THE ndependent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 43: ISSUE 31 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Group addresses budget concerns Students to Belles say Saint Mary's student government executives receive too large of a stipend cast ballots approved by the Executive executive secretary Jenny and_frustrations voiced by fel­ By LIZ HARTER and SARAH Board last week. Hoffman has allotted them­ low students. in Inock MAYER For the second time in selves a stipend in the SGA "The only thing I want to News Writers College history, the Executive budget. The budget contain­ accomplish is to let students Board, consisting of student ing $243,040, which comes voice their opinions on the A group of about 35 Saint body president Mickey from the student fees includ­ budgeting issue. I want stu­ election Mary's students met with Gruscinski, student body vice ed in the tuition of every full­ dents to know that the BOG members of the Student president Sarah Falvey, chief time student, was first intro­ and administrators should Government Association of staff Lauren Theiss, execu­ duced last week at the Board make decisions that are in By KAITLYNN RIELY (SGA) Executive Board. Vice tive treasurer Mo Weaver, of Governance meeting with a the best interest of the entire Associate News Editor President of Student Affairs Residence Hall Association $20,000 stipend for the student body," she told The Karen Johnson and director (RHA) coordinator Maura Executive Board. Observer Sunday. One month before the real of Student Involvement and Clougherty, Student Diversity Senior Sarah Voss coordi­ Johnson said she was excit­ Nov. 4 presidential election, Board of Governance (BOG) Board (SDB) coordinator nated the event after hearing ed about the forum because if Notre Dame students can cast advisor Patrick Daniel to dis­ Adriana Rodriguez, Student about concerns BOG mem­ is the first time in the three their ballots today for the cuss concerns they have Activities Board coordinator bers raised when the budget next president of the United about the SGA budget (SAB) Michele Peterson and was discussed Wednesday see BUDGET/page 4 States in the student govern­ ment's mock election. The purpose of the mock exercise, student body vice president Grant Schmidt said, is to encourage people to dis­ Record low arrested against Stanford cuss the candidates and the issues. "The point of this is to Only 9 arrests made at Saturday's game mobilize the students and get people talking," Schmidt said. an October 10, 2006 Observer "We didn't want a simple poll, By JOHN-PAUL WITT article. News Writer we wanted this to be an edu­ Outside the stadium, nine cational process or an event." citations were issued for Student Senate University Ninn people were taken into minor consuming alcohol, one Affairs chair Ashlee Wright, custody on Saturday, accord­ person was cited for public who will be helping to staff ing to Phil Johnson, the direc­ indecency and one person the voting centers today, said tor of Notre Dame Security was taken to jail after being she is cu:dous to see how the Police (NDSP). Arrests were arrested for public intoxica­ campus aligns itself political­ made by NDSP, the Indiana tion. ly. State Excise Police, St. During the game, eight peo­ "It will be very interesting Joseph County Police and ple were transported to jail to get the facts instead of just South Bend Police for public intoxication, and the stereotypes," she said. Department. seven others were ejected The results won't be scien­ This compares to 35 custo­ from the stadium for alcohol tifically accurate, Schmidt dial arrests last week when related violations of stadium said, but he said he is inter­ Purdue visited and three cus­ rules. ested in getting a rough idea todial arrests during the WU YUEfThe Observer of how Notre Dame students October 7, 2006 Notre Dame­ Contact John-Paul Witt at Students cheer on the team .during Saturday's game against Stanford game according to jwittl @nd.edu Stanford. Only eight people were arrested in the stadium. see ELECTION/page 6 Sorin announces they University provides flu vaccines will boycott pep rallies Health Services to distribute free medication at Joyce Center the current pep rally proto­ By IRENA ZAJICKOVA col. By BECKY HOGAN News Writer "We know this school sup­ News Writer ports the team," Hunt said. Notre Dame fans present "But we don't think that The flu season is just at last Friday's pep rally in they should have to put up around the corner, bring­ the Joyce Athletic with an hour of organized ing with it inevitable Convocation Center (JACC) entertainment to do it." coughs, sore throats, fevers may have noticed only five McKiernan and Hunt said and other respiratory of the six host