Jtj.- 28 - THE HERALD. Wed., Oct. 21, 1981 ‘ ................................................... .................................. ................. •••••••••••••••••••••••• Apartment* tor Rent 53 Apartment* For Rent 53 Home* tor Rent 54 Ottlcee-Store* tor Rent Mfsc. tor Rent 58 Auto* For S « f* 81 Auto* For Sale 61 Motorcycfaa-Slcjrclaa 84 •••••••••••••••••••••••• *•••••••••••••••••••••••• ................................................. .......................................... ........................................................................... p *****n *R AV A ILA B LE MANCHESTER MAIN ROCKVILLE - four room BOLTON - Carpeted two p h r 1974 CHEVY ESTATE Intersection to stay bad... page 4 IMMEDIATELY W aj^ 5 6 ,0 0 9 miles. fllOO. STREET - Three room apartment, no utilities, bedroom duplex with gar- Mnnr^ Manchester, Garage for apartment. Heated, hot r e f r i g e r a t o r , s t o v e , age. »300’s. Locators W R ^ N T in Mm ^^ rent. Storage only, m elec­ water, appliances. No pets. Morrison Street. $300 per 5®w (sm. fee) Rp^nlblf^ates SuSable tricity. $25. per month. Security. Telephone 523- month, two months in ad- ----------------------------------- R ^ ^ a b l e rat^^^^^ JEEP 1979 Cj7 - three Telephone Rose, 646-2482. 7047. “ vance plus $75 security. EAST HARTFORD - gnj Simm^Slly speed, 6 cyl., soft top, 12,• ---------------------------------- Kids, pets ok, yard. Family sized three ^"9, ^ 000 miles. Elxcellent condi­ MODERN ONE References. 646-2834 5-7 bedroom house, Lall 87Z-1DU1. lu to Auto* For Sale 61 tion. Telephone after S Have YiMi BEDROOM apartment, p.m. appliances, yard, kids. p.m. 643-4686. SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, busline, security and -------------i-------------------- 1 J50. Locators 236-5646. Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. TRUCKS. Car Inventory references required, NEWER TWO BEDROOM (sm fee) W 1976 DODGE COLT An • valued $2143 sold for $100. WAGON - good condition. showers Friday Thurs., Oct. 22, 1981 H eated. $350 monthly. D UPLEX - Built-in stove -------------------------------— B A S E M E N T S TO R AG E Similar bargains available. Telephone 646-3253. and refrigerator. Natural MANCHESTER - Huge AREA with dirt floors. $1600. Telephone 643-1494 Instrum ent Call for information, 602- TOLLAND after 5 p.m. — See page 2 25 Cents ------ -- wood work, hard wood three bedroom home, pirgt room 18>A ft.xl5 ft.; 941-8014, Ext. 7816. Phone MANCHESTER - four floors. Business couple Basem ent, private second room'*23 ft.xl5Vi ft. M m l h call refundable. 18764231 64M67 ro o m a p a r t m e n t , preferred. No pets, securi- parking, children and pets $30 monthlv 64JW17 1973 F O R D CU STO M - Fo r redecorated. References {y 649-8778. ok. L o c a to rs , 236-5646 ■ _________ ' automatic transmission, CAD ILLAC - 1976 - Coupe a"9...security. $310 p lu s ---------------------------- (fee). MANCHESTER - Several 1971 MAVERICK air, power steering, powr D e V ille - 72,000 m iles. Sale— ? Utilities. 649-4003. ^ _____ _______ __________ Industrial Locations for GRABBER - Good condi­ brakes, three extra tires Good condition. $2700 or and wheels. $400 or best MANCHESTER HOME - 2 ]03se $1 10 oer souare ft Best offer. Telephone 742- tion. Excellent gas MANCHESTER - ^ b R, Won t last long. $340. In K *40 oer M u a S ft 6M’ mileage. Will pass inspec­ offer. 644-1162 after 5 p.m. 6800 - Keep trying. Call Excellent four room apart- TWO AND ONE HALF capitol Homes 236-5646. { q Ha?es ci^p^- tion. $550 firm . Call 646- m ent. fu ll applian ces R O O M S A V A I L A B L E ----------------------------------- tinn ^ 3172 after 4 p.m. kitcen. $430 includes heat IM M E D IA TE LY, heat, hot M A N C H E S T E R - !____________ AUTO LEASING R E N T A L - Oldies But Goodies Uotoreyclea-Bleycle* 84 fro**,.]!?, Telephone water appl^^s Call Excellent seven room MANCHESTER - Retail, Limited. Rent-A-Car. 1968 CAMARO 6 cyl., ^9-4003.__________________ after 6 p.m. 646-3911. home for rent. Wall to wall storage, and/or maufac- $12.95 day, 100 free miles. automatic, 71 motor, runs KZ400 Deluxe 1978 Reagan against Automobiles bought, sold, good; Body in far condtion. KAWASAKI, fairing, MANCHESTER - THREE ROOM Ex?e®Ve"nt a'’re‘’a“.®'’$’4'56 ^T'oOO^^sq ®^Ver? rented. 323 Center Street, Good for parts or baggage-rack, saddle bags, Excellent five room, 2 APARTMENT - One per- monthly, telephone 649- reasonable Brokers Manchester. Telephone restorable. $400. Telephone low mileage. $1350. 688- bedroom apartment. No son preferred. $245 plus gas 4003. protected. Call Heyman 649-8623. 647-0908, Ask for Bill. 6201 Ask for Andrea. !® "c e s $350 plus h e a t. A p p lia n c e s . --------------------------- -— f>roperties, 1-226-1206. utilities. Telephone 649- Available immediately. ASHFORD - Two 1974 GRAND TORINO 4003. Rose, 64^2482. bedrooms, fireplace, T.V*****” ****!