tor AVI DepmtmtmU RED BANK REGISTER RE vo WaeM^sSMStea Se •»*»« Osss Matter el Us RANK M J THURSDAY. iTEPEMREft 2ft iflrM PACE ONE Local Club Honors Justice Brennan Council to Hear *»•".' Council Rejects Parley Plea for Market On Broad Street Plan FAIR HAVEN—The mayor and -*• council tonight will take under Werner May Succeed Council brushed aside objections consideration a recommendation by Mayor Katharine Elkus White of the zoning board of adjustment Kirkegwd on Council Monday night and refused to hold that It authorize a variance for Regional Bd. Plans a Joint public meeting with the the construction of a Davidson BATONTOWK — Herbert B. planning board on the Broad Bros, supermarket next to the Werner of M Ttaten in, may Street plan during the holiday fire house on River rd. be appelatei to succeed Harry season. The meeting will take place at N. Klrkegard as eeancUman at In doing so, It accepted the fact S p. m. at borough hall and Is ex- Wld night's mayor and Dec. 27 Meeting that the planning board could act pected to attract a sizable audi- on Ita own Initiative to adopt the ence since the matter has been In aaswer to ajiseattona freaa RITM8ON — The ntxt step to why voter* rejected the propois! plan. The- law givM the board one of. controversy that has been The Register, Mayor F. BUsa be taken by tht Rumson-Palr The board, prior to the refer- authority to take such action, talked about in a series of board Price yesterday aaU Mr. Wer- Haven regional high school board endum, said the cost of paying with no approval by the govern- meetings since Sept. 12. ner la hla choice far the vacan- ing body needed. cy caused by Mr. Hrkegard's of education in connection with the principal and Interest on the Leroy Davidson of the firm Dec 1 realgnatlaa Tha mayor its school expansion program 20-year bond issue would amount Councilman Charles T. Bruno confirmed yecterday his previous iadleatod that Mr. Werner may be decided at the group's to an approximate yearly inereane •aid that If the board docs ap- statements that, If built, the store wosM accept the appointment. Dec. 27 meeting. , in taxes of U cents per $100 of prove the master plan this would would cost about (100,000 to erect Ha said Coaacllasea Carlejr A hearing to analyze the re- assessed valuation. tend to "freeze" land mapped out and another $100,000 or more to Garafalo and Howard Meyer sults of the Dec 11 referendum The figures were challenged by until its use was determined by equip and stock. -which was defeated—was held a group calling Itself the Tax-xonlng changes set up In ordi- agree with Us choice and that nance amendments adopted by 'Largest In Chain' he will take It up with the Thursday and the board met m payers Protective association. ether three eouncilmen aa aeon executive session Tuesday. They said the total figure council. "It would be the largest store aa possible. Tha appointment Aiiociatad Supreme Court Justice William J. Brannan, Jr., Rumton, center, is No definite action was taken would approach 12.29 per $100 of The plan calls for establish- In the Davidson chain," he said, tt either meeting, assessed valuation "when all In- ment of a business sone for top require* confirmation by coun- •hewn receiving tha traditional "Eight (all1 from Edward Hudson Conway, praiidant of "about three times the size of our cil. Sir. Werner, a saeanber ef Voters here and In Fair Haven crements have been taken into quality stores south from LeRoy stores In Red Bank and, Little the soalng board of adjustment, tha Root Bear and Chackar club, at tha club's testimonial dinner last night (or Justice turned down the board's $1,200,- consideration." pi. to the railroad tracks on both Silver," and considerably bigger 0M building program, which sides of Broad. And It provides waa chairman of this year's Brannan at tha Old Union house. Tha guest of honor also raeaivad a gift of luggage Group Organising than stores of the chain at Dun- Community Appeal He la aaeo- called for e, 30-year bond issue to for big perking lots behind tha ellen, New Brunswick, Perth Am- and a solid gold lifa membership card. Howard Leon, vice president of tha club, was pay for the plan. Meanwhile, the association, of stores, entered from the side elated with the VM.CA. In which Mrs. John Borland of boy, Plalnflsld and Princeton. New York. The vote was 1,2M to OTft- streets. The plan has been In a When construction would start toastmaster. Magistrate John V. Crowoll spoke briafly. From laft to right, Mr. Loon, wlth the majority In both com- Rumson ie secretary-treasurer, is process of development for