NET PRESS RUN) AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THR WEATHER. OP THE EVENING HERALD for the month of April, 1020. Fair weather tonight and Thurs­ day. Several cool nights, warm 4,837 anrbfHtpr arntng sunny days indicated. VOL. XLIV., NO. 190. Classlfled Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY (TWELVE PAGES) PRICK THREE CENTS GENERAL STRIKE CALLED OFF ACCIDENTAL DEATHS Hailed As Hero of Great Strike NORWAY AVERS TOTAL TOLL OP STRIKE WIFE DIRECTS London, May 12.— Great Brit­ ain’s great industrial strike end­ ed on its ninth day. ! UNIONS YIELD TO GAIN NORTH POLE IS The strike as such was gen- I THE QUEST FOR erally effective. More than five million w'ork- HER PROPERTY crs joined it. | WALTER WARD More than one million per- ' sons engaged in some sort of i COAL LOCKOUT PARLEY volunteer service. Amundsens Flag, Dropped I The government controlle 1 ' Interests New Jersey Gov­ tlie situation under Orders in I AS BRITAIN REVERTS Council. issued under the BACK TO NORMALCY. from Norge Early This authority of a State of Emer­ ernor and State Constab­ Samuel and Pugh Reach Agreement on Which Settlement gency. London, May 12.— Settlement Troops and naval forces were of the general strike brings re­ Is Based-Government to Continue Coal Subsidy Tem­ Morning Basis of Govern­ used by the government. ulary Is Busy Seeking to lief to the average citizen. One hundred thousand special More than a million persons ment's Claim. constables were enrolled. Solve Mystery. who have left their own work to ! porarily— New Wages Board to Be Formed and Irre- There was comparatively no do volunteer service will return | bloodshed. to normal life tomorrow. | i Three deaths in train wrecks Reserves who had been called ducihle Minimum Wage Fixed— Miners Strike Not Yet Oslo, May 12.— The North Pole New York. May 12.— With the i : and one death of a rioter struck into service in the army and j is today regarded as Norwegian ' by a bus he was attacking, is the i mystery of the vanishing of Walter navy will be returned to inac­ Called Off But Leaders Meet Friday— Premier Baldwin territory, so far as the Norwegian , casualty roll o’’ the strike. ' S. Ward, son of the baking mag­ tive duty. I I More than two hundred per- Transportation will again be­ government Is concerned. : sons are serving jail sentences nate, entering its eighth day, Mrs. Advices that the Amundsen-Ells- Beryl Curtis Ward, wife of the come the usual. ] Acclaimed as Hero of Day. ^for strike rioting. Thousands of bicycles will be worth dirigible Norge arrived over ycung millionaire, who has stood returned to the storehouse, with the North Pole at about 1 o'clock by her husband in his murder trial the return of bus and subway , this morning and dropped the Nor­ and numerous escapades, today ac­ transportation. | London, May 12.— “ The general strike has been called off by wegian, American and Italian flags tively directed the search for the Thousands of private automo-j the Trades Union Congress— it is a victory of common sense.” LITTLE OPPOSITION biles will be released from strike ! Is considered here as being tanta­ missing youth. service. | Stanley Baldwin, premier, made this dram.atic statement in mount to establishing the Norwe­ Working on the theory that her Restrictions upon food will be' the House of Commons this afternoon, announcing the end of gian claim to this territory. TO CENTER ST. PLAN husband has been kidnapped or lifted. Prices will no longer be | The king of Norway had previ­ .‘ilnin by underworld associates of under control. Milk supplies' England's bitter nine-day industrial warfare. ously given notice to the world Clarence Peters, for whose murder will go through normal chan-j The atmosphere was tense with'|> (hat he would claim any new terri­ Warti was acquitted in 1923, Mrs. nels. I excitement when the Premier arose workers above the age of eighteen Ward i.': supplying police with im­ r tory discovered by the expedition Voters Believe New Pave­ ^ ^ to speak, with benches on both the into the industry, If unemployed portant “inside'’ information. miners are available. and there have been no claims filed government and the opposition side to the contrarv by either the Unit­ Enlists Constabulary AA^orkers affected by the closing ment Necessary— Special Through the efforts o Mrs. Ward, of the house crowded, and the gal­ of collieries which don’t pay ed States or the Italian govern­ leries jammed. ment. Gov. T. Harry Moore issued an WASHINGTON GETS hsould be provided for by trans­ order to New Jersey state con­ Cheers For Leaders. ference to other districts. Captain Amundsen, as leader of Town Meeting Friday. There were cheers for the Pre­ the expedition, .’’s