April 27, 1998 Alberta Hansard 1689 Legislative Assembly of Alberta THE CLERK: We the undersigned residents of Alberta petition the Legislative Title: Monday, April 27, 1998 1:30 p.m. Assembly to urge the government of Alberta to support quality, Date: 98/04/27 affordable child care options for all Alberta families, regardless [The Deputy Speaker in the chair] of income. We also petition the Assembly to urge the government to reverse its decision eliminating Operating Allowances to child head: Prayers care centres and to instead bring forth a funding formula which THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: Good afternoon. Let us pray. will enhance quality child care and keep daycare fees affordable Heavenly Father, as our members gather to bring a new week for low income and middle income families. to our Assembly, we are reminded of the blessings which You have bestowed on Alberta, and we thank You for this bounty. head: Introduction of Bills May we conduct ourselves in our deliberations in ways that Bill 44 honour You, our province, and all of its people. Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 1998 Amen. Please be seated. Bill 46 Securities Amendment Act, 1998 head: Introduction of Visitors MR. DAY: Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to introduce Bill 44, the THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Justice and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 1998, which is a series of amend- Attorney General. ments largely consequential to changes in the federal act, and Bill 46, the Securities Amendment Act, 1998, again a number of MR. HAVELOCK: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased changes and amendments which are seen as industry- and user- to introduce to you and through you to Members of the Legisla- friendly. tive Assembly 15 members of the RCMP K division. They are I want to thank participants from the opposition in both of the seated in the Speaker's gallery, and they are as follows: Assistant areas here in looking at this material. I'm quite excited about Commissioner Don McDermid, Chief Superintendent Rod tabling these today. MacKay, Superintendent Peter Curley, Staff Sergeant Tim Vatamaniuck, Sergeant Wayne Carroll, Sergeant Pat Harrish, [Leave granted; Bills 44 and 46 read a first time] Sergeant Bob McDonald, Sergeant Dennis Schaefer, Corporal Bruce Barkley, Corporal John McIntosh, Constable Dale THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Government House Leader. Baumgartner, Constable Audrey Hollander, Constable Greg Gerbrandt, Constable Chris Laubman, and Constable Jeff Presley. Bill 43 I would ask that they all rise and receive the warm welcome of Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1998 the Legislative Assembly. MR. HAVELOCK: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Like the Provincial Treasurer I, too, am very excited to be introducing a head: Presenting Petitions bill today. That is the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Calgary- 1998. McCall. [Leave granted; Bill 43 read a first time] MR. SHARIFF: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to present a petition signed by 17 Calgarians supporting the inclusion of MS THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Calgary-North drug therapies on the Alberta Health drug benefit list. Hill. Thank you. Bill 42 THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Mill Professional Statutes Amendment Act, 1998 Woods. MR. MAGNUS: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I request leave to introduce Bill 42, the Professional Statutes Amendment Act, 1998. DR. MASSEY: Thank you. With your permission I'd like to This is an act that deals with mandatory registration of social present a petition signed by 125 Albertans asking that financial workers, municipal licensing of regulated professions, and the support for the postsecondary system be maintained so that high- Universities Act to permit the UCC to delegate authority for quality postsecondary education is available to young people in professional registration to specific professional organizations. this province. [Leave granted; Bill 42 read a first time] head: Reading and Receiving Petitions THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. leader of the ND opposi- MR. HAVELOCK: Mr. Speaker, I move that Bill 42 be placed tion. on the Order Paper under Government Bills and Orders. MS BARRETT: Thanks, Mr. Speaker. I'd request that the [Motion carried] petition on day cares that I introduced last Thursday be now read and received. THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Medicine Hat. 1690 Alberta Hansard April 27, 1998 Bill 45 current AISH pension; next, a letter from Mr. M. J. Moynihan Health Professions Act dated April 3, 1998; a further letter from the same individual highlighting concerns with the AISH pension; and then finally an MR. RENNER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm pleased this analysis of rents that people have to pay on the AISH pension and afternoon to introduce Bill 45, being the Health Professions Act. why they can't afford to survive at that rate. This bill is the culmination of about four years of public and Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. stakeholder consultation and will, in fact, consolidate a number of health profession acts into one, will provide for a uniform way of THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Agriculture, regulating our health professions, and will also provide for Food and Rural Development, followed by Spruce Grove- broader and more specific public input into the administration of Sturgeon-St. Albert. health professional organizations. MR. STELMACH: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table with [Leave granted; Bill 45 read a first time] the Assembly copies of the annual report of the office of the Farmers' Advocate of Alberta. THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Government House Leader. THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Spruce Grove- MR. HAVELOCK: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move that Sturgeon-St. Albert, followed by Edmonton-Gold Bar. Bill 45 be placed on the Order Paper under Government Bills and Orders. MRS. SOETAERT: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to table five copies of a letter from Annette Otto requesting help in placing [Motion carried] her mother, Anna LaBonte, who's from Morinville and who would like to be in the Youville home in St. Albert. Because of head: Tabling Returns and Reports health boundary restrictions, it's questionable whether she can get in there at all. THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Education. THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Gold MR. MAR: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased to table with Bar, followed by Edmonton-Glenora. the Assembly today answers to written questions 19 and 57 as well as Motion for a Return 60. MR. MacDONALD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise this afternoon to table 33 copies of a form that's been circulated MR. DAY: Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to table copies of the widely throughout the province. These are Albertans who want annual report for the year ended December 31, '97, of the an accountable Senate. Automobile Insurance Board. In response to questions from the opposition, I am also, as usual, delighted to table responses to THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Acting Leader of Her Written Question 9 and orders for returns 66, 69, and 70 and also Majesty's Loyal Opposition. responses to written questions 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, and 81. MR. SAPERS: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I have three MRS. McCLELLAN: Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to table different tablings today. The first is copies of a brochure from further information in response to questions asked during Commu- the Capital health authority detailing opportunities for early nity Development's estimates on March 12 and 18, 1998. I have intervention and head start programs. These are wonderful forwarded these responses to the members. brochures about wonderful programs; unfortunately, their budgets are being threatened. 1:40 Second is a package of postcards, some addressed to the federal THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton- government asking for a royal commission on the privatization of Meadowlark, followed by Calgary-Buffalo. health care and some addressed to the provincial government urging the government to stop Bill 37. MS LEIBOVICI: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have two tablings Finally, Mr. Speaker, five copies of an Alberta freedom of this afternoon. The first is copies of correspondence from one of information request asking for the recent draft report on gambling the schools in my constituency, La Perle, wherein they were addiction which was completed by Wynne Resources Ltd. but not informed by Travel Alberta that information with regards to made available to the public. Alberta would not be provided to students unless there was a cost. The second is a letter to the hon. Minister of Economic head: Introduction of Guests Development asking her to confirm why Alberta is the only THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for St. Albert. province not to provide students with information on their own province. MRS. O'NEILL: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me pleasure this afternoon to introduce to you and through you to Members of THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Calgary- the Legislative Assembly 53 visitors from Albert Lacombe school. Buffalo. They are grade 6 students, and they are here today accompanied by their teachers, Paddi Brown, Eva Pennycook, and Theresa MR. DICKSON: Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. As a conse- Belland and two parents, Mrs. Greico and Mrs. Nielsen. They quence of a meeting of the consumer advisory board at the VRRI, are seated in the members' gallery and I believe also in the Vocational and Rehabilitation Research Institute, in Calgary, four visitors' gallery, and I'd ask them to please stand and receive the tablings: the first one is a letter signed by every member of the warm welcome of the Assembly.
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