Eastern Catholic Life Official Publication of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic VOL. LI, NO. 6 JUNE 2015 ByBishop Bishop Kurt Announces Year of the Epistle ou see with what to say, he explains the Cosmos, and In the letters of Saint Peter, we revealing than an eloquent volume large letters I write sometimes he does so in passages read the testimony of an impulsive from someone more literary. The to you with my own of surpassing beauty and poetry. At and passionate man who was seared straightforward affection and dig- hand.”“Y These very personal words other times, he provides us with en- in his soul by meeting Our Lord. He nity of this fisherman shine from the appear at the end of Saint Paul’s let- couragement in words equally beau- witnessed the Transfiguration him- page. ter to the Galatians. For two thou- tiful, “I am convinced that nothing self, as he mentions in his letter, and sand years, people have argued over can ever separate us from the love then denied Christ at the crucifixion The fierce words of Saint James the exact meaning of this verse. Did against gossip and discrimination Saint Paul use a secretary, and then are so powerful that if they were add his own note at the end? (If read publicly every day most of our you would like to show off your vo- social problems would disappear. It cabulary, this secretary is called an would certainly transform our par- “amanuensis.”) Did Saint Paul suffer ishes if those words were read at ev- from partial blindness or some oth- ery service. In these days in which er physical problem that caused him many Christians, and even entire to write in large letters? Almost all churches, have decided that sins of of the epistles of Saint Paul contain lust are now virtues, the prophetic little clues like this one that show words of Saint Jude are just as fright- that we are reading real letters to real ening today as when he wrote them, people, people just like us. Many of “These dreamers pollute their own his personal notes are very affection- bodies, reject authority, and slander ate, such as “Every time I remember celestial beings. … These men speak you I thank my God!” and in an- abusively against whatever they do other letter, “Recalling your tears, not understand. … They have cho- I long to see you, so that my heart sen the path of Cain … These men may be filled with joy!” Sometimes are blemishes at your love feasts, his emotions are more complicated eating with you without the slight- as when he tells a church he won’t est qualms—shepherds who feed visit them right away because he is only themselves. They are clouds upset with them and doesn’t want to without rain, blown along by the see them while he is angry. wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. They Sometimes Saint Paul includes ex- are wild waves of the sea, foaming tra greetings at the beginning or the up their shame; wandering stars, for end of a letter. “Say hello to Priscilla whom blackest darkness has been and Aquila, who risked their lives reserved forever.” for me. … Say hello to Epaenetus, who was the first convert to Christ And finally, we come to the sub- is Asia. … Say hello to Herodion, lime letters of Saint John the Be- my kin. … Say hello to Rufus and loved Disciple. From the very first his mom.” If you spend some time Icon of Saints Peter and Paul words of this eyewitness and inti- looking up these people on the in- mate friend of our Lord, it is over- powering to hear him talk about see- ternet, you will be amazed to find of God!”; “We carry these treasures and experienced the love and for- out how much we know about the ing, hearing, and actually touching in earthen vessels”; and “The peace giveness of Christ personally after the Son of God made flesh. And it is early Christians. In fact, a stone in- of God which surpasses all under- the resurrection. His letters are just scription was found in Corinth in in these letters that we learn the cul- standing will guard your heart and as passionate in their enthusiasm mination of all of God’s revelation, recent years that may name one of mind in Christ Jesus.” How many for the gospel as they are in their the people Saint Paul mentions. “God is love, and he who abides in greeting cards have been printed indignation at those who disgrace love, abides in God, and God in he.” At other times, Saint Paul explains over the years from these kind of it. As is often the case, a few blunt the doctrines of our faith, which is quotes from the epistles! words from a simple man are more Continued on page 2 Obituaries—p3 100th Anniversary of Saint World Meeting of Presbyteral Days—pp 8-9 Michael Church—p5 Families—p7 Page 2 Eastern Catholic Life JUNE 2015 provide our pastors with material for The Year of the Epistle preaching. I pray to God that