![1944-07-27, [P PAGE SEVEN]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE CARBON COUNTY NEWS, RED LODGE, MONTANA PAGE SEVEN m cr/i* » r oflu ■- Proposed National Agricultural Museum Would '/A y9 WlMD Tell Story of the Men Who Have Contributed l/A o/tizw pearson GMmAND TO MAKE » 3 ^/?/CE ^ % 4 ■ A A MXS So Much to Greatness of America.- Her Farmers \X/rHEN golf contributed $42,600 m Washington, D. C. : * ’ to the Red Cross from its t SNARL OVER RECONVERSION v > ■ Wykagyl, N. Y., show which Byron One of the worst legislative snarls By ELMO SCOTT WATSON ■■■■ Nelson won in a gallop, the ancient 111 awaiting the senate when it returns, Released by Western Newspaper Union. r'l game kicked in with its full share. is reconversion. It has hardly got OME day the United States Tennis did the same thing at For­ started on the tremendous task of ;:;i; •• •iN est Hills, when ghosts of the past ' • 0»'^^XT^ *A\\. putting America back to work at S may have a national mu­ '*’*L A.-* -.î'S'ï’i’i’Ji * { haunted the famous turf of the ten­ - ,i' j, S< » I*»» « peacetime production. seum, the purpose of which H M nis capital. !i':( c-Xl Difficulty began last February will be to tell the story of : I By ghosts of the past I am re­ iR-IH with publication of the widely publi­ '/y those Americans who, since ferring in the main to Big Bill (•‘"•(ÎJj. y ■ cized Baruch - Hancock report. this nation was founded, have Tilden, the greatest h; * \ Though this at first was hailed as a contributed so much to its | : tennis player of all .cT ■ blueprint for peacetime conversion, M'?m prosperity and to its standing I f- f. time and don’t a many senators now admit it is woe­ (y «r .4 ||if IpT , let people tell you 0!%Sl4 -• I fully inadequate, provides excellent as the greatest nation on 4 anything different. protection for capital and profits, earth. Those Americans are WÊ JT ,w •riB •J Bill Tilden must •M Q but little protection against unem­ our farmers. jmiii take his place as gi.- vWkï ployment. When that museum is built HHlyiiiilOTlS one of the most re- ( s' I Only comprehensive plan so far and put into operation, it will ta,?.*** * -4. I for real unemployment prevention not be a place of static ex­ :■ i markable stars of during the reconversion period is them all, no matter hibits, a storehouse of ancient  what the game. ll contained in the bill written by Sen. i m* Mi'­ Harley Kilgore of West Virginia. relics in glass cases with writ­ MS When Big Bill i ta w « \s 0 Kilgore had hoped to see his bill ten or printed labels to ex­ first came along 'jl p-'V sent to the progressive committee plain their meaning. Instead, Bill Tilden Babe Ruth was a ■ > on education and labor, headed by it will be a “living museum pitcher not a ■•C. L . *>. ! a scholarly Sen. Elbert Thomas of which presents graphically x. home-run hitter. Jack Dempsey was ii at least two years away from his Utah. But Assistant President Jim­ not only the history of agri­ n y it my Byrnes, Bernie Baruch, and Wall Willard knockout. Ty Cobb was culture’s past but also the ■'V; Street’s John Hancock, aided by still in his prime. Rogers Hornsby sY>C// V.—? story of its present and its it hadn’t started his star career. No 5735 army-navy big business elements, promise for the future. pulled the wires and switched the TRIBUTE TO THE FOUNDER OF MODERN AMERICAN AGRI- one had ever heard of Man o’ War. bill into the military affairs com­ The establishment of such a CULTURE”—Members of the National Agricultural Jefferson Bicente­ Red Grange was still years away. 5737 mittee. There it comes under re­ museum was forecast recent­ nary committee meeting in the rotunda of the University of Virginia. Bobby Jones was only 15 years old. T\) actionary, egotistic Chairman Rob­ ly when the National Agricul­ In the background is a statue of Thomas Jefferson, founder of the uni­ At that time lean and lanky Bill ert R. Reynolds of North Carolina. tural Jefferson Bicentenary versity. Seated directly behind the speaker at the microphone is Herbert Tilden was just getting under full i The Kilgore bill is an all-embrac­ committee made a pilgrim­ A. Kellar, director of the McCormick Historical association, who out­ steam. He wasn’t quite at the top, U. ing measure designed to insure full age to Charlottesville, Va., lined the plans for a national agricultural museum. but he was heading in that general production and full employment aft­ direction. To obtain complete applique pattern and there to visit the University places. The relation of agriculture j where the Dalrymples were located cutting pattern for sun-suit, dress and boa- er the war, all within the framework of Virginia and