Public Document Pack Nottingham City Council Basford, Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2020 Time: 6.30 pm Place: Remotely via Zoom - https://www.youtube.com/user/NottCityCouncil Councillors are requested to attend the above meeting to transact the following business Director for Legal and Governance Governance Officer: Mark Leavesley Direct Dial: 0115 876 4302 1 Apologies for absence 2 Declarations of interests 3 Minutes 3 - 10 Last meeting held on 30 September 2020 (for confirmation) 4 Issues raised by Community Representatives Please notify the Neighbourhood Development Officer at least 3 days before the meeting of any issues you wish to raise 5 Area Partnership/Community Hub 11 - 36 Report of Director of Community Protection 6 Police and Community Protection update 7 Nottingham City Homes update 37 - 46 Report of Chief Executive, NCH 8 Ward Councillor Budget 47 - 54 Report of Director of Community Protection 9 Ward reports 55 - 80 Report of Director of Community Protection 10 Date of next meeting To note that the next meeting will be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 24 February 2021 (at either Loxley House or remotely via Zoom, depending on the pandemic situation at the time) If you need any advice on declaring an interest in any item on the agenda, please contact the Governance Officer shown above, if possible before the day of the meeting Citizens are advised that this meeting may be recorded by members of the public. Any recording or reporting on this meeting should take place in accordance with the Council’s policy on recording and reporting on public meetings, which is available at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk. Individuals intending to record the meeting are asked to notify the Governance Officer shown above in advance. Agenda Item 3 Nottingham City Council Basford, Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee Minutes of the meeting held remotely via Zoom and live-streamed on YouTube on 30 September 2020 from 6.37 pm - 7.25 pm Membership Present Councillor Nick Raine (Chair) Councillor AJ Matsiko (Vice Chair) Councillor Angela Kandola (for minutes 36 to 39 inclusive only) Councillor Salma Mumtaz Councillor Lauren O`Grady Councillor Adele Williams Councillor Linda Woodings Absent Councillor Toby Neal Councillor Shuguftah Quddoos Community Representatives Mo Fayose - Community Cares Club Maxi Leigh - Support for Survivors Carol Mee - Carrington Tenant’s and Resident’s Association indicates present at the meeting Colleagues, partners and others in attendance: Nottingham City Council Rupinder Kooner - Senior Community Protection Officer Mark Leavesley - Governance Officer Leigh Plant - Neighbourhood Development Officer David Scothern - Principal Enforcement Officer Nottingham City Homes Wade Adams ) Area Housing Manager Nicky Brake ) Nottinghamshire Police Christine Busuttil ) Police Inspector Amy English ) 36 Apologies for Absence Councillor Neal – annual leave Councillor Quddoos – unwell Inspector Fenwick, Nottinghamshire Police Carol Mee, Carrington Resident’s Association Page1 3 Basford, Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee - 30.09.20 37 Declarations of Interests None. 38 Minutes The Committee agreed that the minutes of the last meeting held on 18 December 2019 were a correct record and the Chair signed them. 39 Items from Community Representatives Maxi Leigh, Support for Survivors, updated the Committee on work undertaken by the group during the Covid pandemic, including: - door-step deliveries of items such as medication to those unable to go out; - helping where possible those suffering any mental health issues; - explaining the current covid regulations to those that were finding them difficult to understand; - holding 1:1 sessions, funded by a ‘Big Lottery’ grant, for people struggling with technology, such as Zoom. Resolved that the thanks of the Committee to Maxi and her group for the work they were doing in the area be recorded. 40 Police and Community Protection Update (a) Police updates Inspectors Fenwick (via email as he was unable to attend), English and Busuttil gave the following ward statistics / information for April to September 2020 in comparison to the same period last year: Basford (Insp Fenwick - via Leigh Plant, NDO) - All crime down by 10%, 98 less (866 - 964); - Victim based crime down 9%, 74 less (709 - 783); - Violence with injury down 21%, 29 less (107 - 136); - Rape up 55%, 5 more (14 – 9). - Note: above includes no repeat victims or locations and a couple are historic reports. - ‘All burglary’ reports down by 24%, 7 less (35 - 42); - ‘All theft’ offences down by 26%, 48 less (131 - 179); - Vehicle offences down by 43%, 27 less (35 - 62); - ‘All domestic incidents/crimes’ down by 1%, 3 less (205 - 208); - ‘Hate crime’ incidents up by 15%, 5 more (38 - 33); - ASB up by 53%, 193 more (552 - 359)c. 2Page 4 Basford, Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee - 30.09.20 Police are currently focussing on the following areas in relation to drug use/supply: - Selwyn