THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol . LXVII-No . 45 NAIROBI. 5th October 1965 Price : Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZE'ITE NOTICES GAZETTENoTIcRs~CO~~~.) PAGE I PAOR Appointments. etc ............. 1150 1 The Dairy Industry Act-Appointments. etc ..... 1154 The Criminal Procedure Code-Appointment .... 1150 I Lost Policies ............. 1154 The Local Government Regulations. 1963- Liquor Licensing ............ 1155 Appointments ............ 1150 Probate and Administration ........ 1163 The Land Adjudication Act-Appointments .... 1151 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction .......... 1165 Scheme for Assistance to African Industrialists. Artisans and Businessmen-Appointments ...... 1151 The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices. etc ... 1166 The Societia A~t~Registrations.etc 1168 Scheme for Assistance to Coastal Fisherman- ....... Appointments ............ 1151 The Trade Unions Act-Registrations ...... 1168 Lost Local Purchase Orders ........ 1151 Local Government Notices .......... 1168 The Registration of Titles Act-Notification .... 1151 Trade Marks .............. 1169 The Agriculture (Crop Production) Rules- The Trust Land Act-Settling Apart of Land Planting Dates ............ 1151 .... 1170 Business Transfers 1170 Vacancies .............. 1152 ............ Changes of Name 1170 Educational Scholarship .......... 1153 ............ 1153 The Co-operative Societies Act-Liquidation Order . 1171 Civil Aircraft Accident-Inspector's Investigation . 1 The Animal Diseases Act. 1965-Scheduled Areas . 1153 The Advocates Act-Notice of Examination .... 1154 The Survey Act-Notice of Examination ...... 1154 I SUPPLEMENT No .79 Kenya Stock .............. 1154 ' Bills. 1965 1150 THE KENYA GAZETI'E 5th October 1965 Gàzs'rrs Nolqcs No. 3584 GAzBrrB No'rlcE No. 3587 THE PUBLIC SERVICE COIM M ISSION OF KENYA THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT REGULATIONS, 1963 APPOINTMENTS (L.N. 256 oî 1963) VIDYA SAGAR NANDA, B.sc., A.M.I.c.E., to act as Superintending Engineer (Roads), Ministry of Works, Communications and THE LOCAL GOVERNMBMT (NYANDARUA TURADE Power with eseot from 13th April 1965. DEVBLOPM BNT JOINT BOARD) ORDER, 1965 JERBMIAH KHAMADI MIJRILA, DIP.ED., to act as Senior Education (r.J/. 248 oj 1965) OKcer, M 'inistry of Eduoation, with effect from' 1st September APPOINTMBNT To THE BOARD 1965. KBNNEJI.I MBtmu KARIIJKI to be District Olcer, Uasin Gishu IN EXERCISE of tho powers conferred by paragraph 3 of Distnct, Rift Valley Province, with esect from 2nd September the Local Government (Nyandarua Trade Development Joint 1965. Board) Order, 1965, upon the Minisfer for Local Govcrnment JAMBS BENJAMIN M ALOBA BUKUSI to act as Seniör Education and in pursuance of a direction* given under section 38 (1) OKcer, M inistry of Education, with esect from 4th September of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, the Permanent 1965. Secretary for Commerce and Industry hereby appoints- GBORGE Jusw s M oltAM to be District Oëcer, Central Nyanza Hon. J. M . K'ariuki, u.b-x hairman Distrîct, Nyanza Province, with effect from 6th September M r. James M unene 1965. SAMIJSL KIHIJMSA to be District 0K cer, Turkan'a District, (Rif t Mr. Kangethe Kinyanlui Valley Province, with esect from 6th September 1965. Senator G. Kago lslooRE NKOqGB to be District Olcer, Kericho District, Rift to be