. MA Y 16, 1892 ...........................................................Addre!08 before Literary Societies. l\IA Y 17, 1892 ...........................................................................................Alumni Day. MAY 18. 1892 ............................................... ;Exerciscs of the Conservatory of Music. l\IAY 19. 189'2 ......... :.................................................................... Com meucelDc!'t Day. BOARD OF REGENTS. GEN. J. W. SPRAGUE, Cha1?-cellor,. TACOMA. JUDGE RICHARD OSBORN, Secretary, . SEATTLE. HON. P. B. JOHNSON, . 'VALLA WALLA. / . HON. J. J. BROWNE, SPOKANE .. HON. J. M. HAYDEN, . SEATTLE. HON. J. P. JUDSON, . TACOMA. HON. A. A. PHILLIPS, OLYMPIA. FACUL'TY. T. lVI~ GATCH, A. M., PH. D., PRESIDENT, Mental and Moral Science. O. B. JOHNSON, LL. B., Natural History and Science. J. M. TAYLOR, M. S.; Mathematics. MISS E. J. CHAMBERLIN, PREOEPTRESS, German, English Literature nnd History. MISS J. L. CHAMBERLIN, DIRECTOR CONSERVATORY, and Harmony. E. D. CRANDALL, Voice Culture. MRS. C. S. PATTERSON,· Piano and. Pipe Organ. E.I{' HILL, Principal of Preparatory Department. CHAS. G. REYNOLDS, A. B., Ancient Languages. MISS CLAIRE GATCH, Teacher of Art, and Libmrian. MLLE. MARIE CAMENEN, Teacher of French. CATALOGUE OF STUDENTS. CLASSICAL COURSE. JUNIOR. Maud L. Parker, Seattle. SOPHOMORE. 'Vinifred Ewing, . I{ent. Grace Gatch, Seattle. Beatrice A. Karr, . Hoquiam. I{eruneth ]dack3ntosh, Seattle. AdelIa ]d. Parker, Seattle. Albert E. Pierce, Fairhaven. FRESHMAN. May Clohecy, Seattle. Maud A. McClellan, Goldendale. Anne Parsons, ,. Seattle. Grace E. Vrooman,. Seattle. SCI EN'f1 FIC COUR.SE. SENIOR. Francis A. Noble, Seattle. JUNIOR. D. Ellis Douty, Seattle. John A. I{ellogg, • Fairhaven. Adelaide G. Nickels . Seattle. J. Herman Schirmer, Vancouver. ]daud Ward, Seattle. 6 State llniver8ity of Washington. SOPHOMORE. F. Otto Collings, Vancouver. ~ Edward Nickels, Seattle. Minnie J. Pelton, Seattle . FRESHMAN. Ralph Andrews, . Seattle: Hug~ Herren, Winlock. Peter McPherson, Blaine. James L. McPherson, Seattle. Roderick Sprague, Tumwater. A. Lee Willard, Seattle. Charles D. Wilson,. Seattle. NORMAL GOURSE. THIRD. YEAR. Isabel R. Dikeman, Seattle. Haniet P. Gliswold, Seattle. Lillian A. Ireen, Skagit. Isabel McDiarmid, Seattle. Helen E. Taylor, Seattle. SECOND YEAR. Kate D. Brace, Spokane. Thlina Brygger, Bullard. Marie Camenen, Seattle. Mary E. Cook, Olney. Ella Dunn, I{ent. Jennie M. Jordan, Snohomish. Alice B. Hamblet, Ballard. William G. McCart~y, Minn. Alice M. Savings, Blaine .. Lucy M. Smith, Kent. Lizzie Twiss, .. Winlock. State Univer8ity of Washington. 7 FIRST YEAR. ~Iay Ca~vert, Seattle. Kate V. Curtis, . Houghton. Belle· Gleed, North Yakimu. Mina Kerr, Seattle. ~Iary E. Loveland, Seattle. Nettie J .. Maryott, . Seattle. Julia Mathiesen, Seattle. Stella B. Palmer, Seattle. PREPARATORY GOUR8E. THIRD YEAR. Helen M. Anthony, Seattle. Roy P. ·Ballard, Seattle. Charles F. Beach, Ellensburgh. Myra B. Clarke, Seattle. Dora Clymer, Seattle.. Abbie A. Drew, Port Gamble. ~Ierit E. Durham, . Ballard. Lida A. Frankland, Seattle. Oscar G. Heaton, . POJ.Ileroy. Elinor B. Hubbard, Conn. Minnie C. Hughes, . Seattle. Earle R. Jenner, . Seattle. P. Rose I{arr, Hoquiam. C. Ruth I{arr, Hoquiam. Hugh E. Langston, Seattle. Gertrude Mackintosh, Seattle. Barton R. McElreath, Skagit. Carrie Noble, Seattle .. Anna. J. Pelton, Seattle. John E. Porter, Seattle. 