Close; - Rosegarth; - Wilton Street / Terrace; - Vernon Park area. In respect of any crime / ASB in the area, the Police would ask that local residents use 101 to report and assist them with their investigations / intelligence gathering: Warrants have been served at the following locations: - Pennant Rd; - Gabriel Close; - Newlyn Drive. Future operations include: - ‘Reacher’ commencing in the local area; - a ‘metal theft’ week of action; - ‘Sceptre’ – a knife amnesty / education etc. Berridge (Insp English) 2020 2019 Change All crime 877 1,051 down 174 16.6% Victim-based crime 724 883 down 159 18.0% Violence against the person 339 340 down 1 0.3% Violence with injury 97 112 down 15 13.4% Violence without injury 137 134 up 3 2.2% Stalking / harassment 105 93 up 12 12.9% Sexual offences 21 30 down 9 30.0% Robbery 7 10 down 3 30.0% Burglary 52 78 down 26 33.3% Theft 151 209 down 58 27.8% Bicycle theft 26 24 up 2 8.3% Shoplifting 41 32 up 9 28.1% Other theft 76 143 down 67 46.9% Vehicle offences 53 103 down 50 48.5% Arson / criminal damage 101 113 down 12 10.6% Other crimes 153 168 down 15 8.9% Drug offences 24 48 down 24 50.0% Possession of weapons 9 13 down 4 30.8% Public order offences 78 74 up 4 5.4% Domestic occurrences 232 204 up 28 13.7% Hate crime 38 38 no change ASB incidents 713 449 up 264 58.8% Page3 5 Basford, Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee - 30.09.20 (b) Community Protection update Senior Community Protection Officer Rupinder Kooner updated the Committee on action within the wards as follows: Basford Fixed Penalty Notices 5 Fly-tipping Fixed Penalty Notices 0 Fly-tipping investigations 77 Section 215 notices (land clearance / building repair) 29 Alcohol confiscations 2 Community Protection Notice warnings 11 Community Protection Notices 3 Bins on streets 10 Noise 122 Berridge Fixed Penalty Notices 23 Fly-tipping Fixed Penalty Notices 2 Fly-tipping investigations 172 Section 215 notices (land clearance / building repair) 119 Alcohol confiscations 38 Trade Waste 38 Community Protection Notice warnings 36 Community Protection Notices 2 Bins on streets action 67 Noise 181 Sherwood Fixed Penalty Notices 19 Fly-tipping Fixed Penalty Notices 0 Fly-tipping investigations 56 Section 215 notices (land clearance / building repair) 93 Alcohol confiscations 12 Community Protection Notice warnings 13 Community Protection Notices 4 Bins on streets 39 Noise 149 41 Nottingham City Homes Update Wade Adams introduced Nicky Brake, both Area Housing Managers, and informed the Committee that Nicky will be taking over responsibility for this Area Committee due to a reorganisation at Nottingham City Homes (NCH). Nicky introduced herself and stated the following in regards to the NCH update: 4Page 6 Basford, Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee - 30.09.20 NCH are slowly returning to ‘normal’ duties as lockdown restrictions are lessened. Specifically the Housing Patch Managers (HPM) have started to return to their patches; NCH has been contacting a high number of vulnerable tenants to ensure they are supported and their housing needs are being met, and signposting tenants to outside agencies should they uncover any further needs outside of the NCH remit; The COVID work restrictions on HPMs are assessed weekly and their current priorities continue to be contacting and supporting vulnerable tenants. Resolved that the thanks of the Committee to Wade for his work in the area be recorded and the update be noted. 42 Public Space Protection Order - proposed extension David Scothern, Principal Enforcement Officer, introduced the report, detailing a request for the Committee to authorise a 3-year extension to a Public Spaces Protection Order, due to expire on 19 October 2020, prohibiting access to land at Neston Drive, Cinderhill, Nottingham. The restricted area was originally created as a Gating Order made under section 129A of the Highways Act 1980. The Committee stated that it had received no complaints about the restrictions being in place during the last 3 years, therefore were fully supportive of the extension. Resolved that (1) being satisfied that the test in Section 59 of the 2014 Act has been met, and having regard to the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, the Committee authorise an extension to the Nottingham City Council (Neston Drive, Cinderhill, Nottingham) Gating Order 2009 (GO 5006) for a further three years from 19 October 2020; (2) authority be delegated to the Director of Community Protection to carry out the necessary advertisements and arrange for appropriate signage to be erected where necessary in accordance with the legislative requirements. 43 Area Capital Fund 2019/20 & 2020/21 Leigh Plant, Neighbourhood Development Officer, presented the report and revised appendix 1 (published as a supplement to the agenda), which provided a summary of approved schemes to date during the 2019/20 financial year, and the latest spend proposals for approval in regards to highways, footways and public realm schemes.
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