
Ration Calendar Light Snow OA8 "AU o01lpoa • ulol... ,..,••• 1/ FllEL OIL OOUpGD • oxpl,.. April 1,8, IOWA: Licbt.Dow In north 00,.,.B8 o.u,.n 25 ...plr.. Mar•• 11/ liDd t porUou 8UOAIC .oupon II 'ICpl". ~r.. "b 161 THE DAILY IOWAN HROIIN, •• ",..n 17 upl'lI Iv.. J(' cold., loda,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1943 VOLUME XLID NUMBER 144 e I e al 5 n, 1 U.S.·TRAINED CHINESE AIRMEN NOW FIGHT SIDE BY SIDE WITH YANKS Visiting Eden Warns Allies of Long Road Ador Very III To Victory as Talks With F.D.R. Begin Unloads 1,000 • War, Global Security Tons of Bombs Germans Gain Will Be Chief Points Of Vital Conferences Upon Railways WASHINGTON (AP) - Warn- On Kharkov ing that "we'vc gol a long way yct to go" on the road to victory, Pummels Supply Route Reds Admit Situation Anthony Eden, British foreign sec­ To Coastline Troops l retary, ha tened to get tOGether AJong Somme, Seine ISerious as Enemy Iwith President Roosevelt last night on the vast problcrru of war Advances New Units I LO 'DO~ (AP)-Thc RAF llnd global. ecurity. • h'oPP d mor thlln 1, ton LONDON, Sunday (AP)-Gcr­ The president invited Eden for J[ bomb on E "pn Frid ,­ man troops gained fresh ground in a dinner and a lalk. the White the flaming right for Kharkov. a Housc announced. Anothcr guest night, and y . t rdllY 11ft rnoo;, midnight Moscow bulletin an­ was John G. Winant, the Ameri­ whil fil't' till w re l'1Il>ing nounced today, and Russian field can ambas. adol' to London wha there in the Krupp work, thp dLqpatches fl'ankly termcd the ~ ltu­ hn. been in this country fol' sev­ Am ri~n h II\,~' bomhpl'~, flyit,~ alion "serious" as the Nazis thrcw eral weeks. Ih clnytime ('hrdnlps of till' This n(tcrnoon the BrHbh for­ hundreds of 13nl(s and lhou"ands pr -illvlIsion al rill I Orrt'll j\, • IIt­ of infantrymen into an as 3ult on eign secretary conferred with min­ isters of the BI'iUsh dominions, IlIcked 11 . i rllil in tall tion three sides of the Ukraine citadel. ju t behind the ,'uJuPl'able The German high command de- Canada, South Africa, New Zeal­ lund nnd Australia following II Fl'pnrh COli. t. CHINESE AIRMEN. tra.lned in the United Sta.tes, now are In the air I Detroit, seated in cockpit. lett, by Maj. Tsuan Ho IJsteh at Chenl"tu, ~I~~~ t~t clite SS gu~r~sme,? ha~ luncheon with Winant and Lord NOEL COWARD, leadin~ Enrllsh This timp tll(' fortrl' over China rlghtlnt alongSide the U. S; Army Forces to strike back IChina. This plane. captul;ed Intacl by the Chinese, was found to be ~ a erd t e7~my r.esls nnce at" Halifax, the Britl. h ambassador. actor, Is reported "very Ill" at blru t d Ami n , 60 mil . 1\01'111- His initial meting with Mr. E eter. EnlClnnd. Ills tf'mperalure east ot Rauen-which they h d ::a~~~t t~~ t~:k~~T~~er:7,o~S t~~~I:I~~~tr[~ LI '~t~a:~::t ~~ei!~ht:~ :~~~:e:oa~~efl:~~:; ~I~~ee:.erl~~~~~ ~~:~~~.th some o( theIr U. t~;~n~~\~rd e~fr~~7i:l~r:i~~; Roosevelt was arranged alter the \Va 104. bombed Frid y tor the econd ----,- Ivi~lent street struggle st.ill was courtly emissary ot the Bl'itlsh ----~--- time in a week-and 50 miles In­ I gOing on. govcrnmcnt told a press confer­ lund from the channel coast. ' ence that the scveral weekI! of It Is throUJIh these key rall Steady Withdrawal Stephen Bene't, Noted . ' .oom The Nazi-controlled Paris radio \,alk~ ahead will cover all aspect junctions, Rouen and Amien!!, thot fisenhowe~ Propnesies Even tua I D oC the war and Ihe peace-that the Germans mu t pour most at said occupation was "almost com- military as well as political con­ Poet and Writer, Dies the supplies to their defending ·es·· .. .,·n · .Tu· n,·s,·o ersplete," railing with back the slowlyRed nrmy but stendilydefend-. sidel'ations will receive attention. troops along 100 miles of co st­ Arm, The Moscow bulletin recol'ded by Eden indicated that he came line between the Somme and Seine For German, Italian d ire c t from Prime Minister Following Heart AHack rivers. , ". - the Soviet monitor said the Rus­ Churchill, the mililary leader ot Dleppe Alon~ tret.ch . ----------------------------------~------ s~mh~a~o~C<lh~~roun~~ NEW YORK (AP) - Siephen Sousse, a fiery bath of exploEi ves Great Britain as Mr. Roosevelt is Dleppe, scene of the aUled in­ 14 Y Old R· b k All' D I "" attacks on the north and south commander-in-chicf here. Vincent Benet, 44, poet and writer vasion tryout ot last Au,. 