County Of Orange, New York Stormwater Management Plan INTRODUCTION Regulations promulgated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) and commonly referred to as the Phase II Stormwater Program requires certain municipalities and other entities that operate Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (“MS4’s”) to prepare and implement a Stormwater Management Program. Based on NYSDEC’s criteria, the County of Orange is considered to be a regulated MS4. Even without this regulation, it would be environmentally responsible for the County to address stormwater runoff concerns. In fact, the County had numerous proactive water conservation programs in place before the ‘Phase II’ regulations. This document will describe the County’s Stormwater Management Program with a focus on the ‘six minimum measures’ that are required components as determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“USEPA”) and NYSDEC. Orange Counties Stormwater Contact(s): Orange County Department of Planning/Water Authority: Stormwater Management Officer (“SMO”) David Church, AICP Commissioner of Planning 124 Main Street Goshen, NY 10924 Phone: 845.615.3840 Orange County Department of Public Works: Charles Lee, P.E. 2455-2459 Route 17M P.O. Box 509 Goshen, NY 10924 845.291.2750 Orange County Department of Parks and Recreation: Richard Rose, Jr. Commissioner of Parks and Recreation 211 Route 416 Montgomery, NY 12549 845.615.3830 Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District: Kevin Sumner District Manager 225 Dolson Avenue, Suite 103 Middletown, NY 10940 845.343.1873 The County of Orange, in compliance with the General Permit, shall prepare an Annual Report. The Annual Report will portray to the public and the NYSDEC a summary of activities performed throughout the reporting period, March 10 of the previous year through March 9 of the current year. The 1 | P a g e County Of Orange, New York Stormwater Management Plan preparation of the report shall be a collaborative effort between the Orange County Department of Planning (“OCPD”), Orange County Department of Public Works (“OCDPW”), Orange County Department of Parks and Recreation (“OCDPR”), Orange County Water Authority (“OCWA”) and the Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District (“OCSWCD”). The collaborative team will meet on an annual basis for preparation purposes and will meet at additional times throughout the year as deemed appropriate, or as needed. Orange County Planning Department and OCSWCD will continually provide the Annual Report to the public and can be obtained at the following locations: http://www.orangecountygov.com/content/124/1362/1462/4625/default.aspx or http://www.ocsoilny.org/ms4-annual-report.html The County will continually work to see that the Stormwater Management Plan (“SWMP”) goals are met. Additions and/or revisions to the MS4 program requirements will be done as necessary and as NYSDEC issues revisions or updates to the MS4 Stormwater Program. 2 | P a g e County Of Orange, New York Stormwater Management Plan BACKGROUND The majority of the information outlined in the SWMP are applicable County-wide, even though regulation stipulates aspects of the SWMP are only required in regulated MS4 areas. The Orange County Department of Planning (“OCDP”), as part of the Comprehensive Plan has identified Priority Growth Areas. The Areas identified with respect to centralized water and sewer service areas, land use, local zoning districts, certain environmental constraints and protected open space and development that is sensitive to the surrounding resources is encouraged. See SWMP Figure 1, Priority Areas of Orange County. There are numerous documents that provide extensive background information on Orange County including the geologic, socio-economic, and political setting and related statistics. Therefore this document will not attempt to repeat this information www.orangecountygov.com/filestorage/124/1362/1460/4304/Orange_County_Comprehensive_P lan_2010_update.pdf http://www.orangecountygov.com/filestorage/124/1362/1460/4304/Supplement_1_Open_Space_ Plan.pdf http://www.orangecountygov.com/filestorage/124/1362/1460/4304/Supplement_2_Water_Maste r_Plan.pdf It should also be noted that several existing plans address water resource protection generally and even stormwater specifically. For example, see the above-referenced Open Space Plan and the County Water Master Plan. Others include the Wallkill River Watershed and Conservation Plan, www.orangecountygov.com/filestorage/124/1362/1462/4625/Wallkill_River_Watershed_Conser vation_and_Management_Plan.pdf or www.ocsoil.org/WatershedPlan.html the Moodna Watershed Management Plan, http://www.orangecountygov.com/filestorage/124/1362/1462/4625/Moodna_Creek_Watershed_ Plan_Final.pdf and the Orange County Water Quality Strategy http://www.ocsoilny.org/uploads/6/8/4/7/6847549/water_quality_strategyrevised.pdf