CLASSIC LINE PISTOLS® OPERATOR’S MANUAL: HANDLING & SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS IN THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS FIREARM. DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL. THIS MANUAL SHOULD ALWAYS ACCOMPANY THIS FIREARM AND BE TRANSFERRED WITH IT UPON CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP, OR WHEN THE FIREARM IS PRESENTED TO ANOTHER PERSON. WARNINGS 1.0 SAFETY WARNINGS READ THIS ENTIRE MANUAL THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY PRIOR TO USING THIS FIREARM. The warnings in this operators manual are extremely important . By understanding the dangers inherent in the use of any fi rearm, and by taking the precauti ons described in this manual, you can experience a high level of safety in the use of your fi rearm. Failure to heed any of these warnings may result in serious injury or death to you or others, as well as severe damage to the fi rearm or other property. WARNINGS in this manual Identi fy a clear danger to the person performing that procedure. Warnings are identi fi ed by a red banner with the wordWARNING in white, bold, uppercase lett ers and a WARNING icon. Failure to comply with a WARNING can result in serious injury or death to you or a bystander. WARNING CAUTIONS in this manual identi fy a risk of damage to the fi rearm being maintained. CAUTIONS are identi fi ed by a black banner with the word CAUTION in white, bold uppercase lett ers. CAUTION NOTES in this manual identi fy essenti al informati on to the individual performing the procedure.NOTES are identi fi ed by a white banner with the wordNOTE in black, bold uppercase lett ers. NOTE 2 WARNINGS As a valued SIG SAUER customer, we encourage you to visit sigsauer.com. There you will fi nd links to product informati on and updates, merchandise promoti ons, and educati onal videos that will be of interest to you as an owner of SIG SAUER products. SIG SAUER fi rearms are designed to functi on reliably with proper care and knowledgeable use. You must understand the safe operati on and use of your SIG SAUER fi rearm. Read and follow these instructi ons carefully. Do not use the fi rearm unless you fully understand these instructi ons and the safe operati on of your fi rearm. Failure to heed any of these instructi ons may result in serious injury or death to you or others, as well as severe damage to the fi rearm or other property. Your fi rearm comes equipped with eff ecti ve, well-designed safety features. However, never rely completely on any safety mechanism. Safety mechanisms are designed to augment, not replace safe handling practi ces. Careless and improper handling of any fi rearm can result in an unintenti onal discharge. Only your safe fi rearm handling habits will ensure the safe use of your fi rearm. Like all mechanical devices, the safety mechanisms are subject to breakage or malfuncti on and can be negati vely aff ected by wear, abuse, dirt, corrosion, incorrect assembly, improper adjustment or repair, or lack of maintenance. Moreover, there is no such thing as a safety mechanism that is “childproof” or that can completely prevent accidental discharge from improper usage, carelessness, “horseplay”, or abusive handling. The best safety is proper and applied training in safe fi rearm handling. Always handle your fi rearm as though you expect the safeti es not to work. SAFETY WARNINGS 3 WARNINGS 1.0 SAFETY WARNINGS (CONTINUED) Do not load a round into the chamber unti l you are ready to use the pistol. If your fi rearm is equipped with a manual safety, keep the safety ON unti l you are ready to fi re. Always move the safety to its intended positi on and visually check it. The safety is not ON unless it is completely ON. ABUSIVE HANDLING SIG SAUER fi rearms incorporate eff ecti ve mechanical safeti es. However, like any mechanical device, exposure to abusive conditi ons may have a negati ve eff ect on these safety mechanisms and cause them to fail to work as designed. Do not subject your SIG SAUER fi rearm to any type of abusive handling. This includes the fi rearm being dropped, impact to the fi rearm, or the fi rearm being struck by another object. Make sure you always maintain control of your fi rearm at all ti mes. If your fi rearm does suff er an abusive event such as previously described, do not att empt to use the fi rearm. Keep the fi rearm pointed in a safe directi on, unload and clear the fi rearm of all ammuniti on immediately, and have it inspected by a certi fi ed SIG SAUER armorer or gunsmith prior to using the fi rearm. A safe directi on is defi ned as an area in which, if the fi rearm were to discharge, no property damage would occur and no personal injury would result. As previously noted, if your SIG SAUER fi rearm does suff er an abusive event, unload it immediately and have it inspected by a certi fi ed SIG SAUER Armorer or gunsmith prior to using the fi rearm. If your fi rearm suff ers an abusive event during a life-threatening/self-defense situati on, you must apply immediate acti on by; 1.Pulling the slide completely rearward to eject the chambered cartridge. 