19, is yesterday, the communique dis­ - ear-em ec roy ~1~dr:~~1 a,~t~n~~~~:~:iti~~~,~h~~ The British foreign secretory who used .ome of the fire and In the center of this st1' teh of Allies Continue closed. les es made clear lhat th' plnnning tor brim tone ot his short story, "The coast. Then last night RAF Wellingtons .Lad Confesses Wrl'tl"ng .' tankthe west and whereinfantry it saidforces "large succeeded, enemy the Jlo-t-war world does not menn Devil and Dan! 1 Webs~r" on Ro.l\rOlld yo.rda \ Aboo,,\l\e Imd showered the docks of Tunis with aIler repeated aUacks and at the he nnHcipates an early end ot behalf oi the Wllr tJort, died yes­ Polx also weI" attacked In the two-ton blockbusters which left the war. ierday at his Munhlltlnn home. c\o.yll,nt sweep, USAAF head­ Aerial Attack the 'lVarehouse district a pattern of Of Extortion Leiters 2· Ba til es hIPS ~:tk ~~rs~~:~s)?SSe s. in preMlng . "We nre beginning to feel our He had been ill several days quarters and the British air min­ rlame. "Taking up new positions, our strength and to make the enemy lind sulfered a hctlrt attack Friday Istry announced In a jOint com­ Scouring the Sicilian straits for forces withstood the onslaught of teocl it, too," he said, but added night. Funcral. rvlces will be munique. Trapped Axis Forces axis convoys, Mitchell medium REINBECK, Iowa (AP)-8het. , I I .the enemy's numerically supelior quickly that "setback and dlRap­ held Monday. All the Amcrlcan bomber, r - AI G d ~1I1'J! bombers escorted by Lightning ua a ca Son a lll'my lonel, grand. tllrned {rom ttl operations na potntrt\ents" rtai"l lie e.head iff .Tohn ~I;'~!lr~ of .9rllncir.~oun~ ~"'\2 t"'" "' 'forces, l!PClling the Ritlerile at~ 'oil In 3rd Attempt· fl~hters feU upon a iIIJtil'la of said yesterday that 14-year-old tacks and causlng Ihem cnormous and thut "the only saCe tiling III son of a bngndlel' g ncral for but six of the escorting Spitllr.,; barges crammed with war equip­ to procced on thc assumption whom he wa~ named, the wrlter were repol·ted ml ing. The com­ To Break Steel Ring Stanley Fallgatter, son ot Mr. and WASHINGTON (AP) _ The losscs." ment and sent three of them to Heavy FirhUn, we've a long way to go yet." was a member oC u not d tamlly munIque said lour nemy o/I'(,I"MI the bottom. They damaged a num­ Mrs. C. K. Faltgatter of Rein- were d stroyC<l by the flahl r By DANIEL DE LUCE navy announced lost night that Heavy fighting rnged also north which in this generation flowered ber ot others and shot down two beck, has confessed that he was two Japanese battleships actually of the dty, this communique said, into literature. Both he and his ond "some" by th bombers, ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN Italian three-motored bombers as the author of extortion leiters in brother, William Rose Benet, had London had an alert I t \It ere sunk in the g rea t and to the south the Germans were Sign 2S·Year Land Grant NORTH A F RIC A (AP)-Gen. \vell. an attempted blackmail plot. said to have thrown dozens of won Pulltzer prizes tor their poe· nkh&, but ottlclals said it had sea battle off Guadnlcnnal in mld- been "0. mistake" and there wa " Dwight D. Eisenhower has told his Fighter-bombers also did dam­ Sheriff Meyel's ~aid the investi­ tanks against the Soviet lines SAN JOSE, Costa RIca (AP) - try. Thcir lIisier, Mis~ Lllura troops thal German and Italian age among enemy vehicles and po­ gation leading to the apprehension November. without breaking Ihcm. An official announccment yeo ter­ Benet, is olso known as II poet. no explanaUon why It sounded. Autllorlti tonnerl;, h d de­ forces in Tunisia are doomed to be sitions in the sedjenane area on of t.he Fallgattcl' boy was con- Previous ollicial reports had "Altet· losing 11 tanks and about day said the United Slates and Benet's wlCe, th former Rose­ pushed into the sea and eventually the northern sea flank., while to ducted by Federal 13ureau of In- ciaimed the sinldng of One battle­ 500 oWcers and men, the HIUer­ Costa Rica had signed an agree­ mary Carr, is al. 0 a wrlier. claJ'NI that It bad been " re­ prisal ra.ld. ' - destroyed now that three of tileir the south the western desert air vestigation agents after Mrs. Ruth ship and one vessel identiCied as iies feU back to the ir initial posi­ ment granting the U.
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