Index to Volume 48, six issues, 1956-1958 Abbott, Samuel, 72 Backhouse, Elizabeth Bar­ Bennett, William, 209-12 Abbott, Sarah, 72 clay, 60 Berkshire Friends MSS., 156, Aberdeenshire Friends MSS., Backhouse, Hannah Chap­ 235 235 man (Gurney), 56, 62n, Bessbrook, 250-52 Abraham, Richard, 27 69 Be van, Joseph Gurney, 213 Accounts, 2,139, 259 Backhouse, James, 68, 69 Be van, Paul, 213 Ackworth School, 248, 249, Backhouse, John Church, 63 Bevan-Naish Library, 213-14 280 Backhouse, Jonathan, 56, 57, Bewdley, Worcs., 278 Adams, William, 284 60, 62n, 64, 69 Bewley, Edward, 257 Adderbury, 136 Backhouse, Katharine, 60 Bewley, William, 257 Advices in verse, 57-58 Backhouse, Thomas William, Bewley, William F. (1847- Albright, Arthur (1811-1900), 60 1922), 256-57 240-43 Backhouse family, 68 Bilsland family, 256 Albright, William, 241 Baddesley Ensor, 216 Bingley, William, letter, Albright, William Arthur Bain ton, Benjamin, 76-77 137-39 (1853-1942), 174, 241-43 Baker, Ann, 216 Bird, Richard, 187 Albright, William Beaumont, Baker, George, 7 Bird, Robert, 258 242 Baker, George (1825-1910), Birkhead, Christopher, 76 Albright and Wilson, 239-42 243 Birmingham, 233; M.M., 173 Alby, Edward, 27 Balby, 81,129-31 Birr, 31 Alcester, 160; M. H., 159 Balle, Joan, 216 Biscuit manufacture, 252-57 Alconbury-cum-Weston, Ballyhagen, 31 Bishop Auckland, 222 Hunts., 278 Ballymoney, 31 Biss, Thomas, 27 Aldam, Ann (Stacey), 82 Ballynakill, 31 Blanch, William, 7 Aldam, Margaret (Lord), 81 Banbury,93,137, 215 Blaugdone, Barbara, 15, 23, Aldam, Mary (Killam), 130 Bandon, 14,21,25,31 34,40, 78 Aldam, Thomas, 80-82, 129, Bandon Bridge, 124 Blaykling, Francis, 227 136; letters, 85-90, Baptists in Ireland, 20-21 Blaykling, John, letter, 225-57 127-29,131-32 Barbados, 22 Blomfield, Emily, Bevan- Aldam, Thomas, jr., 82 Barclay, A. R., MSS., 85-93, Naish Library, 213-14 Aldam, William, 86 123-39, 215-28 Blood worth, Henry, 12 Alderfer, E. Gordon, 231 Barclay, Christian (Molleson), Boddington, John, 135 Alexander, Ann, 265 217-18 Borries, Julianne Antoinette Alland, Henry, 124 Barclay, Robert (1648-1690), von, 261 Alien, Nathaniel, 185 217-18 Bohn, Ralph P., 52 Alien, William, 280-81 Barclay, Robert (1833-1876), 4 Boulton, John, 126 Alley, Thomas, 27 Barclay, Robert, banker, 63 Bourne, Edward, letter, Alvescot, 169 Barcroft, Henry, 251 136-37 America, 67, 69, 148, 149 Barfoote (Barfutt), Hannah, Bowles, Edward, 85-87 American Civil War, 163-67 216 Bownas, Samuel, 94 Amersham, 136 Barfoote, Margaret, 217 Bowron, John, 90 Ames, William, 20, 260; Barney, Helen Corse, 51-52 Bradford, Yorks., 94, 248; letter, 132 Barrington, 168,169 Mechanics' Institute, 234 Amsterdam, 132,227 Barrington, Lt.-Col., 27 Bradley, Friends' registers, Andrewes, Thomas, 135 Barrow, Robert, 223-26 282 Andrews, John, 277 Barrow, Walter, 174 Bradley, Thomas, 60 Antrim, 31 Barton, Eliza, 12 Bradninch, fire, 272 Antrobus, Benjamin, 216, 227 Barwick, Robert, 134 Braithwaite, Alfred W., 53, Appleby jail, 223 Baugh, Sarah, 191 145, 246 Archives, 95,156, 235; exhibi­ Bawier, Judith, 263 Braithwaite, Catherine, 59 tions, 208 Baxter, Richard, 204-7 Braithwaite, J. Bevan, 59-60 Asbery, Aim, 217 Bayly, Jane, 185 Braithwaite, Rachel, 59 Associated