36 THE JOURNAL THE SusQUEROCK AND MINERAL CLUB Will Sponsor a Show and Sale of ROCKS AND MI NERALS J EWELRY AND SPECIMENS NOVEAABER 8, 9, 1 0, and 1 1 , 1 973 In the Lycom.ing County Historical Museum NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10 -- 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m NOVEMBER ll -- 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m SHOW AND SALE OF PRINTS AND ENGRAVINGS By the Rosen Galleries of Baltimore NOVEMBER16, 1973 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. NEW ITEMS FOR SALE IN THE MUS'EUM GIFT SHOP HANDMADE PEWTER BY WILLIAM W'EBER THE (Tablespoons, Poi:ringers, Buttons) ROCK J EWELRY BY MAGGI JOURNAL STATIONERY BY CURRENT,INC OFTHE SPECIAL EXHIBIT BY EXXON Lycoming County Historical Society MODERN SOUTHWIBTERJq INDIAN BASKETS VOLUME IX FALL NOVEMBER30, 1973TO JANUARY 15, 1974 NUMBER TWO 1973 JOU R NAL MUSEUM S'TAFF of the Director Andrew K. Grugan LYCOMING COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Assis a z }o Dirge o Anne Gstalder Pablisbed Semiann ally in Willia7}1sport, Pellnsytuani Adp nis rcitive Aide Museum Office - 858 West Fourth Street Jean Laylon Telephone (Area Code 717) 326-3326 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MUSEUM VOLUNTEER STAFF RALPH R. CRANMER A. F. BEIGHLEY WALTER J. HEIM W'n.I.IAM E. NICHOLS, JR., ESQ. Getlealo gist Mrs. Donald Carson MICHAEL LAGANA CIHARLES E. NOYES, SR. CURRENT SOCIETY PRESIDENT Resist ano?} Commit ee Miss June Foresman, Chairman JOHN R. SHARPNESS, JR. Miss Ethel Ertel Mrs. Frederick Snell Mrs. Fred Foresman BOARD OFGOVERNORS Fil?e Avis Prograpi Committee Dr. June E. Baskin, Chairman CHARLES E. NOYES, SR., PRESIDENT EDWARD J. DURRWACHTER/ 3RD. VICE PRES. Samuel Dornsife DR. SAMI.JEL LONG, IST. VICE PRES. MRS. DONAI.D M. CARSON, SECRETARY Roger Shipley DONALD M. CARSON, 2ND. VICE PRES. HAROLD B. TAMI.OR, TREE.SURER C. Robert Schultz Andrew K. Grugan Operation ZKKse%m 1972-1974 TERM 1973-1975TEliM Mrs. Allan Young, Jr MRS. NO]1MAN INGERSOLL Pwblicit) a7MP?+blic Relations MRS. JOHN W. BITNER Andrew K. Grugan MR. SAMUEL. J. DOIUlqSIFE MRS. JOHN LINDEMUTH Geqtefat pesto alia Philip N. Gould MR. WILLARD A. SCHELL DR. LURING B. PRIEST MR. ROBERTD. SMINK MRS. ALLAN YOUNG, JR. Czlratorial Departments GelTera} C#qator Andrew K. Grugan EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Archaeology James P. Bressler, Chairman Willard Schell MRS, ALLAN YOUNG, JR., REPRESENTATIVE William Turnbaugh JUNIOR LEAGUE OF WILLIAMSPORT Archives alta Records Miss Gladys Tozier, Chief Miss Jean Little Mrs. Robert Nevel MRS. RALPH L. BOYEliS - PRESmENT THE GREATER WILLIAMSPORT CONIMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL Mrs. John Holland Miss Kathryn Abbett Ed cation SOCIETY STAFF Andrew K. Grugan Fine Arts EXECUTIVE SECJ{ETARY AND EDITOR MRS. KATH RYN J. CI.UTE Dr. June E. Baskin Indastr) Francis Maneval FALL VOLUMEIX Minerals Lewis Harper NUMBER 'l:'WO 1973 Textiles Mrs. Norman Ingersoll Mrs. Edith Wright Mrs. Leslie Painton Exti:a Copies of The Journal Seventy-Five Cer)rs Each Dr. Samuel Wiersteiner CONTENTS Page Greetings from the President's Desk 5 School Tours of che Museum 6 Williamsport's Musical Heritage by Mary L. Russell 9 13 Sequoyah of the Cherokees by Gladys Tozier Moses Van Campen by Katharine W. Bennet 18 The Lose Voice of the Tiadaghton by James G. Cam 20 The Story of the "Herdic" Coach 21 GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK The County Fair (One Hundred Years Ago) 26 COVERPICTURE Action at our auctionon June 17: 1973. The results are given Dear Members in Mr. Noyes' letter. Wi-th great satisfactionI report to you that our .June 17th Antique Auction: 1973-1974 under rhe capable direction of Past President Donald Carson, netted our Society MEMBERSHIP MEETING PROGRAM $3,705.01. More than 300 persons were in attendance. Our sincere thanks go to Bob, LYCOMING COUNTY HISTORICAL S(:)CIE'lY Chuck and Rich Roan for donating their servicesas auctioneers. July 28, 1973 Elsewhere in this issue of the Journal is a listing of tours by school students from ' ' Society tout: to Titusville and the Drake Oil Well Museum. Lycoming and adjacent counties as well as from other institutions. This is but one September20, 1973 (6:30 p. m.) major serviceour Societyand Museum offers to the public. William H. Shank, P. E., Industrial arid Engineering Marketing Consultant, York, Pa., will present an illustrated lecture on ''The Amazing Pennsylvania Canals"at a dinner meeting at the Wesley United Methodist