*******^ ______________ i_------ _ ' ---------------------------------- cellar, deck, lease. Wanted to Rent 57 excellent condition. Air conditioner, power MANCHESTER - Four VERNON - Two bedroom references, no pets. $360 r.**V,*******r«*VVr,^* steering, power brakes, global handout room apartment, second („ tw faily. Residential per month, two months WANTED TO RENT: asking $18()0 or best offer. James *DUTCH” Fogarty floor in two family. $350 area, carpeting, $295 plus security deposit. Utilities PARKING SPACE OR Call 643-1996 after 6:00. plus utilities. Security and heat. After 5:30 p.m., 872- not included. 528-4687. G ARAG E on North Street, Even before the official opening of references. Telephone 646- ^6 immediate area. Call Ask for Marc. CANCUN, Mexico (UPI) - Presi­ through international institutions 3333. ............•...••••••••••••• g47.0753 after 5 p.m. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE dent Reagan rejected a “Global such as the World Bank.. the two-day summit, both Haig and ---------------------------------- Home* tor Rent 54 Ottlcee-Store* tor Rent ----------------------------------- GOVERNMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marshall Plan” for poor nations but Reagan rejected out of hand' an conference host Mexican President MANCHESTER - Two ......................... ................. ............................................ P R O F E S S IO N A L W ITH SURPLUS CARS AND promised flexibility before the Austrian proposal for a “Global Jose Lopez Portillo, had already TRUCKS Now available b ed room , fir s t flo o r . VERNON - Heat included. N E W L Y R E N O V A T E D M A T U R E D og seek s. p ap jsp opening today of a 22-nation summit Marshall Plan” that would reassem­ pronounced it ” a success” because through government sales, Appliances. Central loca- King sized three bedroom 310 souare fee t o ffic e small, quiet apartment, on ways to help the world’s hungry. ble the American aid program that Reagan had overcome his reluc­ tion. deck. $325. No pets, with basement. Kid’s o.k. availa b le. Main S treet Parking, appliances, cable under $3W0. Call 1-714-569- tance to attend. 0241 Ext. 777 for your On the eve of the “ North-South” rebuilt Europe after World War II. Security, references. Call now Locators236-5646 location with ample desiretf 742-6684 after 4 Shortly after arriving in Cancun, directory on how to conference in the hot and humid He insisted that Washington was not Telephone 872-6675. (sm. fee) parking. Call 649-2891. p.m. Reagan jumped into casual attire purchase. Mexican island resort of Cancun, seeking to redistribute the world’s Secretary of State Alexander Haig riches, but "global economic and briskly plunged into a round of get-acquainted chats with Chinese said Wednesday that Reagan was growth.” willing to consider several proposals The 22-nation summit on bridging Prem ier Zhao Ziyang, India’s Indira Public records to narrow the gap between rich and the yawning gap between the Gandhi and the presidents of poor nations. world’s industrialized nations and Venezuela and Nigeria. A Mexican government their poorer cousins, generally in Between two three-hour summit spokesman said Reagan “ would be the south, has been given only a slim meetings today and a dinner party M'urranly dreilH Randy S. and Kathryn I. Inc. to Edward V. and Lisa F Pine St.. $1,900. swimming pool at 89 willing to listen to everyone’s point chance of achieving any sort of tonight. Reagan scheduled private Frances B. Jacobsen, Renander to Lynette Z. Hood, lot 18, map of To Anton and Mildred Helaine Road, $6,500. of view. He would defend his point of success. talks with Yugoslavian President trustee, to Patrick F, and Gallant, 55 Elro St., $58,- Weldon Estates, $70,400. Latawic for enlarging To Francis A. Sullivan view, but with flexibility.” Reagan himself predicted a Sergej Kraigher and Philippines Shawna K. Milne, unit 583- 000. Edward J. Sass to Kevin dormer at 19 Ash St., $5,- for wood and coal stove at UPl photo But Haig stressed Reagan would “ hostile atmosphere” at the sum­ leader Ferdinand Marcos. 9. Crest Condominiums. Frances B. Jacobsen, P. and Joyce N. Hood, 83 000. 15 Carpenter St., $728. 6 < l Reagan Wednesday hosted a not deviate from his opposition to mit, but amended his forecast on Joseph H. Smith Jr. to trustee, to Wellington C. Sass Drive, $97,500. To William Chapman for To Frederick W. Tedford reception in Cancun, Mexico, for leaders luncheon for Zhao and the two men DUTCH” Will Fight President Ronald Reagan talks with Prince any massive infusion of wealth or leaving Washington Wednesday, Carl R. Rozman, 205 Henry and Lucy Y. Lee, unit 571-3 Barney T. Peterman Sr. F.E. Fallow for reroofing for kitchen addition at 269 attending the North South Summit hit it off immediately, drinking Fahd of Saudi Arabia (left) and another technology from the United States saying his original assessment had St., $71,900. Crest Condominiums. and Barney T.
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