Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 111th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 21-111 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, February 1, 2001 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Senator Donald DiFrancesco Assumes State Governorship By FRED ROSSI State Senate, will become Counsel also said that, once he holds guber- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader to the Acting Governor, while Assis- natorial powers, he will not preside As State Senate President Donald tant Labor Commissioner Connie over the State Senate, leaving that T. DiFrancesco of Scotch Plains pre- Hughes will become Director of task to Senate President Pro Tem pared to become Acting Governor of Policy and Planning. Joseph Palaia of Ocean Township. New Jersey this week, he announced Two members of Mrs. Whitman’s As he prepares first for an ex- several changes to the staff that sur- Cabinet have announced their inten- pected Republican primary challenge rounded outgoing Governor Chris- tion to step down. Education Com- from Jersey City Mayor Bret tine Todd Whitman while welcom- missioner David Hespe will leave his Schundler and then the general elec- ing, as of now, two new members of position on March 1 and be replaced tion against likely Democratic nomi- the Cabinet. by Vito Gagliardi, the former super- nee James McGreevey of With the United States Senate’s intendent of the Union County Voca- Woodbridge, Mr. DiFrancesco, who approval on Tuesday of Mrs. tional-Technical Schools. State Trea- was endorsed on Monday by former Whitman to head the Environmental surer Roland Machold is stepping Congressman Bob Franks, says he Protection Agency in Washington, aside this week, several days after he plans to concentrate on getting sev- D.C., Mr. DiFrancesco, who has led helped present the Whitman eral property tax relief bills through the Senate since 1992, prepared to Administration’s final budget to the the Legislature. assume gubernatorial powers and, State Legislature. He also wants to work on health also, to rely on his new incumbency Once he formally becomes Acting care issues, senior citizen prescrip- as he tries to win this fall’s election Governor, Mr. DiFrancesco has said tion drug programs and environmen- for Governor. he will resign from his law firm. He tal matters. Mr. DiFrancesco will put his own people in place in his new inner circle in Trenton, with Jeffrey Michaels, a long-time advisor and Deputy Executive Director of his Senate staff, replacing Michael Fred Lecomte for The Westfield Leader Torpley as Chief of Staff in the POST-SUPER BOWL RELAXATION...The staff of Robert Treat Delicatessen in Westfield takes a rest after the Super Governor’s office. Bowl extravaganza. Pictured, left to right, are: cashier Jack Kasich, counter person John Kasich, counterperson Orlando, Jim Harkness, a Trenton attorney kitchen worker Ricky Hey and manager Paul Errico. and former Chief Counsel to the Vincent Wilt Takes Over Zoning Bd. Chairmanship, Sees Panel Focusing On Expansions, Renovations By DEBORAH MADISON Mr. Wilt has 25 years of experi- neighborhoods,” Mr. Wilt remarked. sion, then the board should approve Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ence as both an attorney and a builder. He emphasized that the board’s role it. However, it is our job to take into Vince Wilt, a 17-year resident of Along with operating his own law is to balance the rights of property consideration how these changes Westfield, has been appointed as firm out of Hoboken, he also runs a owners with their neighbors’ rights, could affect the property values in Chairman of the Board of Adjust- building company, which develops and, in doing so, protecting the value the future, when those neighbors ment. Mr. Wilt has been a board properties. He intends to bring the of the entire community. move and new neighbors move in,” member for the past eight years, and knowledge and skills he has attained He explained that the board must Mr. Wilt pointed out. has served as Vice Chairman since from both his professions to his new take into consideration the future of As most of Westfield is already 1998. role. each neighborhood, when making developed, Mr. Wilt sees the board He will replace long-standing ex- He sees the board’s role as an decisions regarding individual prop- primarily focusing on expansions and Chairman Lawrence Mannino. Mr. agency for protecting the character erties. renovations in the future. The board Mannino was on the Board of Ad- and value of Westfield. Decisions on such matters as deck will also be involved in a continuing justment for 16 years and was Chair- “The board protects property val- and garage expansions, the height of re-assessment of zoning regulations, man for the last four years. ues by preserving the character of additions, even front porch additions, he said. could have deleterious effects on