1. The new structure of the 2. Officers of the I.S.A. Association The International Sociological Association a) Executive Cornmittee introduced a series of radical changes in The Council of the I.S.A. elected the follo­ its constitutional structure at the Seventh wing officers for the 1970 -1974 periodo World Congress held in Varna in Bulgaria President: trom 13th to 19th of September 1970. Reuben HIII Calls for thoroughgoing changes in the sta­ Dept. of Sociology - University 01 M nnesota tutes were repeatedly heard at the Sixth 1014 Social Seience Building Congress held in Evian in France in Sep­ MINNEAPOllS, Minnesota 55455 (U.S.A.) tember 1966. The complaints against the structure raid down in the original statutes Vice-Presidents: T. B. Bottomore adopted at the Constituent Con~ress in 0510 in 1949 centred on three tr. ,mes: University of Sussex First the membership structure: the old sta­ School of Social Sciences - Arts Building tutes allowed individual membership in ex­ FALMER/BRIGHTON (Sussex) ceptional cases only and this set limits both (ENGLAND) to the finances of the Association and to Jivko Ochavkov the range of its efforts of communication; Bulgarian Sociological Association Secondly the procedures of nominations Blvd. Patriarch Evtimii 6 and elections: these were not open SOFIA (BULGARIA) enough and made it too easy to perpe­ Aldo E. Solari tuate an oligarchy of "insiders»; Division De Desarrollo Social Thirdly the status of the Research Com­ ILPES mittees : these had mushroomed since 1959 Casilla 1567 and established themselves as indispen­ SANTIAGO DE CHILE (CHILE) sable agencies for the organlzation of Members : activities between World Congresses, yet Hubert Guindon had not been recognized in the statutes Dept. of Sociology nor given any representation on the Sir George Williams University Council or on the Executive Committee. MONTREAL 107 (CANADA) The Executive Committee in 1966 decided to set up a Constitutional Cornmittee to Kiyaml Morloka look into these comp!aints and to draft a Dept. of Sociology set of amendments to the statutes. This Tokyo Kyoiku University - Bunkyo-ku was composed of Professors Reinhard TOKYO 112 (JAPAN) Bendix, Reuben Hill. René Kónig, Stein G. V. Osipov Rokkan and Jan Szczepanski. The Com­ Soviet Sociological Association mittee reported to the President in Fe­ Novocheremunshkinskaya 46 bruary 1970 and a set of draft amendments MOSCOW (U.R.S.S.) were circulated to all members of the Angelo Pagani Council well in advance 01 the Seventh Istituto di Sociologia World Congress. Universita degli Studi di Milano The draft amendments proposed changes Via Daverio 7 of structure on all the three points: they 20122 MILANO (ITALY) introduced regular individual membership Leapold Rosenmayr (Art. III 1. and 4, below), they instituted a Institut für Soziologie - Universitát Wien Nominating Committee and required at Alserstrasse 33 least two candidates for each elective offi­ WIEN 1 (AUSTRIA) ce (Art. VI), and they spelled out in con­ siderable detail the status, the internal Erwin Scheuch governance and the representation 01 the Institut für vergleichende Research Committees (Art. XI). Sozialforschung - Universitát Kaln Lindenburger Allee 15 The Council met in Varna on the 13th of 5 KOLN 41 (FEO. REP. OF GERMANY) September and again on the 17th to con­ sider the proposed amendments. The pro­ M. N. Srinivas visíons for nominations and elections were University of Delhi accepted without dissent. The proposal to Dept. of Socíology introduce individual membership was op­ NEW DELHI (INDIA) posed by only two or three delegates and Associate Members: was accepted without difficulties. The ori­ Anouar Abdel-Malek ginal proposal to ensure regular represen­ Centre National de la Recherche tation of Research Committees on the Scientifique (Centre d'Etude des Councll was rejected by a clear majority Mouvements Sociaux) but an alternative proposal ensuring re­ 54, BJvd. Raspail PARIS 6 (FRANCE) presentation on the Executive Committee Robert K. Merton was passed : this alternative called for the Dept. of Sociology Columbia University establishment of a Research Council 01 NEW YORK, N. Y. 10027 (U.S.A.) the Assocíatíon and the eleetion of four representatives of this body as Associate Members of the Executive. 3 he four Associate Members were suc­ essively elected by the Research Council, as reported below. b) Secretarlat The Secretariat was held ad interim b, prof. Guido Martinotti and dr. Enzo Min­ gione until April 16th, 1971. After that date the same have been appointed Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary respectively. 