believed to have stabulary to investigate to the limit “Temporary maintenance should of their powers the disappearance mier from the Conservative bench­ be given those for whom alterna­ been the first lo'drop his national NEWS JOYOUSLY es when he entered the chamber to emblem at the Pole, thereby carry­ of Ward. tive employment cannot be found, Although the taxpayers of Man­ Young Ward’s auto was found in Stanley Baldwin. make his important statement, and through the r<ipld construction of ing out the king’s instructions to the Laborites gave just as lusty claim anv newly-discovered terri­ chester feel that they have been Trenton last Wednesday with its new houses.” windshield shattered by a huge cheers for Ramsay MacDonald, J. Situation Summed Up tory for Norway. sufficiently burdened with im­ H. Thomas and Philip Snowden as Although Admiral Peary planted stone and Ward's, rifled, on i STATE OF WAR End of Strike Delights Gov­ The situation as it now stands, provements this year, a general re­ the real seat. ! they took their seats. with both sides maintaining a con­ the American flag at the North OUR DELEGATES The Prince of AAfales and the Pole when he achieved his success, view of the town shows that there ON IN POLAND siderable amount of secrecy, is is little opposition to the request ernment, Business Men Duke of York again sat in the that the General strike was called (he Norwegian government holds peers' gallery, and listened intent­ that the United States made no being made by the Board of Select­ off by the Trades Union Congress men for a bond issue of $50,000 FIVE YEAR OLD BOY IN WASHINGTON President Calls on Citizens to ly to every word that was spoken. in order to permit the govern­ formal claims to this territory and and Labor Leaders. “ The only thing I want to say therefore Nonvay's present claim for the construction of a new pave­ Defend Warsaw as the Pil- ment to resume negotiations with ment on Center street. now,” said Premier Baldwin, “is Is valid. sudski Forces Approach. both the coal miners and the coal Norwegians are also expectant A special town meeting has been RACES WITH DEATH that the peace that I believe has operators. This action, it Is un­ called for Friday night at the High AA’ashington, May 11.—News of been won, and the victory that has that Captain Amundsen will claim President Cheney of Local C. Warsaw, May 12. — The derstood after assurances had been the school 1 all. At that time the se­ the end of the British general been won, is a victory of common given that the government . gave new territory for Norway in president has declared a state sense, not of any part of the coun­ area beyond the Pole. lectmen will propose a bond Issue strike was received with joyous ac­ tentative approval to a program of $80,000. Thus the taxpayers of defense, and issued an .ap­ try but the common sense of the of C. Reports National claim in AVashington today by for ' future negotiations between will not be called upon to pay for Suffering from lum or of peal to all citizens to aid in best part of the whole United the miners and the operators. CROSSES THE POLE the improvement at this time. The fighting revoluticnary at­ givernment officials, who had Kingdom. tempts. The basis of the new negotia­ entire cost will be spread over a Conference Interesting. been fearful of the effects of a pro .Shouhl L ook Fomvai'd. tions between the miners and the Brain, Youngster is Taken The president’s action fol­ Norgo Believed to Have Passed long period of years. longed tie-up on American busi­ “ It is of the utmost importance operators to settle the coal strike, lowed receipt of reports that at a moment like this that the “90 North” at 1.30 a. Town's Sliare ness, by American labor leaders given tentative npprc> al by the Those who use Center street to Baltimore Hospital. The Chamber of Commerce of revolutionary soldiers, led by whole British people should not government, in general, is as fol­ generals who are adherents of who were in a quandry over how know the need of a new pavement the United States is now in ses­ look backwards but forwards. lows: London, May 12.— The dirigible there. The state highway depart­ M. Pilsudski, are marchiug on much support to give their Eng­ Norge, carrying the Amundsen- “ We should review our work in 1. The government subsidy to ment is now ready to put in its sion in Washington. It is the 14th Warsaw. lish colleagues, and by scores of a spirit of co-operation, putting be­ Ellsworth Polar expedition, is be­ businesr leaders gathered here to the coal industry shall be tempo­ share and the Connecticut Com­ Suffering from a tumor of the annual meeting.
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