http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 123 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbey, Premonstratensian of West Arch. Cant. LV, Pottery, 70, 71, 76, 78. Langdon, similar architecture to Arch. Cant. LVII, Court Rolls, Manor Walmer and Lydden, 85. of Farnborough, 7. Abbeys in Kent: St. Augustine, Arch. Cant. (1945), Wall of small Reculver, Dover, 19. bricks, 115. Abbot Beornheab, five entries relating Arch, Jour. XCV, Proportions, 5. to, 22. Archbishop Plegmund, 890, 22. Abbot Feologeld of Dover, later Architectural Notes on Kent Churches, Archbishop, 19, 21. Plans of, and Brief, by F. 0. Elliston- Abbots of Dover, Reculver, St. Erwood, F.S.A., (4 plans), 1-6. Augustine's, 21-28 Architecture, Spurious Gothic, 93. Abrinciis, Simon de, held Honour of Arts in Early England, The, 6. Folkestone, 85. Arundell, Sir John of Trerice, 98; Acleah, Council at, 805, 23. en. (1) Margaret, d. of Sir Hugh Adams, Richard, brass extant, 102. Courtenay, 97; (2) Ann, d. of Sir Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 674, Walter Moyle, 96. 26. Ash, Soil and acreage of, 82, 84. Aethelheah, Abbot of Reculver after Ashdown, John of Hover, 121 King Cenulf of /uremia had seized Ashford-Godmersham Downs on 3rd. revenues, 21, 28. Roman Road, 29, 30. Aethelheard, Mercian Archbishop at Ashtead, medieval ware, 74. Council of Clovesho, 23. Auberville, Estates in Oxney passed to Aethilmer, Abbot of Reculver, 699, 27. family of Criol or Kerial, 85. Afleerers, 16. Auberville, William, founded Abbey Agger or Embankment of Roman of W. Langdon, 84, 91. road, 33. Aubervilles, Norman family, 84. Aldington Coastal range of hills, 30. Augustine's Abbey, St., Canterbury, Ale-conner, 16. founded 606, 20, Alfred, Duke, affairs settled, 871, 24. Austen, Francis, 17. Alignments of Roman Roads, 29, 30. Austen, George of Sevenoaks, 12, 17. Allington Castle, Robert Gainsford of, Austins, S., bargain with Christchurch, 98. 826, 23. All Saints, Orpington, Plan 4, 5. Alsedeans public pathway, 15. Baegmund, Abbot of Reculver, 839, 28. Altar Tomb at Eastwell, 98. Baere, Abbot of Reculver, may be Alys, wife of Thomas, 2. Daene, 27. Amber Green: Staplehurst, 7th, Eagshawe's Directory, 96. Alignment Roman Road, 30, 36. Baker, F., Esq., Middlesbro', 106. Ancient Monuments Department of Banks, Sir Edward, purchased Oxney H.M. Ministry of Works, 64. 1838, 92, 93. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, M.S.F., 24. Banks, Major Herbert Delemark, died, Antiquaries Journal, Gibbon Family, 1937, 93. 106. Ranks, William John, cricketer, died, see also Monuments. 1901, 93. Appledore, overrun by Danes, 23. Bapchild, Council of, 27. Apsidal Aislelesa Churches of Great Barham, see Werheard's Will, 832, 24. Britain'by Dr. Fairweather, 4. Baron, Court, see Court Leet with Archosologia XXIX, Roman Villa, 34. Court Baron, 16. Arch. Cant, X, XV, Roman Cemetery, Barr, F. S., Esq. (Martin's Ltd.), 81, 34, 46. Barton Lands for endowment, 20. Arch. Cant. XIII, All Saints, Orping- Basso, builder of St. Mary, Reoulver, ton, 6. 20, 26. Arch. Cant. XVI, XLVI, St. Martin's, Bate, Joseph, fined, 1666, 15. Eynesford, 3. Bates, Mrs. 81. Arch. Cant. XX_XVII, Churches on Beardsworth, John, 103. Romney Marsh, 5. Beaumont College, Old Windsor, 7, 14. 