during Pastoral Letter of Bishop Kurt this Year of the Epistle, everyone in Continued from page 1 the Eparchy will be attentive to the reading on Sunday, and more im- It seems to me that if you were to Divine Liturgy. So starting on Pen- portantly to read the entire Epistles ask a devout Catholic, “What were tecost Sunday, May 24, 2015, I am for themselves. I pray everyone will the most important things in your declaring this year to be “The Year of read the Epistles, and pray on them, life this past week?”, most weeks the the Epistle”. Our Eparchy of Passaic and allow the Word of God to enter answer should be: the Eucharist, will work together to improve our their hearts. God wrote these letters and the Gospel reading, and the appreciation and knowledge of the to you. Epistle reading. Because of limited Epistles. Our Word of Life Institute time, we only read a tiny slice of is preparing bulletin inserts to help these amazing letters at our Sunday educate us about the Epistles, and to Bishop Kurt announces the members of the Eparchial College of Consulters as well as the results of the Presbyteral Council elections. College of Consultors Very Reverend Marcel Szabo Very Reverend Robert Hospodar Very Reverend John Basarab Very Reverend Robert Evancho Very Reverend Peter Hosak Very Reverend Michael Popson Very Reverend Gary Mensinger Very Reverend Mykhaylo Prodanets Presbyteral Council Central Pennsylvania Syncellate Other Priests on the Presbyteral Council by Very Reverend Edward Higgins virtue of their office: Very Reverend Michael Popson Right Reverend Mitred Archpriest James G. Hayer, Protosyncellus of the Eparchy Middle States Syncellate Very Reverend John Basarab, Reverend Michael Kerestes Syncellus of the Middle States Syncellate Very Reverend Conan Timoney Very Reverened Robert Evancho, Syncellus of the Southern States Syncellate New Jersey Syncellate Very Reverend Robert Hospodar, Reverend Edward Cimbala Chancellor of the Eparchy and Syncellus of the New York-New England Syncellate Reverend Charles Yastishock Very Reverend Michael Mondik, Syncellus of the New Jersey Syncellate Southern States Syncellate Reverend Monsignor John T. Sekellick, Reverend Vincent Brady Judicial Vicar Very Reverend Sal Pignato Very Reverend Marcel Szabo Susquehanna Valley Syncellate Very Reverend Gary Mensinger, Syncellus of the Susquehanna Syncellate Very Reverend Mykhaylo Prodanets Very Reverend Michael Salnicky From the Office of the Bishop To be Ordained to the Order of Deacon Subdeacon Thomas Shubeck Subdeacon Peter Turko Sunday, June 14th at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 21st at 10:30 a.m. Saint Thomas Byzantine Catholic Church, Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church, Rahway, NJ Annandale, VA JUNE 2015 Eastern Catholic Life Page 3 +Robert Barusefski Priest’s Brother Called to Eternal Repose obert Barusefski, 60, Born in Scranton, son of the late gotta Funeral Home, 511 Church died unexpectedly at his Robert and Martha Barusefski, he Street, Jessup, PA. The Funeral Lit- home+R in Virginia on Friday, May was educated in the Hackettstown, urgy was celebrated at 9:30 a.m. on 15. He is survived by his wife of 35 NJ, public schools. He graduated Thursday, May 21, at Holy Ghost years, Susan; son, Robert Edward, of from VA Tech in 1977 with a degree Byzantine Catholic Church, 313 Washington, D.C.; daughter, Jamie, in electrical engineering and was First Avenue, Jessup, PA, followed of North Carolina; and brother, Fa- employed as a civilian for 37 years by internment at the parish cem- ther Ronald Barusefski, Vice-Chan- for the US Navy. etery. May his memory be eternal! cellor of the Eparchy and Pastor of Vičnaja jemu pamjat’! Saint John the Baptist Church in A Parastas was celebrated on Bayonne, New Jersey. Wednesday evening, May 20 at Mar- +Father Gary Francisko Called to Eternal Repose After Battling Illness By Loretta Nemeth, courtesy of Horizons of the Eparchy of Parma n April 25, 33 years to the Saint John the Baptist. day, April 25. Archpriest Michael date after the ordination of Hayduk served as master of ceremo- FatherO Gary Francisko for the Ep- Father Francisko’s assignments nies. Concelebrants were Mitred archy of Parma, Bishop John, clergy included the parishes of Saint Mary, Archpriests Dennis Hrubiak and and faithful of the eparchy gathered Cleveland, OH; Saint Stephen, Eu- John Kachuba; Fathers James Bat- for Father Francisko’s funeral Lit- clid, OH; Christ the King, Taylor, cha, Andrey Kovalenko, Michael urgy at Holy Spirit Church. Father Mich.; Saint Eugene, Bedford, OH; Lee, Thomas Loya, Richard Plishka, Francisko died on April 18, follow- and the Shrine of Our Lady of Mar- Bruce Riebe, Robert Stash and Ste- ing a lengthy battle with cancer.
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