• \ Arerag* DaUy Net Pnss Rob For tiM Week b d e d The Weather July », l«6d Clear and cool tonight, law 60-65; fair and warm tom or­ row, chance of .ahoweni in the 14^31 evening, high 86-90. Manchester— City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXV, NO. 256 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1968 .(Claeelfled Advertleinf on Page 11), PRICE SEVEN CENTi Close Call LA CORUNA, Spain (AP) —A dying,bull shook off a matador’s sword Sunday and' Wirtz Offers Little Hope it flew through the- air nar­ rowly missing Gen. Fran­ cisco Franco's daughter, the Hit by BS2s Marchioness of Villadere. The marchioness was in a SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—High-flying U.S. front row seat with her hus­ band, the Marquis, Dr. Cris­ Of Early Airline Aeeord B52 bombers plastered a Viet Cong base camp near Sai­ tobal Martili^ex Bordiu. gon today and ground troops sweeping in after the raid Gen. Franco sat in the uncovered a big cache of arms and ammunition. box of honor higher, up in The eight-engine giants-------------------------- ---------------------- the area. except in the central high- N o Stand at of Saigon shortly aft- lands where other troops of the er dawn. The hunderous explo- 25th division came under heavy sions could be heard In the cap- mortar and automatic weapons State News O n Strike • ftttfitck &t dftwri Two hours later, helicopters Helicopters brought reinforce- Legislation infantrymen of the U.S. rnehts into the. area, 20 miles N H R R Hits P i 25th Division into the area. They southwest of Pleiku city. The found 90,000 rounds of ammuni- ^-ound troops, supported by air WASHINGTON (AP) — tion. mines, booby traps and strikes and artiUery, reported Slowness of Secretary of Labor W. Wil­ submachine guns but no enemy killing 26 North Vietnamese eol- lard Wirtz told the Senate bodies. Two U S. helicopters ^iers while taking light casual- Rail Merger Labor Committee today were hit by ground fire after ties, 'a : the Johnson administration landing the troops but were re In the intensified, air war over NEW HAVEN (AP> — ’Trus­ is not advocating le^sla- paired and flown out without North Viet Nam, U.S. planes tees of the New Haven Railroad tion to end the airline casualties. flew 97 missions Sunday, hitting said today that further, delay In Ground fighting throughout strike—^but is not opposing at nine oil storage areas includ­ the merger of the Pennsylvania South Viet Nam was generally it, either. ing a fuel dump 13 miles south­ and New York Central Rail­ Wirtz told the committee h6\ west of Hanoi. roads can lead to "liquidation could not bold out any prospect Pilots claimed destruction or in whole or in part” of the New of an f arly negotiated end to the Town Beach damage to 12 bridges, 72 cargo Haven. "1 ''V t 25-day walk-out. The trustees made the state­ barges, 41 trucks and five an­ Wirtz was caUed to Capitol ment in a brief to be filed today tiaircraft sites. They also Hill after the AFLCEO machin­ with the Interstate Commerce Restrictions touched off numerous secondary ists union voted down settle­ Commission. explosions and fires, a spokes­ ment terms hammered out Fri­ Challenged man said. The brief asks that the ICC day night at White House in­ Two U.S. planes were lost in turn down requests by other stance. That action came Sun­ railroads for further postpone­ * *#j NEW HAVEN (AP) — 'Die „the ^raids. An Air Force RFlOl day night. Wirtz said there baa . , Voodoo reconnaissance plane ment of the merger. not been sufficient time for an wives of three New Haven city disappeared on a mission north- The IOC E^lready has approved adniinistration decision on the officials claim they were “Ule- east of Hanoi. The pilot is miss- the merger, to include the freight proper course to follow. gally denied admittance to the ing. and passenger operations of the bankrupt New Haven. Consum­ Wirtz added that If Congresa town beach parks of Madison, Force AIE Skyraider acts, it should adopt Sen. Wayna Branford and East Haven.” ®hot down by ground fire. mation of the merger has been put off until Sept. 30. Machinists’ union President P. L. Siemiller an­ 3-1. It included a six per cent increase in wages Morse’s strike ending plan, flat­ "Our goal," they said in a pilot was rescued, nounces the official verdict that the 35,000-mem- ly ordering a six-month end to A further delay, the trustees and benefits. The percentage of the vote is shown statement issued Sunday, "is to They brought reported Ameri- ber striking union voted down a contract proposal, on the blackboard. (AP Photofax) the walkout in preference to estabbsh that every Oonnecticut e*® aircraft losses over North said, "not