1 THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ort ollins olorado COLLEGIAN olume No TA THE STUDENT VOICE OF COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1891 ASCSUT STOMPING THE YARD BMATTMINIC the increase in student fees to he Rocky Mountain ollegian be negligible and said it could be as little as 25 cents per year, Solidifying a revised con- though he could not give a tract with student govern- defi nite fi nal number. ment Wednesday, Fort Collins’ He said this raise should Transfort bus service will ex- be considered a deal, as the ex- tend service hours of two of its tended routes and the upgrades bus routes to 10:30 p.m. next required for students to use semester, and students will be their student IDs as bus passes able to use their RamCards as will cost Transfort an estimated an all-in-one bus pass. total of $140,000, he said. Additionally, a new bus Representatives from will be added to the “over- Transfort did not return the crowded” route 11. Collegian’s calls for comment Route 6 –– which cov- Wednesday afternoon and did ers Mulberry Street, Taft Hill not confi rm this estimate. Road and Horsetooth Road The contract, which has and terminates in the South been in negotiation stages be- Transit Center at Horsetooth tween ASCSU and Transfort and College Avenue –– will be for weeks, will be signed by one of the routes to see late- both entities within the next night runs. The other, route 3, two weeks, Smoot said. covers bus stops on Elizabeth “I’m lucky enough to have Street and Prospect Road as the honor of taking on this far west as Overland Trail. contract,” he said. MIEALUS LLEAN Route 11, which takes stu- Contracts between ASCSU Alex einweber takes his dog to the Stomp, omp and Wag e ent, an e ent to raise awareness o the harm u l e f ects o dents to bus stops along Plum and Transfort are renewed every secondhand smoke on dogs on Wednesday a ternoon o tside o Hartshorn Health Ser ice. See page or the u ll story. Street and to the Ram’s Village three years, he said, adding that apartments complexes on while students have “wanted Constitution Avenue, will see these changes for years,” this is the addition of a third bus to the fi rst time the modifi cations alleviate crowding. have been put into effect. The changes will raise the Though the contract Associated Students of CSU’s was scheduled to be signed transportation budget to Wednesday, it was pushed Sine u alert nears pandemic level $520,000, which is more than back to clarify some of the lan- $100,000 compared with its guage. Quinn Girrens, ASCSU current budget of $418,000, vice president, said the delay BLAURANNEERGAARD Obama mourned the fi rst U.S. death, a 91 confirmed cases in ten states, with said Taylor Smoot, president was not due to any confl icts he Associated Press Mexican toddler who had traveled with 51 in New York, 16 in Texas and 14 in of ASCSU. his family to Texas. Total American cases California. Two cases have been con- Smoot said he estimated SeeBUSon P WASHINGTON — The Geneva-based surged to nearly 100, and Obama said firmed in Kansas, Massachusetts and World Health Organization on Wednes- wider school closings might be neces- Michigan, while single cases have been day raised its alert level for the fast- sary. reported in Arizona, Indiana, Nevada spreading swine fl u to its next-to-highest In Mexico, where the fl u is believed and Ohio. notch, signaling a global pandemic could to have originated, offi cials said Wednes- State offi cials in Maine said labora- be imminent. day the disease is now confi rmed or sus- tory tests had confi rmed three cases in The move came after the virus spread pected in 159 deaths, and nearly 2,500 that state, although those had not yet to at least 10 U.S. states from coast to illnesses. been included in the CDC count. And the coast and swept deeper into Europe. There were no other deaths con- Pentagon said that a Marine in southern “It really is all of humanity that is un- fi rmed from the fl u. But health offi cials in California had tested positive for the dis- der threat during a pandemic,” said WHO the United States and around the world ease. Director General Margaret Chan. “We do braced for them. WHO has confi rmed human cases of not have all the answers right now but we Dr. Richard Besser, the acting chief swine fl u in Mexico, the United States, will get them.” of the Centers for Disease Control and Canada, Britain, Israel, New Zealand and BRANDONIWAMOTO LLEAN In the United States, President Barack Prevention, said in Atlanta there were Spain. T he AS S - T rans ort agreement will extend the ho rs o b s ro tes. St dents will also be able to se their am ards as b s passes. Senate passes $1.7 million budget ASCSU working to ll Senate positions BUSTNATOMTAS