Church. Thirty-seven Society members and friends journeyed to the Drake Oil Well Museumat Ti-tusvilleon July 28 to learn how oil was discoveredand refined and October18, 1973 (8:00 p.m.) Dr. Maurice A. Mook, retired professor of Penn State University and Lycoming became one of the major products of out economy. Watch for our next tour College, will speak on recent discoveriesabout the life of Severin Roesen in announcement. Williamspom. November15, 1973(8:00 P. in.) This summer and f all we are conducting a membership drive to augment the William J. Wewer, ExecutiveDirector, PennsylvaniaHistorical and Museum support to our Society arid Museum. Some 800 letters will be mailed to prospects Commission, will talk on ''Historical Activity in Pennsylvania during the next few months. Tbe response to date is encouraging. December 13, 1973 (8:00 p. m.) The Williamsport C8nsistoryChoir, under the directioraof Robert N. Sheffer, We cordiallyurge you as membersto pay us a visit from -time to time. You'll will present a Christmas Program. This 40-man musical group will delight find the changing exhibits and omer items worth viewing. those in attendance. January17, 1974 (8:00p. m.) Andrew K. Grub;n, Director of our Museum,will talk on "The History of Sincerely, Folkloi:e of Lycoming County from 1700 to 1950." Charles E. Noyes, Sr., President February21, 1974 (8:00 p. m.) George C. Deffenbaugh, Supervisor of Social Studies in the Williamsporr Area SchoolDistrict, will give an illustratedtalk on "India. March 21, 1974 (8:00 p. m.) August 1, 1973 Dr. Robert H. ]iwing, retired Professorof History at LycomingCollege, will balk to us on "Reminiscence as History. April 18, 1974 (6:30 p.m.) ' John W. Heisey,'Director of Researchand Library, Historical Societyof York County, York, 'Pa., will give an illustrated talk on ''Handwoven Coverlets. Members are urged to bring any coverlets in their possession for display. This will be a dinner meeting rentativc'ly scheduled at the Wesley United Methodist Church 6 THE JO U RN AL 7 SCHOOL TOURS OF THE MUS.EUM 1972 School-other Gp. Stu. Ad 1972 School-other GP. stu. Aa 7 13 26 3 l 4 Becht 48 2 Serving the schools,and other organizations and institutions in Lycoming County Schoolof Hope 7 18 4-H Club 14 3 l 9 4-Mile 54 2 is one of the many functions of your Society and Museum. Often times, this service 7 20 YWCA Wives 19 l 10 4-Mile 58 2 extends into other counties of the (::ommonwealth. The listing below covers only the 7 25 4-H Club 15 l l 10 YWCA Wives 15 many tours of our building by schoolsand other groups. Those starred (*) are from 7 26 4-H Club 16 l l 1 1 4-Mile 49 2 outside Lycoming County. 7 27 Camp Lycogis 28 6 l 1 1 Becht 58 2 In 1972, 127 individual tours, involving 5,363 srudenrsand 505 adults, journeyed 7 28 Montoursville Recreation 70 5 l 1) Welcome Wagon 28 through the Museum.This year, to July 12, 118 tours, involving 4,753 studentsand 8. l# Lock Haven Title I 70 5 l 17 Becht 27 2 430 adults, likewise observedthe historical contentsin the building. Total for the 18 9 26 StevensJr. High 60 2 l 18 Bechc 51 2 months was 245 tours -- IO,116 students and 935 adults. 10. 3 Clay 36 2 l 19 Wmspt. Area Com Col. For 20 l 10- 4 Cochran 45 2 l 19* 11 2 In addition, during the past 18 months, many, many other individuals have Millwood Spec. Ed. 10. 5 Cochran 46 2 l 21 Brownies 17 3 i:egistered at the lobby desk, toured the building, auld purchased novelties or historical 10- Lock Haven Elem 60 4 L 23 St. Joseph Elem. 38 2 material. 10 10 Cochran 48 2 l 23 Brownie Troop 26 5 10 1 1 Cochran 48 2 l 24 St. Boniface Elem. 68 10 1972 school-other GP. stu. Aa 1972 School-other Gp. Stu Aa. 10 16 Wmspt. Area Com. Col. 33 l l 24 Brownie Troop 15 3 25 2 l 12 Muncy Sorority 3 10 17 Cochran 47 2 L 25 So. Wmspr. High 40 2 l 17 Girl Scouts 10 l 3 2 10 18 Franklin 50 2 l 29 Girl Scouts 22 4 26 2 l 17 Welcome Wagon 3 10 19 Franklin 56 2 l 30 St.. Ann Elem. 62 2 2 l 25 Becht 3 l ]0 24 Hepburn Elem. 52 2 l 30 Brownie Troop 1) 2 l 25 Montoursville High 5 3 2 10 25 Hepburn Elem 57 2 l 30 Girl Scouts 29 6 2 2 l 26 3 10 26 Hepburn Elem 54 2 l 31 Lyter Elem. 52 2 27 2 4. 25 10 27 l Hepburn Elem. 2 2 l High School (Wmspt.) 65 2 2 2 l 4. 2 10 28# Col. Co. Hist. Soc. 20 l Montoursville Elem 2 2 2 4. 2 10 29 Girl Scouts l 6 Jersey Shore History Club 60 2 2 2 4. 14 1 1 l Jackson 2 6 Montoursville Elem. 47 2 4. 3 1 1 2 3 Jefferson 2 7 Montoursville Elem. 60 5 4 9 14 1 1 3 West Branch School l 8 Church of Saviour Elem.
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