■ MONl>AY, MARCH 4, 1968 \ FAOB EIGHTBBN ^anrirrati^r Euptittig Ifwalii Averagie Dally Net Pnas Rw For llie Week Ended The Weather m an'at the Olivetti Underwood Columbia March >. INB Chance of light mow tonight Oorp., Hartford. Lavitt Defends Bolton CUkhI Luck? Sur^vors, bealdes his wife, Low in 20e. Clearing tomorrow. O bituaiy BAur tAKtf cm r (a p i — iEumtnn C R P A R ep ort Include two daughters, Mrs. A growing colony of Jack- 15,534 High SO to as. Russell Allen and Miss April rabblts at the Salt Lake City 45-Mill Tax Rate Set, Mlsa Aleda MoOratli Sombrlc, both of Rockville; a On Air Runway Caucus Challenged M anchester^A City of Village Charm BOL/rON—MSss AJeda D. airport la causing consterna­ eon, Anthony Sombrlc Jr. of tion for pilots. McGrath, 66, of Windsor. eM er Rockville; three brothers, Stan- Capitol Region Planning VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 131 (SIXTEEN PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1968 (Olaeelfled Adverttslng Mf Page U ) Joe Bergln, airport mana- PRICE SEVEN CENTS o f RusaeU H. McGrath o f Bol- jey Sombric of Manchester, Jo- Agency Chairman Seymour La- 2 Less Than Last Year In Letter to Bailey gef, said the rabbits attract ton, died Saturday at» a Hart- g^ph Sombrlc of Portsmouth, N. vltt has attributed the recent Voters at the town meeting Increase to toe z o i ^ b u ^ Mrs. Virginia Butterfield, a feel that they should be counted eagles and dogs, adding to ford coflivaSescent hotne. h ., and Walter Sombrlc, North controversy over the agency's Saturday night were pleasantly ^ member of the Democratic because you had to vote for 28.’ the danger of Islndlngs and Funeral services were held Walpole, N. H.; three sisters, orellmlnarv Phase One the takeoffs. surprised to leam toat the tax that toe a on i^ enforoh^agent this afternoon at Trinity Meth- Mrs. UlUan Messier of Clare- ^ ^ ® Town____ Committee,— ________ has___________ sent a Mr. WUliam AndrolevlCh one of rate had dropped by two mills waa now being p ^ W per odist Church, Windsor. Burial mont, N. H., Mrs. Anna Rocke “ ''a'U'y airport study, to j^^n M. Bailey, chair- the counters will verify this "At times, you can see hundreds of Jackrabbita from 47 to 46 mills. week. It was also brought out was tn Riverside Cemetery, of Bellows Falls, and Mrs. Stel- pressure from groups who jnan of the Democratic State statement.” Last year toere was an unpre- that part o f toe Increase was Mrs. Butterfield said that "no streaming across the run­ Humphrey Stirs Storm Windsor. la Manclni of Needham, Mass.; agree with the conclus- central Committee, challenging oedented Jump of nine mills. a "cuSWon" due to unexpected one could be forced to vote for ways and taxlways,” Bergln The F. W. Cannon Funeral and six grandchildren. the action of the local party Town treasurer, Mrs. Harriet expenses toe past year. Home, 6 Poquonook Ave., Wind- The funeral will be held “ CRPA’s primary difficulty caucus last Thursday. someone they didn’t want.” said. 300 Viet Cong Lyman, said there were several Dance Problems Mrs. Butterfield contended SOT, Is In diarged o f arrange- Wednesday at 8:18 a.m. from **es In trying to retain our that "wmiid hone reasons for the decrease. - At the end of the meeting that Aloyslus Aheam said, ” I ments. the Burke Funeral Home, 76 objectivity while under constant ® ‘ ----------------------------------------- “ In part," said Mrs. Lyman, there was a short discussion on ______ Pronnert St with a Mnan of re- pressure from people both favor-' ^ primary wouio oe au- agree with Mrs. Kreyslg and Souih Windsor "the decreases oomes from the problems arising from Canoe Winfred I. Clark quiem at St. Bernard’s Church ‘"K and opposing the con- thorized by ttie State Central make a motion that the ballots Over' Civil Rights Bill fact toat we received $26,000 club dances at Yeomans Hall, BOL.TON—Winfred I Clark, at 9. Burial wUl be In St. Ber- structlon of an additional run- Committee to validate the en- be counted as presented.” This back from the state for the Although the dances have WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice 74 of North Haven formerly nard's Cemetery. way at Bradley,” he sUted. dorsement of town committee - was seconded by Mrs. Kreyslg, Sills to Urge school addition. The state pays been chaperoned there have to take action toat could jeop­ civil rights bill on which toe The amendment would make President Hubert H. Humphrey ofBotton. died Friday In Miami, Friends may call at the fu- . One of the biggest problems candidates. Mro. Butterfield s^d. half o f the oost In Installments, been disturbances, caused. ardize Its passage. Senate only Monday