World Championship 1938 Compiled by Bob Ozanne. Update March 2019 11/05/1938 Birmingham 30/07/1938 Belle Vue 11/06/1938 Hackney 08/08/1938 Wimbledon 07/06/1938 Newcastle 17/08/1938 New Cross 16/07/1938 Belle Vue 20/08/1938 Harringay 18/07/1938 Wimbledon 23/08/1938 West Ham 20/07/1938 New Cross Special Thanks To Allen Trump for acquiring pre-war programmes specially to add details to these files. Allen did this at his own personal expense over 14 years. A fantastic contribution. Acknowledgments I should like to thank the following for their encouragement and practical help with my Speedway Pre-War research. Roger Beaman, Nigel Bird, George Carswell, Brian Collins, Keith Green, Jim Henry, Matt Jackson, Peter Jackson Alan Jones, John Somerville and Mike Terran. Also all the contributors to the team files section of this. website Key to Abbreviations C = chain, DH = dead heat, E = engine or machine failure, EPH = pushed home, ET = bike problems but finished, F = fell, FRM = remounted, FIL = fell when leading, L = lapped, LD = laid bike down, N = replaced by reserve, NS = non starter, no reserve, P = tyre problems, R = non finisher but reason not known, XS = excluded for starting offence, XT = excluded time limit, XW = excluded, crossed white line, W = wheel problems. World Championship Rounds 1938 - Qualifying Round Southampton Birmingham Nottingham Newcastle Sheffield Hackney Norwich Total Qualifiers Tiger Hart 15 14 29 Doug Wells 15 14 29 Bert Spencer 14 12 26 Tommy Allott 11 14 25 Frank Goulden 14 11 25 Cliff Parkinson 13 11 24 Parkinson had the same total points as Morton but went through on the basis of "superior times". Did Not Qualify Wal Morton 9 15 24 Bert Jones 13 10 23 Ted Bravery 9 13 22 George Greenwood 9 12 21 Dick Harris 12 9 21 Frank Hodgson 7 14 21 Malcolm Craven 10 10 20 Syd Griffiths 11 8 19 Wilf Jay 8 11 19 Harry Shepherd 9 10 19 Danny Lee 11 7 18 Jim Boyd 7 10 17 Steve Langton 12 5 17 Fred Strecker 10 7 17 Stan Lemon 6 10 16 Tommy Bateman 5 9 14 Phil Bishop 8 6 14 George Dykes 10 4 14 Billy Lamont 14 14 Les Trim 7 7 14 Jim Baylais 7 6 13 Bill Longley 13 13 Bob Lovell 7 6 13 Fred Tuck 4 8 12 Stan Williams 4 8 12 Les Gregory 8 3 11 Rol Stobart 11 11 Jock Sweet 11 11 Harold Jackson 10 10 Alec Peel 2 8 10 Reg Lambourne 1 8 9 George Pepper 9 9 George Saunders 3 6 9 Archie Windmill 2 7 9 Billy Dallison 1 7 8 Goldy Restall 3 5 8 Bill Birtwell 7 7 Eric Blain 6 1 7 Harold Brailsford 2 5 7 Paul Goodchild 3 4 7 Will Lowther 7 7 Sam Marsland 5 2 7 Dick Wise 7 7 Fred Curtis 6 6 Geoff Godwin 6 6 Norman Hargreaves 2 4 6 Keith Harvey 6 6 Maurice Stobart 5 1 6 Bruce Venier 3 3 6 Cyril Anderson 4 1 5 Ron Howes 3 2 5 Jack Hyland 5 5 Newton 5 5 Ernie Rickman 5 5 Lloyd Goffe 4 4 Elwood Stilwell 4 4 Jack Tidbury 4 4 Ken Tidbury 4 4 Ken Brett 3 3 