VOL. XXV. NO. 89 The ObserverWEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Trustees hear student opinions on education By EMILY HAGE committee will report the find­ Assistant News Editor ings from two meetings, one held last Monday and the sec­ Students' ideas for improved ond today, to the Board at their undergraduate education at next meeting at the end of Notre Dame are the primary April. concern of the Committee on All Notre Dame students are the Board of Trustees Report on encouraged to join the commit­ Undergraduate Education, tee to discuss issues concerning according to committee leader undergraduate education. Matt Umhofer. The committee, said Umhofer, "We're trying to come up with is trying to answer the question, a vision or standard of what "Given where we want to go, undergraduate education could how can we go about getting be," said Umhofer. there?" He added, "Hearing Umhofer, a junior from Ca­ students talk gives us a sense of vanaugh Hall, said that he was where we are." moved to think about students' Issues discussed include the role in education by the words quality of courses, teaching and of his government professor interaction between students George Lopez: "What if we and teachers. The Observer/John Bingham were to envision a university in "We did not want this to be a Merry Christmas in April! which the students mattered?" numbers-and-graphs approach The Board of Trustees asked to undergraduate education, Alumni Hall junior Chris. Canzo.niero ~nd H?ward ~all junior Jackie ~acy present~ check and a plaque to Student Government for student but more about the entire ex- Pat Doran fr<;>m the Chnstmas 1n Apnl :;~rv1ce proJect. The event w1ll take place th1s weekend in the South input on the quality of un­ see TRUSTEES I page 4 Bend area w1th volunteer student part1c1pants from Notre Dame and Saint Mary's. dergraduate education, and the Study days proposed for Saint Mary's By BEVIN KOVALIK By LAURA FERGUSON fessor informing them of the This proposal resulted from News Writer News Writer proposal for this semester and the faculty's resistance to insti­ asking them to avoid testing tuting a policy of final exam The Hall Presidents' Council during that week whenever 'study days,' similar to the pol­ (HPC} honored Sister J() Rior• With final exams fast ap­ possible. If a test cannot be icy implemented at Notre Dame dan, rector of Walsh Hall, with proaching, many Saint Mary's avoided, the professor must this year. This policy gives the annual Rector of the Year College students and faculty are explain to SAC why the test is Notre Dame students Thursday award last night at the 1993. facing a new probationary pro­ necessary and get official ap­ and Friday before exams off leadership banquet. according posal regarding tests given the proval from them, Wilkinson from regular classes to prepare to Marianne Ravry, former week prior to final exams. said. for finals. HPC co-chair. This proposal, suggested last However, professors are not However the new proposal for Riordan has been the first fall by the Student Academic required to get approval for as­ no unnecessary tests was not runner-up for the past> Council (SAC), will "strongly signing papers because SAC welcomed by all faculty . years, said Ravry, . suggest" that professors not feels that students may write "Professors argued that stu­ "HPC presented Sister· give tests during the week prior papers , even if the due date dents are paying tuition for a with the award for her to finals. falls during the last week before full education and that it is up standing dedication, love However, since this is only a exams. to them, as professors, to give it concern to the resid proposal on probation there is "This plan is very difficult to to them," said Wilkinson. "Also, Walsh Hall," Ravry added. no concrete policy to force pro­ enforce on campus because we courses are designed to fill an On behalf of residents fessors not to schedule tests, it cannot be a watchdog over ev­ exact number of days, taking is only a suggestion, according Walsh Hall, Yvette Nlc\...anntYL.