August 9, 2010 Force’s work against hydro-fracking, including its the Onondaga Land Rights Action, allowing the The Oneida Nation’s land claim is dismisssed by coalition-building to prevent this dangerous gas 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals dismissal of the case the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. The revived legal extraction method from being used in the state. to stand. The Onondaga called the decision “an- concept of laches was used to rule the Oneidas had other example of the shameful history of broken Historical Timeline of unduly delayed the filing of their claim. The ruling February 28, 2012 treaties, land thefts, forced removal and cultural allowed no remedy for historic wrongs. Onondaga Nation files appeal of their Land Rights genocide” and vowed to take their case to an in- Action at the National Press Club in Washington, ternational arena. September 22, 2010 D.C. They bring the wampum belt commissioned Onondaga Land Rights Action, is dismissed by by George Washington to commemorate the Treaty April 15, 2014 Onondaga-U.S. History U.S. District Court Judge Lawrence E. Kahn, citing of Canandaigua to remind the U.S. government and The Onondaga Nation files a petition before the a “readily identifiable disruptive nature” of the people of their treaty obligations. Other Haudeno- Inter-American Human Rights Commission of Onondaga claim. Suggesting he had no alterna- saunee Chiefs, Clanmothers and Faithkeepers join the Organization of American States seeking the Photo: Charlotte Logan tive: “Sherill, Cayuga and Oneida foreclose any the Onondaga leaders. just and fair remedy that the United States courts possibility that the Onondaga Nation’s action may failed to provide. The petition describes a variety of prevail, the Court is bound by these precedent October 19, 2012 human rights violations inflicted on the Onondaga to find the Nation’s claim equitably barred and The US 2nd Circuit Appeals Court dismisses the by the United States. subject to dismissal.” Onondaga Land Rights Action just one week after hearing oral arguments. The Court ignored October 25, 2010 evidence that the claim was not “disruptive” as The Tadodaho’ and Onondaga General Counsel Joe evidenced by the packed courtroom at the hearing. Graphics John Fadden, Heath address the Central New York community on the topic: “Onondaga Land Rights: Progress for Summer 2013 Mother Earth.” They proclaim that the struggle to As part of the Two Row Wampum Renewal Cam- heal the theft of the Nation’s lands will continue paign over 70 educational events are held across and that the Nation will continue working with its New York State and beyond. Hundreds of people neighbors to heal the land, waters, air and the his- participate in a paddle from Onondaga to New toric injustices inflicted on the Onondaga people. York City and the UN, thousands of people join in for events and hundreds of newspaper articles, November 19, 2010 radio and television interviews are published. The Jeanne Shenandoah and Joe Heath deliver a key- group is welcomed at the UN by Secretary-General note presentation to the National People’s Oil and Ban Ki-moon. Gas Summit, attended by about 400 people from ...909 extensive casualties, this imperialist attack without 1776 26 states. This presentation describes the Nation’s October 15, 2013 Earliest date established by non-Indian scholars for warning was not successful and Champlain was John Hancock, President of the Continental Con- and the Haundenosaunee Environmental Task The United States Supreme Court refuses to hear the founding of the Confederacy. The Peacemaker seriously wounded. gress, sends a wampum belt to the Haudenosaunee gathers representatives from the Five Nations to to “show good intentions” and “cultivate peace.” bury their weapons and agree to the Great Law of 1654 French send Jesuit Simon LeMoyne to Onondagas. Compiled by NOON with consultation Onondaga Nation historians and Robert W. Venables Peace forming the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. 1777 Despite intense pressures by both the British and 1452 1677 American colonists, the Haudenosaunee decide to Papal Bull (letter from Pope Nicholas V) bestows Treaty negotiations in Albany result in the first remain neutral during the Revolutionary War. As co- “special graces… to invade, search out, capture, known Silver Covenant Chain Treaty with New York, lonial combatants vie for the land, they continue to vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans Massachusetts, and Connecticut. encroach upon Native communities, implementing whatsoever.” This initiated the “Doctrine of Dis- the policy of divide and conquer. Through coercion, covery,” which served to justify the subjugation of 1694 some individuals break from the Confederacy. In indigenous people throughout the world, including The French attack the Onondaga. The French find part, Mohawks and Senecas ally with the British, Native Americans. abandoned villages, decide to burn the crops of as do Oneidas and Tuscaroras with the colonists. the Onondaga. 