sincronizare durabilitate FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Investeşte în Modele culturale OAMENI EUROPENE Traduceri în limba română din literatura clasică idiş Autor: Marioara-Camelia N. CRĂCIUN Lucrare realizată în cadrul proiectului "Cultura română şi modele culturale europene - cercetare, sincronizare, durabilitate", cofinanţat din FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013, Contract nr. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/136077. Titlurile şi drepturile de proprietate intelectuală şi industrial ă asupra rezultatelor obţinute în cadrul stagiului de cercetare postdoctorală aparţinAcademiei Române. * * * Punctele de vedere exprimate în lucrare aparţin autorului şi nu angajează Comisia Europeană şi Academia Română, beneficiara proiectului. DTP, complexul editorial/ redacţional, traducerea şi corectura aparţin autorului. Descărcare gratuită pentru uz personal, în scopuri didactice sau ştiinţifice. Reproducerea publică, fie şi parţială şi pe orice suport, este posibilă numai cu acordul prealabil al Academiei Române. ISBN 978-973-167-303-5 CUPRINS Rezumat (în engleză)..............................................................................................4 Rezumat (în română) .............................................................................................6 Introducere. Locul culturii idiș în spaţiul românesc ............................................8 Cap. I. Traducerile din literatura clasică idiș. O perspectivă diacronică .......................17 I.1. Începuturi .......................................................................................................23 I.2. Perioada interbelică .......................................................................................29 I. 3. Holocaustul ...................................................................................................37 I.4. Perioada de Tranziţie .....................................................................................40 I.5. Regimul comunist ..........................................................................................43 I.5.a Dogmatismul stalinist (1948 - 1969) ..............................................43 I.5.b Liberalizarea şi deschiderea. Național-comunismul (1969-1989) ..52 I.6. După 1989 .....................................................................................................55 Cap. II. Studii de caz ...........................................................................................................67 II.1. Mendele Moiher Sforim ...............................................................................67 II. 2. Șalom Alehem .............................................................................................79 II. 3. I. L. Peretz .................................................................................................116 II. 4. Șalom Aș ...................................................................................................125 II. 5. Ițic Manger ................................................................................................137 II. 6. Eliezer Steinbarg .......................................................................................145 II. 7. Isaac Bashevis-Singer ................................................................................156 Concluzii ............................................................................................................166 ANEXA I. Bibliografia cronologică a traducerilor apărute în volum ...........................170 ANEXA II. Bibliografia de autor a traducerilor apărute în volum ...............................179 Bibliografie selectivă ..........................................................................................................189 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract (in English) ......................................................................................4 Abstract (in Romanian) .................................................................................6 Introduction. The role of Yiddish culture within Romanian milieu ..............8 Cap. I. Translations from Yiddish clasic literature. A diacronic perspective ……..17 I.1. First endeavours ………………………………………………………...23 I.2. The interwar period ……………………………………………………..29 I.3. Holocaust ………………………………………………………………..37 I.4. The Period of Transition ……………………………………………… 40 I.5. The Communist regime …………………………………………………43 I.5.a The Stalinist dogmatism (1948 - 1969) .....................................43 I.5.b Liberalization and cultural opening. National-communism … 52 I.6. After 1989………………………………………………………………. 55 Cap. II. Case Studies …………………………………………………………………...67 II.1. Mendele Moicher Sforim ……………………………………………….67 II. 2. Șalom Alehem ………………………………………………………….79 II. 3. I. L. Peretz …………………………………………………………….116 II. 4. Șalom Aș ……………………………………………………………...125 II. 5. Ițic Manger ……………………………………………………………137 II. 6. Eliezer Steinbarg ……………………………………………………...145 II. 7. Isaac Bashevis-Singer ………………………………………………...156 Conclusions ………………………………………………………………...166 ANNEX I. Chronological bibliography of translations (volumes) …………………170 ANNEX II. Bibliography by author of translations (volumes) ……………………. 179 Selective Bibliography …………………………………………………………………189 3 ABSTRACT The Jewish community in Eastern Europe represented, for centuries, a significant part of the Eastern European population, contributing to the regional development in terms of social, economic and political life. As a result, Yiddish culture and literature became an important contribution to the regional culture and, in time, it started to become familiar also to the non-Jewish population through necessary translations. Romania was an important center of Yiddish culture due to its traditional, non-acculturated Jewish population which supported a vibrant literary, journalistic and theatrical life which became of interest for the Gentile population as well. Translations from Yiddish into Romanian started to appear for the acculturated Jewish population, but also for the Gentiles very soon, only decades after the emergence of the first generation of “Founding Fathers” during the last decades of the 19th century; going through different historical and especially political eras, the process of translating Yiddish classics into Romanian experienced fluctuations in terms of authors, texts, publishers selected due to specific official policies on minorities’ cultures. The research basically analyzes how these political and social factors influenced the general image that the larger Romanian audience grasped about Yiddish culture across different historical epochs. The current study starts, first of all, with an extensive bibliography of translations from Yiddish classic literature into Romanian which includes all publications printed in Romanian starting from 1904, when the first volume appeared, until 2012, when the latest one was published. Organized chronologically, but also according to the authors translated, the bibliography represents the starting point of the analysis which details how the process evolved in time. The pre-1918 period included the first translations from Yiddish into Romanian, basically at the initiative of Zionist groups interested to promote significant values belonging to Jewish culture; the authors and works were diverse and selected based on ideological representativity (Șalom Alehem, Morris Rosenfeld, I. L. Peretz, etc.). During the interwar period the translation process intensified, with many actors involved (such as authors, publishers, translators, texts, etc.) picturing a dynamic 4 image for the field; the stars of the period were Șalom Alehem, Șalom Aș and Mendele Moiher Sforim as the classic authors entering the Yiddish literary canon. Holocaust, preceded by the anti-Jewish Legislation, signaled a moment of resistance through culture and some anthologies were published despite the interdictions and the persecution of the Jewish population. During the Communist regime, as the policies towards minorities changed and the political regime resorted to censorship and propaganda, the situation changed dramatically as only a few authors were promoted due to ideological stakes; Șalom Alehem and Eliezer Steinbarg became the stars of the moment, published in massive print-runs and introduced by heavily ideologized prefaces which distorted often the original message of the text. The political shift occurred in the mid-1960 brought into the picture the national-socialist ideology and an interest for local minorities’ cultures, thus changing once more the selection of authors and the official discourse; in this new context, the authors of interest were the ones which were produced by the Romanian Yiddish center, among whom Ițic Manger was the most reputed. The post-1989 years witnessed the end of an intellectual category which was instrumental in the process, namely the Yiddish language translators, and the new editorial approach to Yiddish literature as a world culture rather than a culture which was once part of the local landscape; the most visible author translated during these decades, Isaac Bashevis-Singer, was massively published and marketed as the “Nobel Prize Laureate” rather than the Yiddish author of great resonance for the general Jewish culture. To conclude, this project researched the origins and evolution of a cultural process of great importance for the Romanian culture during different historical periods and which was obviously influenced by various political regimes and official policies. Clearly determined
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