Biscuit Manu­ Baynes, Helen, 56 Brayshaw, Alfred Neave, 61 facturers, 253i 255 Baynes, Oswald, 56 Bridlington, 138 Atkins, Alexander, 27 Baynton, John, 272 Brigg, David, 283 Atkinson, Margery, 9 Beale, Joshua, 260 Brigg, Jeremy, 282,283 Audland, Anne, 93 Beard, John, 138,139 Brigg, Joshua, 282 Audland, John, 226; letters, Bedford, Peter, 280 Brigg, Thomas, 282 9<>-93 Belfast, 31, 251 Brigg family, 282-83 Australia, South, 69 Belley, Henry, 137 Briggs, Thomas, 123 Aylesbury, 136; fire, 274 Bellows, John, 253 Bright, John, 164, 263 Bennett, Alfred, 211-12 Bristol, 15, 41, 90-91, 171, Bennett, Edward, 242 215; Friends, 99, io2n, Backhouse, Basil H., 69 Bennett, Edward, artist, 212 111-13, 234; Friends' Backhouse, Edith M., 69 Bennett, Elizabeth, 211 marriages, 175-95; and Backhouse, Edward, 60,63 Bennett, Mary Elizabeth, 212 Ireland, 70-78 ; and 285 Vol. 48-416 INDEX Briefs, 271*79; Men's Chapman, Thomas, 143 Crosfield, Joseph (1821-79), Meeting, 271-79; Work­ Chapman family MSS., 235 245, 246 house, 277; Bridewell, Charlbury, 169 Crosfield, Lampard & Co., 246 189-91; Newgate, 189-91 Charlemont, 31 Crossley, Henry W. (1809-99), British Anti-Slavery Society, Charleville, 31 250 240 Chatteris, Isle of Ely, 278 Cruickshank, Amos, 253 Brockbank, Richard Bowman, Chemical industry, 239-44 Cullompton, fire, 272 Chester, 41,123 Cumberland, 226 Brockbank, ~.Thomas, 174 Chester, John, 83 Curtis, Thomas, of Tetbury, Brocklesby, Rich., 27 Chipping Norton, 169 41 Browne, John, 135 Christy family, 250,252 Browne, Margery, 126 Church briefs, 270, 279 Bryant and May, 241 Clapham, Rev. George, 18 Danzig, 228 Buckinghamshire Friends, Claridge, Samuel, 42, 43, 46, Darby, Abraham 1,171,172 101, 102, 108-11 48 Darby, Abraham II, 172 Buckley, Samuel, 20 Clark, Charles Heath (1860- Darlington, i, 222; Friends, Burden, Thomas, 91 1926), 246 55-69 Burford, 168-70 Clark, Hilda, 118 Davjs, Ann, 188 Burke, Francis (1800-62), Clark, Roger, 243 Davis, John, 27 242-43 Clarke, John, 27 Davy, Elizabeth, 282 Burnyeat, John, 37 Clarke, Thomas, 180 Davy, William, 282 Burrough, Edward, 226; in Clayton, Francis C. (1843- Dawson, William, 71 Ireland, 7, 8, 12-16, 1928), 240 Day, Mary, 178 18-19, 27, 35; at Water- Cleaton, Aim, 92 Dedicott, Mary, 176 ford, 34; to Dublin, Cleaton, Margaret, 92 Denby, 127 123-25; letters to, 90-93 Coalbrookdale, 171,172 Denham, Thomas, 192 Burton, Yorks., 127 Coale, Christobel, 178,185 Dennis, Samuel, 76 Buttler, John, 27 Coale, George, 185 Devon and Cornwall Bank, Bywater, William, 119, 121 Coale, Josiah, 79, 226; letter 244 to, 125-26 Devonshire, 215 Coate, John, 272 Dewsbury, William, 41, 89, Cobden, John, 164 203 Cadbury, Henry J., 54, 144 Cole, James, 71,272 Dickinson, James (1659- Cadbury, Henry T., 213 Cole, W. Alan, 97-98; Quakers 1741), 218 Cadbury, Lucy J., 213 and politics, 162; Social Dickson, Joan, 191 Callowhill, Hannah. See Penn origins, 99-118 Dickson, Thomas, 277,278 Callowhill, Thomas, 75, 78, Colthouse, 209, 211 Dillwyn, George, 260, 263 192,274, 276,278 Conner, John, 27 Dillwyn, William, 238 Camm, John, 226; letter, Conway, Anne, Viscountess, Dimond, Philip, 27 132-34 23,157-62 Dixon, Isabel, 216 Camm, John, of Cork, 71 Conway, Edward, 3rd