(OMrifled Adrcrtldat oil P»c« SOm^ SlANCOTSTBR, CO^^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 7^^ (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C aum \ . \ •<> jKECHDISUKE WHERE FORMER PRESmmT LAY « DEAXtf EEFTCOOUDGE FRM3RDTERH t'^'3 -“S --JF TO EX- LeHtr To Mucittster Man M ie s Mjrstery of Why Order ALIKE JOdi Presideiit "Did Not A i Tod<fy*s Funeral aooseToRon” Aj!m THEIR LOSS Northam pton, Mass., Jan. 7 — <^bless Thee fo r the consecration w l^ (AP)—Following is the order of the which he served his country in toe Altbeugh rom or PreddOBt CaMn highest, office within toe gift of toe funeral service which was conduct­ OooUdgo went to hla final rest to­ people. He kept toe faith which the Hundreds File llron gh Northampton Church Where ed to(i^y for Calvin Coolidge: day with the Nation itUl in doubt as people placed Ih him. “We know he is not dead, for to the reason for his famous Black Organ — Selection from New Bod; Lay Ip ^ t e Before Simple Services Begh^ Word Symphony by Dvorak. with Thee there is no death. And yniiM pronouncement. “I do not Invocation by the Rev. Albert J. now we pray that Thou wouldst ehoope to run in 1928,'* it was die- Penner, pastor — “Almighty God make his memory to be a bright and President and Mrs. Hoover and Other High Dignitaries dosed here today through a personal who art our refuge and streiogth, a shining light upon toe untried way letter that the drudgery of public very prebent help in time of trouble, that we have still to walk, and upon W "g was primary in influencing grant us Thy light to shine through toe unknown path that .oiur nation of the Natioh Attend the Ceremonies — After Service ■ V The letter was writ­ the shadows of this hour. Comfort has still to go. May we share His ten to Charles Cheney, of Cheney the hearts that arq heavy with sor­ devotion His consecration, His deep the Body Is Tahen To Plymonth, VL, For the BnriaL Brothers, on March 26.1929. shorUy row and have compassion upon our humility in a profound faith in Thee. after Mr. CooUdge had left the weakness. Give us the vision of the Raise up, O Lord, la our day, new White House. eternal reality, and solace us with leaders who follow in his steps. Northampton, Jan. 7.—(AP) — Never Amplified Statemert the hope of larger life beyond, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Mr. Cheney, who had met Presi- "O Father of infinite compassion, America today bade farewell to Cal­ AT COOLiDOE FUNERAL. through Jesus Christ,, our Lord, God of all comfort, reveal Thyself dent CooUdge several times, both <m Am en.” ^ - vin Coolidge. natters of administration and Sentinels at the house of death are these guardsmen on duty at "The Beedhes,” the Northampton, to those who have especially -been Northampton, Mass., Jan. 7.— Quartet^Lead Kindly Light In toe square, aiutere auditorium sbelally. had written to the ez- Mass., estate which Calvin Coolidge purchued to enjoy retirement from public life and in which he died so brought into toe darkness of sor­ (AP)—The schedule of events Scripture: 46th .Psalm; 121at of toe Edwards Congregational Sw iStot in an effort to bring him suddenly from a heart attack. row; to those who knew him best for toe funeral of Calvin Coolidge PMlm; Romans 8; 2nd Corinthians, here to address a gathering of sUk and loved him most. Strengthen toe church, President and Mrs* Hoover follow s: executives. Mr. CooUdge had 5; John 14. hearts that faint under toe heavy and other high dignitaries of the 1 8 a. m.—The body was taken Prayer: “Almighty God, our stated previously that he desired to burden, and . support 'them in toe from toe Coolidge home to toe Heavenly Father, at this moment a National capital bowed their heads | retire com plete from the pubUc arms of Thine infinite love. May Jonathan Edwards Congrega* whole nation stricken with grief, during brief and simple funeral view. He had never amplified his FRIENDS AND FOES they know that in all their distress tional Church. "I do not choose to run' JAPANESE TO OCCUPY bows before Thee. W e'are made ceremonies fo r toe Nation’s. SOto Thou dost care for them with un­ 8:30 to 9:30 a. m.—The body to realize again the frailty cmd president statement to the press. failing tenderness. Help them to lay in state at toe chtirch. Abhorred Speeches transitoriness of our Ufa here upra Tbe ibody of toe former President OF BEER IN DEBATE bear with patience their affliction, lay in state within toe church amid 10:30 to 11 a. m.