February 2021 THE GREEN LAKE YACHT CLUB FOUNDED 1894 P. O. Box 684 GREEN LAKE, WISCONSIN 54941-0684 Dear Members, Happy New Year aNd we hope you are all safe, happy, aNd healthy. As the seasoNs turN aNd the days start gettiNg loNger, my thoughts turN toward summer. I thiNk that oNe of the most difficult thiNgs about NavigatiNg the pandemic has beeN fiNdiNg thiNgs to look forward to. By far, the best part of my year was beiNg out oN lake with you all. With travel plaNs, celebratioNs and eveNts of all kiNds postponed indefinitely, I take comfort in knowing that summer will Not be caNceled. The thiNg I most look forward to is gettiNg back out oN the water. This is your iNvitatioN to joiN me aNd to support the activities that briNg us all together. I’m FraNk Pollock and 2020 was my first year as your Commodore. I’ve beeN assured that this circumstaNce aNd all of the other eveNts of last year were purely coiNcideNtal, however if aNyoNe Notices a plague of frogs, let me kNow so I can resigN. Last summer was full of highs aNd lows. While maNy of our shoreside eveNts had to be tabled for obvious reasons, participation on the water was excellent. The weather cooperated aNd all of the fleets got a toN of raciNg iN. Some highlights: - The SNipes completed 33 races, losiNg only one weekeNd to weather aNd one to impeNetrable duckweed. Joe NortoN reclaimed the top spot with excelleNt crew work from Avery Nigbor. - The Thursday casual fleet had over 10 boats out almost every week and by the end of the summer, we were diggiNg boats out of garages aNd barNs all over towN. A champioNship race series was coNducted aNd woN Narrowly by Peter VaNdervelde over ByroN Hill. - HaNdicap raciNg was spectacular all summer loNg. Races were woN by a wiNdsurfer aNd by the GersteiN family’s Nana, which featured both a New spiNNaker aNd the best wiNe & cheese spread iN the fleet . - JuNior raciNg was reiNtroduced as a cooperative effort with the GreeN Lake SailiNg School thaNks to excelleNt work by Michael Hawkes aNd support from GretcheN FeeNey, Peter VaNdervelde and a great group of pareNts. The juNior racers were fearless through some wiNdy days and everyoNe learNed a lot. - The SeNior Girls fleet had a really fuN summer aNd tight raciNg. My wife GiNNy joiNed the fleet iN a classic boat built by Ken Kinas and may have set new records for both first year wins and penalty turns. - First-year skipper Emma Moore and her crew Bob emerged as a force iN the SNipe fleet. By mid-seasoN they were easily the fastest boat goiNg dowNwiNd aNd begaN pickiNg off races. If they put it all together this seasoN, the fleet will be iN for a major shakeup. - The I20s had a rebuildiNg year, both figuratively aNd literally. The Drew VaNdervelde school of raciNg was oN full display: wiN, capsize, or break the boat trying. They might have completed more races if their amateur race committee (me) hadN’t set a course to rival the VeNdee Globe. The questioN that has domiNated our board meetiNgs over the fall aNd wiNter has beeN how to approach a summer that can oNly be defiNed by its uNcertaiNty. Last year we planned an excelleNt slate of eveNts and we had to coNtiNually cancel as it became clear that COVID was a loNg-term problem. This summer, there are reasoNs for optimism, but we feel that the pragmatic approach is to plaN coNservatively aNd only plaN for activities that caN be successful eveN if the health/safety dyNamic is relatively uNchaNged. As such, our eveNts will be casual, flexible, and outdoor orieNted. While the club Navigated 2020 successfully from a fiNaNcial perspective, with virtually No chaNge to our cash positioN, we aNticipate the effects of the crisis may hit harder iN 2021. While we will speNd less oN social events, we also aNticipate takiNg less iN. It’s beeN a difficult year to be a local busiNess aNd we know our local advertisers aNd commuNity supporters may struggle to maiNtaiN their coNtributioNs. As such, the Club’s rates for dues aNd fees are uNchaNged from 2020 to 2021 and are as follows: - JuNior Membership – Free o Age 8 to 15; No votiNg rights. - SeNior Membership – $65 o Age 16 aNd older; iNcludes votiNg rights. - RaciNg Fee – $120 o Required for skippers iN the SNipe aNd Scow fleets, iNcludiNg juNior skippers (uNder 16 years). o The RaciNg Fee is not required for participatioN in the following: § As crew iN oNe of the primary fleets. § As skipper or crew iN casual weekNight sailiNg, haNdicap raciNg, or Lasers § In the JuNior RaciNg program § In the SeNior Girls series o One raciNg fee covers the registered skipper iN all fleets As always, we