4884 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD- SENATE. SEPTEl\ffiER 5' PHIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. LONERGAN: Petition of t11e board of aldermen of the city of Shelton, State of Connecticut, favoring independence Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions for Ireland; to the Committee on Foreign Affair . were introduced and everally referred as follow. : By l\1r. MOORE of Pennsylvania: Petition of Robert Emmet By 1\.fr. COADY: A bill (H. R. 9040) granting a pension to Branch, Friends of Irish Freedom, prote ting against certain l\Iary A. John on; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. deportations; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By l\Ir. DENISON: A bill (H. R. 9041) granting a pension to Also, petition of the Nurses' Alumni As. ociation of the William El Seba tian ; to the Committee on Pensions. Women's Homeopathic Hospital of Philadelphia, urging the By 1\lr. D RE~IU : A bill (H. R. 9042) authorizing and passage of House bil12492; to the Committee on 1ilitary Affairs. c.lirectino- the Secretary of the Treasury to pay certain moneys By Mr. O'CONNELL: Petition of Alfred H. Erichson, of New to the officer and crew of the steamer Hancock, or ·their legal York, N. Y., protesting against House 1Jil15218; to the Committee repre entath·es; to the Committee on Claims. on Ways and :areans. By l\Jr. FORDl\TEY : A bill (H. R. 9043} granting a pension to Also, petition of the board of directors of the American so~ Floyd H. Wilkins; to the Committee on Pen ion . ciation of Woolen and Worsted Manufacturer , favoring the .... By Mr. FULLER of 1\Ia. achusett : A bill (H. R~ 9044) for enactment of liberal protective tariff rates upon imported dyes; the relief of apt. John Q. A. Brett; to the Committee on Mili­ to the Committee on Ways and Mean·. tary Affair . By Mr. SNYDER: Petition of the Herkimer County (N. Y.) R. By 1\lr. GOODYKOONTZ: A bill (H. 9045) granting an committee of the. State Charities Aid Association, for the confer ~ increasP. of pension to Thomas Dillon; to the Committee on ring of commi sions by the 'Var Department nn nurses of that Jnyalid Pen ion·. organization; to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. GREEN of Iowa: A biH (H. R. 9046) for the relief of William Malone; to the Committee on Claims. By l\fr. HAWLEY: A bill (H. R. 90-:17) granting a pension to Ro e Ann Price; to the C-ommittee on Pensi ns. SENATE. By Mr. HEUSl\fAl~: A bill (H. R. 9048) for lhe Felief ot FRIDAY, S eptember 5, 1919. Catherina. Rea, administratrix of thee tate of John Rea; to the Committee on laims. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J . Prettyman, D. D., offered the By Mr. HOUGHTON: A bill (H. R. 9049) granting an in- following prayer: crease of pension to John Heimroth; to the Committee on Inva- Almighty God, we co'rne to commit our way into Thy hands. lid Pensions. ' Ve tru t we have no purpose or ambition in our national right By 1\11·. IGOE: A bill (H. R. 9050) granting an increase of but to transcribe in the books of ouL" human law the thought of pen ion of Katherina Balde ; to the Committee on Invalid Pen- God and the purpose of God in us as a Nation. \Ve desire to sions. glorify T11y name and. to extend the interests of Thy kingdom By Mr. 1\lONA..HA.t~ of Wisconsin: A bill (H. R. 9051) grant- of truth in the world. Help us ever to keep in sight a purpose ing an increas of pension to John C. McNaight; to the Com- to do the will of God, and heip us to see the way clear before mittee on Invalid Pensions. us in which God is leading u -the way of truth and righteous4 By 1\lr. O'CONNELL: A bill (H. R. 9052) ~ranting an in- ness and peace. For Christ's sake_ Amen. crea e of pen ~ion to L. Alonzo Dennett; to the ommittee on The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of ye terday's Invalid Pen.sion. I proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS aml by unanimous By Mr. PARK: A bill (H. R. 9053) granting a pension to consent, the further reading was uispensed with and the Journal Louis R. Vannucci; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. wa approved. By l\fr. .SHERWOOD: A bill (H. R. 90u4) granting an in- LEAGUE OF NATIO "'S. crease of pension to Oscar Johnson; to the Comnnttee on In- 1\Ir. BRANDEGEE. 