EUR J610 e EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY - EURATOM BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTORS A corn pilation of selected literature abstracts as guide to recently public available R. & D. publications in semiconductor radiation detector techniques covering the period 1963 - 1967. by E. BOCK 1967 Directorate Dissemination of Information Center for Information and Documentation - CID LEGAL NOTICE This document was prepared under the sponsorship of the Commission of the European Communities. Neither the Commission of the European Communities, its contractors nor any person acting on their behalf: Make any warranty or representation express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information con­ tained in this document, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document may not infringe privately owned rights; or Assume any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document. This report is on sale at the addresses listed on cover page 4 at the price of FF 17.50 FB 175.- DM 14.- Lit. 2180 Fl. 12.65 When ordering, please quote the EUR number and the title, which are indicated on the cover of each report. Printed by Guyot, s.a. Brussels, December 1967 EUR 3630 e EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY - EURATOM BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTORS A compilation of selected literature abstracts D. publications echniques EUR 3630 e 67. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTORS - A Compilation of Selected Literature Abstracts as Guide to Recently Public Available R. & D. Publications in Semiconductor Radiation Detector Techniques Covering the Period 1963-1967 by E. BOCK European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM Directorate Dissemination of Information Center for Information and Documentation - CID Brussels, December 1967 - 138 Pages - FB 17 5 Bibliography presenting 629 abstracts of publications dealing with Semi­ conductor Detector Techniques covering the period 1963-1967. Directorate Dissemination of Information Center for Information and Documentation - CID TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ROUGH SUBJECT-INDEX 5 ABSTRACTS 13 AUTHOR AND CORPORATE INDEX 125 ABSTRACT Bibliography presenting 629 abstracts of publications dealing with Semi­ conductor Detector Techniques covering the period 1963-1967. INTRODUCTION In recent years semiconductor detectors have grown steadily in importance in nuclear technology. Owing to their versatility, compactness and relatively high resistance to radioactive radiations, these detectors have attracted the interest of many scientific and technical experi­ menters and sparked off a continuous advance in instrumentation and measurement technique. Naturally, this scientific interest in refinement and further development has been followed by an avalanche of publications. It is very difficult for the instrumentation specialist or nuclear engineer to do his own job, namely, investigating his own specific problems, and at the same time keep abreast of the latest state of the art or acquire a rapid and comprehensive insight into new develop­ ments affecting his particular field. The practical engineer in the laboratory faces the almost overwhelming task of, on the one hand, carrying out his frequently time-consuming and expensive series of experiments and, on the other hand, reading and understanding a vast number of publi­ cations in his special field and assessing their value or lack of it. This is a more than full-time occupation. Here is an opportunity for a modern documentation and information service, which can help the laboratory scientist by selecting the relevant material for him and presenting it in a condensed form. At the suggestion of Professor Bertolini of the Euratom Joint Research Centre at Ispra, the present compilation seeks to present a selection of publications on semiconductor techniques which will help instrument makers, reactor physicists and users of these instruments, together with the interested laymen, to inform themselves quickly and comprehensively about technical innovations and developments from the short notes before studying and analysing the original publications. The compiler is aware that, owing to its cursory character and the rapid advance of technical developments, this compilation will be only a short-lived aid to the instrument specialist. He would therefore like to point out the possibilities afforded by the Euratom semi­ automatic documentation system for obtaining up-to-date information in the future. Lastly, the compiler would like to thank the kindly helpers, advisers and initiators of this work, who by their diligence, perseverance and continual encouragement made its present form possible. Among many other