-) ,'{t @s -l GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAT OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAT DEBEN MAHATA GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL Vill.:Hatuara, P.0.:Vivekananda Nagar, P.S.:PuruliaMuffasil,PIN:723 1,47 pgmch. e du.in; p rinpuruliag mch @ g mail. co m Memo No; DMGMCH /PRL/ - ? a Dated: May 1i,202L Work Order To Skyland Security Organisation Vill + P.O. - Mashila, P.S. - Sankrail Howrah -7tt30z Sub: Work order for Scavenging & Security personnel in Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital Ref: e-tender notice Vide Memo No. 91/DMGMCH dated 04/02/2021 of the Office of the Principal & e- tender notice Vide Memo No. 184/1(16) DMGMCH dated 04/02/2021 of the Office of the MSVP Sir, You are hereby directed to commence services as per the terms & condrtions mentioned in the quoted e- tender notice above immediately. You are being given the charge of 150 nos. of staff (100 nos. of Housekeeping /Scavenging & 50 nos. of SecurityJ lor the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1't May,2021,.ln this regard you are also cirrecteci to take over the relevant documents fron-r the existing agency. You must perform the services satisfactorily and submit the bill in duplicate in standard proforma duly certified by the appropriate authority to concerned offices within 1Oth of every month for necessary payment. Principai principal Deben Mahata Govt' ilidhalCctbge & iimprr' Deben Mahata Government Medical college C*81'pglty'l' Purulia Memo No: DMGMC H Dated: May'-;202l /PRL/ I _ _i- _l:_., Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to: 1. The Director of Medical Education, Department of Health & Family Welfare, SB, Salt Lake City, Kol - 91 2. The DHS, Department of Health & Family Welfare, SB, Salt Lake City, Kol - 91 3. The District Magistrate, Purulia 4. The MSVP, Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital, Purulia *V.- 5. The Treasury 0fficer, Purulia The Deputy Superintendent, Deben Mahata Government Meclical College & Hospital, Purulia & The Accounts Officer, Deben Mahata Government lvledical Coilege & Hospital, Purulia 9 AllAssistant Superintendents [NM), Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital, Puru]ia 19. Facility Level Quality Manager, Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital, Purulia -r1,l?'I:lI::H'i Hearr. iaieT(1rft),ve>reo,,er, r,Hosprta' 5c*4tttV"o.V)^oroa^,hd.r,,fu.-gl . ',,.*f"?lr,* principal ,_rn*ntlahrtugffip,rr*rra gew*y Js,Y{o,{ m) '"'I^. ^}€4^de^r-,0,, Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital Dm ame H, ?vn/b a purulia B c*b GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL DEBEN MAHATA GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL vill. : Hatuara, P. 0. :vivekananda p.S. purul Nagar, : iaMuffasil,pl N : 7 23 L47 pg mch. e du. in; p ri n p u ruliag mc h @ g m ail. co m Memo No: DMGMCH /pRL/ +ge Dated: May 24,2021 Work Order To Clifford Facility Services pvt. Ltd. H,O. - Ground Floor, LIC feevan Ganga 16,Ilare st. Fairely place, BBD Bagh Kolkata - 700001 & Hospital Sir, You are hereby ciirecteci to commence services as per the terms & conditions mentioned in the quoted e- tender notice above immediately. You are being giien the charge of L64 nos. of staff [117 scavenging/ Housekeepi ng & 47 nos, of security) for the p..ioa of 3 years w.e.f. 1,t May, zo2l.ln this regard you directed are also to take over the relevant documenti from the existing agency. You must perform the services satisfactorily and submit the bill in duplicate in standard proforma duly certified by the appropriate authority to concerned offices within 10s month for necessary payment. o',\ PrinciPal &HoSlai Govt' MedhatColhge Principal Deben ilahata , Purulia Deben Mahata Government Medical College drtBTi ital Purulia Memo No: DMGMC\!:|!/ r ( .:: .1_S$ I to; D ated: May!1fi2021 Copy forwarded for information & necdssary action to: 1'' The Director of Medical Education, Department of Health & Family welfare, sB, salt Lake city, Kol 91 The DHS, Department - ? of Hearth & Family werfare, SB, sart Lake ciry xot - gr 3. The District Magistrate, purulia The 4. MSVP, Deben Mahata Government Medicar college & Hospitar, purulia *5. The Treasury 0fficer, purulia 'F- The Deputy superintendent, Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital, purulia The Accounts B officer, Deben Mahata Government Medical college & HJspital, purulia AllAssistant.superintendents 2 [NMJ, Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital, puru]ia Facility Level 19' Qualify Manager, Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital, purulia 10.0ffice/Guard Fite *G'Tw J|,0;rrb"i?,t dv kd*1" gowiee1*n)t,r*trtw-/ .r ,,r._ /J\ . 5 ,A*->W b+v"vrrr^ / wlv*^.91 , pri-.i-or .r^*o# u{t*lrRl s n:9 "' *****'rci D e b en Mahata' X W tiif#I, r". tsli''Sli:$t'1,'3,rfl1 '*#I ,is$ GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL DEBEN MAHATA GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL vill':Hatuara, P. o.:Vivekana p.S. purul n da N agar, : iaMuffasil,pr N : 7 23 147 pg m ch. e du.i n : p ri n p uruli og mch @ g m ai l. co m Menro No: DIVIGMCH /pRL/ *. Dated: May ,i. ,202L To Clifford Faciliry Services pvt. Ltd. H.O. - Ground Floor, LIC feevan Ganga 16, Hare st. Fairely place, BBD Bagtr Kolkata - 700001 DMGMCH In partial modification of the work order Vide Memo No DMGMCH /PRL/486 dated 2Ott May,2021, the division of staff - 1 64 nos. is as follows 1. GDA/Peon - 16 nos. 2. Scavenging/Housekeeping - 10L nos. 3. Security - 47 nos. All other content will remain unaltered. -i\C, .^a\ .^^""Lt$=' -,.nc\Y -tgc'\\sa DebenMahataGov".,tJ:l:'fl1l,qthdNur;:'::i,,r Purulia .^,qi$t oeo Memo No: DMGMCH _, ,1 /pRL/ :l:' Dated: May"2,2021 copy forwa.aea ror i,iro.*'ruo.a';ecessriy action to: l The Director of Medical Education, Department of Heaith & Family welfare, sB, salt Lake city, Kol 91 The DHS, Department of Hearth - ? & Famiry werfare, sB, sart Lake city, Kor - 91 3. The District Magistrate, purulia 4. The MSvP, Deben Mahata Government Medicar colrege & Hospitar, purulia .5. The Treasury Officer, purulia The Deputy superintendent, "E Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital, puruua g' The Accounts officer, Deben Mahata Government Medical coliege & Hospital, purulia All Assistant superintendents 9 [NM), Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital, puru]ia Facility Level lvlanager, lo Quality Deben Mahata Government Medical college & Hospital, purulia 1$. Offlice/Guard File *6' 'tV tt ,frixdon fiWa.r* lqt k(pa)n,e,z* 5r,w+1W", W $,lv,qc,,n, b<rz*)ar _ gl Principal * Deben Mahata ^..,.:'.?l.oi.,.f \r-'Th gevury Governmenr M edi cat cdl i ta f s,r{prinrer..t%l cNo) Purulia lqgci,q'liggp .rpG\r3ra,Y*'q;\'i" lrnameH t fu,nlia ^^'r61ir+" ie!t"'.
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