AN ESSENTIAL COFFEE & HOT BEVERAGE PRESENTATION GUIDE *See inside for example percentage sales from the Gentlemen Baristas % If the boom in specialty coffee tells us anything, it’s that customers are demanding a better-quality cup of coffee wherever they’re purchasing it. Never has the coffee-loving consumer been more interested in the origin of the green beans that go in to their beloved espresso or which cows supplied the expertly steamed, lightly textured milk that makes up their flat white. There is now a huge emphasis on the training of baristas, the upkeep of the coffee equipment and the crockery / glassware in which tea, coffee and chocolate is served. Serving good coffee in well-chosen crockery from an easy to decipher menu is a no brainer. The margins are good and if you’re able to convince a jolly decent chap / chappette that you are the go-to shop, they’ll come back again and again giving you regular cash in the till / contactless payments. Throughout this document, we’ll try and guide you through the difficult decisions of which hot drinks to serve and in exactly which cups regardless of whether you are a new business or have been trading for several years. When Espresso bars popped up in London through the 1950’s, coffee in the UK changed forever. An intense flavour with characteristics dependent on the origin and roast of the coffee, Espresso is a short drink usually served in a 3 - 4oz cup / glass. Italian in origin, it is the base to most drinks on the menu. 2 Porcelain Italian Style Cup 318109 | 9cl / 3oz | £2.38 / €2.86 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (9cl / 3oz) 312109 | White | £1.58 / €1.90 312109R | Red | £2.04 / €2.45 312109BK | Black | £2.04 / €2.45 312109G | Grey | £2.04 / €2.45 312109BL | Blue | £2.04 / €2.45 WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green 312109GR | Green | £2.04 / €2.45 Porcelain Saucers (12cm dia) 182112 | White | £1.22 / €1.46 182112R | Red | £2.04 / €2.45 182112BK | Black | £2.04 / €2.45 182112G | Grey | £2.04 / €2.45 182112BL | Blue | £2.04 / €2.45 182112GR | Green | £2.04 / €2.45 Double Walled Coffee Glass DWG100 | 10cl / 3.5oz | £5.42 / €6.50 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Quite simply put, Macchiato translates as a Coffee ‘stained’ with milk. Espresso with a dollop of thickly textured milk, served in a 3 - 4oz cup / glass. 4 Porcelain Italian Style Cup 318109 | 9cl / 3oz | £2.38 / €2.86 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (9cl / 3oz) 312109 | White | £1.58 / €1.90 312109R | Red | £2.04 / €2.45 312109BK | Black | £2.04 / €2.45 312109G | Grey | £2.04 / €2.45 312109BL | Blue | £2.04 / €2.45 312109GR | Green | £2.04 / €2.45 WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green Porcelain Saucers (12cm dia) 182112 | White | £1.22 / €1.46 182112R | Red | £2.04 / €2.45 182112BK | Black | £2.04 / €2.45 182112G | Grey | £2.04 / €2.45 182112BL | Blue | £2.04 / €2.45 182112GR | Green | £2.04 / €2.45 Double Walled Coffee Glass DWG100 | 10cl / 3.5oz | £5.42 / €6.50 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Spanish in origin, the Cortado coffee is similar in texture to a flat white, but smaller in volume. Consists of a double espresso with thinly textured milk served in a 4 - 5oz glass 6 Porcelain Tulip Cup & Saucer 320609 | 9cl / 3oz | £1.68 / €2.02 182112 | 12cm dia | £1.22 / €1.46 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Vakhos Tumbler 54110 |13.5cl/4.75oz| £0.74 / €0.89 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 12) Porcelain Saucers (12cm dia) 182112 | White | £1.22 / €1.46 182112R | Red | £2.04 / €2.45 182112BK | Black | £2.04 / €2.45 182112G | Grey | £2.04 / €2.45 182112BL | Blue | £2.04 / €2.45 182112GR | Green | £2.04 / €2.45 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green Antipodean in its origin, this coffee (as the name suggests) doesn’t contain any milk. Double espresso poured over 4 - 5oz of hot water. Very popular in Specialty coffee establishments as an alternative to the Americano which usually contains more water. 8 Vakhos Tumbler 54110 |13.5cl/4.75oz| £0.74 / €0.89 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 12) Porcelain Tulip Cup & Saucer 320618 | 18cl / 6.25oz | £2.26 / €2.71 182113 | 13.5cm dia | £1.30 / €1.56 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (17.5cl / 6oz) 322118 | White | £1.98 / €2.38 322118R | Red | £2.48 / €2.98 322118BK | Black | £2.48 / €2.98 322118G | Grey | £2.48 / €2.98 322118BL | Blue | £2.48 / €2.98 322118GR | Green | £2.48 / €2.98 WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Porcelain Saucers (13.5cm dia) 182113 | White | £1.30 / €1.56 182113R | Red | £2.18 / €2.62 182113BK | Black | £2.18 / €2.62 182113G | Grey | £2.18 / €2.62 182113BL | Blue | £2.18 / €2.62 182113GR | Green | £2.18 / €2.62 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) 27% of Sales at GB* Along with the Espresso, this drink changed the game for good when it hit UK shores in the early 2000s, spawning