members of the Nyandarua Trado Development Joint Valley Prownce, with esect from 16th September 1965. Board. - PRoMorloxs Dated this 28th day of September 1965. HANNINGTON FRBDBRICK M'rIJIA; B.A., DIP.ED., -tO' be Senior Edumation Oëcer, Ministry of Eduiation, with eGect from 4th A. J. OM ANGA, November 1964. ' Permanent Secretary, MosEs SHIVERBNJE SIMANI to be Senior Assistant Secretary, Mfagfry of Commerce and Industry. Ministry of External Asairs, with esect from 27th December 1964. *L.N. 221/1965. ltBvERsloNs VIDVA SASAR NANDA t u.sc., A.M.I.c.E., cjased t0. act as Superintending Englneer (Roa(1s)., Mimstry of Works, CIAZETTE TloTlcE lfo. 3588 Communications and Power, with effect . f'rom 26th August 1965. THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT REGULATIONS, 1963 Jolg Llxnous TAYLOR, A.R.I.c.s., ceastd to act as Assistant Dlrector of Surveys, Survey of Kenya, with effect from 3rd (L.N. 256 o! 1963) September 1965. THE LOCAL GOVERNMBNT (MARSABIT TRADE W ILLIAM M ILBIJRN BàRc s, B.sc., A.R.I.c.s., ceased to act as DEW LOPMENT JOINT BOARD) ORDER, 1965 Superfntendent of Suzveys, Survey of Kenya) with eFect from 3rd Soptember 1965. LL.N. 245 ol 1965) APIyoINTMEN'I- To THE BoAlm By Order of the Commissioh. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 3 of J. W . M UREITHI, the Local Government (Marsabit Trade .Development Joint Secretary. Board) Order, 1965, upon the Minister for Local Government and in pursuance of a direotion* giyen under section 38 (1) of the Interpretation and General Provlsions Act, the Permanent GAZE'I-I'E Norlc'E No. 3585 Secretary for Commerco and Industry hereby appolnts- Hon. E. D. Godana, uk---chaîrman THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE Mr. Sharif M ohamed Noor (Cap. 75) Mr. D'uba Gencharo . Appolxrm x'r Mr. Ibrahim Rageh IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 of the to be members of the Marsabit Trade Development Joint Board. Criminal Procedure Code, 1 hereby confer upon- Dated this 28th day of September 1965. KANI'I KARSANIMS C'HOHAN Resident M agistrate, with esect from this date the powers A. J. OM ANGA, conferred by that sectidn on a Senior Resident M agistrate. Permanent Secretary, Dated this 29th day of September 1965. Minlstry 0/ Commerce and Industry. ' G. B. RUDD, *L.N. 221 /1965. Acting C/lfe/ Justke. GADTTE NoTlcs No. 3589 GAN 'I'I'E No'rlcs N(). 3586 THE LOCAL GOVERNM BNT REGULATIONS, 1963 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS,1963 (L.N. 256 ol 1963) (L.N. 256 ol 1963) THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (KIRINYAGA TRADE. THE LOCAL GOVBRNM ENT (ISIO'LO' TRADE DEVELOPM ENT JOINT BO'ARD) ORDER 1965 DBVBLOPMENT JOINT BOARD) ORDER, 1965 (L.N. 244 ol 1965) (L.N. 246 0/ 1965) APPOINTMENT To THE BOARD Appolxrr Nr To THB BoARo IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 3 of IN EXERCISE of the 'powers conferred by paraglaph 3 of tlle Local Government (Kirinyaqa Trade Develogment Joint the Local Government (Isiolo Trade Development Jolnt Boarp) Board) Order, 1965, upon the Mlnister for Local Government and in pursuance of a direction* given under section 38 (1) of pOurrdseura, nc1e9 65o,f uap odn irethceti oMn*i nigslveer n fourp dLeorc asle cqtlonve r3n8m e(n1)t aonf d thine the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, the Permanent Interpretadon and General Provisions Act, the Permanent Secretary for Commerco and