only postpones the iegialatioa which would empow­ resident can exercise Ws legal '^^e^ Nam to 316. New Haven solution, so clearly ) . • er President Jofanacn to issue es right to use every municipal During the forays oven. North in the public interest, but pre­ many as three eO-dofr strike park In the state." Viet Nam Sunday, American sents, in addition, such grave ending orders. The statement, signed by Mrs. P>h>ts sighted three Soviet-made consequences for the New Ha­ Locks Planned ’Wirtz said he and Aaristanit Sarah Cogen, Mrs. Ruth Hollle, surface to air missiles. Two ven as to outweigh any of the Speck Pleads Innocent Labor Secretary James Hey* and Mrs. Barbara Louis, said: spotted north of Hanoi and reasons for further stay ad­ DANSyifJLB, N.Y. (AP) J. nolds 'Will meet as soon €is possl* "Exclusion from public the other near Vlnh. The U.S. vanced by the petitioners.” — Mrs. Paul D. Black want­ ble with representatives of (he beaches is Illegal. We are pre- command did not disclose Postponements to the merger ed to know" what the Dans- airlines and the unions, pared to confirm this in court whether any scored hits, have been requested by the 'To 8 Chicago Murders ville Police Department’s "The administration shaxes • if it should become necessary.” U-®- pilots flew 477 sortiee Erie - Lackawanna, Boston & only patrol car was doing feeling of resentment, a feeUng All three women are residents over South Viet Nam Sunday Maine and the Delaware A Hud­ OHIOAGO (AP) — Richard ago barred t>king of photo­ Community Hospital which had parked In her garage yester­ that there cannot be an todqC* of New Haven. Mrs. Oogen said claimed destruction or son, all three of which seek graphs in the arralgpiment leased the house at 2319 E. 100th day. Speck, 24, pleaded innocent to­ inite contiiinatloit o f tfiM they and their children were not <temage to 561 enemy fortiflca- inchisimi in a PennCentral mer- court. Previously, picture-tak­ St., a mile from the hospital, The police did not know day to indictments charging he strike,” WlrU said. allowed to use East Wharf Beach ^ions, structures and sampans, ger. ing had been barred in' court­ for use as nurse quarters. either but upon recovering "Does the administraUoa now in Madison, Parker Memorial South Vietnamese pilote flew 130 murdered eight young nursing rooms where trjals were held, Naldo told newsmen that he the car, decided it had been seek legislation?” asked Sen. Beach in Branford and dte East sorites. Phoenix Merger Set students. but not at the pleadings. would seek compensation lor stolen as a prank Saturday Jacob K. Javlts, R-N.Y. Haven Town Beach. All three The U.S. command acknowl- HARTFORD (AP)—The mer­ ’The rangy, pock-marked drift­ Sixty-five sheriff’s policemen the families of the two Philip­ night. Now, IJiey plan to beachee are municipally owned. *<%ed that casualties to Ameri- ger of the Phoenix Insurance er stood in crowded CSrcuU were on duty, in the courtroom pine girls under the Illinois teck thjp . *Tin sot here M n. Oogen’s hUBlMnd, Joe, is can Marines and louth Vlet- Go- and Travelera Oorp. became Court of Chief Judge j^xander and nearby corridors. Workmen's Coinpenw^An ■ Act.. execuUve director of the, namese troops in Operation 'effective today. Phoenix be- J.' Napoli, surrounded by four In the courtroom was Jose He said that they wduid qualify might lock her garage, too. gaining shoiiil ifteStt il ' Haven Redevek^ent moderate. Pre- cosnea a company in the Travel­ sheriff’s policem^iSiJM .worp! a Nkldo, an attache of the Philip­ as nonxAsldents, and he estimat­ efear otaance^ S had ft ehanee, II Mrs. Louis’s husband, Chanes, vknislgr, casuilties in this heavy ers’ group. white riiirt. pine Embassy, who said he was ed that- about $20,000 might be almost worked the way it’s s i^ is field represstotative for the action near the . demilHariaed The two firms announced He was not handcuffed. present as an observer because awarded to each of the be­ posed to work,** same agency. Mrs. HoUie’s bus- none had been termed light, merger plans earlier this year Judge ffapoli asked Speck two of the slaying victims were reaved . families. Excursion Boat Javits press^ for ft statonmil band, Robert, is chief design There has been no heavy con- .when a group of investors at­ several questions relating to his Philippine exchange nurses. The procedure of allowing newsmen and spectators into Is Missing Off en Peesident Johnson’s ofiflatea engineer for the New Raven tact with the North Vietnamese tempted to purchase control of ability to pay fees for a lawyer The other rix were senior stu­ Bureau of Engineering.
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