General News Miami Moves Up As Soul Center Executive Turntable J Henry Stone's T.K. Productions The Major Thrust r By ART RAPPER MIAMI- George McCrae, KC Dig, Dash, Drive, Suncu6 Now many markets, our distribution situ- and the Sunshine Band, Little Bea- Sound, Gold Plate and Shane. ation is weak, so we bolster it by sell - ver, Latimore, Betty Wright, Clar- Soul charts records are Benny ing to one -imps and major retail ac- ence Reid ... they're all hot and Latimore's "Let's Straighten It Out," counts direct. We know where to go they're all from Miami, the city Little Beaver's "Party Down," with the merchandise." that's challenging Philly as the soul George McCme's new one (follow- T.K:s sound is the undulating center of the 70s. ing his chart busting "Rock Your push of George McCrae; the mw Baby "), "I Can't Leave You Alone," ILBERMAN ROTH EICHNER FRANKS Henry Stone, Miami's "soul mer- Betty Wright's "Shoorah! Shoo- girl -in-a woman's body soul of Betty chant," who arrived here from Cali- Wright, the acknowledged Queen of Mel Oberman named to the new post of division president, RCA Records rah!," Timmy Thomas' "I'd Like to fornia in 1946 to open Tone Distrib- Miami, whose advice to the ladies commercial operations, with general counsel Myron Roth succeeding him as See You Tonight," and Miami's T.K. Productions, utors, heads "Party Freaks." and warnings to the men has been division vice president, business and talent affairs. With marketing, business which releases these artists. her lyrical trademark; the moody and talent affairs, Nashville operations and publishing reporting to him, Ilber- "Not bad for a new company," passion of Latimore; the red -neck man will have responsibility for day -to-day commercial operations, freeing T.K Productions is an independ- says Stone. "We're truly an inde- swagger of KC; the party funk of president Ken Glassy to devote more personal attention to building the artist ent group of record labels, distrib- pendent company. We can't go to and Beavers high roster and expanding foreign markets. Jack Kieruaq division vice president, uted through its own nationwide the corporate well for more funds. Clarence Reid: emotional voice and racy-riff guitar marketing, takes on added responsibility for special products including TV network of independent distributors We have to keep moving. We pro- work. packages, premium disks. Mike Bantik r, who joined this summer as a pop ex- and one -stops in the United States. mote and get the product into the ecutive producer, named director, pop a &r, another new post. Jon Welton pro- The company, which was founded markets. We get the airplay. All our Betty Wright says the Miami Soul moted from staff counsel to senior counsel. in 1970, now includes such affiliate distributors have to do is concentrate sound is "sort of Afro-American - labels as Glades, Cat, Blue Candle, on selling our product. If they really Cuban-Catypso-Funk, with a little Stone Dogg, Bold, Chain, Inter- hustle for us, we swing with them. If bit of sunshine to make your heart BASF Systems, Inc., has named Guenther Grochla as president. succeed- national Brothers, Weird World, it doesn't sell, we take it back. In feel glad." ing reassigned Dr. Werner Balo. He was formerly head of BASF computer products marketing in Germany. Robert Blank, former Procter & Gamble - brand manager, fills Tom Dempsey's slot as vice president, audio products Sultan Transforms Bistros Into Discos marketing. Maradin VanOrder, manager of manufacturing, named vice presi- By DAVE DEXTER JR. dent, operations, Jan. I, and Dr. Uwe Bong, currently with a BASF group com- pany in Spain, takes over as vice president, finance and administration, March LOS ANGELES -Another trans- cling disco in the Southern Califor- dience ever to enjoy a mobile disco I. Remaining in their posts are Gerry Berberian, national sales manager, audio planted Londoner, John Sultan, has nia area. on the West Coast." products. and Woody Howard, manager of BASF Records. entered the mobile discotheque field Sultan worksoutof suburban Ing- t t here. But Sultan not only drives lewood, where for several years he Sultan also features special slides. Columbia Records promoted Mickey Eichene to vice president, East around in his lavishly equipped has designed and manufactured Last Thursday (19) he presented his Coast a &r, from director independent products, and Jonathan Canino to Dodge van putting on dance -light speakers and amps for many rock show to a holiday- celebrating crowd newly created post of director, new artist development, from associate director, shows at private parties, he contracts groups. of youngsters at the Lycre Francais with and small High School which had never seen product development. John M. Franks, 10 -year veteran with the label. named p cocktail lounges Because of his dual business inter- clubs to install