PDF hosted at the Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about this publication click this link. http://hdl.handle.net/2066/211840 Please be advised that this information was generated on 2021-09-29 and may be subject to change. Edited by: Frederik Smit Kees van der Wolf Peter Sleegers A Bridge to the Future Collaboration between Parents, Schools and Communities A BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE ii A Bridge to the Future A Bridge to the Future Collaboration between Parents, Schools and Communities Edited by: dr. Frederik Smit prof. dr. Kees van der Wolf prof. dr. Peter Sleegers INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY NIJMEGEN SCO-KOHNSTAMM INSTITUTE iv A Bridge to the Future The prize of this edition is ¦ 35,00. (€ 16). Photo cover ‘Leanne and Jonne’: Y. Bakker Photo on the back of the book: Michelle Muus, Rotterdam Website design by Jos Wisman: http://www.phaomedium.nl Address: Institute for Applied Social Sciences Toernooiveld 5 P.O. Box 9048 6500 KJ Nijmegen The Netherlands http://www.its.kun.nl To order the book: International telephone ++ 31 24 365 35 00 International fax ++ 31 24 365 35 99 E-mail [email protected] CIP-GEGEVENS KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK DEN HAAG A bridge to the future. / dr. Frederik Smit, prof. dr. Kees van der Wolf & prof. dr. Peter Sleegers - Nijmegen: ITS ISBN 90 - 5554 - 177 - X NUGI 722 ã 2001 ITS, Stichting Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen Behoudens de in of krachtens de Auteurswet van 1912 gestelde uitzonderingen mag niets uit deze uitgave worden verveelvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm of op welke andere wijze dan ook, en evenmin in een retrieval systeem worden opgeslagen, zonder de voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van het ITS van de Stichting Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen. No part of this book/publication may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. Preface Children learn at home, in school and in the experiments concerning collaboration between community. Collaboration between parents, home-school-communities were discussed. schools and communities is necessary to the optimize of pupils’ developmental opportunities, The participants came from many countries in the enhancement of pupils’ educational careers Europe including Hungarian, the Czech Republic, and the improvement of teachers’ task Poland, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia, performance. Bulgaria and also Cyprus. From outside Europe, the United States of America, Australia, Canada ERNAPE (European Research Network About and Malaysia were represented. The participants Parents in Education) is an association of research were not only researchers but also represented networks in the area of education, in particular ministries of education, parent organisations, parents in education. In 1993 the association was teacher organisations and schools. established with the aim to share research results and stimulate research at all levels. One researcher from the ITS, in collaboration with specialists on parent participation from the A first conference ‘Education is Partnership’ was University of Nijmegen and the SCO-Kohnstamm held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1996. Institute have brought together in this volume the The second roundtable conference ‘Building recent scientific and social developments in bridges between home and school’ was in relation to the collaboration between families, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 1999. schools and communities. On 22, 23 and 24 November 2001 the third conference was organized at the Ichthus College We hope that this volume stimulates to build a in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. During this well-designed bridge that connect and unite all conference the current state of affairs, models, partners at home, in school and in the strategies, legislation, experiences and communities to increase pupils’ success. Nijmegen/Amsterdam, November 2001 prof. dr. Hans Mastop prof. dr. Hetty Dekkers dr. Anton Nijssen director ITS director NUOVO director SCO-Kohnstamm Institute vi A Bridge to the Future Contents Introduction; a bridge to the future 1 Frederik Smit, Kees van der Wolf, Peter Sleegers Section 1 - Parents’ perspectives on the collaboration between home and school 3 Can schools help to build a bridge to a new democratic future, Don Davies 5 A vision of home-school partnership: three complementary conceptual frameworks, Rollande Deslandes 11 Family education and implications for partnership with schools in Spain, Raquel-Amaya Martínez González 25 Family-school liaisons in Cyprus: an investigation of families’ perspectives and needs, Loizos Symeou 33 Government, school and parents