encourage spouses, family, frieNds and Neighbors to joiN the Club. As a chartered WiscoNsiN “social club” we caNNot advertise, so our membership aNd activities are sustaiNed by current members briNgiNg iN like-miNded caNdidates from their persoNal Networks FiNally, if you caN, please coNsider makiNg a coNtributioN to the Club in additioN to your membership dues. We have iNcluded specific programs that you caN coNtribute to oN the membership form this year. As with last summer, if the crisis has caused aNy of our members to eNdure hardships, fiNaNcial or otherwise, that make the decision to joiN or to race aNything other thaN easy, please get in touch aNd we’ll fiNd a way to make it work. While the fuNctioNs of a yacht club certaiNly doN’t meet the criteria for “esseNtial” services, what we did last summer felt essential to me. It was the oNe thiNg that felt normal and could be looked forward to every week. Our goal for 2021 is to agaiN be that lodestoNe for as many people as possible. We will have extra boats, we have people who love to teach, aNd we have the best lake iN WiscoNsiN. SiNcerely, Michael Hawkes, Vice Commodore JohN MasoN – Past Commodore Richard GersteiN – Treasurer Rich Netzel – Secretary FraNk Pollock, LyNNe JohNson Commodore Bob Cody GREEN LAKE YACHT CLUB FOUNDED 1894 P. O. Box 684 GREEN LAKE, WISCONSIN 54941 2021 Membership Form Member Name: ________________________________ Spouse/PartNer:________________________________ The Names of your childreN uNder age 21: __________________________________________________________ Mailing address: Green Lake street address, if different Addr. LiNe 1: __________________________________ Addr. LiNe 1: __________________________________ Addr. LiNe 2: __________________________________ Addr. LiNe 2: __________________________________ City, State & Zip: _______________________________ City, State & Zip: _______________________________ LaNd liNe telephoNe #: __________________________ Mobile telephoNe #: ____________________________ Primary email address: __________________________ Other email address: ___________________________ I prefer that you commuNicate with me by: ___ email ___ postal mail (select one) Please select email to help us reduce mailing expenses and improve timeliness of communications. Please iNclude my [mailing address ___] [local street address ___] in the printed directory. (select one) *********************************************************************************** MerchaNdise Order Form QuaNtity Subtotal Club Hat w/ Embroidered Burgee ($20 ea.) _____________ ____________ Large Burgee ($60 ea.) _____________ ____________ Small Burgee ($40 ea.) _____________ ____________ Boat BlaNket w/ PriNted Burgee ($50 ea.) _____________ ____________ Total _____________ ____________ *********************************************************************************** Dues, Racing Fees & Donations Member Dues ................................................................................................................. _______ $65.00 per voting member (16 years old or older as of May 15). Spouses can join too! Racing Fee ...................................................................................................................... _______ Snipes and scows only, $120.00 per skipper, any age. Additional Donation: ...................................................................................................... _______ Please apply my donation to: o Race Committee/Adult RaciNg Program o JuNior RaciNg o InterNship o Area of Greatest Need Total for dues, racing fees and donation:........................................................................ _______ If you plaN to race, please tell us which class or classes: ______________________________________________ To be scored iN aNy official race, skippers must have first paid their raciNg fees. While JuNior, Opti, Pram, Laser and social racers are not required to pay raciNg fees, your doNatioNs are eNcouraged to sustaiN our raciNg programs. To be iNcluded iN the Club’s directory, please return this form aNd payment before March 15th to: Green Lake Yacht Club, PO Box 684, Green Lake, WI 54941-0684 ElectroNic paymeNt optioNs are available on our website, greeNlakeyachtclub.org. The GreeN Lake Yacht Club is orgaNized as aN IRC 501(c)(7) social club. DoNatioNs to the Club are NOT tax deductible. To returN your form electroNically, or for aNy questioNs or commeNts, please coNtact Commodore FraNk Pollock at [email protected] or call 203-619-4918. .
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