§ 712.30 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–17 Edition) (d) Persons must use the CISS tool to tarily submitted data. Such letters, complete and submit Form 7710–35, sent in accordance with the method Manufacturer’s Report, and accom- specified in § 712.28(d) to EPA, must panying letters, via CDX. Submission contain the following language: requires registration with CDX, and I hereby certify that, to the best of my must be made only as set forth in this knowledge and belief, all information en- section. tered on this form is complete and accurate. (e) To access the CISS tool go to I agree to permit access to, and the copying https://cdx.epa.gov/ssl/CSPP/ of records by, a duly authorized representa- PrimaryAuthorizedOfficial/Home.aspx tive of the EPA Administrator, in accord- and follow the appropriate links, and ance with the Toxic Substances Control Act, for further instructions to go http:// to document any information reported on www.epa.gov/oppt/chemtest/ereporting/ the form. index.html. (B) Notification letters must be sub- mitted in accordance with the method [47 FR 26998, June 22, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 20083, May 29, 1987; 53 FR 12523, Apr. 15, specified in § 712.28(d) prior to the re- 1988; 60 FR 31921, June 19, 1995; 60 FR 34463, porting deadline. July 3, 1995; 71 FR 47126, Aug. 16, 2006; 78 FR (ii)(A) The respondent has previously 72825, Dec. 4, 2013] submitted a Manufacturer’s Report on a chemical substance or mixture sub- § 712.30 Chemical lists and reporting ject to subpart B of this part to the periods. Interagency Testing Committee, but (a)(1) Persons subject to this subpart not to EPA, and that Manufacturer’s B must submit a Preliminary Assess- Report contained data for a 1-year pe- ment Information Manufacturer’s Re- riod ending less than 3 years prior to port for each chemical substance or the effective date described in para- mixture that is listed or designated in graph (a)(2) of this section. Respond- this section. ents meeting this condition must sub- (2) Unless a respondent has already mit a copy of the Manufacture’s Re- prepared a Manufacturer’s Report in port, in accordance with the method conformity with conditions set forth in specified in § 712.28(d) to EPA, and must paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the in- submit an accompanying letter, also in formation in each Manufacturer’s Re- accordance with the methods specified port must cover the respondent’s latest in § 712.28(d), notifying EPA of the re- complete corporate fiscal year as of the spondent’s intent that the submission effective date. The effective date will be used in lieu of a current Manufac- be 30 days after the FEDERAL REGISTER turer’s Report. The notification letter publishes a rule amendment making must verify the completeness and cur- the substance or mixture subject to rent accuracy of the voluntarily sub- this subpart B. mitted data. Such a letter must con- (3) Persons subject to this subpart B tain the following language: need not comply with the requirements I hereby certify that, to the best of my of paragraph (a)(2) of this section if knowledge and belief, all information en- they meet either one of the following tered on this form is complete and accurate. conditions: I agree to permit access to, and the copying (i)(A) The respondent has previously of records by, a duly authorized representa- and voluntarily provided EPA with a tive of the EPA Administrator, in accord- Manufacturer’s Report on a chemical ance with the Toxic Substances Control Act, substance or mixture subject to sub- to document any information reported on part B of this part, which contains data the form. for a 1-year period ending no more than (B) The submission must be made 3 years prior to the effective date de- prior to the reporting deadline. scribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec- (b) Except as provided in paragraph tion. Respondents meeting this condi- (c) of this section, chemical substances tion must notify EPA by letter of their and designated mixtures will be added desire to have the voluntary submis- after a notice of proposed amendment sion used in lieu of a current data sub- of this subpart is published in the FED- mission and must verify the complete- ERAL REGISTER. There will be a 30 day ness and current accuracy of the volun- public comment period on each notice; 70 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Aug 04, 2017 Jkt 241183 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V33.TXT 31 kpayne on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB Environmental Protection Agency § 712.30 after consideration of the comments, a cation of the notice under this para- final amendment will identify the sub- graph. If a substance, mixture or cat- stances and mixtures added. egory is removed, a FEDERAL REGISTER (c)(1) Chemical substances, mixtures, notice announcing this decision will be and categories of substances or mix- published no later than the effective tures that have been added by the date of the amendment. Interagency Testing Committee, estab- (2) You must submit the information lished under section 4(e) of TSCA, to using the method specified in the section 4(e) Priority List, for test- § 712.28(d). ing consideration by the Agency, will (d) Manufacturers and importers of be added to this section 30 days after the substances listed below must sub- EPA issues for publication in the FED- mit a Preliminary Assessment Infor- ERAL REGISTER a rule amendment list- mation Manufacturer’s Report for each ing these chemical substances, mix- tures and categories. A Preliminary site at which they manufacture or im- Assessment Information—Manufactur- port each substance by the reporting er’s Report must be submitted for each date shown in the table below. The sub- chemical substance and mixture within stances are listed in Chemical Ab- 60 days after the effective date of the stracts Service Registry Number order. listing. At the discretion of the Assist- Typically EPA lists the trivial or com- ant Administrator for Chemical Safety mon name first, then, following the and Pollution Prevention, a listed sub- symbol ‘‘- -’’, EPA lists the substance stance, mixture or category may be by its TSCA Chemical Substance In- withdrawn, for good cause, from the ventory name. Whenever EPA lists a rule’s reporting requirements prior to single name, the name may be either the effective date. Any information the TSCA Chemical Substance Inven- submitted showing why a substance, tory name, a trivial name, or a com- mixture or category should be removed mon name. Generally, when a single from the rule must be received by EPA name is listed, it is the TSCA Chemical within 14 days after the date of publi- Substances Inventory name. Effective Reporting CAS No. Substance date date 78-10-4 Ethyl silicate............................................................................................................ 8/23/00 10/23/00 90-30-2 N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine ...................................................................................... 9/30/91 11/27/91 100-40-3 4-Vinylcyclohexene ................................................................................................. 1/11/90 3/12/90 108-95-5 Thiophenol .............................................................................................................. 1/26/94 3/28/94 109-87-5 Methylal ................................................................................................................... 8/23/00 10/23/00 118-79-6 2,4,6-tribromophenol ............................................................................................... 1/11/90 3/12/90 133-49-3 Pentachlorothiophenol ............................................................................................ 8/27/01 10/24/01 136–35–6 1-Triazene, 1,3-diphenyl-........................................................................................ 7/11/03 9/9/03 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide...................................................................................................... 10/29/90 12/27/90 496-46-8 Glycoluril ................................................................................................................. 8/23/00 10/23/00 632-79-1 Tetrabromophthalic anhydride................................................................................ 1/11/90 3/12/90 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl ether ............................................................................................... 12/28/94 2/27/95 994-05-8 Tert-amyl methyl ether ............................................................................................ 12/28/94 2/27/95 1163-19-5 Decabromodiphenyl ether....................................................................................... 1/11/90 3/12/90 1198-55-6 Tetrachloropyrocatechol ......................................................................................... 8/27/01 10/24/01 1806-24-2 p-toluidine, 5-chloro-.alpha.,.alpha.,.alpha.-trifluoro-2-nitro-N-phenyl- ................... 8/27/01 10/24/01 3194-55-6 Hexabromocyclododecane ...................................................................................... 1/11/90 3/12/90 3278–89–5 Benzene, 1,3,5-tribromo-2-(2-propenyloxy)-........................................................... 7/11/03 9/9/03 3296-90-0 Dibromoneopentyl glycol........................................................................................ 1/11/90 3/12/90 12185-10-3 White phosphorus................................................................................................... 1/26/94 3/28/94 16691-43-3 3-Amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole ........................................................................
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