dorms in pep rallies have stopped afflictions - but University attendance. The sixth dorm being purely for the stu­ Health Services is provid­ asked to host, the Sorin dents and have taken on a ing free influenza vaccines Otters, decided to boycott more corporate, formulaic to help members of the tho pep rally. atmosphere in an attempt to campus community avoid Juniors Aidan McKiernan appeal to atumni and visi­ contagious influenza virus­ and Tristan Hunt, the presi­ tors. Previously, the pep ral­ es. dent and vice president of lies were held in the Stepan Assistant Director of Sorin llall announced they Center and featured more University Health Services would boycott the ceremony interaction between the stu­ Pat Brubaker said that in a letter to the editor of dents and the football team. Health Services purchased The Observer Friday. They "The first hour and fifteen 5,200 vaccines this year - said their intention is not to minutes is what we're about 200 more than they publicly refuse to show against," McKiernan said, provided last year. their support for the foot­ referring to the time stu- "The number of vaccines BECHY TISAK!The Observer ball team. Hather, they wish Saint Mary's student BreAnne Eichhorn receives an influenza to bring about a change in see SO RIN I page 3 see FLU/page 6 vaccine at a free clinic last year to help prevent the illness. --------- l I page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, October 7, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QuESTION OF THE DAY: IF YOU COUW PICK A THEME SONG FOR A PRESIDENTlAL C'ANDIDATE, WHAT WOUW IT BE? She's a lady I'm nearly positive that Miss Mamwrs would be revoltml by some of the unladylike behavior I exhibit. But Chris Kosinski lattdy I've hmm thinking that maybe Eileen Flanagan Chris Charnock Tom Wise Kevin Archer Miss Manners should get over it. sophomore freshman junior senior senior Maybt~ etiquette and ladylike courtesy Walsh Carrol have ollidally died. And maybe that's Fisher off-campus off-campus not so terrible after all. A multitude of unladylike behavior is (For Obama) (For McCain) (For Palin) (For McCain) (For McCain) exhibited on this campus. The modern '"There's Hope' "Mrs. Robinson" '"Changes,, by woman curses, goes stag to dances, "Danger Zone" '"Highhway to the fails to wear pantyhose and even by India Arie" Danger Zone'" by TuPac 'cause wears white after Kenny Lossins, that's all he Jess Shaffer Labor Day. We can wants... , eat with our because John hands, sit with our Assistant McCain is a better legs uncrossed Scene Editor Maverick than and even burp Tom Cruise.'' when the occasion calls for it. The modern Notre Dame woman even body paints on game day and wears pants to church. All shock­ ing behavior. I'm sure. Then again let's consider some lady­ IN BRIEF like behavior that has joyfully gone the way of the dinosaur. For one, we are frnn to no longer ride side saddle. Not Free Au Shots will be given out at that tlw modern woman has much the Joyce Center today !rom 9 am. opportunity to ride horses, much less until 4 p.m. Vru:dnatiom; are avail­ ride them properly, but you get the able for students, !'acuity, stal'l', gist. Additionally, we no longer are retirees, and spouses of rntirnns. expected to sip tea, pinky up or chew lk'<:ipienb must prnsent their ND ID like we havt~ a seernt. And it's a card, wear short sleaves, and sign refreshing chang<~ to lm rid of that informed com;nnt to receive tim vru:­ arrangmlmarriage thing. It's also not cine. so bad that c:orsets are only found in museums. NDVotcs '08 Pizza, Pop, and Maylw if chivalry is dead than it only Politics: "Foreign Policy and naturally follows that female demure­ National Security" will be prnsent­ Iwss should share its grave. Perhaps ed by professors Mary Ellen this marks a shift toward androgyny O'Connell, Hobert and Marion where wonHm are allowed to say what Short, Law S<:hool; Miehael Desd1, tlwy want and wear what they want political seicnee; tmd Joseph Bock, and think what they want. Meanwhile, Kroc Institute for International men are allownd to stop asking Pem-,e Studies. It will be held in tho women on dates, stop holding doors, Hesburgh Center Auditorium and stopping being confined by an tonight. at 5::lO p.m. and is free and opprnssive masculine stereotype of open to the public. This event is sports obsessive, misogynistic, red­ cosponsornd by the Kroc Institute meat-eating jocks. Not that Notre for International Peace Studies DAN JACOBSfThe Observer and the Center for S<x:iaJ Conc.ems. Dame women or men embody and or Hockey players Justin White and Dan Kissel autograph a poster for fans at Drop the all of these stereotypical characteriza­ Puck Monday.
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