Even though the town’s Master neighboring properties, which Plan was revised only two years ago, homeowners don’t always recognize. the board is already beginning to see Town Working to Correct “Home owners frequently think certain variances frequently re- that because their neighbors don’t quested — an indication that the disapprove of a renovation or expan- Missed Recyclable Pickups CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 By PAUL J. PEYTON miscues. The Mayor said he is Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “confident” the program will run Deadline to File Petitions Mayor Gregory S. McDermott much smoother. He said the com- said yesterday, January 31, that the pany should be past the “learn- town is working closely with the ing curve” as it gets used to the For School Bd. Election town’s new recycling firm, Central town. Jersey Waste & Recycling, Inc. out If more homes are missed dur- of Trenton, to correct missed ing the next scheduled pickup, curbside pickups during the first tomorrow, Friday, February 2, Is Monday, February 26 month of the amended program. Mayor McDermott said the town By MELISSA BETKOWSKI has served on the board since 1992. Central Jersey was hired last will have to take action. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Kessler has served since 1997, year by the Town Council to re- “We will obviously have to The deadline to apply to be a can- being elected in that year to a three- place Advanced Recycling Tech- start taking some provisions for didate in the upcoming Westfield year term, and again in 2000 to a one- Cheri Rogowsky for The Westfield Leader nologies, Inc. (ARTS). their in efficiencies,” Mayor school board election is Monday, year unexpired term to fill out the MEN IN UNIFORM…Ivan Davila, Sergeant Recruiter of the United States Under the new contract, the McDermott added. February 26. term of resigned member Ginger Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Westfield, left, and Staff Sergeant Richard company has changed pickups to The Mayor said the town is The nine-member board annually J. Nezbeth of Elizabeth took their posts on East Broad Street in Westfield last CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 weekend. Fridays town-wide. Mayor also looking to add a few recy- holds elections for three opening McDermott said, due to the re- cling containers in the down- seats. This year, the members whose cent snow storms the company town that could be used for mer- terms are expiring are President missed a number of homes since chants to dispose of corrugated Darielle Walsh, Finance Chairman materials were snow-covered. paper. Michael J. Kessler and Long Range New Meter Rates Take Effect He said the company’s staff “If we can recycle that corru- Planning Chairwoman Eileen Satkin. have been “very responsive” to gated paper, they can save some These current members have not the town in trying to clear up money,” said Mayor McDermott. announced their intentions in regard Today in Town Parking Lots to the upcoming election. Mrs. Walsh By PAUL J. PEYTON The on-street electronic meters will letters to people on the permit wait- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader be re-calibrated in the next three or ing list in an effort to fill vacant Meter rates in five of the town’s four weeks as the town receives an spaces at the Watterson lot. The municipal parking lots have changed order for 100 new electronic devices. to the new 50 cents per hour effective town has been overselling lots to Town officials also announced ensure the bulk of spaces in permit today. The rates are solely for two- Tuesday night that the permit pro- hour meters. Long-term, eight- and cess for commuters should be com- lots are filled throughout the day. 12-hour meters, will remain at 25 pleted in the next few weeks. Mayor Gregory S. McDermott cents an hour. Roughly 200 of the 800 commuter said he will ask for regular updates On-street rates are expected to re- permit-holders have received 2001 on the progress the town is making main at a quarter an hour until the permits, according to Town Admin- for both implementation of the new town completes the change over from istrator Thomas P. Shannon. The re- meter and permit rates and other mechanical to electronic meters, mainder should be completed over parking enhancements in the down- Town Engineer Kenneth B. Marsh the next three weeks. town. The new rates, approved by told The Westfield Leader. Currently, Permit rates have been increased 142 electronic meters are in opera- the Town Council late last year, are to $540 a year, or $300 for six months, aimed at creating a sufficient rev- tion, with another 168 needed to at municipal lots 3 (South Avenue complete the turnover of all two- train station), 9 (Shell lot on North enue stream to enact a parking hour on-street meters.
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