_THE WEATHER NET PEESS BUN • -V • i f ‘ Foreowt by U. R Weather BareMi, AVERAGE D A lU r CJIECUEATION Hutford.* for the Month of December, 19S9. ■ ’I f J Cloudy and. much colder tonight;' 5>516 Saturday lair and colder. ' kembera of «bc Audit Bureau of Circulations EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE C E ^ (Classified Advertising on Page 16) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 86. <S>- READY TO WED WHERE ,72 CHH.DREN DIED IN FIRE PANIC SCHAFQt SCORES TO KEEP JOB DRYLAWASA New Britain Youth is Penniless But Says He Can Get a Girl CRMBREEDER to Accept Him. TO BE MADE MONDAY New Britain, Jan. 10— (AP) —If it is necessary for Estrino Tucci, aged 20, to marry to get • W i s con s i n Congressman a job, he will lose no time in President Decides to Trans­ taking a bride. River in Swanton, Vt Tucci entered police head­ mit It to Congress; H on^ Says Prohibition Has Ush­ quarters several weeks ago and . told a story of having been de­ serted by his parents in Penn- Higher Than in 1927 Leaders Against Report ered in an Age of Corrup­ sylvaina and being thrown on the mercies of a cold world. As Being Submitted to Joint tion and Intemperance. he was destitute, he was ac­ Swanton, Vt., Jan. 10.— (AP.)—, , The Vermont Marble Company commodated with lodgings for Part of this town and nearby mill, in the center of the town, and the night. Next day it was sug­ farms were Inundated today as wa­ a grain elevator were flooded. Sev­ gested that he join the Army eral farms were so hastily aban­ Committee — Nature of Washington, Jan. lO .^(A P)—^The ters of the Missiquoi river reached but he expressed a preference a.level higher than during the de­ doned that more than 50 head of assertion that prohibition has for the Navy as he liked the structive flood of 1927. Attempts cattle were left standing in water Recommendations of Law “ushered in an age of corruption, blue of the sea service. The were being made to dynamite an in their bams. Unless the flood wa­ intemperance, disrespect for law and Navy recruiting office was not ice jam at the mouth of the river ters are released the cattle may available at the moment and he to release the backwaters. perish, it was feared. Enforcement Commissim contempt for government such as decided to cast his lot with the this nation never before witnessed’’ Army. But he failed to pass was made today in the House by the examination because of im­ Carefully Guarded. Representative Schafer, Republican, perfect knowledge of the Eng­ lish language. There being Washington, Jan. 10.— (A P )-^ Wisconsin. nothing else to do, the city gave WAVES POUND FREIGHTER Making a charge that the “con­ him a job. Faced with a disinclination of House stitution has been changed from a Today Tucci was informed by Republican leaders to have prohibi­ charter of rights and liberties into a Director Frank Rogers of the tion matters considered by a joint criminal statute book,” the Wiscon­ city employment bureau that he ON BLOCK ISLAND ROCK Congressional committee, Presidrat sin Representative asked: must step aside and give his “How can people respect a con­ place to another man in keep­ Hoover decided today to transmit stitution that makes the act of tem­ ing with the policy to p v e as the first report of the law enforce­ perance a crime?” much work as possible ' to • as Sailors Predict Ship Will Be ment commission to Congress'*-' on Granted an hour by consent of the many men as possible. Rogers COLD WAVE Monday. House, Schafer spoke on the subject explained that preference is of "Prohibition versus Christianity.” shown men who are married. Total Loss— Crew of 48 Previously announcement \hhd “You must choose between prohi­ “All right, if you must be been made that the recommenda­ IS ON WAY, tions, which deal with several dif-* bition and the Christian religion,” married to hold a job I’ll get he said. “You cannot have both, married next week,” Tucci re­ Remain Aboard — Coast ferent phases of the prohibition en­ for they are eternal opposites. plied. He was reminded of his forcement problem, would be sent “An unbridgeable grulf separates financial circumstances but he Guard Cutters Standing by PR^iaiON to Congrress as soon as the joint one from the other, with God and left undaunted saying that he committee had been created, “nie Christ standing on one side and the had made the acquaintance of Senate adopted a resolution for such: drys on the other.” a girl a few weeks ago and a committee, but the House nilen Predicts Failure. would ask her to marry him. Block IsleCnd, R. I., Jan. 10.— committee has failed to act upon Iti The moving picture being shown that day was titled, ironically enough, “The Crowd.” And as this pic­ Another Blizzard Strikes Without mentioning names, (AP.)