8 State University of Washington. Minnie Reeves, Seattle. Blanche L. Robinson, Port Gamble. Rella'R. Ruff, Seattle. Owen Taylor, Iowa. Odes O. Wakefield, Elma. Emma S. White, Port Gamble. Annie 'M. Williams, Marysville. SECOND YEAR. Frank R .. Atkins, Seattle. Otto Augustine, Seattle. J\lInrguerite A. Baldwin, . Seattle. Vesta M. Bald win, Seattle. Odell V. Bryson, Colfa~. Eva M. Campbell, Seattle. M. Bella Cass, Seattle. Rosa Clemen, North Yakima. Fred. B. Costigan, . Seattle. Fred. O. Crockett, , Seattle. Louisa E. Culver, Fairhaven. J. Howard Darlington, Seattl~. Carrie G. Davis, Seattle. 'Erastus P. Dearborn, . Seattle. May E. Dowling, Port Gamble.­ Bernard Estby, Normnn. Carl Estby, Norman. Hemy C. Ewing, I{ent. ,Delbert A. Ford, Snohomish. Walter S. Fulton, Seattle. Amy George, SeattIe. Mark George, Seattle. John H. Graff, . Seattle. James E. Halloran, Edison. Griffith Hastie, Skagit. Mettie Heaton, Pomeroy. Henry B. Hicks, . Seattle. State University of WaBhington. 9 I{atie Hilton, District Columbia. Jennie B.· Houghton, . Seattle. Tun Kellogg, Seattle. James P. I{elly, Colfnx. Hamilton A. I{erns, . East Portland. Oliver H. I{erns, East Portland. Charles A. McDermoth, Mt. Vernon. 'Zina M. Mesdag, . Ross. Joseph S. Miller, Shelton. Charles Millichamp, Texas. Phillips Murrison, V\T est Seattle. Lester Riley, Seattle. Alfred M. Schillestad, Seattle. J. Arthur Shaw, . Colfax. Louis H. Simon, Seattle. Richard A. Smiley, Mt. Vernon. Birdie J. Smith, . Fairhaven. Dora C. Smith, Fairhaven. Minnie M. Stackpole,. Fir. Curtis D. Stratton, Seattle. ~rillliam S. Thompson, Snoqualmie. vVilliam A. Thompson, Port Gamble. Clara E. Ulin, Seattle. Mabel V. )Yard, Seattle. Edward T. w: elbon, Fairhaven. Calvin B. V\r elbon, Fairhaven. Walter S. "Theelei', S·eattle. Carrie M. V\Tillard, Seattle. Ira T. ~r olfe, Oregon. FmST YEAR. Richard Abrams, . Seattle. Robert Abrams, Seattle. William Ask, Seattle. Anna Atkinson, Seattle. Warren Austin, . West Seattle. 10 State Unimcrsity of Washington. Roy V. Baker, Seattle. Nellie Bird, . Seattle. Frank H. Bold, Seattle.. William A. Borst, Falls City. Albert Bothell, Bothell. Elizabeth Boyd, Christopher.. Ansie J. Brown, Seattle. Ipha Bryson, Colfax.. Eugene R. Burke, Seattle. Selden A. Burrows, Belleview. Mabel Butler, . Seattle. /Nelson L. Chdstenson, Seattle. Louis I{' Church, . Seattle.. v··John M. Clarke, Fairhaven. Bert T. Coleman, Seattle. Mary F. Conway, Buckley. '-'Mendell 'V. Crane, Seattle. --Blanche Croffut, Seattle. v'lIarry H. Curtis . California. vMary Danl0n, . Seattle. Edward E. Denniston, . Colby. t,Melvin Denny, Seat.tle. vIJlysses G. Doble, Shelton. v-Edward A. Douthitt, . California . v Kate Downey, Kent. l/J. H.oward Durham, Seattle. Finley Dye, Fremont. Fred. C. Field, Seattle. v Frank A. Frededck, Seattle. Frank Q. Freebnrger, Shelton. Christian F. Graff, Seattle. \ Nanna Graff, . Seattle. V I{ate N. Gliswold; Seattle. vFrank W. Gross, . Seattle. , Fred. Huines, North YakiJ:nn. Jemiie S. Hammond, . Seattle. State University of Wa8hington. 11 t/Fanny Hartison, . Seattle. YCharles Head, . Ross. VRartwig A. Helgeson, Fremont. Reuben C. Hill, Seattle. t-Margaret F. Hilton, Seattle. &.--Edward G. Hill, Seattle· . Eclward Hilton, D. C. vAlbert N~ Holcomb, Seattle. I{atie Hopp, . Clifton. L-Lee Howe, Seattle. vStarr L. Humes, Seattle. Adele J~ Joerndt, Seattle. Louis A. Kaub, Seattle. G. Louis Kollock, Seattle. George B. Lamping, North Yakima. vEba L. McGinnis, Easton. Belle McMurphy, California. \falter Mess, Olillia. !.--Gertrude Moore, Seattle. Adela M. Morie, Oregon. Mamie J.

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