Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87298-0 - The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson Index More information Index Alias Grace, 68–72, 84, 107, 127–8 ideology, 23 Author’s Afterword, 69 influence of, 3, 16 class position, 69, 70 influences on, 18 ending, 72 interpretation of, 14 female bad behaviour, 68, 69 interviews, 7–8, 9, 115 focus on language, 69 management of her public persona, 3 freedom, 70 control, 4–5, 8 historical basis of, 68–9 distancing, 4–5, 6, 8 multiple stories and multiple voices marriages, 2 69 politicization, 47 power, 71 reading, 2, 4 quilting metaphors, 69, 71 reputation, 1, 14 rescue, 70 scholarship, 77 storytelling, 70, 71 separability of art and life, 62 truth, 69–72 siblings, 1, 2 Amnesty International, 47, 107 study of her works, 14 The Animals in that Country, use of punctuation, 56 ecological focus, 105 visual art, 114, 116 Annotated bibliography on Margaret autobiographical resonances in Atwood, 3 Atwood’s works, 3, 6, 7–8, Atwood, Margaret 110, 121 and Amnesty International, 47, 107 ‘Butterfly’, 109 and autobiography, 7–8, 10 ‘My Mother Dwindles’, 109 biographies, 1, 115, 131 autobiography, 10, 119 birth, 1 and celebrity, 10 childhood, 1 autobiography and art, 62, 64 commercial success, 2, 15 as cultural export, 14, 15, 113, 119 Bardolph, Jacqueline, 118 daughter, 2 Barzilai, Shuli, 81 education, 2 Beaulier, Victor-Lévy, 16 environmental concerns, 78, 86, betrayal, 90, 92–3, 100 105 Billingham, Susan, 13 and feminism, 23, 24, 26, 60, 114 biographies of Margaret Atwood, 1, historiography, 68 115, 131 honours, 2–3 Bjerring, Nancy, 31 133 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87298-0 - The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson Index More information 134 Index Blake, William, 105 Cambridge Companion to Margaret The Blind Assassin, 19, 21, 72–7, 101, Atwood, 5, 119–20 128 Canada blindness, 77 funding for the arts in, 15 Booker Prize, 8, 77 history of, 11, 12, 72 brutality, 76 landscape, 13, 88 celebrity, 8, 72 regulation of gender, 60 class and gender, 72 relationship with America, 13, 18, 31 control, 73 responses to Atwood in, 14 experiment in genre and style, 72 Canadian literature, 2, 11, 12 hands, 77 Atwood’s place in, 1, 111, 113 marriage, 75 development of, 12–15, 21 respectability, 75 patterns and motifs, 16 secrets, 76 archaeological motifs, 17 seeing and not seeing, 76 ‘failed’ or ‘mediocre’ artists, 17 truth, 72, 74 ‘magic baby’ motif, 17 victimization in, 74, 76 the malevolent north, 18 withholding of information, 75 Rapunzel syndrome, 17 blindness, 77 wendigos, 18, 31, 35 Bluebeard (oral tale), 97 reception of, 16 Bluebeard’s Egg,88 strengths of, 17 collapsing of fixed categories, 94, 95 Survival: A Thematic Guide to Bodily Harm, 47–53, 91, 108, 126 Canadian Literature, 16–18 disengagement, 53 women writers, 12, 22 doubling, 52 Castro, Jan Garden, 114 fantasy, 53 Cat’s Eye, 8, 59–64, 127 fragmentation, 48, 49 childhood, 59, 63 Gothic romance narrative, 48, 49 competition, 61 hands, 19, 52 control, 61 mirrors, 48 female bad behaviour, 60 morality, 52 femininity, 60, 62 power, 50 feminism, 59, 60, 63 rescue, 48, 50, 52 heroism, 63 sadism, 51 mirrors, 61 storytelling, 49, 51 power, 62, 63 surfaces, 48 respect, 63 violence, 50, 51, 52, 107 secrets, 59 wordplay, 48 semi-autobiographical character Booker Prize, 2, 8, 77 of, 59 Bouson, J. Brooks, 29, 34, 116 truth, 63 The Blind Assassin, 74, 76 unreliable narrator, 64 Oryx and Crake,81 visual art in, 19, 60, 63 The Robber Bride,67 women artists, 59 British Association for Canadian celebrity, 5, 8–9, 35, 77 Studies, 13 Atwood and, 3, 5, 6, 9–10, 119 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87298-0 - The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson Index More information Index 135 and autobiography, 10 Davidson, Arnold E., 112, 113 in The Blind Assassin,72 Davidson, Cathy N., 113 commercial aspect of, 15 Davies, Madeleine, 119 and death, 9 debt, 21–2 change, 30, 106 DiMarco, Danette, 81 Chernin, Kim, 64 The Door, 109–10 childhood, 59, 63, 97 doubling, 19, 24, 104, 112 Christ, Carol P., 111 duplicity, 32, 112, 115 Christian symbolism, 34, 108 dystopia, 53, 77, 120 Cole, Amanda, 86 control, 8, 45, 61, 73 Eating Fire: Selected Poetry 1965–1995, Cooke, Nathalie, 1, 115 109 Corse, Sarah, 12 The Edible Woman, 112, 124–5 critical reception, 11, 13, 16–22, 23, characters, 27 111–20 conflict between self and other, 26 in the 1970s and 1980s, 111–14 criticism of, 28, 29 in the 1990s, 114–18 identity, 27, 28 approach to, 16, 111 make-believe and fairy tales, 27 Curious Pursuits, 19–21 publication of, 26 feminist, 67, 111, 112 refusal of food, 28 Negotiating