اﻟﻤﺮﻓﻖ ﺑﺎء APPENDIX B ANNEXE B APENDICE B אאא < Ρ LIST OF DELEGATES AND OBSERVERS LISTE DES DÉLÉGUÉS ET OBSERVATEURS LISTA DE DELEGADOS Y OBSERVADORES אא չ Independent Chairman Sjarifudin BAHARSJAH Président indépendant Presidente Independiente אא ͋չ Vice-Chairpersons Blair HANKEY (Canada) Vice-présidents Bhaskar BARUA (India) Vicepresidentes Pape DIOUF (Senegal) CL 120/REP B3 א MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL MEMBRES DU CONSEIL MIEMBROS DEL CONSEJO ARGENTINA - ARGENTINE Brett HUGHES Manager Representante FAO and Americas Section Sra. Elsa Diana Rosa KELLY Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Embajadora Forestry Representante Permanente ante la FAO Canberra Roma AUSTRIA - AUTRICHE Suplentes Sra. Ileana DI GIOVAN BATTISTA Representative Embajadora Mrs Hedwig WÖGERBAUER Directora Nacional de Negociaciones y Head of Division for FAO Affairs CooperaciqnEconqmica Internacional Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Environment and Water Management Comercio Internacional y Culto Vienna Buenos Aires Alternate Sra. Hilda Graciela GABARDINI Ms Natalie FEISTRITZER Consejero Attachl (Agricultural Affairs) Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Permanent Representative to FAO FAO Rome Roma BARBADOS - BARBADE Ariel FERNÁNDEZ Primer Secretario Representative Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Rudolph HINKSON FAO Permanent Secretary Roma Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development AUSTRALIA – AUSTRALIE Bridgetown Representative BRAZIL - BRÉSIL - BRASIL Simon HEARN Executive Manager Representative Market Access and Biosecurity Jtlio Cesar GOMES DOS SANTOS Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Ambassador Forestry Permanent Representative to FAO Canberra Rome Alternates Alternates Paul ROSS João Mauricio CABRAL DE MELLO Counsellor (Agriculture) Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO FAO Rome Rome B4 CL 120/REP Flavio Celio GOLDMAN Felix NGABA ZOGO Third Secretary Inspecteur général Alternate Permanent Representative to Ministkre de la recherche scientifique et FAO technique Rome Yaoundl BURKINA FASO Mme ANANGA Conseillere Technique l Repr sentant Ministkre de l'agriculture Salif DIALLO Yaoundl Ministre de l'agriculture Ouagadougou CANADA - CANADÁ l Suppl ants Representative Mme Blatrice DAMIBA Mark COREY Ambassadeur Assistant Deputy Minister Reprlsentante permanente auprksdela Market and Industry Services Branch FAO Agriculture and Agri-Food Rome Ottawa Andrl Anatole YAMEOGO Alternates Conseiller lconomique Blair HANKEY Reprlsentant permanent adjoint auprksde Counsellor la FAO Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome CAMEROON - CAMEROUN – Ms Eileen DURAND CAMERÚN Deputy Director Multilateral Affairs Global Affairs Bureau Reprlsentant Market and Industry Services Branch Aboubakary ABDOULAYÉ Ottawa Secrltaire d'État i l'agriculture k Minist re de l'agriculture Ms Nadine SIDAROUS-CÔTÉ Yaoundl Senior Multilateral Affairs Officer Global Affairs Bureau Suppllants Market and Industry Services Branch Michael TABONG KIMA Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Ambassadeur Ottawa Reprlsentant permanent auprksdelaFAO Rome Ms Lan HOANG Adviser Philip MOUMIE UN Specialized Agencies Secrltaire permanent Department of Foreign Affairs and Comitl de gestion de l'assistance International Trade Ottawa FAO/PAM Yaoundl CL 120/REP B5 CHILE - CHILI SHENGYAO TANG Deputy Division Director Representante Division of International Organizations Angel SARTORI ARELLANO Department of International Cooperation Embajador Ministry of Agriculture Representante Permanente ante la FAO Beijing Roma ! Suplente ͋" Antonio Arturo PLAZA JIMÉNEZ ̂Ȓ Segundo Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Ǡ FAO Roma JINBIAO WANG Deputy Division Director CHINA – CHINE – Ƒ Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Representative Beijing SHIQING MA Minister Plenipotentiary #$% Permanent Representative to FAO &'()* Rome ̂Ȓ Ǡ Ꮀ ZHANLU WANG ˤȩ Second Secretary ̂ඪ Alternate Permanent Representative to Ꮀ FAO Rome Alternates #Φ, ZHENGDONG LI Deputy Director General nj. Department of International Cooperation ̂ඪ ͋ Ministry of Agriculture Ꮀ Beijing ͋ CUBA ࡙ Representante ͋ Juan NUIRY SÁNCHEZ ̂Ȓ Embajador Ǡ Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma Suplentes Sra. Ana Maroa NAVARRO ARRÚE Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Roma B6 CL 120/REP Armando CASADO Jiri MUCHKA Especialista Ministry of Agriculture Ministerio para la Inversiqn Extranjera y la Prague ColaboraciqnEconqmica La Habana EGYPT - ÉGYPTE – EGIPTO - CYPRUS - CHYPRE - CHIPRE Representative Representative Nehad Ibrahim ABDEL-LATIF Michael CONSTANTINIDES Ambassador Permanent Secretary Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources Rome and the Environment Nicosia אאא אאאאא Alternates