Friday, May 23, 1924 THE DAILY WORKER Page Five EDITOR OF VOLKSZEITUNG HAILS WISCONSIN TO Left Wing Only Hope of Needle Trades MEET OF UNITED FARMER-LABOR tion which have been held largely was tolerated. Constitutional amend- to a long record of achievements for FARMER- By responsible START GRECHT. for ments any REBECCA the condition of the practically making illegal the International, of self-sacrificing PARTY OF N. Y. AS HISTORIC EVENT 17th bi-annual convention of industry. Since the organization of manifestation of progressivism were devotion to the interests of the work- THEthe International Ladles’ Garment the Trade Union Educational League jammed thru. ers in their industry. Without these By LUDWIG LORE LABOR years PARTY more Workers Union which to a close than two ago the opposi- militant elements the union cannot came IGNORING TRADE PROBLEMS. (Editor of Volkszeitung) last Saturday, was a clear exhibition tion has become crystalized and has hope to strengthen itself and offer This spectacle Will Send Delegates To of the degeneration of an international adopted a definite program which is lasted almost thru- resistance to the onslaught of the em- NEW YORK.—On Sunday, May 18th, in the Labor Temple of prob- union which at one time stood at the gaining ground in the union. This has out the convention. The trade ployers. the City of Schenectady, the United Party New St. Paul facing Farmer-Labor of very forefront of American At led to bitter persecution of the mili- lems the workers in the indus- The International stands at a turn- labor. try York state, which will go into the coming campaign as the the same time, it was a significant tants reaching its climax in the expul- were not taken up until the ing point in its history. The proceed- MADISON. Wis., May 22.—Almost >+ demonstration, sion of the most active members of eleventh day of the sessions, and then, ings spokesman and leader of the unanimous support was given to the of the rising tide of of the convention have given suf- the International. The decision of the the strongest oppositional elements ficient > the repeal of the espionage act, con- movement for the formation of state progressivism and militancy within evidence of the incompetence workers and farmers of the a approving Sigman’s having been removed, it was all sim- demning the imperialist tendencies of Farmer-Labor Party the organization which no amount of convention ex- of the administration. More than that, state, and for the send- pulsion policy marked the culmination ply a matter of accepting reports of empire was born. America in the South American Re- ing of delegates to the national con- suppression can stem. however, they have proven the fail- The convention, which had been of the attempt to drive progressivism committees with little, if any, discus- -1 publics, in Cuba and in the Philip- vention in St. Paul June 17 at the This convention was most unusual ure of the ideology which governs called by the Farmer-Labor Party of out of the union. sion. pines and others were adopted with- state conference for progressive po- in character, unlike any ever held by that leadership. Buffalo, and the Federated Farmer- 9 Days of Machine Hysteria. The convention adopted plans for out a dissenting vote. litical action held here Sunday. The the International. It was not assem- Labor Party of N. Y. C., for pur- educational work, for unemployment, Right Wing Socialist Bankruptcy. the bled as might have been expected, to For fully seven days the credentials pose Class Party the First Aim. resolution adopted is being sent out The convention was in reality a test of bringing into existence in thes hear reports of past activities and de- committee reported on objections to sick, and family protective insurance. to labor and farmers’ organizations of strength between the “left” mil- most wealthy and most powerful statej Every delegate in the hall looked liberate upon future policies. It thruout the state: was SOME EXPELLED MILITANTS itants within the union and the bu- of the union a working class partyr forward eagerly to the nomination brought together, on the contrary, Socialists Want “Detective.” reaucratic administration with its that will take a determined stand 1 and election of the executive commit- simply for the purpose of waging a re- Socialist delegates and' other con- actionary following. Tho individuals against capitalist reaction and exploit- - tee that was to close the work of the decisive battle against the “lefts” in servatives attempted to put thru a were involved on both sides, it was ation, as represented by the old par- - convention. Out of a large number of the union and giving a “democratic” fUPP;. motion to send an “observer" only to in reality a battle of principles. In the ties of the capitalist class, surpassed [ nominations, the following delegates sanction, by a majority vote of the