Monticello of private enterprise. Surplus prop­ to geology, geography, climate and and have information about them, net for the Cherry Sun Suit (Pattern No, The Top of Them All 5737) send 16 cents in coin, your nam*, erty disposal plans are included; and pay tribute to the man soils, entomology, biology, chemis- The lumber camps of the same pe- At various times in the last 10 or address and the pattern number. also employment training, coordi­ whom Claude R. Wickard, try and engineering also merit riod in Michigan and Wisconsin no adequate attention. longer exist, yet we have volu- 15 years. I’ve asked any number of Due to an unusually large demand and nation among government agencies secretary of agriculture and current war conditions, slightly more Um« The National Agricultural mu- j minous records of particular com- famous tennis players to pick the and—most objectionable to the re­ chairman of the committee, “Pineapple” Doily is required in filling orders for a few of th< seum should serve as the headquar- panics and a few tracts of virgin all-time top. In this list I can give actionaries—emergency federal un­ characterized as the “Found­ j IT’S a beauty—all the collectors most popular pattern numbers. ters of important national farm or- timber are still standing. It would you such names as Vinnie Rich­ employment insurance. ards, Frank Hunter, George |I -*- of “pineapple” designs will Send your order to: er of Modern American Agri­ ganizations and provide appropriate still be possible to acquire wheat Lehman Brothers’ John Hancock, want to add it to their collections! culture”—Thomas Jefferson. quarters for this purpose. This land and timber, and to reestablish Church—on and on. who opposes this, has even stated The vote was solid for Big Bill, Seven beautifully designed motifs SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK Another speaker on this occa­ and operate a bonanza wheat farm flatly that he thinks a little unem­ would add prestige to the institution. the lean, lanky, galloping, hard-hit- are separated by small flower 530 South Wells St. Chicago. sion—and the man who made or an old-time lumber camp. ployment after the war will be a An essential feature of the mu­ ting star with the best of all tennis clusters. Doily measures about 11 Enclose 15 cents (plus one cent to good thing—to depress wage levels. the proposal for a national seum would be to establish close There are a number of well- brains I inches and will make a lovely cen- cover cost of mailing) for Pattern A deal was made by its enemies agricultural museum — was relations with educational instita- known tobacco, cotton, rice and Tilden combined power and speed |terpiece. Make it as a gift, No. to place the Kilgore bill under Mon­ Herbert A. Kellar, director of tions and organizations. On its part sugar cane plantations in the South, with the finest type of court general­ Name. tana’s Senator Murray, who has the McCormick Historical as­ the museum should offer general and cattle ranches, dairies and stock To obtain complete crocheting instruc- been pressured by Senator George, sociation in Chicago. Speak­ and special courses in the form of farms in the Middle West and West ship. There were times, even tions for the Pineapple and Flower Cluster Address. Hancock and Baruch to kill it. lectures, seminars and laboratory where original ownership of land through a championship final, when Doily (Pattern No. 5735) send 15 cents in ing on the subject of “Living he was still practicing strokes. No coin, plus 1 cent postage, your name, ad- Meanwhile, the unhappy Murray has 11 research pertaining to various has passed and original agricultural Agricultural Museums, he one ever knew in his prime just ' dress and the pattern number. been receiving brickbats on the oth­ phases of the history of agricul- activities are now changed. Some of er side from labor because of his said in part: ture and of technology in this and these could be acquired and reestab- how good he was. Let us consider for a moment stalling. Here’s an example. Years ago Gay Little Sun Suit what should be the character of a i other countries. These courses fished to operate as formerly. Adequate plans for reconversion against one of the Kinsey brothers, A BRIEF sun-suit or tiny dress National Agricultural museum, j(. j should be open to the public, and In other instances the ownership Tilden had won the first set of a is made twice as gay by should have been completed before should probably be located in Wash- ; fiuafifietf students should be per­ has changed, but the original land- the congressional recess.
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