placed de­ It a federal crime to go from CTa after a short Illness. He neral home tomorrow from 2 the iHinwilllngness of some ..j am not personally ag- Mrs. Butterfledd continued The Grand List went up and primarily, It was alleged, by stirred a storm in toe Senate to­ Hart reported toat toe admin­ bate-limiting cloture. one state to another to use Inter­ Driven from City Committee on day by ruling out of order an wMnresldent of the W. I. Clark to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. P«ople to allow any comment, grieved,” she wrote, "but after saying that "Mr. Jack Early toe board of education cut its out-of-town groups of teen-agers, istration will submit Its own After Lausche ohallenged this state facilities with Intent to in­ Co., PNew Haven. on Bradley field, which does not talking to other candidates who said that they could not act on budget by $20,000, which makes The Canoe Club charges 99 antiriot measure as an amend­ anil-riot legislation later to toe ruling, Holland appealed to toe cite a riot. agree with their preconceived eliminated I feel that this motion because they had . Mr. CTark was bom Oct. 28, Frank H. Chapman the picture much brighter than cents admission and uses the ment to toe pending civil rights day or Wednesday. Senate to overrule toe vice pres­ The antiriot proposal was ideas,” he added.. ’ already voted. He also stated Development bUl. SAIGON (AP) — niree himdnd 1893, In Bolton, a son of Philip VERNON — Frank H. Chap- they should have the privilege The anti-riot bill offered by ident and clear toe way for a The controversy erupted Wed- that he did not vote because It was last fall.’’ profit for Its boaUng needs. The called up just before toe Senate Viet Oong troops Invaded a and Emma Pease Clark, and man, 89, of 12 Rau St. died yes- of a legal caucus vote, 8uid to News items temporarily Voters also approved »ralsing dances are 'Widely publicized Sen. Spessard L. Holland, D- Sens. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., vote on toe anti-riot proposal. adjourned Monday night after a nonaroi nesday with the criticism of the he didn’t know many of the peo- , j j Fla., appealed Humphrey’s rul­ and Frank J. Lausche, D-Ohio, provincial capital at (he eouth- lived— In North Haven many terday at Rockville QfnHw nf Rra/tlAv Tn tiaouicassure ulcthe jiiciiiuciamembers Mof theuic aDem-/i pie and therefore couldn’t pick should be called In directly to toe sala^ of the s e ^ t ^ to and largely atten<ied. Lausche said it was a consti­ day In which a seven-week fili­ years. He was a member of the Hospital. He was sexton of , ' aa nranurori ocratic party of Bolton that all ing, and a roll call vote was or­ Is similar to a measure passed tutional right of citizens to be ent end of Vietnam today and out 25 names. Aheam said: ‘I The Herald at 643-2711 or the selectmen from $325 to $1,- Joseph Szegdii, first select- buster against toe compromise Middletown Lodge of Masons Grove Hill Cemetery, Rock- ^ t . ’M ar^ck and caucuses will be held ac- mairA It ^ ^ ^ • , 000, to bc rctroactlve to October man, said the dances will be dered on whether to sustain the by the House last year. It has protected from rioting and he civil rights bill Was broken. seized toe hospital, but govern­ ^ d the New Haven Country vll^e^ ^ It vice president. been bottled up tn toe Senate couldn't understand why it legal.’- The motion was dron-drop- Manchester Herald,M Although this vote was discontinued temporarily and The vote to close out debate ment troops drove them out of unanimous at the time it was asked Interested parents to at- Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mlch., Judiciary Committee. could be held toat his and Thur­ on toe compromise measure ped and the ballots as far as a Citizens Committee for the city after a day-long fight. Survivors include his wife, 6. 1908, in Tolland, a son of Nor- bel.^ m ^ e with state and fed- tl<ms. passed, the figure was question- tend the selectmen’s meeting floor manager of toe civil rights Humphrey held toat toe Thur- mond’s amendment didn’t go di­ was 66 to 82, just enough for toe ----------- -- e- -- vol anA nano Uonoan m*on*v.nn eraieral lUHOSfunds aDQand 18is uiicone oiof threeuiicts mrv.Mrs. Butterfield’sDULierueiu 8 cuiueiiuvncontention i know were not thrown out.” Communltv Develonment winwm ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ protection-open housing meas­ mond-Lausche bill was not ger­ rectly to toe subject matter of Military spokesmen said 1S3 of Lathrop told The Herald Sat- be t o S t by T o Z ed later as being m istm der^d.
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