cabinet will work more closely with the senate,” proposal, president-elect absent he Rocky Mountain ollegian Hole said. While 33 students ran for seats, the 11 who BIMSOOURNER last week’s Senate meeting down time, Smoot said, and After last month’s elections, only 22 of the 37 lost in the game of political musical chairs had he Rocky Mountain ollegian when Gearhart planned to students will be able to use Senate seats in student government were fi lled, applied to the more competitive colleges with be available. He said Gear- their RamCards in the place and while there is currently under-representa- fewer seats, ASCSU Vice President-Elect Tim Hole Student Government hart wouldn’t have been of a bus pass. tion in several colleges, the president and vice said. The College of Liberal Arts had the most can- President Elect Dan Gear- able to do anything then but “The intention is to make president-elect are confi dent they can patch the didates apply, with 12 contenders competing for hart was absent Wednes- answer questions anyway. sure students get home safe- holes during summer and fall recruitment. the six available Senate seats. day night when Associated “He was there for the ly,” Smoot said. And amid drafting the future faces of the As- “The College of Liberal Arts was very com- Students of CSU Senate de- (Student Fee Review Board); The negotiations with sociated Students of CSU, who assume the sena- petitive, and we came out with very strong (sena- bated and passed his more He was there for the creation Transfort, which occur ev- torial role on May 6, current and former student tors),” Hole said. than $1.7 million budget of the budget,” Hole said. ery three years, took place in government leaders said institutional change is The College of Liberal Arts is one of four col- proposal. “Dan made (his) argument closed-door SFRB meetings inevitable. leges, including the Colleges of Business, Engi- Vice President-Elect Tim in the form of the budget.” for the fi rst time in student Although Hole said there wouldn’t be many neering and Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Hole said Gearhart was on a “I had it under control,” leaders’ memories, some- major changes, he emphasized there will be Sciences that have full representation. plane to Austria to compete he added. thing some lawyers say may small tweaks. However, 15 seats are empty in the following in a Red Bull paper airplane The over $1.7 million have broken Colorado open “There will be a rearranging of the cabinet; competition, and Hole ex- budget is funded entirely by meetings laws. people will report to different areas, and the SeeASCSUon P plained the budget, which student fees and fi nances The second highest fee passed unchanged 19-0-3, student programs across in the budget is the alloca- answering questions in campus. The highest fund- tion for the Rocky Mountain INTRA Gearhart’s stead. ed program next year is the Student Media Corporation, GRADUATESCOOL UNIVERSIT *4 total seats *6 total seats “You couldn’t pay me Transfort bus transportation which includes the Colle- COLLEGEO *1 senator position *4 senator positions system, which will receive gian, CTV, KCSU and Col- available COLLEGEO enough to not be here at ENGINEERING available this time (last year),” cur- $520,000 from ASCSU. lege Avenue. Although the *2 total seats LIBERALARTS *N o senator positions *6 total seats rent ASCSU President Taylor Smoot said that number, next year’s amount is cur- available *N o senator positions Smoot said about Gearhart’s an increase of over $100,000 rently estimated at $484,692, available absence. from last years $418,000 the actual number will vary COLLEGEOAPPLIED COLLEGEO Smoot said the budget Transfort allocation,AR ENTERTAINMENT should LIE SYLE depending on student en- UMANSCIENCES ol ssue hursday April NATURALRESOURCES proposal is a critical ses- be fi nalized in the next cou- rollment totals. ASCSU caps *6 total seats *5 senator position available *2 total seats sion because it determines ple weeks,SDAV bute the contractve that allocation at $500,000 *2 senator positions available signing,[ which was slated to regardless[ of enrollment. the course of the next year STr COLLEGEOAGSCIENCE and anyone in the Senate be signedBERIMERS Wednesday,know of her fi nancial had worries, let tional scale. HerOne popularity of is the hotly debated COLLEGEO he Rocky Mountain ollegian alone her real name. To them, she measured in page views (over *2 total seats is simply Danielle Ate the Sand- 160,000 each for her MySpace to be Alongsidepushed a few million back wich, a bespectacledto ac- goofball page issuesand YouTube channel),on the budget was the *1 senator position NATURALSCIENCE can suggest changes.
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