2.Releasing the slide to chamber a new cartridge and reseti ng the trigger mechanism. (Do not ride the slide forward) 3.The fi rearm is now returned to proper operati onal conditi on. 4 WARNINGS Intenti onal or repeti ti ve abusive handling of any SIG SAUER fi rearm will void the manufacturer’s warranty and could render the fi rearm unsafe. WARNING SAFETY THE MANUAL SAFETY MUST BE ENGAGED ON SAO MODEL PISTOLS WHEN THE PISTOL IS LOADED AND A LIVE CARTRIDGE IS CHAMBERED. REPLACEMENT PARTS Do not att empt to disassemble your SIG SAUER fi rearm beyond the point explained in this manual. Disassembly beyond the instructi ons in this manual is restricted to a certi fi ed SIG SAUER armorer or professional gunsmith. Failure to comply with these restricti ons will void your warranty. Warnings and instructi ons about the use of some SIG SAUER replacement parts, assemblies, and accessories may be described in literature accompanying the specifi c products. Read and carefully follow those instructi ons. Such warnings and instructi ons are provided to assure the safe functi oning of the fi rearm. Failure to heed them may result in improper functi oning, damage to the fi rearm, and serious injury or death. ALTERATIONS This SIG SAUER fi rearm was designed to functi on properly in its original conditi on. Unauthorized alterati ons can make it unsafe. Do not alter any part or add or substi tute any parts or accessories not manufactured by SIG SAUER for this pistol. The additi on of any parts or accessories beyond the user level of maintenance described in this manual are not authorized. 5 WARNINGS 1.0 SAFETY WARNINGS (CONTINUED) ACCESSORIES It is your responsibility to ensure that all accessories, such as holsters and fi rearm-mounted lights, are compati ble with this fi rearm and that the accessories do not interfere with the safe operati on and handling of the fi rearm. If you are lawfully carrying the fi rearm concealed, you must ensure that the holster you choose is made for your parti cular fi rearm and designed for the type of carry in which you intend to engage. TRANSPORTING When transporting your firearm, be sure the firearm is unloaded and cleared of all ammunition. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the laws of any state you will be traveling through with your firearm. STORAGE The only safe way to store your fi rearm is unloaded, cleared of all ammuniti on, and secure. Safe and secure storage is one of your most important responsibiliti es. Store your unloaded fi rearm separate from your ammuniti on and in places inaccessible to children or unauthorized persons. CHAMBER SAFETY FLAG Every SIG SAUER firearm is shipped with a chamber safety flag. The chamber safety flag prevents the chambering of a round when installed and provides a readily visible indication that the firearm’s chamber is empty. The chamber safety flag is to be installed in the firearm’s chamber at all times when the firearm is not in use. Many public ranges require chamber safety flags be installed when the firing line is cold. 6 WARNINGS LIABILITY PISTOLS are classifi ed as FIREARMS and are sold by SIG SAUER with the specifi c understanding that we shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for malfuncti oning of the fi rearm, physical injury, or property damage resulti ng in whole or in part from: • Criminal or negligent discharge • Improper, careless, or abusive handling • Unauthorized modifi cati ons or parts replacement • Defecti ve, improper, hand-loaded, or reloaded ammuniti on • Corrosion • Neglect • Other infl uences beyond our direct and immediate control This limitati on applies regardless of whether liability is asserted on the basis of contract, negligence, or strict liability (including any failure to warn). Under no circumstance shall SIG SAUER, Inc. be liable for incidental or consequenti al damages, such as loss of use of property, commercial loss, and loss of earnings or profi ts. 7 WARNINGS 1.0 SAFETY WARNINGS (CONTINUED) BASIC RULES OF SAFE FIREARMS HANDLING 1 . ALWAYS treat every fi rearm as if it were loaded. 2 . ALWAYS be sure that the barrel is clear of any obstructi on.
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