Lionel Stanger 2 2 Paddy Mills 1 1 Alan Smith 1 1 Charlie Appleby 0 0 Syd Littlewood 0 0 Bob Sparks DNR 0 Wednesday 11/05/1938 World Championship 1938 BIRMINGHAM Qualifying Round Heat Results Time Total 1 Hart Harris Godwin Harvey 78.4 1 Tiger Hart 3 3 3 3 3 15 2 Lovell Strecker Saunders No Rider 78.8 3 Dick Harris 2 2 3 2 3 12 3 Langton Hyland Craven Stanger 79.8 9 Steve Langton 3 3 1 3 2 12 4 Lee Lemon Trim Tidbury 79.6 16 Danny Lee 3 3 1 3 1 11 5 Langton K Tidbury (Lovell F) (Godwin R) 80.0 6 Fred Strecker 2 2 2 2 2 10 6 Hart Strecker Trim Stanger 79.6 11 Malcolm Craven 1 1 3 2 3 10 7 Lemon Harris Craven Saunders 79.6 5 Bob Lovell 3 F 2 1 1 7 8 Lee Hyland Harvey Gore 80.2 14 Leslie Trim 1 1 3 2 0 7 9 Craven Strecker Lee Godwin 79.5 2 Geoff Godwin 1 R 2 0 3 6 10 Hart Lovell Lemon Hyland 78.6 4 Keith Harvey 0 1 3 R 2 6 11 Trim Godwin (Saunders R) (Hyland R) 81.8 15 Stan Lemon 2 3 1 R R 6 12 Harvey Saunders K Tidbury Stanger 81.0 12 Jack Hyland 2 2 0 R 1 5 13 Harris Trim Langton Gore 79.8 13 Ken Tidbury 0 2 1 1 0 4 14 Hart Craven K Tidbury Gore 79.8 7 George Saunders 1 0 2 R 0 3 15 Lee Harris Lovell Stanger 79.4 10 Lionel Stanger 0 0 0 0 2 2 16 Langton Strecker (Harvey R) (Lemon R) 79.6 8 Geoff Gore NS 0 0 0 R 0 17 Godwin Stanger (Lemon R) (Gore R) 85.4 Original Line up 18 Hart Langton Lee Saunders 79.0 2 George Pepper 19 Harris Strecker Hyland Tidbury 81.0 4 Dicky Wise 20 Craven Harvey Lovell Trim 80.4 8 Elwood Stilwell 10 Harold Jackson 12 Wally Hull 13 Billy Lamont This fixture was spoiled by 6 riders not turning up. Lamont and Wise were injured but 4 others had no known reason. These were Wally Hull, Harold Jackson, George Pepper and Elwood Stilwell. Wednesday 18/05/1938 World Championship 1938 SOUTHAMPTON Qualifying Round Heat Results Time Total 1 Goulden Rickman Craven (Grnwod XS) 68.8 1 Frank Goulden 3 3 3 2 3 14 2 Jones Goffe Windmill (Dallison F) 73.2 7 Bert Jones 3 2 3 2 3 13 3 Griffiths Bateman Boyd 71.2 13 Cliff Parkinson 3 2 3 2 3 13 4 Parkinson Hodgson Morton 71.2 11 Syd Griffiths 3 3 2 1 2 11 5 Goulden Parkinson Dallison 71.6 4 Malcolm Craven 1 3 3 3 10 6 Greenwood Restall Windmill 72.4 2 George Greenwood XS 3 3 3 E 9 7 Griffiths Jones Hodgson 69.6 16 Wal Morton 1 2 1 3 2 9 8 Craven Morton Goffe 72.4 9 Jim Boyd 1 3 2 1 7 9 Goulden Griffiths Morton 69.2 15 Frank Hodgson 2 1 1 1 2 7 10 Greenwood Rickman Hodgson (Dallison F) 70.4 12 Tommy Bateman 2 N 1 2 5 11 Jones Goulden Bateman 70.0 10 Cyril Anderson 1 2 1 4 12 Parkinson Jones Anderson 69.6 8 Lloyd Goffe 2 1 1 4 13 Boyd Peel Goffe 72.4 14 Goldy Restall 2 1 3 14 Greenwood Parkinson Griffiths 68.0 3 Alec Peel 2 2 15 Morton Anderson Rickman 71.4 6 Archie Windmill 1 1 2 16 Craven Boyd Hodgson 70.8 5 Billy Dallison F 1 F N N 1 17 Goulden Hodgson Anderson 72.6 R Ernie Rickman 2 2 1 5 18 