2 e) Research Councll elecUon ot these Associate Members shall Themail ballot was collected by an ltalian One of the changes decided in Varna was proceed In the manner laid down tor public ofticer who scrutinized the votes the creation 01 a Research Council com­ nominations or eleetions by the Council. on March 25th, 1971, with the followlng posed 01 representatives of the Research No more than two of the five members results. ) Committees. The Research Council has 01 the Nominating Committee 01 the Re­ NAME VOTES been formed as specified in the statutes: search Council shall be an Associate Stein Rokkan 15 To ensure communication and co-opera­ Member in the outgoing Executive Com­ Adam Podgorecki 11 tion among the recognized Research mittee. To ensure an adequate geogra­ Robert K. Merton 10 Commlttees ... This shall be composed 01 phical distribution 01 the representation 01 one representative and one alternate 10r the Research Council, no more than one Anouar Abdel-Malek 7 each recognized Committee. The term of Associate Member shall be eligible tor Joftre Dumazedier 5 01tice on the Research Council shall be anyone country. Morris Janowitz 4 four years. Representatives and alternates The Research Council shall meet at least Peter Marris 4 shall not serve tor more than two terms. once during the tour-year periodo Special Günther Lüschen 3 The Research Council 5hall elect every meetings may be called on the request tour years tour Associate Members of the 01 one-third 01 the duly elected members. Kaare Svalastoga 3 Exeeutive Committee 01 the Association. (Statutes, Art. XI, 8, 10, 11, 12). John Mogey 2 The term 01 office for these Associate The Research Council was constituted in Edgar Morin 2 Members shall be 10ur years. They shall January 1971 , and the members and al­ not be reeligi ble for more than one ternates credited with the Executive Com­ ANOUAR ABOEL-MALEK, ROBERT K. MERTON. AOAM POOGORECKI ANO additional termo mittee from each Research Committee are STEIN ROKKAN are elected as Associate The nomination of candidates and the the 1ollowing: Members to the Executive Committee of the I.S.A. RESEARCH COMMITTEE DELEGATE ALTERNATE Armed Forces and Society Morris Janowitz (USA) Jacques Van ooorn 3. Meeting of the Executive (Netherlands) Committee Community Research Michael Aiken (USA) Jean-Jacques Mercier The Executive Committee met in Milano (USA) on April 15th -18th, 1971. The meeting was -"family Sociology Gerrit Kooy (Netherlands) John Mogey (USA) attended also by prof. Jean Meyriat, Editor pociology of Knowledge Kurt H. Wolff (USA) in chief of Current Sociology. by prof. Ana­ Sociology 01 Law Adam Podgorecki (Poland) Renato Treves (ltaly) toli Glinkine, 01 the Social Sciences De­ partment 01 UNESCO, by prof. Jay De­ Sociology of Leisure Joffre Dumazedier (France) Marc Laplante (Canada) merath. Executive Officer of A.S.A. and Sociology 01 Mass prof. Ph . H. Momdzan, I.S.A. Council Communication José Vidal Beneyto (Spain) Edgar Morin (France) Member from the U.S.S.R. Academy 01 Sociology 01 Medicine Mark G. Field (USA) Magdalena Sokolowska Sclences. as observers. (Poland) The Executive Committee discussed se­ National Movements and veral problems among which the most Imperialism Anouar Abdel-Malek (Egypt) crucial where: Political Soclology Steln Rokkan (Norway) a) Organization 01 the Executive Com­ Poverty Social Welfare mittee and Social Policy Peter Marris (Great Britain) b) New dues structure Psychiatric Sociology John A Clausen (USA) Carlos E. Sluski (Argentina) e) Acceptance of new Research Commit­ Sociology of Religion Norman Birnbaum (USA) Hans Mol (Australia) tees and reorganization 01 the esta­ Sociology 01 Sclence Robert K. Merton (USA) blished ones Soclollnguistics Rolf Kj iolseth (USA) Albert Verdoodt (Belgium) d) Location of Vlllth World Congress, in Sociology of Sport Günther Lüschen Kalevl Heinlla (Finland) 1974 (Fed. Rep. 01 Germany) a) Organizatlon of the ExecuUve Com­ Strahfication Kaare Svalastoga (oenmark) David Glass (Great Britain) mittee Urban Sociology Ruth Glass (Great Britain) Sami Zubaida Following a proposal by the President, the (Great Britain) Executive Committee's work was broken Sociology 01 Work and W. H. Scott (Australia) down and assigned to five Standing Com­ Organization mittees : FINANCE COMMIITEE Hill, Chairman, Pagani, SOlari, Bottomore, Osipov. This committee is in charge of assessing the financial situatíon of the I.S.A. and of exploring new sources 01 support. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE d) Nomlnation and Election of Executlve Solari, Chairman, Podgorecki, Srinivas, Associate Members Morioka, Rokkan. After the constitution of the Research This committee will process membership Council the Secretariat prepared a ma;1 applications and wifl take care of issues nomínation and, successively a mail ballot concerning members. tor the eleetion 01 the four Associate RESEARCH CO-ORoINATION Members 01 the Executive Committee. The COMMITTEE nominations collected during the early Sottomore, Chairman, Abdel-Malek, months 01 1971, yielded the following Merton, POdgoreckí, Rokkan, Scheuch. eight candidates. (other nominees with less This committee is in charge of dealing than 3 nominations are not shown and did with al/ matters pertaining to the Research not enter the ballot). Committees. PUBLlCATIONS COMMITTEE Stein Rokkan (Norway) 14 nominations Scheuch, Chairman, Rosenmayr, Robert K. Merton (U.S.A.) 7 nominations Osipov, Ochavkov. Adam Pdogorecki (Poland) 7 nominations This committee will take care of the reor­ Anouar Abdel-Malek (Egypt) 5 nominations ganization of the I.S.A. publications.
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