124 GENERAL INDEX Bede mentions Beorhtweald as Abbot Brown, Prof. Baldwin, The Arts in of Racuulfe, 27 ; St. Augustine's Early England, 6. consecrated, 20. Brun, Abbot of Dover, 761, 23, 27. Bennett, John and Bennett, Thomas, Bungay Castle, Suffolk, medieval Stewards of Court Loot, 15. pottery, 71, 76. Beorhtweald, Abbot of Reculver, 679, Burgate Lane, Canterbury, 64-69. 20, 26, 27. Burleigh, John de, founded Chantry, Beornheah, Abbot of Dover, 22, 25. 101. Beornhelm, Last recorded Abbot of Burley, Manorof, 101. Reculver, c.890, 28. Butt-Gow, late Mr. R., marked Beornwine, Abbot of Reculver, 826, 28. Roman Road at Golford, 39. Beornwulf, Abbot of Dover, 24. Bethersden, Frid in, 106. Bethersden marble altar tomb, 96. Caerwent, 69. Beult, river, marks Roman route, 34. Canterbury Excavations : September Bewsborough, Hundred of, 84. --October, 1944. Report by Mrs. Bexley, Kennington Lane, 1789, 12. Audrey Williams, F.S.A. Twelve Birch, Cartularum Saxonicum, see illustrations, 64-81. B.C.S.reDating of Charters, c. 747, 27. Canterbury, Christ Church, James Birchall, John, rented Oxney Parson- Oxney, 86; Consistory Court: age, 1539, 87. Sir W. Aloyle's Will, 99; Co-opera- Birch°lt, 84. tive Society, 81; Excavations, 64, Bird, Rev., St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 65 ; Probate Court: Will of G. 106. Jekyn of Oxney, 87 ; Cathedral Library records, 87 ; Registers, Bishopsbourne see "IV orheard's Will", Archdeaconry Court of, 107 ; See, 832, 24. Arms of, 111; St. Augustino's Abbey, Blackinden, Mistress, 87. 19, 20. Black Prince, Knighting of, 92. Cases and Opinions, Duchy of Blanche, daughter of King Henry IV, Lancaster, 4, 18. 92. Cases and Opinions (1763-1801), 10. Blandford, J. Harland, Farnborough Cave, C. J. P. F.S.A., 106. and its Surroundings (1912), 7, 15. Cemeteries, Roman, see Roman Ceme- Bluebell Hill, see Route 1, 33. teries. Bodiam, Roman Road, 40. Cenulf, King of Mercia seized revenues Bond, James, Manor of Farnborough, of Reculver, 800, 28. 11. Chacotte farm, Chelsfield, held on 3 Bond, M. F., M.A., Farnborough Manor "day's work ", 15. in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Charlton, Mr. 0.J.' 106. Centuries, 7-18. Charters, Kentish, witnessed by Book of Grants, Duchy of Lancaster, 8. Kentish Abbots in order of founda- Borsholder, 16. tion dates, 19. Borstal], now Bostall, 107. Charters, In civitate Racuulf ", Boughton Aluph, Buckwell in, 96. granted by King Hlothair, 26. Boughton Monellolsea, monuments, Chelsfield Manor, held by Military 95, 96; Roman Road, 30: Wierton Service, 7, 8, 14. House Seat, 95. Chelsfield, Population and Dwellings, Bowls, medieval, excavated, 71, 77, 79. 1821, 15. Boyton Court, 45, 46. Chennell Park on Roman Route iii, 56. Bracelet, bronze, Roman, 118, 120. Chiddingfold, medieval glass tumbler, Brand, Nathaniel, 15. 76. 13regowin, Archbishop, 23. Chiddingstone, Family Vault of Henry Brett, Dr. Thomas, 98. Streatfeild, 121, 122. Bridge, John, grants Manor of Farn- Christ Church, Canterbury, James borough, 12, 18. Oxney monk, 1479, 86; Bargain 13ridgewood Gate, North Downs Es- with St. Austin's, 23; Brotherhood carpment, 30, 32. of, 25; given Reculver lands, Broad Street, Now, London, 11. annexe in 1030, 28. Bronze Age, evidence of, at Oxney, 84. Christie, Manson and Woods, sale of Brooches, Kentish finds of, engraved, Farnborough, 1789, unsuccessful, 12. enamelled, 116, 117, 118. Church Historical Edition, see Florence Broome, John, 10. of Worcester, 25. GENERAL INDEX 125 Churchill, Miss Irene, D.Phil., F.S.A., 7. Daegmund, deacon at Clovesho, 825,28; Chut, Edward, of Bethersden, 1631, Abbot of Reculver, 863, 28; Abbot 106. of St. Augustine, 883, 28. Chute, Lydia, died, 1631, 106. Dame, Abbot, 761, 27. Clarke and Sons, Ltd., E. publishers, 7.