in the Netherlands: every man to his trade, Loes van Tilborg & Wander van Es 45 Relationships between parents and school in the Czech Republic, Kateøina Emmerová & Milada Rabušicová 49 Culture differences in education: implications for parental involvement and educational policies, Eddie Denessen, Geert Driessen, Frederik Smit & Peter Sleegers 55 The parental need for pluralistic primary education in the Netherlands, Jacques F.A. Braster 67 Have minority parents a say in Dutch educational opportunity policies? Paul Jungbluth 71 To see together. Visualization of meaning structures in interaction processes between children and adults in Finland, Raili Kärkkäïnen 75 Developments in the position of parents in primary and secondary education in the Netherlands, Miek Laemers & Frans Brekelmans 81 Evaluation of the legal functions of the complaints regulation in primary and secondary education in the Netherlands, Juliette Vermaas 91 viii A Bridge to the Future Section 2 - Schools’ perspectives on collaboration with families and communitiy 101 Changing responsibilities between home and school. Consequences for the pedagogical professionality of teachers, Cees A. Klaassen & Frederik Smit 103 Home-school relationships in one Russian school. A case study, Andrea Laczik 109 Lifelong learning: schools and the parental contribution in Australia, Jacqueline McGilp 117 Increasing social capital: teachers about school-family-community partnerships. Results of a study on the orientations of American and Polish teachers, Maria Mendel 125 Parents as a problem?, Sean Neill 137 Working with challenging parents within the framework of inclusive education, Kees van der Wolf & Tanja van Beukering 149 Teachers, power relativism and partnership, Pirjo Nuutinen 157 Involving parents in children’s education: what teachers say in Malaysia, Sharifah Md.Nor & Jennifer Wee Beng Neo 167 Section 3 - Specific aspects of school-family-community relations 177 Teacher training on parents in education, Birte Ravn 179 Preparing teachers to work with parents, Diana B. Hiatt-Michael 185 ‘The school I’d like my child to attend, the world I’d like my child to live in’: … parental perspectives on ‘special education’ in Cyprus, Helen Phtiaka 189 Minimalization of failure at school in Poland: children and youth from socially deprived families, Elzbieta Bielecka 195 Young people’s representations of school and family relationships in Belgium, Willy Lahaye, Pierre Nimal & Patricia Couvreur 201 School-parents relationships as seen by the Academy. A survey of the views of Italian researches, Stefano Castelli & Luca Vanin 213 Focus group survey of parents of children with disabilities who are members of school improvement teams in Florida, U.S.A., Sally M. Wade 215 A Bridge to the Future ix Family, school, and community intersections in teacher education and professional development: integrating theoretical and conceptual frameworks, Martha Allexsaht-Snider & Stacy Schwartz 217 Families, gender and education: issues of policy and practice, Miriam David 225 Partnerships of families, schools and communities in Italy, Laura De Clara 231 Parental involvement in mathematics education in a Canadian elementary school, Freda Rockliffe 235 Parents, racism and education: some issues relating to parental involvement by Turkish and Moroccan communities in the Netherlands, Metin Alkan 245 The relationships between parents of ethnic minority children, the schools and supporting institutions in the local community – some ideas for the future, Frederik Smit, Geert Driessen & Peter Sleegers 255 The relationship between motives for choice and denomination in primary education in a 259 system of choice, Anne Bert Dijkstra & Lex Herweijer Strong linkages among involved parents to improve the educational systems and societies 267 of emerging democraties, Iskra Maksimovic & Alvard Harutynyan Notes on contributors 271 x A Bridge to the Future Introduction: A Bridge to the Future This volume is a collection of 35 essays, grouped lifelong learning and parental contribution. Maria into three sections, on the theme of parents, Mendel focuses in her study on the orientations of school and community. American and Polish teachers about school- The first part contains parents’ orientation and family community partnerships. The study of reflections on the collaboration between home, Sean Neill concerns the position of parents in the school (Don Davies), conceptual partnerships of school system. The research of Kees van der Wolf home-school partnerships (Rollande Deslandes), and Tanja van Beukering focuses on working family education and implications for partnership with challenging parents within the framework of with schools (Raquel-Amaya Martínez González) inclusive education. Pirjo Nuutinen
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