4&14 . THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 12, 1858, OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- NOTICE. N fore subsisting between us, George Bottomley, of Freetown Sierra Leone, 21st July, 1858. South-street, in Keighley, in the county of York, and LL persons having demands against the estate of the Enoch Hey, of South-street aforesaid, carrying on business A late William Elliott Bacon, Commercial Clerk of this there as Grocers, Tea and Provision Dealers, under the colony, are requested to file their claims at my office, on or firm of G. Bottomley and Company, has been dissolved by before the 1st January next ensuing, otherwise they will be mutual consent.—Dated this 9th day of November, in the excluded from any benefit arising from such estate. year of our Lord 1858. JOS. THOS. COMISSIONG, Receiver of Unrepre- George Bottomley. sented Estates. Enoch Hey. In Chancery.—Vice-Chancellor Stuart. VT OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately The Haggerston Estate, nearBerwick-upon-Tweed, Belford, 1AI existing between the undersigned, William Ely and and Wooler, North Northumberland. — A most important Thomas Whiteley, as Cotton Twisters, at Mold Green, in Freehold Manorial Domain, of more than 13,000 acres. the parish of Kirkheaton, in the county of York, nnder the O be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of firm of Ely and Whiteley, was dissolved by mutual consent T Chancery, dated the 22nd day of April, 185S, made on the 25th day of October now last past. All debts due in two causes .of Cocks v. Stanley, and Brooke v. Stanley, to or from the said copartnership will be received and paid by Mr. Samuel Donkin, the person appointed for this pur- by the said Thomas Whiteley, who will carry on the busi- pose by the Judge to whose Court these causes are attached, ness on his own account.—Witness the hands of the parties at the Auction Mart, Bartholomew-lane, London, on Wed- this 9th day of November, 1858. nesday, the 1st day of December, 1858, at twelve for one Wm. Ely. o'clock in the afternoon, the following valuable freehold Thomas Whiteley. landed property, situate in the parishes of Holy Island, Ancroft, Lowick, Rylve, Chatton, and Kirknewton, in the St. James'-cottage, St. James'-road, county of Northumberland. The whole will first be offered Old Kent-road, London, S.C. together, and if not then sold, will be offered in the under- E, the undersigned, Wool Rug Manufacturers, of the mentioned lots: , W above place, do hereby mutually dissolve Partnership Lot 1 comprises the splendid modern mansion-honse from this day and date.—November 8, 1858. known as Haggerston Castle, situate near the Great North- George Acome. road from Newcastle to Berwick-on-Tweed, seven miles south Henry Payne. of the latter town, and about a mile and a-half from the Beal station, on the North Eastern Railway. The mansion OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between contains handsome reception rooms, billiard rooms, nume- N the undersigned, Bonjainin Barnett and Robert Rees, rous best and secondary bedrooms, drawing and bath rooms. in the trade or business of Boot and Shoe Maker at Rhyl, Attached to it are extensive servants' offices, ample stabling in the county of Flint, and elsewhere, under the style or firm and wash-houses, beautiful pleasure grounds, gardens, con- of Barnett and Rees, was dissolved by mutual consent on servatories, vinery, ornamental lodges, a riding school, fish the 1st day of November instant, and in future the business ponds and trout streams. The whole is in excellent condi- •will be carried on by the said Benjamin Barnett. And tion, and is in every respect adapted for the accommodation notice is further given that all debts and demands of or of a nobleman's establishment. Also, the Home Farm, with upon the said firm, will he discharged by the said Benjamin capital farm house and buildings; the chapel and chaplain's Barnett.—Dated this 8th day of November, 1858. residence. The mansion and grounds with the Home Farm, Bertjm. Barnett. which is laid out in grass parks, comprise upwards of 600 Robert JSecs. acres. Also a very convenient gentleman's residence, known VJOTtCE is hereby given, that the Partnership formerly as Mead House, with 89A. 2n. 27P. of capital arable and L i subsisting between us the undersigned, James Slater, pasture land. Also the following first-rate farms, with ex- of Tiirton. in the county of Lancaster, and John Nuttall cellent farm-houses and buildings:—Brock Mill Farm,con- Slater, of Turton, aforesaid, carrying on business at Turton taining 225A. OB. 22p; Bridge Mill and Farm, containing aforesaid, as Bleachers, under the firm or style of George 169A. 2n. 30p.; New Haggerston Farm, containing and James Slater, was dissolved and determined on the 624A.2R.25r.; Greenside and Lowlynn Mill and Farm, 30th day of October. 