—The freighter Edward Leaders Argue. ture was taken, the bodies of more than 72 dead and dying children still choked the aisles and stairways of Chairman Snell having announio^ Schafer said “the recent hysterical Luckenbach, which grounded on outburst of the Four Horsemen of the Glen Cinema house in Paisley, Scotland, where a small fire started a frantic stampede for^ exits among Mid-West and Is Moving in agreement with Speaker Long- the prohibition forces indicates the more than 1500 boys and girls at a special holiday performance. Here you see anxious relatives standing Southwest Point in a dense fog worth and Majority Leader Tilson. demoralization in their ranks and INDEPENDENTS outside the theater immediately after the panic, which was one of the greatest theater disasters in modern early today, will probably be a to­ that it was desired to handle the that they have reached a realization Europe. Allen Bebbie, below, left, a football star, and Isa Muir, extreme right, candy salesgirl in the thea­ tal loss, it was believed here as a| Eastward; Unseasonable commission’s recommendations' Jn ter, both are credited with saving the lives of many children. That the panic did not assume even greater the regular way, it was stated at of the failure of the sumptuary pro­ strengthening southeaster pounded j hibition laws.” proportions was credited in part to the coolness display ed by James Glen, a tjieater attendant, shown in the the White House that the President He suggested that the “ Four WANTFURTHER center as he was questioned by a police official. the vessel with heavy seas. j Rains Soaking the South. would place the various administra­ Horsemen” turn their “oratorical The freighter rests on a rocky tive officials of the government at* guns‘and attention to the states of section of the shore, scarcely 100 the disposal of the regular House Georgia, Idaho, Texas and Nebras­ yards below high-water mark. She By Associated Press. committees. ka, where a deplorable condition ex­ RECM TIO N came on at high water, and as the Only the middle-Atlantic and It also was stated at the While ists today as a result of prohibi­ COAST GUARD AIDS tide ebbed the Luckenbach settled southeastern states were immime House that the whole question in’its WOMAN WITNESS DEFIES present tangled form could bo-ex­ tion.” . more firmly into her rocky bed.tow cold wave which spread over Senator Harris lives in Georgia, Water entering through her pedited by the several regular Borah in Idaho, Sheppard in Texas Try to Get More Members SICK RADIO MAN hull flooded the engine room and! th® country today. House committees taking up the iii7d Howell and Norris in Nebraska. the pounding broke open her fuel Califomifi. and the Pacific coast proposals directly and immediately. S E N ^ E LOBBY PROBERS shivered in subnormal temperatures a h are t)ry leaders, and have taken On Important Senate oil tanks. Oil washed ashore gave To Be Made Pobllc. a part in the recent dispute. the beach a slimy coating. as heavy snow fell in the mountains. It was added that the White Crime Rampant. Although the surf continued to Blizzards swept eastward from House had no interest in the ques- *Tn these states,” Schafer said, Committees; McMasters To Rush Operator Stricken sweep over the freighter at low the Rockies spreading cold and tiopi.Qj jarjiamentary procedure; de- .f-‘‘under Federal prohibition, boot­ Threatens to Take Up WithjpRINCESS BRINGS tide—she was so high; her propeller snow feur into southwest and sir^d’'''tttfiy ’ e^edition of legislation legging, drunkenness, and drunken With Appen^ciHs to Hos­ was out of water—her crew of 48 across the western plains and Sind would adapt itself entirely to vehicle drivers have increased tre­ Demands Interstate Post. elected to remain on board. The prairies. the wishes of the House leaders in mendously; fundamental rights “ Some One” Actiofl of | $6,500,000 DOWRY Luckenhacker rests broadside to Second Blizzard. any method they might adopt for the beach and to the racing seas. early consideration of the nature of guaranteed to our people under the Washington, Jan. 10.— (A P .)— pital in New London. A second edition of a blizzard Constitution flagrantly violated; Coast Guarfl on Scene the recommendations which the An attempt by some of the west­ Committee in Obtaining j — which visited the midwest just be­ law enforcement commission made lives snuffed out without due pro­ Coast Guardsmen from the cut­ fore Christmas held that section in ern Independents to gain further to the President last month hM cess of law by irresponsible and ter Henley, in a small boat, boarded its spell and the coimtryside lay fanatical enforcement agents; the New London, Jan.
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