his equipment on a anything like it. to newly created position of general sales manager, Columbia special prod- ests, he is a position to plug in as Q in ucts. Freddy PIllot has joined as local promotion manager, Columbia /Epic/ 1 carry about 500 singles and p share basis. many as eight column speakers and m maybe 200 LPs in my van," Sultan Custom Labels, New Orleans region. "With the dual turntable, the "four or five" amps, if necessary, to says. my special gimmick is a * -1 maze of lights, the records and the entertain audiences as large as "But m collection rare oldies which I per- amps, I furnish a beautiful girl to op- I0,000. of Donald L. Scott new national accounts coordinator, Rockwell Inter- sonally collected in England. national Corp. Admiral Larry Winn named vice president. sales, for erate it all," Sultan says. "Last month at a gala rock concert Group.... "A few record labels have given His big competition isanother for- at the Hollywood Palladium," he Wald Sound division of Verit Industries.... Bert Memecea, upped from pro- me disks but most of them ignore my mer Britisher, Jane Brinton, whose says, "I handled an immense crowd duction manager to operations manager for Glenbum Corp.... Willem La- requests," he says, "even though my nier to assistant national sales manager for Nikko Electric Corp. America. Aristocrat firm (Nov. 2 Billboard) is with a roaring sound and spectacu- of operation constitutes a first class .. Tom Ttnkerton boosted to western regional manager, audio products, at W believed to have been the first tray- lar lights, perhaps the largest au- m plug for new product." Akai America, Ltd.... Bernard A. Gee moves from RCA audio division to 2 In his deals with cocktail lounges manager of industrial design at Tandy Electronics manufacturing adjunct of and clubs which are seeking a Radio Shack. rul proven House Passes Two Bills business booster, Sultan + t o hires attractive young vomen who Continued page 1 or after Feb. 15, 1972 to copyright Warren D. Schaub elected vice president and controller, ABC, Inc..,. from are bright enough to operate the protection from piracy under federal Tony Martine. new manager of technical systems at Reeves Audio Visual Sys- on copyright -but less vehemently. sound -light console and splits the copyright law. tems division of Reeves Telempe.... InvIa Plntas in as manager of Frank Mu- The antipiracy segment of the bill fee 50 -50 with each. He claims each The extension preserves the expir- sic West. new Hollywood office of Frank Music Corp., New York. removes the expiration dale on the console, which he constmcts him- ing copyrights for two years, in an- Peter Burke, who was assistant director of West Coast ASCAP until the present legislados, making perma- self, would retail at "about $5,000 if ticipation that the House will pass a recent death of Herb Gottlieb, when he became acting director, has left the nent the right of recordings made on marketed.". revision bill in the next Congress. society. He was replaced by Tad Maloney, formerly western membership rep- Sultan intends to concentrate on resentative.... Inc. has Roland von vice The antipiracy penalties accepted the cocktail lounge operation. Scinuex appointed Sacken president. by both Houses set maximum prison Thomas R. D'Angelo is the new manager. sales and adminsitration, for the Members Nominating "There must be hundreds of places sentences of one year and /or headphone and audio equipment manufacturer.... Donald Scott set as na- which would double their gross if L $25,000 fine for the first offense, and tional accounts coordinator Rockwell. He was recently sales man- NANM Act Awards they tried my disco setup," he says. for Admiral- up to two years with a $50,000 max- ager of the A -R Chicago branch. NEW YORK -In a procedural imum for willful repeaters. The switch, NARM is soliciting nomi- prison sentence penalty for repeated nations from its entire membership piracy of copyrighted recordings is In This Issue for candidates eligible for the associ- 11 double that in the present temporary Billboard Names Trendsetters ation's best -selling artist awards. In CAMPUS, 19 antipiracy law, but is less than the Continued from page I Satisfied)," by B.T. Express into dis- past years, nominations were limited CLASSICAL 26 three and seven years offered in the COUNTRY 34 cotheques and then became the Fust to committees of approximately 20 sins, Richie Havens and John original McClellan copyright pas- INTERNATIONAL 38 label to effect specialized disco- members. McLaughlin's Mahavishnu Orches- sage. JUKEBOX PROGRAMMING 25 theque mixes. The best- selling awards, in 18 sep- tra. The attack on the copyright exten- LATIN 25 CBS Records International for arate categories, will be announced sion in the House was spearheaded MARKETPLACE .........
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