St. Paul. F. H. Shoemaker of Green final analysis the great significance of all expectations. were elected to function as the State convention, the policy of coercion Bay replied in a stirring speech, rid- to the lies It was attended by almost one hun- . Executive Committee of the new par- expulsion Sigman .convention in this—that it iculing the fears of the Socialists. He and which the demonstrated the bankruptcy dred delegates from more than eighty ty. From New York City: Krumbein, regime has been pursuing against the of the r called upon the delegates to support socialist ideology and methods of organizations, representing labor un- - Lore, Poyntz, Hopkins, Winestone, militants. ions, local central bodies, , Lifshitz, London, Jampolsky the efforts of the farmers and work- & struggle which rule the International fraternal, and Win- ers to build a real party of their own Just a Herasy Trial. tlf# JM * I ana against which the revolutionary educational and political organiza- - itzki; from Buffalo: Campbell, Herzog class and send a bona fide representa- The spirit of the convention, from elements are battling. tions of the working class, represent- - and Ballam; from Albany: Jones; tive to St. Paul, not merely a “detec- the very start, was that of preparation The International Ladies’ Garment ing every shade of progressive work- - from Binghampton: Klekunas; from tive.” for a fight. Battle was in the air. Ques- Workers’ Union differs from other in- ing class opinion, local Farmer-Laborr Schenectady: Verhagen; from Ro- The railway brotherhoods withdrew tions of a constructive nature which ternational unions in that it has revo- Party organizations, Workers Party,, Chester: Sussman and Hoesteroy. from up lutionary Left Paole Zion, and the Progressive Comrade unanimously the Madison state conference came for consideration were re- HYMAN FOGEL, Local 5, Chicago, member of executive board. traditions, and was regarded s Krumbein was with the clumsy excuse that not all of garded merely as so many unimportant as one of the main props in the social- Party, more commonly known under elected as delegate to represent the DORA LIPSHITZ, Local 100, Chicago, member of executive and joint, r the railroad organizations had been interludes. It was hardly conceivable ist movement in this Country. It was the name of the Committee of 48 un- - United Farmer-Labor Party of the notified. that this was a trade union convention. board. founded by workers imbued with the der the leadership of its chairman,, state of New York at the June 17th Students Fight for Russia. The entire proceedings took on the N. GROSS, Local 26, Cleveland. spirit of class consciousness. It gained J. A. Hopkins, of N. Y. C. convention in St. Paul and he prom- ————— Eallam, Buffalo, Wisconsin University students led a character of a trial for heresy rather t strength thru the efforts of men and After Comrade , ised in an enthusiastically received splendid fight for the recognition of than of deliberations upon the prob- women whose eyes were turned to the had opened the convention with ai address to do everything in his pow- Soviet Russia, but the reactionaries of lems of a labor body. distant goal of a free workers’ com- brief address, emphasizing the needl er to further, there, the organization the conference defeated the resolution When we consider the condif'.js monwealth. The preamble to the old of a working class unity for political I of a class party of the workers and on the flimsy pretext that this meet- confronting the workers in the ladies’ "v* J&l constitution stated explicitly that the action, a credential committee was ! working farmers of America. ing had nothing to do with interna- garment industry at the time the con- purpose in organizing the union was elected, which later reported that1 At the same time he explained in a tional politics. vention met, the absolute incompe- "to bring about a system of society there were delegates present from 1 pointed speech the reasons, which practically every important John Works, of the Milwaukee tency of the present officialdom of the wherein the workers shall receive industrial' prompt the Communists to woiut with center in the state, Schenec- “Leader,” Socialist paper, was the International, their failure as leaders the full value of their product” thru Buffalo. • all elements of the producing classes chief proponent of the motion to send of a working class movement, be- the "abolition of the capitalist sys- tady, Syracuse, Gloversville, Schuy- ■ for the formation of national Farmer- a disruptor to the St. Paul convention. comes all the more evident. tem.” lerville, Peekskill, Bingbampton, Al- • Labor Party, tho their final aim is the G. S. Shklar, sub-district organizer bany and Rochester, representing an overthrow of Jobbing System Perilous. A*g Drop Revolutionary Preamble.
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