University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clayton Enterprise and Clayton Citizen New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-22-1906 Clayton Enterprise, 06-22-1906 J. E. Curren Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clayton_ec_news Recommended Citation Curren, J. E.. "Clayton Enterprise, 06-22-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clayton_ec_news/129 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton Enterprise and Clayton Citizen by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r i . - s-- r T-- -- If 1 Ji ! .? iVl 5 I i j t iu i il UN 1,1 . ' ' X Doreisil to tlia tJpijuildi'x (of; Clayton, TLTnion OTiitty.nclCoumtystn General. Voir XI X.. Claytoix, Union County, N. Al,, Friday. June 22, I906. No. 9. as nvcuirif.6- tTu jiroU-etiotiis- t who Contest Notice. j YOU CO.UNQ by the .RepuliluMiis.' Um,ARTJJIi!T,Ol'fXBHKNrltIOH, ARE TO CLAYTON It is alwiiilyevideiit tlr.L'the MRU., M W. lftKI Rubt. i. rXlttr:iiutt'Fublisle. CttVTrtN..NN ON t1nl' iioii)inee 'WOH A' ixtTicitrnt hrrn THE CaL0RI0l)URTH? Associate Editor. in niust. oMUint HHitatlt .hwilns . J.oniiM. Otir, stand for protection, and'tho pros fllml iu1 this oUirolby'HwfikJI '' of Clnjtiiu. 81 B il'HII'XJUN KAi'KS N?w MeiiJ,'ilh'l'.nit.'ii"t ho(nl petity wvliich protection - has' ehtrvMli). t, ITO.'l for IT pxyus. )Viuive " m Wr - HO'eonm nnd Mwiiv...l. ..11.2V bronjiht. ''If nil the iRepublinlnsH S. W.Tmnrtrctiiu,,12. TSwnnhipK N., Bn 'il . H In rirrrnes that :ffc frr Chf hrllf . MiwJ UW, which Stos anil Ranges t wiRttrefit. KATES " UDVKKTH1NU in !lowii,"wlio 'iMiKBVi'iiujredueinir Il l ullni.! tlMlt "K.4l n.Wtnilntry thR rid KnowtfOn bewert5;l3ladliine5 that are fully guitttte4 at iprice, Made aplutii. the tariff ehould jjoin with Uhe witirrtly ilbHnllonMttl.TrMw m'eiirln F. Rhii'ta nml :iws nnttHiWiH Orsl'ili'nre Hitt.oudon't to Of)iceh-nd- 'cm haw hsfcea.jtolfcach. K Cluylon'Fwrt ; Brynn tared at tli 'iDntiincnrts.'' 'Brymi 'would tlir.:on ; .mil ilhat illHwa if"1from' or flmirw llw'U) UI;.h mil Paibrts tr Buflflietvthe kind we AiiVG had t mutter. ' cniiry tthesstiite. Will 'they fl :itv thu wiill lnH .wusinrtl ninlj ln'Hn- - .'Army, Nv. r Mwrim: Cmi'rtlilhc yoa kntw.it.ia fftwd. Timuillone ttill tell. JiV--i o;u-ifimt- wilh"ir 'flie.T. FHPIOR XL OKKICKUS. Ot7ff l?iittl aitituis Jxjalac ftH tb iHMren muU; and from tlw sinnflerft 4rHtrie r - sim-mjH- mninr, Huriinj'llir vr wilh Hpain. A;.ivi-rnif- c lnblim- - " Herbert 4. IWiwiiiJiii. or dmn Hir T.iiu .hifc ihvViilttdi Cargest mns. L,Hus tJljou about it " ' ' (Mkaul'iN'uiireH Stl.lWMljHPTIIfH" "IV. H. Andrew t$ailroad Viewers. Niw.tthnri'fimi; Liycel Veneer Cleunsyoawfurnkure.Uoalltliufrtafte Mr-bo- ffc.ita pHTticsjrre iliCTeVy twituliih "to nrpoAr,. C. M.Forker, ( f alle-in- i '- and tnwliinst raid Alahastine All shitdes, . , ; .J. W. Ruynoldt, - Awtatary. il. ;&: INoith. mi iittiipiKy rtt 'hiw nt, 111 tiWJ'JBV .Wb'iT, lwe.'brf.ire ;..' ' ' U. Siim.'lwtU-d- A'kiiC). thn