Vis- Dixon, James, 210 Capoquin, 76 count, 23,158 Dixon, Ralph, 60 Carlisle, 252-53 Cook, Charity, 264 Dockerye, Thomas, 224 Carr, George Thompson (1837- Cooke, Edward, 6, 20-22 Dodds, M. Hope, 143 1902), 253 Cooke, Elizabeth, 76 Dole, Erasmus, 71,180, 272 Carr, James Nicholson (1838- Cooke, Lucretia, 20 Doncaster, L. Hugh, 200, 238; 1901), 253 Cooke, Peter, 76 review, 229-30; William Carr, John, 252 Cooke, Thomas, 27 Singleton, 280-82 Carr, Jonathan Dodgson Coole, Benjamin, 75, 78, 192, Dorset Q.M., 275 (1807-88), 252, 253 273, 277 Douglas, John M., Quakerism Carr, Mary M., 174 Core, Enoch, 73 in Ireland, 3-32 Carr, Philip, 253 Cork, 12,14,15,17, 23, 27, 31, Drake, Thomas E., 54, 237 Carr, Reginald, 174 34, 48, 70, 71, 76, 77, 124 Drewit, Mary, 47 Carr, Thomas William (1840- Cornish, Sarah, 187 Driver, William, 27 95), 253 Cornwall Friends MSS., 156, Drogheda, 31,124 Carr, William Theodore (1866- 235 Droitwich, 137 I93i)» 253 Cotesworth, William, 121 Dryver, Isabel, 282 Carrickt 23 Cottrell, Harry, 244 Dryver, John, 282 Carrickfergus, 24,31 Courtney, Ruth, 148 Dublin, 11-15, 17, 20-21, 31, Cary, Jer,, 27 Cousins, Randal, 12,27 34, 39-50, 256-57; How- Cary, Richard L.f 266 Coysgarne, Sampson, 177 gill at, 123-25; and Cashel, 7,27 Crabbe, John, 46 Bristol, 70, 73-75; wills, Castlesalem, 31 Crabbe, Thomas, 44 230; Half-Year's meet­ Catford, Arthur Harriss (1865- Craigmore, 251 ing, 7, 74, 75; National 1935), 256 Cripps, Nathaniel, 41 Meeting, 31 Caton, William, 226 Crisp, Stephen, 228 Dunn, Peter, 255 Cavan, 16,31 Cromwell, Henry, 14, 15, 34, Durham, 143, 225, 226; MM., Century Insurance Co., 249 40 119-22; Q.M., 58-61, 68, Chambers, Grace (Hall), 122 Cromwell, Oliver, 86, 90, 127, 222 Chambers, Robert, 122 133 Dymond, Joseph J., 248 Champion, Richard, 277 Crosfield, George Theodore Champion family, 234 (1849-1927), 246-47 Chandler, Abel, 189 Crosfield, Hugh (1883-1944), Eccles, Solomon, 11-12 Chandler, Thomas, 27 247 Ecroyd, Benjamin, 248 Chapman, Elizabeth (Fry), Crosfield, James Backhouse Ecroyd, William Farrer (1827- 235 (1848-1928), 246-47 , 258 INDEX 287 Edcnderry, 31 Friends' Temperance Union, Hardcastle, Judith, 282 Edinburgh, brief, 279 246 Hardcastle, Thomas, 282 Edmundson, William, 6. 9, 10, Fry, Ann (Alien), 233 Harford, Charles (1632-1709), 16, 18, 20, 27, 32, 33, 36, Fry, Elizabeth (Gurney), 265 7i, 72, 75, 77, 78, 179, 37, 42, 48, 94 Fry, Martha, 190 190, 271, 274 Edwards, Irene L., 97 Fry family, 234 Harford, Charles (1662-1725), Edwards, John, 27 75, 277 Eisel, Henriette, 261 Harford, Edward, 179 Ellis, James, 247 Gaelic language, 22 Harford family, 234 Embry, George, 272 Galwaycity, 11-12 Harison, G., 226 Endicott, Sir John, 14 Gambia, 282 Harris, Ann, 184 Enniskillen, 277, 278 Gannicliffe, John, 272 Harris, Anne (Nicholls), 217 Eustace, P. Beryl, 230 Gannicliffe, Nicholas, 90 Harris, Redford Crosfield, 68 Ewbank, Richard, 121 Germany, Friends in, 260-66 Harris, Sarah, 216 Exeter, 272 Gibbins, Roland B., 240 Harris, Stephen, 17, 27 Exham, John, 27 Glamorganshire archives, 208 Harris, Susan, 216 Eyon, Christopher, 120 Glasgow, 255-56 Harris, Thomas, 272 Gloucestershire, 41; Friends, Harrison, Bridget,
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