1493 1779 The Inter Caetera Bull issued by Pope Alexander VI 1713-1722 George Washington orders General Sullivan to elaborated on the earlier bull, further codifying and Tuscaroras are adopted into the Haudenosaunee destroy all of the Haudenosaunee and to burn their validating Christian conquest of non-Christians. Confederacy after being defeated in war by colonists crops and villages. This came to be known as the in North Carolina who sought to make slaves of Sullivan and Clinton Campaign. Colonial soldiers 1613 their people. burned Onondaga villages, killing at least 1. An Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) is a grassroots effort of Central New Yorkers. We support the Probable date of the first treaty between the Onondaga Chief recalled: “When they came to the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch, signified by 1744 Onondaga Town (of which I was one of the princi- sovereignty of the Onondaga Nation’s traditional government, their Land Rights Action and we collaborate During treaty negotiations in Lancaster, PA, with them on environmental protection and restoration. We join in the Onondaga Nation’s call for justice, the Two Row Wampum, the Guswenta. For the pal Chiefs) They put to death all the Women and Haudenosaunee, this formed the basis for all fu- Canasatego, an Onondaga chief, urges the English Children, excepting some of the young Women that reconciliation and healing. We believe that we, and the wider community, have a great deal to learn from the ture relations with European settlers. It establishes colonists to unite by following the example of the they carried away for the use of their Soldiers, and Onondagas about living more peacefully with one another and more harmoniously with the Earth. NOON is the idea of two separate but equal nations that will Haudenosaunee. were put to death in a more shameful and Scan- respect one another’s sovereignty. dalous manner; Yet these Rebels calls themselves a project of the Syracuse Peace Council. For more information, or to join in our efforts, contact: 1754 Christians.” General John Sullivan invaded other Benjamin Franklin’s “Albany Plan of Union” for a 1615 Haudenosaunee lands. These actions encouraged central government of the British colonies names NOON Samuel de Champlain and an army of hundreds many neutral Haudenosaunee to side with British its legislative branch “the Grand Council,” language 2013 East Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210 of Hurons (Wyandot) attack and lay siege to the forces in the War of Independence. Onondaga fortified town on the shores of Onondaga directly borrowed from the Haudenosaunee. (315) 472-5478 * [email protected] * www.peacecouncil.net/noon Lake, between Onondaga and Ley Creeks. Despite Franklin often met with Haudenosaunee leaders. continued inside ONONDAGA HISTORICAL TIMELINE 1783 passage between the U.S. and Canada and do not have 1890 Late 40’s 1980 hopefully temporary, setback for Native sovereignty. U.S. War of Independence ends with the colonists to pay a duty or toll. A second school is built on the Onondaga Nation (the Onondaga land is taken as the result of a dam project. Cayuga Nation files a claim for the return of 64,000 victory over England. first was built in 1850, but burned down). Students acres of land. June 28, 2005 1795 are taught in English-only classes. The Onondaga 1947-60 Second Circuit US Appeals Court overturns the Cayuga 1784 New York State “buys” rights to Onondaga Lake and language is prohibited. Children are sent to Board- The New York State Power Authority confiscates 550 1982 decision, nullifying an award of some $250 million Treaty of Fort Stanwix cedes Haudenosaunee land the land surrounding it. The state is in clear violation ing Schools in western New York and Pennsylvania. acres of Tuscarora land to build a hydroelectric dam The Ancient Indian Land Claims Settlement Act seeks to the Cayugas for loss of their land. The full court north of the Ohio River to the U.S. (Onondaga ter- of both the 1790 and 1793 Trade and Intercourse and reservoir. to resolve land claims by validating all prior land later chose not to review the divided decision of the ritory is not affected.) Six million acres of land are Acts. And like earlier treaties, these were negotiated 1898 transfers and allowing Indian nations to sue only for three judge panel. guaranteed to the Haudenosaunee. During treaty with factions of the nation who had no authority to New York State and its Museum engage in a carefully 1956-63 monetary damages. The bill dies in Congress. negotiations Haudenosaunee leaders were taken sell land. planned and executed pattern of taking as many Despite determined resistance by the Senecas, the August 2005 hostage. In a meeting to discuss ratification of the wampum belts and strings as they can from individual Kinzua Dam is built, flooding 9,000 acres of the Al- 1988 Onondaga Nation files amended Land Rights Action treaty in 1786, the treaty was rejected by the Six 1790-1822 Haudenosaunee citizens who do not have legany reservation, causing the relocation US Congress passes joint resolution (H.Con.Res.
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