·> .. ~·n. ery professor and every class," two days off of this time would hall secretary, wi'lrllinccwith to Student Body President, said Wilkinson. "If students make it difficult to cover all the ter Jo in the form of a Mary Beth Wilkinson. find that they are still taking needed material in a course." Ravry said. This proposal was created in unnecessary tests during this "Several professors opposed In the nomination letter hopes that students may con­ week they should talk to their the new proposal because they earthy described Riordan centrate on final exams and professor and to Teresa Marcy ( dislike how it dictated to them friend who is always . relieve students of unnecessary Assistant to the Vice President). what they could do with their to talk to and a woman stress, Wilkinson said. We rely on the students to help SAC sent a letter to each pro- us enforce this plan." see STUDY I page 4 Jurors deliberate for fourth day O'Malley award presented LOS ANGELES (AP) - Barri­ outside the federal building, $1 billion damage. By JOHN LUCAS According to the application cades went up around the blocking the entrance to crowds Police under the leadership of Assistant News Editor essay, LaCugna challenged her courthouse, Marines practiced and vehicles, and a chain-link former Chief Daryl Gates were students by allowing "any rea­ storming a town Tuesday and a fence went up around a parking criticized for their delayed re­ sonable suggestions, but made congresswoman pleaded with lot across the street. Police said sponse to the unrest, but new Catherine LaCugna, associate us accountable to our criti­ constituents to "chill" as jurors it would be used as a staging Chief Willie Williams has professor of theology, was pre­ cisms, asking us to help create in the Rodney King beating case area. promised protection for the sented the Frank O'Malley Un­ solutions." ended a fourth day of de­ About 600 National Guard city's 3.6 million residents. dergraduate Teaching Award A member of the Notre Dame liberations without a verdict. troops trained at armories in Some activists condemned the for 1992-93 at the annual Stu­ Faculty since 1981, LaCunga The federal jury wound up for Inglewood, Burbank, Glendale, military and police buildup. dent Leadership Recognition directs doctoral candidates and the day at 4:15 p.m., and delib­ Los Alamitos, Van Nuys and "We think that it's important Banquet last night. teaches masters students in the erations were to resume Arcadia. that people have a continued Named in honor of the late masters of divinity program as Wednesday morning. The jurors "California guardsmen have opportunity to voice opposi­ Professor of English, Frank well as a popular undergradu­ have deliberated for 22 hours; been instructed that they are to tion," said activist lawyer B. O'Malley, the award was cre­ ate course entitled "Mystery of there was no indication how use any means at their disposal Kwaku Duren. ated last year to honor excel­ God." close they were to a verdict. to protect themselves or any But most voices were urging lence in undergraduate teach­ LaCunga was not available Sketch artists were admon­ other citizen if they are in peace, no matter what the ver­ ing, according to Megan Sulli­ for comment. ished by U.S. District Judge threat of human death," said dicts turn out to be. U.S. Rep. van, executive coordinator of Other faculty members nom­ John Davies, who said they Maj. Gen. Tandy Bozeman. Maxine Waters handed out let­ intellectual life and chair of the inated for the award were John were "too accurate for comfort" Another military contingent ters in her South Central district selection committee. Robinson, John Duman, James in their portrayals of the was training 80 miles to the saying, "It's time to chill." Students were invited to Collins, Father Timothy Scully, anonymous jury deciding the south. About 1,000 Marines at "If you take to the streets with submit applications nominating Barbara Mangrove, Michael fate of four police officers ac­ Camp Pendleton stormed a a Molotov cocktail in your hand, faculty who had helped raise Hemler, Gian Mario Besana, cused of violating King's civil mock town as part of a "just in a gun in your belt or a brick the quality of undergraduate Marcia Weigle, Lt. James rights. case" urban assault exercise, ready to throw, you give the life, according to Sullivan. Jenista, Avak Howsepian and "Any drawings of jurors or said Cpl. Rick Laemmle, a base police the legal right to kill "There is no rigid criteria, Father Michael Himes. alternates must contain mini­ spokesman. you," the letters read. because it is a dynamic award," In another presentation, se­ mal detail and must not render Hours after Sgt. Stacey Koon, "Chill" - slang for "keep she said. nior Michael Griffin and Vice­ them recognizable," the judge Officers Laurence Powell and calm" - was also the title of a LaCunga was picked for the President for University Rela­ wrote in an order posted in the Theodore Briseno and former music video featuring Arsenio award because her nominating tions William Sexton, were pre­ courthouse press room. Officer Timothy Wind were ac­ Hall and Arnold Schwarzeneg­ application explained that she sented the Irish Clover awards, The city, meantime, moved to quitted of most charges in a ger as hosts that was intro­ had taken a special interest in the student body's highest bolster security.
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