1893. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 301 ~ In addition to this, I append a table showing the remarkable ASSISTANT SOLICITOR OF THE TREASURY. tenacity with which thepricesof wheat andcottonhaveadhered Norborne T. N. Robinson, of Louisiana, to be as sis tan t solicitor to the value of silver: of the Treasury, vice Felix A. Reeve, resigned. Year. Wheat. Cotton. Silver. Year. Wheat. Cotton. Silver. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. William C. Perry, of Kansas, to be attorney of the United 1833 __________ States for the district of Kansas, vice Joseph W. Ady, resigned. L8'i2 ..•• -~- ---. 1.47 19.3 1.32 1.13 10.8 1.11 1873 _____ ______ 1. 31 18.8 1. 29 1884 __________ 10.5 1. 01 CONSUL. 1885 __________ 1.07 1814 .. --------- 1. 43 15.4 1.27 .86 10.6 1.06 1875 ____ _______ 1.12 15.0 !.24 1886 __________ .87 9.9 .99 Otto H. Boyesen, of Grand Forks, ~-, to be consul of the 18i6 _________ __ 1.2! 12.9 1.15 1887 ________ ·- .89 9. 5 .97 United States at Gothenburg, Sweden, vice Charles H. Shepard, 1. 17 11.8 1.20 1838 ____ ------ .85 9.8 . 93 187818i7 -----------_____ , _____ !839 __________ recalled . 1.34 11.1 1.15 1890 __________ .90 9.9 .93 1. 07 9. 9 1.12 .83 10.2 1.04 COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. 187:)_ ---------- 1891_ _________ 1880 .• --------- 1.25 11.5 1.14 .85 7.0 .90 Bradley B. Smalley, of Vermont, to be collector of customs 188L ---- __ ---- 1.11 11.4 1.13 189~L .... ---- .80 7.3 .86 1882 ___________ 1.19 11.4 1.13 7.0 .73 for the district of Vermont , in the State of Vermont, to succeed 1893---------- .67 George G. Benedict, resigned. Mr. LODGE. Mr. President-- CHIEF ENGINEER REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE. Mr. COCKRELL. Does the Senator desire to proceed this First Assistant Engineer Edward F. Hedden to be chief en- evening ·~ gineer in the Revenue Cutter Service, in phceof Horace H .1ssellt Mr. LODGE. I shall beveryhappyto give way if the Senator deceased. desir.: s to move an adjournment or to go into executive session. FIRST ASSISTANT E~GINEER REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair desires to ask what Second Assistant Engineer Eugenious A. Jack to be first as­ disposition .is proposed to be made of the joint resolution which sistant engineer in the .Revenue Cutter Servic3, to succeed Ed­ has been pending~ ward F. Hedden, promoted. Mr. COCKRELL. Let the joint resolution still lie on the table. Mr. VEST. I understand that other Senators deaire to speak SECOND ASSISTANT ENGINEER REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE. on it. William E. Maccoum, of Maryland, to be a second assistant The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint resolutionwilllieon engineer in the Revenue Cutter Service, to succeed Samuel B. the table. McLenegan, resigned. Mr. COCKRELL. I ask that the table which my colleague PENSION AGENT. presented and asked to have printed with his speech may also George W. Skinner, of Big Cove Tannery, Pa., to be pension be printed as a separate document. agent at Pittsburg, Pa., vice Herbert H. Bengough, to be re­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to there- moved. quest of the Senator from Missouri? . SECRETARY OF OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. Mr. HOAR. What is the request? Thomas J. Lowe, of Guthrie, Okla., to be secretary of Okla,­ Mr. COCKRELL. A table which my colleague requested to hom%Territory, vice Robert Martin, to be removed. be printed, giving ratios, etc., was ordered to be printed in the REUORD, and I ask that it be printed as a separate document, so REGISTERS OF LAND OFFICE. we may have it without the whole speech. It is Soetbeer's sb.­ John J. Beavers, of Benton, Ark., to be register of the land tistical table. office at Little Rock, Ark., vice Patrick Raleigh, resigned. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the re­ Ed win P. Harm !in, of Denver, Colo., to be register of the land quest of the Senator from Missouri? The Chair hears none, and office at Denver, Colo., vice John A. McBeth, to be removed. the table referred to will be printed as a separate document. Wiliam D. Lindsay, of Guthrie, Okla., to be register of the Mr. HOAR. I understand the desire of my colleague is to land office at Guthrie~ in Oklahoma Territory, vice Tboms.s J. speak to his own resolution, and not to the pending resolution. L owe, nominated to be secretary of Oklahoma Territory. I had an understanding that I should follow . the Senator from Edward G. Spilman, of Huntington, W.Va., to be register of Missouri [Mr. VEST], but I have no desire to speak until my col- the land office at Kingfisher, in Oklahoma Territory, vice Jacob league has spoken. · C. Robberts, term expired. BUSINESS OF THE SESSION. RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Mr. LODGE. Mr. President, I now ask that the resolution James C. Caldwell, of Kingfisher, Okla., to be receiver of pub­ submitted by me on the 8th instant may be laid before the lic moneys at Kingfisher, in Oklahoma Territory, vice Jacob V. Senate. Admire, term expired. Mr. COCKRELL. If the Senator from Massachusetts will -< I yield, I will move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. LODGE. I will yield for that purpose. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Before submitting the question MONDAY, August 14, 1893. on the motion of the Senator from Missouri, the Chair will lay before the Senate the resolution referred to by the Senator from The House met at 11 o'clock a.m., and was called to order by Massachusetts [Mr. LODGE], which will be read. the Speaker. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. SAMUEL W. HAD­ The Secretary read as follows: DAWAY, D. D. ·whereas Congress has been called in extraordinary session on account of The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday was read and ap­ the unfortunate condition of business; and proved. Whereas some measure of relief can be obtained by the immediate and APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES. unconditional repeal of the purchasing clauses of the silver act of 1890: Therefore, The SPEAKER announced the appointment of the following Resolved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to report at once committees: to the Senate a bill to repeal the purchasing clauses of the silver act of 1890, and that a vote be taken in the Senate on said bill on Tuesday, August 22, On Enrolled Bills-Mr. Pearson, Mr. Russell, Mr. L'1timer, at 2 o'clock p.m., unless it is sooner reached. Mr. Hines, Mr. Hager, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Gillett of Massachu­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question now is on the setts. motion of the Senator from Missouri [Mr. CoCKRELL] that the On Mileage-Mr. Lynch, Mr. Strait, Mr. Pendleton, and Mr. Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business. Mahon. The motion was ag- reed to; and the Senate proceeded to the On Accounts-Mr. Rusk, Mr. Paynter, Mr. Tate, Mr. Mutchler, consideration of executive business. After :five minutes spent in Mr. Ikirt, Mr. Wells, Mr. Post, Mr. Wright of Massachusetts, executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 4 o'clock and and Mr. Marvin. 20 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tues­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. day, August 15,1893, at 12 o'clock m. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Cox, its Secretary, an­ nounced that the Senate h ad passed without amendment joint resolutions of the fol1owing titles: NOMINATIONS. Joint resolution (H. Res. 1} making available appropriations Executive nomination.s 'teceived by the Seno,te A uqust 14, 189S. for the payment of session employes of the House and Senate during the first session of the Fifty-third Congress; and SECRETARY OF LEGATION. Joint resolution (H. Res. 2) providing for the appropriate com­ Edward C. Butler, of Massachuset-ts, to be secretary of the lega­ memoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of tion of the United States to Mexico, vice Charles A. Dougherty, the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, September recalled. 18, 1793. 302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. AUGUST 14, MILEAGE OF SENATOR~ REPRESENTATIVES, AND DELEGATES. Mr. O'NEILLof Pennsylvania. Imova to strike out the words Mr. HOLMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for "in lieu of." the present consideration of the jointresolution which I send to The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana demands the the Clerk's desk. previous question. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana [Mr. HOLMAN] Mr. HOLMAN. I must insist on the resolution in its present asks unanimous consent for the present consideration of a joint form. resolution which the Clerk will report. Mr. O'NEILL of Pennsylvania. You can not caJl the p'evious The Clerk read as follows: question when I have the floor. Jo:lnt resolution (S. R. 3) making immediately available the appropriation Mr. HOLMAN. Tpe resolution gives satisfaction to those for mileage ot Senators and Members ot the House of Representatives. gentlemen who have examined it. Resolved, etc., That the appropriation for mileage ot Senators, Members of Mr. O'NEILL of Pennsylvania. I insist on the amendment. the House of Representatives, and Delegates from the Territories made in the legislative, ~xecutive, and judicial appropr•iation act for the fiscal year 1894-, Mr. HOLMAN. Rather than consume the time of proper de- approved March 3, 1893, be, and the same :is hereby, made immediately avail­ bate I prefer to withdraw the measure. able and authorized to be paid to Senators, Members of the House of Rep­ Mr. REED. Withdraw it, then. resentatives, and Delegates from the T erritories tor attendance on the first session of the Fifty-third Congress: Provided, That payments hereunder shall Mr.
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