1\Ir. Pre ident, I a k unanimous consent valid Pension . that the Secretary may reau from the Washino-ton Post of this By l\Ir. Sl\IITH of Michigan : A bill (H. R. 9055) for the morning the matter therein set forth in relation to the attitude 1·elie! of Harmon Timerson; to the Committee on lilitary of the Irish peopl~ in Wa hington toward the co•enant of the Affau-s. league of nations. By 1\Ir. SNELL: A bill (H. R. 9056) gran tina- a pension to The VICE PRESIDEJ-.I"T. Is there objection 1 The hair Delia T. Owen ;. to the Committ~e on I':lvalid Pensi~n . hears none, and the Secretary will read. By 1\Ir. STR01\G of Pennsylvama : A b1ll (H. R 90tl7) grant- The Secreta.ry read as follow : · ing an increase of pension to Levi Lindenmuth ; to the Commit- LE.wuE Is oProsEn n::.: cAPITAL mr H-Fnn:. ·os o.ll' FnEEoo 1 TAKE 1ssov tee On Invalid Pensions. WITH SEYATOR HITCHCOCK. By Mr. TAYLOR of Tennessee : A bill (H. R. 9038) granting SEPTEMBER 4. a pension to John 1\l. Sexton ; to the Committee on Pensions. EDITOB THE · PosT : The undersigned, ex.ecuti ve cornmitt of By 1\Ir. THOMPSON of Ohio : A bill (H. R. 9059) granting the Patrick H. p arse Branch of the Friends of Irish Freedom, a pen"'ion to ~laria ~fellinger; to the Committee on Invalid Washington, D. C., have noticed in the issue of your pap r of Pensions. September 4, 1919, in the article by Mr. Fox, that Senator By. 1\fr. THO.lf.PSON o~ Oklahoma: A bill (H. R:· 9060) HITCHCOCK is quoted as aying that "only Iri hmen of the . grantmg a pen. 10n to Matilda Hoffman; to the Committee on I radical agitator type were aa-ainst the treaty antl the covenant." Pen ions. In this expression of opinion the enator's wish is fathe1· to lly Mr. WELTY: A bill (H. R. 9061) grantm,.,. a pension to the thouo-ht. We assert that the Senator is absolutelv wrono- E:ffie Dean; to the Committee on Invalid Pension Our orga~ization comprises many hundreds of thousands of m~ and women in thiN country. Nearly every branch has gone on record as opposed to the league of nations. In this city two o:f PETITIONS, ETC. the largest demonstrations ever held for any cause have been Under clau. e 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid staged, the- first on March 17 and the second on June 14, at on the Clerk's de k and referred as follows : Liberty Hut. By the SPEAKER (by request) : Petition of American As­ At both meetings resolutions opposing the league of nations so iation of Engineer of Chicago, TIL, relating to the high were unanimously adopted. At the first meeting the auditorium co. t of living and compensation of labor; to the Committee was crowded to suffocation and thou ands were turned away. It on Labor. is no exaggeration to state that not 1 than 1:',000 people came By :\Jr. DA..RRO'V :. Re olution of Nurses' Alumni Associa­ to the hut that night. tion of 'Vomen s Homeopathic Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., in At the second meeting the entire eating capacity of tl1e hut, behalf of legislation conferring ranl\: on memlrers of the Army about 4,000, was taken up, although the night was insufferably Nur e Corps; to the Committee on Military Affairs. hot and disagreeable. It was well advertised that oppo itiou to By Mr. DOWELL: Petition of 200 residents of Iowa, asking the league of nations would be a feature of both demonstrations. for immediate return of the United State. troops in Ru sia; to To the Irish victory fund, raised by the Frjend · of Irish Free ~ the ommittee on Military Affairs. dom, we can prove that 90 per cent of the men and women of By Mr. ESCH: Petition of the board of directors of the Ameri­ Irish blood in the District contributed. It must be remembered can Association of 'Voolen and Worsted Manufacturers, favoring that burdens are to be borne and sacrifices rua.de by tho e who the enactment of liberal protectise tariff rates upon imported take the active and leading part in such moYem nts. This does dye. ; to the Committee on Ways and Means. not mean that those who are not hearu of by the pnblic are not By 1\fr.- GRIFFIN: Petition of Brotherhood of Metal Workers, in sympathy. Lou~e No.1, New York City, protesting deportation of Hindus ; In this city, excepting those who hold public office uod r this to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. a dministration, we can demonstrate that more than 75 per cent 1919. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4885 children, nre all of them to be safeguarded. And next month there of the men and women of Irish blood are opposed to the league, -is to meet the first assembly under this section of the league-, and let if a plebiscite coul<l be taken.
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