Jones Morton Boyd (Grnwood E) 70.8 19 Parkinson Bateman No third 71.8 20 Craven Griffiths Restall 70.8 Tuesday 24/05/1938 World Championship 1938 NOTTINGHAM Qualifying Round Heat Results Time Total 1 Greenwood Lowther Howes (Restall E) 77.2 14 Tiger Hart 2 3 3 3 3 14 2 Parkinson Strecker Dallison Marsland 75.8 2 George Greenwood 3 2 2 2 3 12 3 Dykes Lee Williams Brailsford 79.6 16 Tommy Allott 1 2 3 3 2 11 4 Bravery Hart Allott Tuck 77.4 8 Cliff Parkinson 3 3 2 3 R 11 5 Dykes Restall Tuck (Streckr XW) 78.6 9 George Dykes 3 3 1 3 F 10 6 Hart Greenwood Marsland Brailsford 78.4 15 Ted Bravery 3 3 3 F R 9 7 Bravery Dallison Williams Howes 79.0 7 Billy Dallison 1 2 1 2 1 7 8 Parkinson Allott Lee Lowther 77.8 12 Danny Lee 2 1 F 2 2 7 9 Allott Marsland Williams Restall 79.4 4 Will Lowther 2 0 3 1 1 7 10 Bravery Greenwood Strecker (Lee F) 77.8 5 Fred Strecker 2 XW 1 2 2 7 11 Hart Lee Dallison Restall 78.0 6 Sam Marsland 0 1 2 2 0 5 12 Lowther Dallison (Tuck EIL) (Brilsfrd FIL) 85.0 1 Goldy Restall E 2 0 0 3 5 13 Hart Parkinson Dykes Howes 76.6 13 Fred Tuck 0 1 EIL 0 3 4 14 Parkinson Greenwood Williams Tuck 78.4 11 Stan Williams 1 1 1 1 R 4 15 Allott Strecker Howes Brailsford 79.4 3 Ron Howes 1 0 0 1 1 3 16 Dykes Marsland Lowther (Bravery F) 81.2 10 Harold Brailsford 0 0 FIL 0 2 2 17 Restall Brailsford (Bravery R) (Parkinsn R) 80.2 18 Greenwood Allott Dallison (Dykes FIL) 79.2 19 Tuck Lee Howes Marsland 81.0 20 Hart Strecker Lowther (Williams R) 80.4 Bravery and Parkinson were left stranded at the gate in heat 17. They seemed to be completely unprepared but the tapes went up. No rerun was permitted. Thursday 26/05/1938 World Championship 1938 SHEFFIELD Qualifying Round Heat Results Time Total 1 Jones Lamont (EIL) N Hargreaves 82.0 Tommy Allott 3 3 3 2 3 14 2 Bravery Tuck S Langton 80.0 Billy Lamont 2 3 3 3 3 14 3 L Gregory Harris No third 82.2 Ted Bravery 3 2 2 3 3 13 4 Allott Jackson Blain 80.0 Harold Jackson 2 3 1 2 2 10 5 Allott Bravery Williams 78.8 Bert Jones 3 3 2 1 1 10 6 Lamont Harris S Langton 80.2 Dick Harris 2 2 2 3 9 7 Jackson L Gregory N Hargreaves 81.0 Les Gregory 3 2 3 8 8 Jones Trim Tuck 80.4 Fred Tuck 2 1 3 1 1 8 9 L Gregory S Langton Mills 80.6 Stan Williams 1 2 3 2 8 10 Lamont Bravery Jackson 80.2 Les Trim 2 3 2 7 11 Trim Blain Venier 81.0 Eric Blain 1 2 1 2 6 12 Allott Jones Venier 81.2 Steve Langton 1 1 2 1 5 13 Tuck Williams Blain 83.4 Bruce Venier 1 1 1 3 14 Lamont Allott Tuck 78.8 Norman Hargreaves 1 1 2 15 Bravery Harris No third 80.8 Paddy Mills 1 1 16 Williams Jackson Jones 82.0 17 Harris Jackson Tuck 80.8 18 Lamont Williams Venier 82.2 19 Allott Trim S Langton 80.6 20 Bravery Blain Jones 81.4 Billy Lamont was robbed of a maximum in heat 1 when his engine blew on the run in.
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