with the Dead, 109 Empson Lectures, 6–7, 19 Payback: Debt and the Shadow entrapment, 23, 57, 107 Side of Wealth, 21–2 environmental concerns, 78, 105, 114 psychoanalytical theory, 112, escape, 30, 56, 118 115–16 Second Words, 18, 23 fairy tales, 35, 64–8 Strange Things: the Malevolent fathers, 31, 35, 78, 82 North in Canadian Fiction, female bad behaviour, 64, 68 18 femininity, 59, 94, 96, 100 Survival: A Thematic Guide to artifice of, 29, 116 Canadian Literature, 16–18 and feminism, 29 thematic, 16 and food, 29 in the twenty-first century, 118–20 feminism, 11, 21 Curious Pursuits, 3, 19–21 and antifeminism, 59 ‘In Search of Alias Grace’, 21 and art, 63 ‘Spotty-Handed Villainesses: and consumption, 64 The Problem of Female Bad and femininity, 29 Behaviour in the Creation of and literature, 24 Literature’, 20–1 organized, 51 as a political force, 24 Dancing Girls, 88–93 psychoanalytical, 112, 115, 116 betrayal, 90 food, 28, 29, 35, 65–6 miscommunication, 88, 90 Foucault, Michel, 61–2 Dancygier, Barbara, 77 freedom, 54, 56, 70; Davey, Frank, 45, 87, 88, 113 see also entrapment © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87298-0 - The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson Index More information 136 Index Friedan, Betty, 26 hands, images of friendship, 31 in Bodily Harm, 19, 48, 52 Frye, Northrop, 12, 18, 35 in The Blind Assassin, 74, 77 Fuller, Danielle, 13 in poetry, 109 Hansen, Elaine Tuttle, 49 Gartner, Hana, 9 happy endings, see narrative endings Gerstenberger, Donna, 112 haunting, 103 Gibson, Eleanor Jess, 2 Hengen, Shannon, 115–16 Gibson, Graeme, 2 heroism, 40, 63, 64 Giller Prize, 2 history, 21, 106 Godard, Barbara, 94 feminist perspective on, 71 Gothic romance narratives, 38–41, 48, postmodern reconstruction of, 71 49, 114 reconstruction of, 54 conventions of, 41–2 war history, 65, 109 parody of, 36, 37, 40 Hite, Molly, 62 Governor General’s Award, 2 Hönnighausen, Lothar, 105, 107 Grace, Sherrill, 112 House of Anansi Press, 2 Graves, Robert, 18 Howells, Coral Ann, 5, 112, 117, 118, Greer, Germaine, 16 119–20 Grey Owl, 18 Alias Grace, 70, 71 Griffith, Margaret, 28 The Blind Assassin,73 Bodily Harm, 49, 50, 53 Hancock, Geoff, 22 Cat’s Eye,59 The Handmaid’s Tale, 24, 53–9, 91, 109, Lady Oracle,42 126 Life Before Man,47 access to information, 54, 56 Oryx and Crake,81 control, 61 humour, 1, 10, 26, 64, 104 dystopia, 53, 54 entrapment, 57 identity, 13, 30, 56, 115 freedom, 54, 56 Canadian, 11, 12 love and sex, 55 multiple, 30, 47, 87 marriage, 56 national identity, 13 memory, 57 Ingersoll, Earl, 77, 114 Offred’s passivity, 58 Interlunar, 107, 108 palimpsest, 54 myth, 108 past and present, 55 rescue, 108 reconstruction of history, 54 Internet, power of, 79, 86 rescue, 56 interviews, 7–8, 9, 87, 115 resistance movement, 58 invisibility, 10 roles of men, 54 irony, 104 sensory deprivation, 57–8 Irvine, Lorna, 12, 22, 45, 49 storytelling, 53, 58 strict gender roles for women, 53, 54 Johnson, Gordon, 104 theocracy, 54 The Journals of Susanna Moodie, 21, 105 totalitarianism, 53 justice, 21 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87298-0 - The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson Index More information Index 137 Kertzer, Jonathan, 12 love and violence, 44 Klappert, Peter, 105 male–female divide, 43 knowledge, 75, 80, 95, 109 marriage, 44 Kolodny, Annette, 112 power, 45, 46 Kroetsch, Robert, 13 refusal to be a victim, 46 secrets, 45 Lady Oracle, 8, 35–42, 125 survival instinct, 46 automatic writing, 19, 37 torture, 46 and categories of Gothic romance, literature, 12, 111, 118 38–41 and politics, 18, 23, 26 absent father, 39 LongPen, 3 Byronic figures, 40–1 Loriggio, Francesco, 16 Other Woman, 39 secrets, 41 MacLulich, T. D., 28 wicked mother, 38 The Malahat Review, 111 celebrity, 35, 36 Margaret Atwood Reference Guide, conventions of Gothic romance, 120 41–2 Margaret Atwood Reference Site, 5 criticism of, 36, 38–41 Margaret Atwood Society, 3, 113, 120 escape, 36 Current Atwood Checklist, 120 identity, 35–42 Margaret Atwood Studies, 120 parody of Gothic romance, 36, 40 marriage, 27 Escape from Love,37 in The Blind Assassin,75 Love, My Ransom,37 in The Handmaid’s Tale,56 Stalked by Love,37 in Life Before Man,44 politics, 36 role of wife, 28 possible heroes, 40–1 in Surfacing, 32, 33 possible villains, 40 Martel, Yann, 15 storytelling, 42 masculinity, 94 the supernatural in, 37 Massey Lectures, 22 unreliability of the narrator, 39 Mathews, Robin, 17 language, 31, 80, 95, 117 McCombs, Judith, 112, 114 in Alias Grace,69 McWilliams, Ellen, 118 in The Handmaid’s Tale,54 memory, 21, 57, 63, 78 in Life Before Man,42
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