THANKSGIVING MEAL: VISIT AREA MARKETS FOR EVERYTHING YOU NEED f o o d . b t HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE SPECIAL SECTION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • hometownlife.com Plans discussed for new Norwayne center By LeAnne Rogers p lete in May. housed on M arquette in the club. boxing club a re a lre ad y u n ­ Staff Writer Current ser­ fo rm e r city p lanning offices. derw ay and th e club is hoping vices housed at “I t’s n ot a v e ry good space Boxing program to open n ex t m onth. The Jefferson-Barns Com­ th e D orsey Cen­ (currently). They will be locat­ “It will be a full-fledged Westland Police community m unity C en ter will be th e offi­ ter, including the ed in the pods at the northwest boxing program; they are part­ policing officers assigned to cial n am e of th e fo rm e r ele­ W estland Com ­ end of the school,” Westland n erin g w ith K ronk G ym ,” N orw ayne w ill have an office in mentary school as it finds new m unity D evel- C om m unity D evelopm ent D i­ C am pbell said. th e new com m unity center. The life housing a v arie ty of com ­ Campbell opm ent and rector Joanne Campbell said. F o rm e r N orw ayne resid e n t officers officially have an of­ munity programs. Housing depart­ “T h ere w ill b e a p riv ac y fen ce J e ff S tyers, w ho h elped fund fice inside th e D orsey C enter, A bout 35 people tu rn e d out ments, will move to the new around w h ere th e buses will e ffo rts th a t resu lted in a h isto r­ b u t C am pbell noted th a t w ith fo r a m eeting M onday a t the building. park. The residents on that side ic designation fo r the com m u­ the lack of technology, the cur­ D orsey C om m unity C enter, T he N ankin T ransit C om m is­ of th e building will not have to nity, is b acking th e boxing club. rent space is of little practical which will be vacated, for a sion, which provides affordable look a t buses. I t’s also fo r secu ­ “He used to be a profession­ use. first look at plans for the new transportation to seniors and rity.” al boxer and sees it as a way to “The police chief (Jeff Je- facility and to provide input handicapped residents, will be N ankin T ransit will h ave a build c h a ra c te r and com m uni­ drusik) talked of his hopes that about w hat m ight be offered. m oving to Jefferso n -B arn s. se p arate en tra n c e to th e b uild­ ty,” Campbell said, adding that there can be monthly program- T he m ove fro m th e D orsey Serving four communities, ing, as will the building’s first m entoring se rv ic es will be Center is expected to be com­ N ankin T ransit is c u rren tly likely o ccupant — a new boxing offered. Renovations for the See CENTER, Page A2 Fatal Westland police shooting investigated By LeAnne Rogers Staff Writer The investigation is con­ tinuing into the fatal shoot­ ing of a man, armed with a knife, by Westland Police officers Saturday night. forts mmM “We’ll be transparent in U 5 Aimy the investigation. We have reached out to the man’s family. We obviously ex­ pressed our condolences,” W estland Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik said. “We had an agitated man running around with a Jedrusik WLND knife. He was A rifle salute was held by VFW Bova Post 9885 and Taps was performed by Jerry Baker, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 387. armed and posed a threat.” Police haven’t officially identified the man but fam­ ily members have con­ firmed the man shot was Troy Hart, 27. Hart lived Duty, Honor, Country’ with family members on Calhoun Court, a couple of “Duty, Honor, Country.” honor v e te ra n s.” short blocks from where he Westland honors The full quote continues, T hanking th e W estland was shot near Grand Tra­ veterans at ceremony “Those three hallowed words Veterans Association for verse and Clare Court. reverently dictate what you their efforts on the Veterans H art had gotten agitated By LeAnne Rogers ought to be, what you can be, Day ceremony, Patrny re­ and made threats to people Staff Writer what you will be.” called the comment from at the Kroger at Merriman Veterans Day is a day of Gen. George Patton that “war and Michigan Avenue be­ Perhaps not inappropri­ celebration, Briggs said, not a may be fought with weapons fore returning to his home ately, the words of old soldier memorial day. Veterans need but they are won by men.” Saturday evening, Jedrusik Gen. Douglas MacArthur support, he said, when suf­ “Nov. 11 is a national holi­ said. Police weren’t called w ere invoked b y tw o sp eak ­ fering from Post Traumatic day to honor all those who to the store about the in­ ers during Westland’s Veter­ Stress Disorder or traumatic served. The majority will say cident. ans Day ceremony Tuesday. brain injury. that they didn’t consider it a “He armed himself with Guest speaker retired U.S. “Shake the hand of a ser­ sacrifice but an honor,” he a large hunting knife and Air Force Major Richard vice member today and thank said. “When they return made several statements Briggs Jr. and Rick Patrny of them for their service,” home, they hang up the uni­ that he was going to kill th e V ietnam V eterans of Briggs said. “But remember form but have a lifetime of someone or kill a police America, both quoted MacAr- them every day. There are pride at having served.” WLND officer or that he wanted thur’s farewell speech to suicides, homelessness. Retired U.S. Air Force Major the police to kill him,” Je­ West Point cadets in 1960. There is much you can do to See VETERANS, Page A2 Richard Briggs Jr. drusik said. “He posed an immediate danger.” Family members called police when Hart left the house armed with the hunt­ ing knife and shirtless, Westland City Council tables firefighter contract despite the cool weather. Two officers responded and By LeAnne Rogers multiplier. The pension multi­ Westland Professional Fire­ fessional Firefighters Union after talking with the fam­ Staff Writer plier is used with the years of fighters Union had already are extremely disappointed by ily, located H art on the service to help determine the ratified the agreement, which the action taken by Council street, Jedrusik said. Approval of a six-year col­ amount of the employee’s pen­ called for a 3-percent pay raise President Godbout at the city “He was very agitated. lective bargaining agreement sion. in 2015, a 1-percent raise in council meeting,” WWPFFU They tried to calm him with Westland firefighters has “F o r th e b u lk of it, I ’m in 2016 and a wage reopener in President Mitch Tokarski said. down. He came at the offi­ been tabled by the Westland complete support and agree­ 2017. Under the fire depart­ “He is attempting to negotiate cers with the knife. They City Council. ment,” said Godbout, who ment merger, the Westland and a contract in the public eye had the right to protect T h ere w as a m otion to ap ­ h an d ed th e gavel to P re sid en t Wayne firefighters belong to from the chair of the city coun­ their lives,” Jedrusik said. prove the agreement but Coun­ Pro Tem Adam Hammons so one union but have separate cil.” “It’s a tragedy when some­ cil P re sid e n t Ja m es G odbout that he could make the tabling contracts with their individual The pension multiplier in one loses their life. No po- said he had concerns, specifi­ m otion. cities. cally regarding the pension M em bers of th e W ayne- “The Wayne-Westland Pro­ See CONTRACT, Page A2 See SHOOTING, Page A2 O bserver & E ccentric © The Observer & Eccentric INDEX hometownllf«.com Volume 50 • Number 51 Business..................... A7 Homes........................ B9 Services......... ...........B9 Crossword Puzzle.... 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