sources, the report collection of the Euratom library, the Nuclear Science Abstracts and the reference files of the Euratom Centre for Information and Documen­ tation (CID) were used as basic material. Brussels, August 1967 THE COMPILER 3 ROUGH SUBJECT-INDEX The following rough subject-index represents an attempt to provide the user of this compilation with a time-saving short indication of the main topic of the publication concerned. The catchword type of designation applied to a measurement method, a concept or an instrument component (e.g. TOTAL CROSS-SECTION MEASUREMENT, PATENT, PIN, PRE-AMPLIFIER) always refers to semiconductor detectors. A Application in biomedicine 119, 125 Array detectors 551 Absorbed dose 217 Attenuation coefficient 578 Absolute energy calibration 11, 540 Avalanche multiplication 470 Activation analysis, Uses 90 Average energy alpha investiga­ Aerospace application 518 tion 490 Aerospace spectrometer 581 Average ionization energy 249 Alkali ion beams 300 Alpha contamination locator 226 Alpha Bioassay counter 536 B Alpha discriminator 332 Alpha particles, Energy loss 320 Back collection efficiency 69 Alpha particles, 24.7 mev, Elastic Beam pulse detection, Cyclotron 175 scattering 185 Beat-frequency method 37 Alpha particle hygrometer 266 Behavior under irradiation 117 Alpha particle resolution, Impro- Beta counters, Fabrication 467 vement 572 Beta dosimeter 530 Alpha source calibration 534 Beta dosimetry 205 Alpha spectrometer 255, 457 Beta efficiency, Energy range 0-300 Alpha spectrometry 95, 96,139 kev 76 Amplifier 121, 436, 449, Beta ray detector 55 fl39 Beta and gamma spectrometer 482 Amplifier, Design 9 Beta- and gamma-spectrometry 231 Amplifier, Double delay line 554 Beta and gamma spectroscopy 212 Amplifier, Fast 402 Beta spectra measurement 85 Amplifier, Fast neutron 599 Beta spectrometer 106, 319, 601 Amplifier and power systems 472 Beta spectrometry 427 Amplifier, Space application MO Bibliography 1964 1811 Amplifier test 59 Bibliography, 1965 369 Analysis of complex beta spectra 22 Biomedicine, Use in 222 Angular correction measurements 386 Burnup measurement !179 Angular correlation, Geometrical corrections 559, 560 Angular correlation, Alpha-Gam- C ma automatic 580 Anticoincidence spectrometers 201 Calibration, Gas light source 508 Anticoincidence system 89 Calibration techniques 82 Applicability 57 Calibration of uranium metal foils 461 5 Calculation of charge transport time 84 dE/dx-E-T system 44 Carrier multiplication 589 dE/dx surface-barrier silicon Carrier lifetime 272, 286 detector 1ft Chalk river developments 150 Defects P-N junction 349 Channel electron multiplier 78 Delayed coincidence spectrometer 23 Charge carriers 509 Depletion depth calculation 105 Charge carrier lifetime 608 Depth of barrier window 375 Charge collection 309,390 Design, Alpha monitor 597 Charge collection time 417,418 Design, Optimum performance 265 Charge density 592 Design, Philips 543 Charge detection 287 Design russian 114 Charge separation 242 Design, Sensitive area 260 Charged particles 426 Design, Window detector 261 Charged particle detection 173, 203 Detection of heavy ions 149 Charged particle detectors, Use 374 Detector for field use 113 Charged particle, Time resolution 181 Detectors in biology and medicine 364 Charged particle identification 232 Determination of hafnium on zir- Checker board counter 607 conium oxide 35 Chemistry, Use in 102, 162, 382, Development review 93 521,537,571 Diamond counters, Polarization 442 Clinical dosimetry 244 Diffusion drift detectors 224 Coherent high-energy interactions 491 Diodes and transistors biblio­ Coincidence resolving time 262 graphy 63 Coincidence spectrometer 522 Diode and transistor response to Collection time 399 radiation 496 Comparison with scintillation Doped silicon junctions 132 counter 189 Doping by ion bombardment 259 Comparison with TLD 209 Doping by ion implantation 294,295 Comparison with TLD's m dosi- Doppler broadening 596 metry 393 Doses to aeronautes 285 Compilation of counting equipment 190 Dose measurement beta 273 Compton spectrometer 25, 176, 225 Dose microcalorimetry 284 Computer analysis 409 Dosimeter, Direct system 1135 Computer-controlled 40%-channel Dosimeter 98 system 488 Dosimeter, Protons 3!17 Computer control of multiple 208 Dosimetry, Clinical 397 spectrometer 208 Dosimetry, Radium-thorium up- Conference on utilization 141 take 358 Conversion coefficient measurements 338 Double-drifted geometry 380 Conversion electrons, Angular <lis- Drift control method 58!1 tribution 91 Drift mobility 556 Construction 109, 241 Drift mobility, Correlation 3 Cooled fiel<l-effect 108 Drift rate of lithium in germanium 443, 628, Cooling by cryostat 52, 54 Dynamic neutron detectors 296 Cooling system,
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