more was something about which Mr. Mr. Conway, Justiea Brannan, Joseph Schwartz and R. Thomas Bowart. munities going against the pro- in the process of having Its char- than a year. Davidson said he could not spec- posal. ter prepared. Donald W. White, planning ulate at this time. "Have you Board President Arthur L. Mm. Borland told the Register board chairman, sent in a letter ever put such a job In the hands Missing Girl Adamson said yesterday the prob- yesterday she will call a general requesting council to meet with . of an architect and waited for lem before the board is a big meeting of her group "after the his group. In Joint session, on the completion of all the plans?" Would Create New Office Infant Killed one. Brut of the year" the evening of Thursday, Dec. 27, he asked In response to a news- Returns Home "We are still stymied at this She said the taxpayers' asso- at borough hall, to go over de- man's questions. "It could be a OCEANPORT- Patricia Con- In Farm Blaze point," he explained. "We will ciation was a "loosely-knit or- tails of the plan. matter of months, certainly not nor, lS-year-old local girl for Of Welfare Coordinator just have to keep working In or- ganisation at the present time." Councilman Harry Malehow before spring," he said. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — A der to reach a solution." Mrs. Borland said she was not whom police have had an alarm against an addition to the high said he saw "no purpose for a However, Mr. Davidson said out since she disappeared Dec. 13-month-old infant was killed To Hold Meetings meeting with council" on this thf.t in design, he wants the FREEHOLD—Creation of a school, but believed the entire 10, la home and reportedly mar- yesterday when fire destroyed a The board plans to hold meet expansion program should not be matter and, besides, "this would architect—one still to be named— ried to a 22-year-old man. Thenew county post-welfare co-ordln- ings with Dr. John F. Kinney, be a poor time for it because of "to conform to the architecture man la mining, and police have ator was recommended yesterday house In the Tunis Denies farm carried out at one time. th* holiday activities." high school principal; the archi- "I think a wlnr should be con- of the Fair Haven fire house and Issued an alarm for his arrest. by the county welfare board. labor camp, Colts Neck-Freehold tects who planned th» expansion This proposed meeting has been make the store modern in every They said1 he will be charged Wayne D. MeMurray, chairman, rd., state police at Howell station structed to take care of the pres- program and the State Depart- ent student load," she said. talked about for weeks—ever way." When finished, he said, it with abduction. said that the board's choice tor reported. ment of Education, to gain ad- since the public hearing on the will be a store that will hare a the job Is John L. Montgomery, "When the peak comes, another The girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The child was Identified aa Lor- vice on what action to tak«. wlnr should be added." plan took place at the Mechanic staff of "perhaps 40 regular work- Edward O'Connor of 293 Portau- Sr., of Red Bank, currently coun- Street school in October and, ers ;£nd up to 60 or 70 during peck ave., reported their daugh- ty director of welfare. raine Roach. Police said aha waa More than N residents turned Mrs. Borland said the board more particularly, the November ruth periods." Projected is a staying with Lavada Bryant. eut for the beard's meeting of education went "hog-wild" in ter's disappearance Dec 10 when Mr. Montgomery la doe tt re- Thursday night. Ita expansion program, and made meeting of the planning board. parking lot for 130 or more shop- they returned home from work tire next year aa chief probation WHOM quarters were destroyed. Away oa a trip south, Mr. pers' automobiles. 'It was generally agreed that a mistake by not following the and found her missing. Police said officer. He also is county ad- The blaze, at 2:10 p. m., atarted the concern about high taxes Georgian architecture of the White was unavailable for com- Objectors at past meetings oil she had left a note saying she jua'or and referee of the juvenile was ana of the main reasons present structure. ment on eounetl'a rejection. the zoning board of adjustment was running away. and domestic relations court when an oit stove flared up, po- Mayor White called it a have complained about the ex- Tueaday, according to police Tha welfare co-ordlnator would lice said.
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