—Funeral The CooUdge letter to Mr. Cheney earth, and our constant need Gt and to look with glad confidence states emphatically that the former JEHOL IN FEBRUARY Thee, who art toe eternal rock of a profusion of flbwers. An armed services. toward that future where God shall 11:30 a. m.—^ITie funeral party President did not enjoy speech-mak- ages. We thank Thee, O God, that soldier stood, erect, at either end of wipe away all tecus from their eyes. toe bier. started for Plymouth, Vt, pass­ jaw. itather he abhorred it and we can cling to Thee, and that amid “May we not begrudge him, whose MDsd it a "drudgery.” A typical Out of a massed throng that ing through Greenfield to Bellows Senate Committee To Hear all toe change and decay which all loss we so deeply mourn, toe rest Vermont farmer he was taciturn If Chinese Do Not Behave, DEMOCRATS SPLIT around we see. Thou never chang- choked toe wide street and pressed Falls, V t, and Brattleboro, V t and not given to words. The sobri with Thee which he has so, richly tightly against toe front of toe 3 p. m.— ^Private burial services est. deserved, knowing that by Thy qiiet "Silent Cal” was not fictional Pro and Con As To Its Le­ “But it is not alone a grief-strick- church, a steady stream of people at toe Coolidge lot in Plymouth mercy and grace he finished his from all walks of life—^young and It exactly described the man. He Army Headquarters Says, en nation which bows before Thee— cem etery. course, having kept toe faith. We old—filtered in through toe church didn’t like to talk, privately or pub- ON TAX PROBLEMS it is a thankful nation as weil. We gality Today. ask this for toe sake of Thy son, doorway. Udy, and felt no desire to cultivate toank Thee for toe ‘life of him The Province WiD Be Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.” They came out solemn-faced. the abiUty to make pubUc addresses. whose death we now mouih. We wards Congregational Church to lie Preparation of speeches, necessary Quartet: "O Love That W ilt Not Now a ^ then a wpman dabbed her in state and await funeral rites. thank Thee for what bis life has eyes. 'IV o little boys sobbed. Some as a President, was palbful to him W ashington, Jan. 7.— (A P ) — meant to toe country and to toe Let Me Go.” The hearse was preceded by a and, perhiM, the most displeasing Taken Before Next Month. Income Tax Raise Idea May Benediction: “Unto God’s gracious of toe women were visibly grief- Friends and foes of pro^iibition pre­ world. stricken. single motorcycle officer and tba responsibiUty of his office. “We thank Thee for toe exemp­ mercy and protection w^ commit undertaker’s car as It drove away Tow Opportunity sented their most effective argu­ The line in entering moved down Be Dropped Altogether, lary devotion which , he showed in you. The Lord bless you and keep from toe home. A small group of It is no wonder then to those who Changchun, Manchuria, Jan. 7.— ments today before a Senate judi­ an aisle on toe right. Double file toe discharge of all his public you. The Lord make his face to people, mostly children, was gato-* knew attitude of the President (AP)—Activities of Chinese troops shine upon you and be gracious un­ and sometimes three abreast, it ciary sub-committee on whether 3.2 duties. We toank xThee for toe thinned down to single file as it ered at toe gate of “Tbe Beeches.’? that Mr. CooUdge withdrew from Leaders Declare. to you. The Lord lift up his coun­ will determine how soon Japanese per cent beer is constitutional. faithfulness with which he served passed toe grey bronze casket. The Some followed toe procession oii pubUc life, when the opportunity to tenance upon you, and 'give you do so gracefully was afforded. He occupation of the Mongolian prov­ Chairman Blaine gave bach side his town.- We toank Thee for the m ut^ organ sounded solemn music. fo o t measure of dedlcatiqp hdiiob he peace, both now and forevermore. did not chooM to run because he did ince of Jehol wiU begin, it was dis­ three hours, to present testlpqpy, Afiowed to linger at first, toe A crowd of several hundred ^per­ Washingtoji, Jan. 7.—(AP)—The brought tq toe servl^ of toe Oom- Am en.” people were forced to move more sons, apparently •townspeq^a ' wha , not choose to make any more closed here today at the Japanese Democratic jilan to raise income tax limiting the hearing exohudvely to above all do- we* an<L.more quickly as it beoame ap* bad come for toe most pm afoot speeches. army headquarters. > The Letter rates to wartime levels created such the coi»tttutei:ug^£l;||8es',ot t^e p a ^ t thaCLhe evergrowing crowd to gaze for toe last tizaa.
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