numerous specialty coffee shops all looking to serve the best one. Typically served in a 6oz cup / glass, it is made up of a double espresso and thinly textured milk. 10 Porcelain Tulip Cup & Saucer 320618 | 18cl / 6.25oz | £2.26 / €2.71 182113 | 13.5cm dia | £1.30 / €1.56 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (17.5cl / 6oz) 322118 | White | £1.98 / €2.38 322118R | Red | £2.48 / €2.98 322118BK | Black | £2.48 / €2.98 322118G | Grey | £2.48 / €2.98 322118BL | Blue | £2.48 / €2.98 322118GR | Green | £2.48 / €2.98 WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green Porcelain Saucers (13.5cm dia) 182113 | White | £1.30 / €1.56 182113R | Red | £2.18 / €2.62 182113BK | Black | £2.18 / €2.62 182113G | Grey | £2.18 / €2.62 182113BL | Blue | £2.18 / €2.62 182113GR | Green | £2.18 / €2.62 Double Walled Coffee Glass DWG250 | 25cl / 8.75oz | £6.34 / €7.61 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) 22% of Sales at GB* Like a big, warm hug! Not as strong as other coffees, the Latte can be served in several sizes and varies between glass and cup, making it among the more flexible of mainstream coffees. Milk texture is usually slightly thicker than a Flat White, but with less of a coffee kick. 12 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (25cl / 8.75oz) 322125 | White | £2.24 / €2.69 322125R | Red | £2.86 / €3.43 322125BK | Black | £2.86 / €3.43 322125G | Grey | £2.86 / €3.43 322125BL | Blue | £2.86 / €3.43 322125GR | Green | £2.86 / €3.43 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (34cl / 12oz) 322134 | White | £2.72 / €3.26 322134R | Red | £3.90 / €4.68 322134BK | Black | £3.90 / €4.68 322134G | Grey | £3.90 / €4.68 322134BL | Blue | £3.90 / €4.68 322134GR | Green | £3.90 / €4.68 Porcelain Saucers (16cm dia) 182115 | White | £1.46 / €1.75 182115R | Red | £2.48 / €2.98 182115BK | Black | £2.48 / €2.98 182115G | Grey | £2.48 / €2.98 182115BL | Blue | £2.48 / €2.98 182115GR | Green | £2.48 / €2.98 WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Porcelain Italian Style Cup 328128 | 28cl / 10oz | £4.12 / €4.94 Porcelain Saucer 182114 | 14.5cm dia | £1.44 / €1.73 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Stoneware Bowl Shaped Cups (30cl / 10.5oz) CUP-WH30| White | £4.88 / €5.86 CUP-R30 | Red | £4.88 / €5.86 CUP-BR30 | Brown | £4.88 / €5.86 CUP-BL30 | Blue | £4.88 / €5.86 CUP-AN30 | Antigo | £4.88 / €5.86 White Red BrownBlue Antigo Stoneware Saucers (15cm dia) SCR-WH15 | White | £3.86 / €4.63 SCR-R15 | Red | £3.86 / €4.63 SCR-BR15 | Brown | £3.86 / €4.63 SCR-BL15 | Blue | £3.86 / €4.63 SCR-AN15 | Antigo | £3.86 / €4.63 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 12) 14 Stoneware Mugs (32cl / 11.25oz) MUG-WH32 | White | £4.50 / €5.40 MUG-R32 | Red | £4.50 / €5.40 MUG-BR32 | Brown | £4.50 / €5.40 MUG-BL32 | Blue | £4.50 / €5.40 MUG-AN32 | Antigo | £4.50 / €5.40 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 12) White Red BrownBlue Antigo Porcelain Latte Mugs (34cl / 12oz) 322135 | White | £3.00 / €3.60 322135R | Red | £4.00 / €4.80 322135BK | Black | £4.00 / €4.80 322135G | Grey | £4.00 / €4.80 322135BL | Blue | £4.00 / €4.80 322135GR | Green | £4.00 / €4.80 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green Latté Glass LG-09 | 26cl / 9oz | £2.92 / €3.50 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 12) Geo Tall Coffee Glass CG-12 | 33cl / 11.1oz | £3.08 / €3.70 (Priced individually, sold in packs of 12) LG-09 CG-12 18% of Sales at GB* Italians drink it for breakfast, but most certainly never after 11am! In the UK, we drink them all day long. A true Italian Cappuccino would be served in a similar size to the Flat White, but as with the Latte, in the UK the size varies between small, medium and large. Milk is heavily textured and espresso liberally covered in chocolate or not before pouring. 16 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (25cl / 8.75oz) 322125 | White | £2.24 / €2.69 322125R | Red | £2.86 / €3.43 322125BK | Black | £2.86 / €3.43 322125G | Grey | £2.86 / €3.43 322125BL | Blue | £2.86 / €3.43 322125GR | Green | £2.86 / €3.43 Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups (34cl / 12oz) 322134 | White | £2.72 / €3.26 322134R | Red | £3.90 / €4.68 322134BK | Black | £3.90 / €4.68 322134G | Grey | £3.90 / €4.68 322134BL | Blue | £3.90 / €4.68 322134GR | Green | £3.90 / €4.68 Porcelain Saucers (16cm dia) 182115 | White | £1.46 / €1.75 182115R | Red | £2.48 / €2.98 182115BK | Black | £2.48 / €2.98 182115G | Grey | £2.48 / €2.98 182115BL | Blue | £2.48 / €2.98 182115GR | Green | £2.48 / €2.98 WhiteRed Black Grey Blue Green (Priced individually, sold in packs of 6) Porcelain Italian Style Cup 328128 | 28cl / 10oz |£4.12 / €4.94 Porcelain Saucer 182114 | 14.5cm dia | £1.44 / €1.73 White Porcelain Bowl Shaped Cups & Saucers 322129 | 29cl / 10.25oz |£2.50 / €3.00 182115 | 16cm dia |£1.46 / €1.75 322140 | 40cl / 14oz |£2.82 / €3.38 322146 | 46cl
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