The Water Quality Strategy provides detailed recommendations on all aspects of ‘nonpoint source’ pollution in the County including stormwater. The Strategy and both Watershed Plans recommend, among other stormwater management recommendations, the creation of a technical staff position with exclusive stormwater management responsibilities. Even as the accomplishments and goals highlighted below are considered, this recommendation should be considered key. For the most part, staff with ‘already full plates’ has been expected to develop and implement a stormwater plan including the ‘six minimum measures’ to comply with the Phase II regulations. A number of grants, pro-actively sought by the County and its supported agencies such as the Soil and Water Conservation District (“OCSWCD”) and the Orange County Water Authority (“OCWA”) have also helped in the Phase II Plan development and implementation. For 3 | P a g e Miles Legend: 0 2 4 6 8 10 Regulated MS4 Areas 1 Inch = 3.4 Miles Census Urban Areas, 2000 Priority Growth Areas C R AW F O R D Major Rivers N E W B U R G H Wiinnddiinngg H iillllss PPaarrkk County Parkland M O N T G O M E R Y C rroonnoom eerr H iillll PPaarrkk County-Owned Land A llggoonnqquuiinn PPaarrkk Interstate New York New Jersey WA L LTKhhIooLm Laass B uullll M eem PPaarrkk N E W W I N D S O R Pennsylvania B llaacckkbbuurrnn FFaarrm D & H C aannaall H iillll H oolldd M uusseeuum K oow aaw eessee U nniiqquuee A rreeaa Municipal Boundaries M O U N T H O P E H A M P T O N B U R G H D E E R P A R K Villages/Cities Towns SSw aarrttoouutt H oom eesstteeaadd B L O O M I N G G R O V E C O R N W A L L y 84 t n WA WA Y A N D A u G R E E N V I L L E o G O S H E N G oonnzzaaggaa H I G H L A N D S C 17 e g M I N I S I N K C H E S T E R W O O D B U R Y n a r O M O N R O E n WA R W I C K i s a 87 e r T U X E D O A Or a n ge Co u n t y P l an n i n g D ep a rt m en t Waarrw iicckk C oouunnttyy PPaarrkk y t Ma p Up dat ed: Fe br ua ry 20 12 i r The County of Orange makes no warranty whatsoever as to the accuracy or o completeness of any information depicted on this map. Data depicted here may i have been developed in cooperation with other County departments, as well as r other Federal, State and Local government agencies. The County of Orange P hereby disclaims liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the information and/or representations contained herein. SWMP Figure 1 County Of Orange, New York Stormwater Management Plan example, beginning in 2004 the OCSWCD coordinated an Orange County MS4 ‘Cooperation Project’ wherein over twenty County MS4’s including the County undertook similar work tasks and coordinated educational and public outreach efforts. These grants and projects helped greatly in reaching required minimum goals for Phase II compliance and water resource protection programming. However, without dedicated staff, stormwater management will likely continue to struggle for adequate attention and financial resources in view of the myriad issues facing municipal program managers and staff. Therefore, an overarching goal in concert with the below six minimum measures should be creative thinking and funding to allow for a stormwater specialist with Countywide responsibilities. All waters associated with Orange County are of a concern. The availability and quality are an important aspect to the Counties residents’ quality of life. The waterbodies that are listed by the NYSDEC as part of the SWMP will be adopted by the County Legislature as those of concern and priority. The waterbodies are as follows: Lower Hudson River Basin Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List Report, 2008 Waterbody/Segment name Water Index Class Hudson River* H (portion 3) B Hudson River* H ( portion 4a) A Highland Brook and tribs. H-71 A(T) Moodna Creek, Upper and tribs. H-89 C Woodbury Creek and tribs H-89-7 C Otterkill/Black Meadow Creek and tribs. H-89-20 C Quassaick Creek and minor tribs. H-94 C Orange Lake* H-94-6-P340 B Wallkill River, Upper, and minor tribs. H-139-13 (portion 3) B Wallkill River, Upper, and minor tribs. H-139-13 (portion 4) C Shawangunk Lake/Highland Lake H-139-13-19-28-0491, P492 AA Tin Brook, Lower and tribs. H-139-13-33 A Masonic Creek and tribs H-139-13-51 B Monhagen Brook and tribs* H-139-13-52 C Quaker Creek and tribs* H-139-13-59 C Wawayanda Creek, Lower and tribs H-139-13-61-9 C(T) Wawayanda Creek, Upper and tribs H-139-13-61-9 B(T) 4 | P a g e County Of Orange, New York Stormwater Management Plan * signifies that the waterbody is also designated on the New York State Section 303(d) List of Impaired/TMDL Waters, in addition to the those listed as follows: New York State Section 303(d) List of Impaired/TMDL Waters, 2010 Waterbody/Segment name Water Index Class Minor tribs.
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