Hcuirtsr nl!iliiminnwtitfc(.UDittitt Bttn Wall Paper Iwdwsta.ssortoeritvrever had, , anil A. T: . Lmiil .wii-o- The uiiffititiii of BtiiU'liuvI that OUicihi0itTni s- , Jiiini6.A. of Ailine Huriwcj :tn atH-- . Haanmock- If?clinin.chair.s. .M)ufrontsrthevotrtWf ITwSIIexi liiluf.wwMliWI' lropr 0. T.E.X. Wiiiilw;f'CWiiionp.a ilovH.."Jt "MWi,llWia,r?Hl Irttfc lactti which Our .Scissor and 'azOTs.ure.tliwwfcibualwevto .miifid AriuonU. U) Ue die'iled bv 9hi'ttt T.iuid Ciuo.W. tJijiikniiiiidPOhicuio u( tlii 'notio. n t a,it ii 'hereby; Amy Jioweoine4Uil secus, the readies f ithtiir iba'KnU tist at Rivrt drM'iirdf 'ilie ;inttB)ibile mumi' in or.l. n il amldiwot VhiVi,'rtiHbe R-- W, ttbe co'uiin wletiliioii nu "November,"! JSAAC5, : CLAYTON, N. 3 thiwnlley VidiMNKiif .upciitHHnirB. KowAtiD W. Tnx. jh pnAallly the Biost iiinporiiint diiv tiiM'tuiijifnu; tdiie urinwiil', tftart wvnr L'oivfr)ikiii4t wwrjittplo. Contest Notice, profipe'et 'wt 'tihis Bection. This 'fflm EKatBPBiiijr. ttoj! itirntEST ot; the WTflKtxm. morning iHIkw nveiit :ot.h to 'the ro rTKfvS-:r:i- i 'Ln N oQrvM, FAWCETT Ibe u of Joint lKtehooil & DEA1 , tfver 'f)LAWN,"KEvv Mr.tftUK'M'iltT?. 15H. iliviil(!iMi!(l'ifKWil'io mute itiuy-mot- i' iWw UdirtiiJhat.the.ii.'ffioiiB of thej 'A ..nBii'imitcint.'(it alHtliivtt hayinit Iwn fllol ttlris (M'MtKp. TDh(y iwen-viewer- s in'tUhMiHUT by AtV il. Pi(Hvr uf'CluyWtt, New lifted, humi-jt.-a- Uwoltt'ErilHflit wwr ImUfr.una Mvxii-..- . 'tntry nvfrroiifl "coiifjumy ?iil ri.nhomHt, 'vkuiaxt ,f' :i rto select 'their 'fliwiw 'rtik.tin a .uiun S't nrnKu NovruiIxT 'ii, linU, fortit ready fctrfterwl ki1 were "well aiill'I'ot 8vatn'H-tK- ) N. B. J 'E anil S, shall whoknekws (KetlnHt; f ur wants ai.Townnhip 31 FteJKitt pleiratf. with 'the Tiilley, KJih of. of .S. .f tifla Vliolesde and jcfeiifit 'tiirouuh ome ifew tiwliti- - N..';Bivii 'JH K , by I'hirl It Praatou. Coo-wx- trfie viffifXy 1 tlmiK fititd 'Wmt Ihnd 4Ti wliloh it tlcd that "Said Hwuii lo ri'wtterthHrtit) tliern-- l il;n 'wholly abamilraed been iniKiire8ft'ff,l H. tthem.i Chtrli-- H. Pre General MerchaWt, i dve rr .rr wm'kivi for oirie aid I rati nl xhaniwd liii rilaie They Ihud made to 4iieve it thfffroitfwBlliaii si J' month nitMTe mak-Ini- r wa 'that a nad not iill'Mtry"id nrit prli ti tt 4uta here- I turld i l in ;i that tract .ttlefl Upon and be bo5ltilnw iid itliatrfhipeMvotild; culiMiiletf'b! IH paftr by law. rtJinf tlw as the stkouetlitT, tut i'flitrl be lioKi'Hit; to BiqnKin atnroiil if' Anil tlnii W.l'allemKl ah.-.- Irom the raid (UiwiitH j m 'w.ttW ih't nuluetion' ci. land wat'r.B'.tw', ut li'm rniti!oimiit in it diil. build; They were Til vombTy .Navy, "WMIriui- - f the ITnitrd nHi'iL, would onr aljicws. Thfti wft priVaTf. Uie r, teaman, or N,vr. impreBseil .yviih the Go Hlad.s as a Miliar. Clayton, eutlk. Marine, durina tha War will. Spain ordurinn . lik it awroiUtioJi ;li8eii fiom ing Iiooi hee Boutheast they ex-pa- rt any war in wheli the Tutted State may jrittWltiiit ;itH:ni( tirt. teiriitofy vther PHONE No. IK. toilodk lit a coal proBjxet that bri magl." Said parties are herahy nollflid wiUl from whe in toaprwar, respond and dffereyidence.tonching out kmoi1 of4 they had heard One of 'the' said elleifutioo at Hl ott'lwk A. ., on July t, KI)fiHt!,Ti-HRnj'UiUii- H eiiert-n- i iriiie men had seen the unuioriil aud l!KH,,biifirebellliMltr nj Heeairer at. the stiitrt Jiwfi wit wiotlninp; rlteolt.t'ljnll o1li-e- ' in tlaytnB.Naw Met -- Folsoai Co. mi'nos four year a CifnanvoH In propui'kRidaTit Lumber iw The saiii rontitait having, of our I'oinrfrv mp, uiid taots WMoa show ttnjt' New;- - -- '.."' tlle.1 Mar M. t.wtL ' t. ; .et rf, i thMta ihw iillrew w i)vnal. aeTTif W Bro. Wikoff miit law tnaiped thlsiiorw! ear. e ada,l it hereby All .kinds Building .ilu Hitin. There Mf nnniy otlierj giTen of material, Btuld3rs his'toeovt it.Wr, same stake pen nd dlril.',illii; soch Twltlce be by ilwfliid iaeir'4rt,i.lt.(in.t ike M. Hardware Paints. Oils. Buggies, . Wagons, that aocseiU, Potter and ( Knwann W. Fos, Jie(fi.Uer, the EdLitor of the liVTEUPRlSE of ) Contest Notice. Farming Implements, aad Windmills. hu vdn IvcaV.d some ifc w wo.ia .Iowa F&r Bryarv. Tin.j UKfARTUKNT 01' THE INTERIOK. ; Uwitkb .STM tit UwOrrire, M-oxicd- . Mt.i ii o, LTjob, Folsom, ' - New rOvoryJi-anljn- titMtiorrHt dii th 51 Ext JtawsaVHT we hope to See 'OiXtt'O. Juki ' A HliNlrienl 'W.iileA affiiUrlt havrnt been CJeve-- . .roiiuLrf tMftsnt? (!ro'er Sew MexV 4tl ttlie ;alt;r a filed in tliisoffiei-- .y'HeorKn'W. Berry of 'Clay- Jniid, in ww r Mryn. tteiiry bliH3i3ii'bi1e lo U; Jou'ihm! in t.n ion. New MHiicKifutr itant.nitaiiwtfcoMDiitead nt 1141, maMe Srf;t.'nihr '1(1. IM.ig, ftiriot Cwr&Jnsefl i liiwt'. frf SriHi li m L " I ryi Tiw Firs! National BanX bltlayfoh, M.' AVflttrti iu happy mioii o qiiarwr. S.K. ftiirtte, N . W, ipuatter tl ft !;.'. AstenAcTed to the Coaiptrollor o'f'Ctlrrepry. ior bVaHc, f Mistiouri, t the tho)E;h uhe niitl nrredn ui.vi'iitp'hei . E.iinarter,' r. E. iHierle nharter, jlifiltiiiH. Townbhrp Nh, RkntreKi K.y Hob-e- At ihe rlose busincsH 1H, ' maiden will, KHjt' of June 1906 Uryn the cb. iiihwi 1e j i!nie K(Hwi'.'i:ie.'hi wliioh h fc alleged that 'oriiiil iu"it HEKOCKt'ES " . milt liuae vy'ii4W Defno Twentieth 'eiitniy 'liriiile. retain "Suirt 1(i!hi.F.: Roii faileil to mhke iresidenee upon or ctiWrate or "improve- - .ail land and Leans find Discounts.. dndwidmalky inrtt lmiion x;r;ilii' eoHirMtihM lirvMt jwieture her tle frnwi I lie hesrl 'infomnffiwi he rhn get he lias preil.1stid Mh'Onlmft '.1. v; uuvfuJtNi tn4 lcifimTHt8 will nlv suippoi 4itj wtivnthcn bTi abrtt Kid t least two !'' years.. And that said freai the V. & Brmh . wjoo.ob 1 4iitv4 WrBv. Col. herr.ireer aslie hl land wan BM ftt.e HsWliploj.Wen't'in Ihe ieli xini will 'Jlrvittt" iW Uwiul''!itUv lie the and upWKwil tm tig'Tcer fining uf ArHji) Nr r Mhrttio (."(ftps rf the Vlritd Furniture Fixtures....
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