• Danes at Appledore and Milton, 893, Cliffe, se.e " Werheard's Will ", 832, 24. probably destroyed Dover Abbey, Clovesho, Council of, 803, 23,28. 23. Coalea, Mr. and Mrs. T., Manor House Driven, William, 103. investigations, 114, 116. Deal and Sandwich in 1946 and 1946, Cock, Dr., re Inscriptions, 106. Research. Report by W. P. D. Coins found in Canterbury, 69, 72, 74. Stebbing, F.S.A., FALL, S Plates, Cole, Edmund, fined, 15. 114-115. Commons Wastes, Heaths, Duchy, of D'Elboux, R. 11., M.C., F.S.A., Some Lancaster, S. Kentish indents, 95-108; Tran- Conqueror, The, families came over scripts from Faussett, MSS., 113. with, 84. Denelaeah, Abbot of Raculfe or Abbot Conquest, The, Dover monastery re- Dame, 27. founded, 25. Dering, Sir Edward, Eastwell monu- Cope, Thomas of Bexley, 12. ments, 1628, 98. Coppin, Joshua, Mayor of Deal, 1699, Dew ponds, 82. 114. Dilly, Allen, 17. Copyhoki transfers made by Court Dishes excavated, 71, 78. Leet, 16. Documents, Courts Baron and Courts Cornwallis, Lord at Offham, xxxvii. Leet at Farnborough, 16-18. Cotyngland, field at Eastwell left to Dover, Abbots of, 23; Brotherhood Church, 99. of, 25; Manor of Oxney near, 82; Councer, C. R., F.S.A., The Medieval St. Martin's Abbey founded c.700, 20; and Renaissance Painted Glass of History of, 25; St. Mary in the Eastwell, 109-113; Notes on Brasses, Castle Church, 25. 108. Downs foot—Maidstone North, 4th Councils at Acleah, Clovesho, Kent, alignment, 30. Surrey, London, 23, 24. Drivers, Messrs., Bartholomew Lane, Court of Duchy Chamber, from 1485, 12. 11. Dudeman, also Duda, Dudemon, Cuda- Courtenay, Archbishop William, at man, Abbot of Reculver, 28. Saltwood Castle, 1387, 85. Dunning, Mr. G. C., 81. Court Leet with Court Baron, final, Dyke, Sir John of Farnborough Hall, 9. 1823, Election of the hay-ward, Dyke, Sir John Dixon, 9; Mr. John borsholder, ale-conner, affeerers, 16- claimed escheat of Manor of Farn- 18. borough Hall, 10; Sir Thomas, 4th Courts Leet at Farnborough, 7, 14-16. Baronet, 12; Sir Percival Hart, d. Court Rolls, Manor of Farnborough, 7; 1846, 12. Taken by Lewis to Oxford in Dymehurch, Vicar of, 5. Commonwealth, sold, Discovered in London, 14, 15. Eadbeald, King, 616-640, 25. Cowley, Mr. L. F., 80. Eadbeorht, King, grants land, 761, 27. Craik, Mr. J. G., 81. Eadmund, King of Kent, grants land, Cranbrook Common on Roman Road, 784, 27. 34. Eadsige, Archbishop, gives land to Crawford, John, Steward of Farn- St. Augustine's, 1045, 25. borough Manor, 10, 14, 15. Ealdbeorht, Abbot of Dover, 23. Crawford, 0. G. S.' F.S.A., see Plate ii. Eardulf, King of Kent grants land, Crevequer, Daniel de, The Lord of 0.747, 27. Folkestone, 1166, 84, 91. Eardwulf, priest of Christchurch, abbot Criol or lierial or Cryoll possessed of Dover, 24, 25. Anberville Estate, 85, 92.
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