Industry hereby appoints- Secretary for Commerce and Industry hereby appoints- Senator R. Gikunju-cWf/frrzltm Mr. Hali Abdullah Yauh-chaîrman Mr. Steghen Mugo Mr. M ohamed Duale Jama Mr. Batlri Nlogu Mr. Halake Fayo M r. Francis Gachoki M r. M andera Duba to be members of the Kirinyaga Trade Development Joint to be members of the lsiolo Trade Development Jolnt Board. Board. Dàted this 28th day of September 1965. Dated this 28th day of September 1965. A. J. OM ANGA, A. J. OM ANGA, Perm anent Secretary, Permanent secretary, M frlgfrp. of Commerce and Industry. Mlnlstry 0/ Commerce and Industry. *L.N. 221/1965. *L.N. 221/ 1965. 5th October 1965 THE KENYA GAZETFE 1151 GAzsrrE NoTIcE No. 3590 GAZE'I'I'E No'ncE No. 3592 (LND. 26151312121) SCHEMB FOR AV ISTANCE TO COASTAL FISHERMEN THE LAND ADJUDICATION AW CoAs'r PROVINCE LOANS TO FISHERMEN COMMIITEE IT IS hereby notised for general information that tho (Ctw. 283) Minister for Commerce and Industry has appointed the following persons to be members of tho M aln Commlttee AlœolNrbœx'rs administering the loans scheme for assisting fishermen in the IT IS hereby notïed for general information that in exercise Coast Province :- of the powers conferred by section 10 (1) of the tand Adjur dication Act the adjudica.tion oEcers for the adjudication areas Mr. A. M . M wakikzo--chaîrman. in thek districts sptciGed in tlle tkst colunm of tllis S'cbtdule Hon. Abu Somoa M.P. to thls notict, have appointed the persons named in the Hon. K. B. Mwamzandi, M.P. M r. John Mambo. second colupn of the Schedule as members of the Arbitration M r. Joseph Hiribae. Boards speclsed in the third column of the. Schedule. The Provincial Commlssioner, Coast Ptovince. The Provincial Fisheries Oëcer, Coast Province. M otu The Provincial Trade Development Oëcer, Coast Province. Aqudicatîon Area Members Arbîtration Boards Dated this 28th day of September 1965. CeDntlsrtarl icNt yanza AEdpwpoalrod HOugwdsaomn bOo dOhilnogo CeAnrtrbailt rNatyioanza A. J. OMANGA, Jol!n Shem Obuya Odundo Board Permanent Secretary, Chlef Jonathan Okwiri M fnfxfr.p oj Commerce and Industry. PJuhltluisp OYutaay aR aOdllnerqo Boaz Ochuodho Mlgott Jafoth Omole GAZET'I'E No'ncs No. 3593 Patriq W ambedha Ibrahllp W ere LOSS OF LOCAL PURCHASE ORDERS Ex-chlm Joseph Nyang'or Mathayo Amondo Nos. 214200 Axo 824698 Johon Opuk Joseph Okech IT IS notised that Local Purchase Order No. 214200 and Nason Abuora 824698 are lost. These are now cancelled and no liability will Ambrose Onyango be accepted by the M inistry of Agriculture and Animal Isdor Nyawango Ndoqii Hujbandry in respeet of goods supplied or services rendered Peter Hamala agalnst the said Local Purcbase Orders. qSahriel Rakwach J. M URENGA, lmlon Lugyre Samwel Opqno Manya lor Permanent Secretary. Steven Aylech CWlalctkesro Anw Rlcolnl gK'oo dOingdoiek GAzr,rrs Noncs No. 3594 Samwel Sunga Ndeda THE REGBTRATION OF TIK ES AW Icisii I7istrict Ex-chief Oimbasa Kisii Arbftration Ex-sub Chlef Mogere Mogoi Board (Cap. 281) MJ. Johnson Bango W HEREAS Kettles-Roy pnd Tysons Limited a limited Dlsmas Atandi Mokpa M orara liabilitï company now in liquidation having its registered oëce Moglle Sakagwa a! Nalrobi, Kenya, is registered as the proprietor of al1 that Okarl Onchangwa plece of Iand comprising by measurement two decimal four four Johnson M omanyi acres or thereabouts 2that is' to say L.R.
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