1858 ; and that ail debts owing to and containing 82A. OR. 2lP; also a blacksmith's shop and close, by the sai<l l\>:n\ will be received and paid by the under- containing 2B. 10p. and several cottages. The above-men- signed John Nuttall Slater and George Slater the younger, tioned property lies iu a ring fence, and is of very high of Turton aforesaid, who sinci: the said 30th day of October quality. In this lot are also included the freehold rents, 1858, have carried on and will continue the said business called Custleward Rents, of the manor'of Norham, amount- of Bleac-iers at Turton aforesaid, in partnership under the ing to £84 7s. 6d. per annum; also the corn tithes of Ches- afuixsjid firm or style of George and James Slater.—As wick, commuted at £217 per annum; also the salmon witness our hands the 9th day of November, 1S58. fishery of Cheswick ; also the royalties and manorial rights The of the manors of Norham and Norhamshire. The outgoings James X Slater. are low. The greater part of the land is tithe free. The aggregate rental, exclusive of the mansion, grounds, and Mark of plantations, is about £3,500 per annum. John, Nuttall Stater. Lot 2 comprises the following very valuable farms, all George Slater, junr. lying in a ring fence, and nearly adjoining lot 1:—Kent- OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- sto-ie Farm, containing 358A. SR. 33p.; Fenwick Granary N fore subsisting betwet-n UP, the undersigned John and Mount Hooley Farms, containing together 663A. IR 34p.; Whitmore and William McDougall, carrying on the busi- Fenwick Steads Farm, containing 669A. IB. HP.; Buckton ness of Chemists and Druggists, at No. 174, Regent-street, Farm, containing 907A. 2H. 39p.; Smeafield Farm, contain- and at No. 125, Oxford-street, in the county of Middlesex, ing 224A. OR. 28P.; East Kyloe Farm, containing •has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, 11th Novem- 475A. OR. 20P.; the entire village of Fenwick; Fenwick ber, 1853 ; and that all debts owing to or by the said part- Wood, containing 117A. IB. 6p.; Kyloe Plantation, con- nership will be received and paid by the said John Whit- taining 220A. IB. 39p ; also a colliery and several cottages, more, who will continue the said business at No. 125, Ox- at Kyloe, and very profitable tile works at Mount Hooley. ford-street aforesaid. This lot is situate about five miles north of the market town J. Whitmorc. of Belford, and is intersected by the North Eastern Rail- way and the Great North High-road. Underneath parts of Wm. McDougall. it are extensive seams of coal. The aggregate rental, ex- " OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- clusive of many hundreds of acres of woods and plantations, N fore existing between us, the undersigned Thomas which arc in hand, and exclusive of the coal, amounts to Soord the younger and David Perry, at Bishopswearmouth, £4,100 per annum. The outgoings are very light, and the in the county of Durham, as Flour Factors, under the firm greater part of this lot also is tithe free. of Thomas Soord and Company, was dissolved by mutual Lot 3. All that farm, called Cheswick Buildings Farm, consent on the 8th day of October last.— Dated this 4th situate in the township of Cheswick, upon the Great North day of November, 1858. High-road, five miles south of Berwick-upon-Tweed, with Tlios. Soord, jr. good farm house, buildings, and cottages, containing David Perry. 461 A. 2R. 38p. The land is well drained and in a high sta:e of cultivation. This lot is held by a thoroughly good. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership sub- tenaut for a term of years expiring 12th May, 1S63, at the N sisting between u--, the undersigned William Henry clear annual rent of £550. liendry and James Paton the elder, in the business of Lots I, 2, 3, closely adjoin one another, and are situate in Coal Merchants, carried ou by us at Mihon-next-Graves- the parishes of Ancrolt, Lowick, Holy Island, and Kyloe, end, iu the county of Keur, under the firm of liendry and t e richest part of Northumberland. The North Eastern Paion, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.— Railway and the Great North Road run through, or close Witness our hands this 10th day of November, 1858. by, the various farms, and afford every facility for the trans- William Hendry. port of produce. The farm houses and buildings are sub- James P&ton, stantial and commodious j the tenantry are highly respect-.
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