George F. POULIDES Ambassador Alternates Permanent Representative to FAO Mohammed A. KHALIFA Rome Agricultural Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Andreas ROUSHIAS Rome Agricultural Attachl Alternate Permanent Representative to א FAO אאאאאאא Rome Haris ZANNETIS Mrs Nihal HEGAZY Agricultural Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to and the Environment Nicosia FAO Rome א Artemis ANTONIADES אא Agricultural Research Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources אאאאא and the Environment Nicosia ETHIOPIA - ÉTHIOPIE - ETIOPÍA CZECH REPUBLIC – REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE – Representative REPUBLICA CHECA Ghebre-Medhin BELAY Head of Planning and Programming Representative Department Pavel SKODA Ministry of Agriculture Counsellor Addis Ababa Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Alternate Ghebre-Hiwot REDAI Alternates Counsellor Jiri NOVAK Alternate Permanent Representative to Ministry of Foreign Affairs FAO Prague Rome CL 120/REP B7 FRANCE - FRANCIA Thiery PREVOT Chargl de mission Reprlsentant Direction des politiques lconomique et Claude CHÉREAU internationale Ambassadeur Ministkre de l'agriculture et de la pmche Reprlsentant permanent auprksdel'OAA Paris Rome GABON - GABÓN Suppllants Michel THIBIER Reprlsentant Conseiller scientifique Fabien OWONO-ESSONO Reprlsentant permanent adjoint auprksde Ministre de l'agriculture, de l'llevage et du l'OAA dlveloppement rural Rome Libreville Mme Marie-Paule FONTAINE Suppllants k Conseill re Vincent BOULÉ Reprlsentante permanente adjointe auprks Ambassadeur de l'OAA Reprlsentant permanent auprksdelaFAO Rome Rome Alain PIERRET Jean Glrard MEZUI M'ELLA l l l Pr sident du Comit interminist riel de Secrltaire glnlral permanent de la l'agriculture et de l'alimentation Commission nationale de la FAO Paris Libreville Patrick PRUVOT Mme Ivone Alves DIAS DA GRAÇA l l l l Secr taire g n ral du Comit Premikre Conseillkre l interminist riel de l'agriculture et de Reprlsentante permanente adjointe auprks l'alimentation de la FAO Paris Rome l Herv GALLEPE Jean-Lucien DOUMBENENY Conseiller Conseiller technique du Ministre l i Repr sentation permanente de la France Ministkre de l'agriculture, de l'llevage et du Bruxelles dlveloppement rural Bruxelles Libreville Renaud COLLARD GERMANY - ALLEMAGNE - l l k Secr taire des affaires trang res ALEMANIA Direction des Nations Unies et des organisations internationales Representative Ministkre des affaires ltrangkres Guntram VON SCHENCK Paris Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Paul LUU Rome Chef du Bureau Afrique Mlditerranle Direction des politiques lconomique et internationale Ministkre de l'agriculture et de la pmche Paris B8 CL 120/REP Alternates HUNGARY - HONGRIE - HUNGRÍA Jurgen DETKEN Head of Division Representative Federal Ministry of Consumers Protection, Jjnos KOVÁCS Nutrition and Agriculture Counsellor Bonn Permanent Representative to FAO (designate) Klaus-Jörg HEYNEN Rome Head of Division Federal Ministry of Consumers Protection, ICELAND - ISLANDE - ISLANDIA Nutrition and Agriculture Bonn Representative Mrs Sigridur Ásdis SNÆVAR Karl-Josef WEIERS Ambassador First Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome Alternate Harald HILDEBRAND Jqn Erlingur JÓNASSON Assistant Head of Division Counsellor Federal Ministry of Consumers Protection, Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Nutrition and Agriculture Rome Bonn INDIA - INDE Ludwig NELLINGER Assistant Head of Division Representative Federal Ministry of Consumers Protection, J.N.L. SRIVASTAVA Nutrition and Agriculture Secretary Bonn Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture GUATEMALA New Delhi Representante Alternates Acisclo VALLADARES MOLINA Siddarth SINGH Embajador ante la Santa Sede Ambassador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Roma Rome Suplentes Mrs Neela GANGADHARAN Sra. Rita CLAVERIE DE SCIOLLI Minister (Agriculture) Ministro Consejero Alternate Permanent Representative to Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO FAO Rome Roma P.D. SUDHAKAR Sra. Lleana RIVERA DE ANGOTTI Joint Secretary (International Cooperation) Primer Secretario Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Ministry of Agriculture FAO New Delhi Roma CL 120/REP B9 IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) – Filippo ALESSI IRAN (RÉPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') - Ministkre des affaires ltrangkres IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL) Rome Representative Mme Vincenza RUSSO Abdul Mehdi BAKHSHANDEH Ministkre des affaires ltrangkres Deputy Minister of Agriculture Jihad in Rome Planning and Economics Ministry of Agriculture Jihad Marcello GORGONI Teheran Ministkre des affaires ltrangkres Rome Alternates
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