he defenestrat or throwing power out the window • issue 0 • late august projects learn their rh ~t(hm. That consistent Defenestrator is a new Philly rag Detenestration then is nothing what II could be now. Wiln cilles car;aOte of prodUCing bUild ings well over rh yt hm of the A-Space calendar ticking away. intended to pull together the various Iwenty times Ihe height of PragJe's caslle and But wh ile good , important, fun political stu7f isolated groups and individuals h.ere In mobs well exceeding th e sizes at the Hussile mobs does tran spire '!Iithin the A-Space and Philly among the undogmatic anli- . who first introduc ed this sport . defenestra tion could well become the ma in event the ;::eople's Olvrnpics occasionally on :he street. there is :I good deal authoritarian left, a common stomping of the fUlure. With office builCinCjs packed to 'Ihe of activism that is riddled with a te rrib iy alienating ground for discussion, updates and news. heavens wlt~ b~siness sleaze eco raC!sls . governors, bureaucrals. lawyers. pigs. 've rmin cf all and demol'al izing level of classroom style shapes and sizes .. Ihis cou ld weil turn inlO a run boredom. which is , to understate drastically , If this is to be succesfull, your rilual. Dernos breaking off from th e planned rOUle not for eve ryone . It' s also damn insular . this storming ofke buildings :0 de'enestrate the culprits participcition is necessar/l let us know instead of iusl whir.ing aboul th € m from t:'!l slreets scene. I think we can aiienate or bore people out ",ncr's upl Send us info, fliers etc. Come below. Out th e window and onto th e stree ts It ,he of a potentially interesting scene / movem ent by irT' cact doesn't do them in. Will th e oeople who it to our editorial meeting at the A-Space catch hI m ? Remember Mussoh I ? keeping excl usive and insular as is now around 7:30PM , September 1st. Do a crazy with what we've got going at theA-Space et ai. a ction and document it so we can spread or wecan introduc8 so me elements to offset the the word. Write about the demo, your (sometimes necessary) bOiedoms we s~biect personal struggle, tip us off on what the ou rselves to (at meeti ng s and predlclaole . cops are up to, calls for solidarity ... you threat free demosi Jnd ~a;':e being politically name it. If its relevant, it will be included. active an in ter ~ s t i n\J prospect for others \'iith This is about throwing power out the lowsr Sf ti n th, e~~2ids. So. 'Ji3 my own pe~sona! window. s biectivefilte r . j' I bo un ce bae:, some of tl,ese id eas thai came au! on this 'Jan ride th rOugh The Defenestrator beauti fu l ~!e\'J J ers~1 1. '. The re was the Ph iliy Anarc hist paper, the f irs~ c/o A-Spoce issue oi 'Nhich 'IO Ut1 '~ ld inyo ur hand. ~ly VIS ion is 4722 Baltimore. Ave. that th is becomes sort oran ope n fo rum fo r V,Jest Philly anarchists and other non-dogmatic leftists Philadelphio, PA 1'9143 and as a SGr~ of Cen:rai meeting point fo r tl1e . anarch ist scene . A refe rral point when it Cem es to finding out vv hat's beer. go in g on arou nG Phiily and listings of radical events and happen:ngs. Aloi of projects in Philiy happen parallel vv itilo Ut l hartly eve r in tersectiilg. I wou ld be happv if Defenestrate the Church and State more people 'lJould cross paths. It only makes us After Jan Hus , a peasant preacher st ronge r. With this paper I wo uld be overjoyed if who spoke out against the wealth , So there we wereI(J a 'Jan on our way it became a community effort , that it ,,",Jou ld keep corruption and hierarchical back from Homestead 97 all of us in va rious com ing out 'Nhen i take off or ; get too busy do:ng tendencies in the church, was burnt stages of inspiration irom -:!hat ha d or had n't sometlling else. So please volunteer an d heip at the stake by the Counc,1 oi Constanc~ in transpired over the weekend . ots of talk about out. contribute l ' d :5. widespread riots t ro ke cut in th'l streets of '.'.'hat '.'1 s good and 'Nha "r) uld Ila'/e been • Ii ;Nould be damn nice if We ccui d make asirong P·ague a. d sent shIV8r:~ )f fe .r throu go the Gerr,an ber--? r. -"n Jr so v\ es[ P. .: anarcrs n JrE car - _CIIIIV at 'he erne . Fiv '? 'l ea rs I er Kirg V ac!av . anarchist presen ce 2t demos. A drum coniinger.i tonous le r among ;) [ha; .t'.!nt,;s :oastlng r. for ,lOu rs. 'He snot aro'ir ;omeideas rangir. 'J , we Seemed to agree wouia li-,,'e:1 up things oncompetent COOK alive on his J'.Vn Spit. shcotlr.S a fr om that 'Ne don 't fuck sntt pnearly as mt;ch as I onk while hunling and tr/ing nis own hand at considerably for everyone. The drums are ,voOln,) 0 11 peasant heads with an axe . provoked. we really ought to, to star in g up anoth er Phiily around. Some drummer should probably ta ke i1o t; : r her lal'le scale rioting after aiding several anll iinarchist paper to getting roge tller an ' . SSlle p"ests back Into positions 01 power. Tho initiative to aet this toaether. Cl ecns we re funo us and took up what was 10 emergency response ner:lork in times of crisis • When serious silit goes do,'1Il in Ph illy. we oecorn<l somewn;:;t of a Prag~e tradition. Tr:e crowd getting ourselves mobilized. doing more action's. stormed iown hall which was used a 5 a Criminal anarchists should have o[;r o\:m ways of ~ ourt r~rj prison. rounded up several 01 tr1 e most im proving miserable dem on strations. We 'd organizing. We shouldn·t 'Nait around fo r oth er ~es pl$e d CathOilc councilors and tll(eW them 10 talked about. and almost made concrete plans pe ople t.o do it. Phi !ly street.s shoul d nei be quiet ' - ~I( e.liles out of Ihe wlndo'Ns or.to tha pik. )S of the to get an anarchist dru mnrw co ntingent ... · ~ o odcw: Prague's :i rs t ::! -2~_:::nes:~a: ! c~ . V'l Cl,l 'j . aH:::~ police murders. eXf;cutions or ether ,;,c r~ ""1t)d 111 te rror and tea r . had .1 slroke a~r. d'ed tCG c~i"e( :2 ~ ..;;; SC ~ :.; Jr : ,l.; ~ ~ ya'.".los :r.s we t;nfc rg :'.fa b!e atrocit ies co mmitted against -- ' ily at ~ r Ihe uPrising. Gy now the Taboriles had frequent sGlneife. By the me we had gotten ;: , crt Ufl where Hus' lollowers Ie It eff and wlltened peo ple. This sho lJ :d go 'ivithout saying. •...c, r IlJle . nOI i"SI on Ihe Chinch hierarc'1Y· bul on bClCk home. I fel t 'iVe had Initiated a sparl< to liven • Punks l.Oespite some people 's attempts to cu re , I ,; rns of aU lhonl, and prlvll "se. I nsplr~d by .lhe up PIllllys sleepy anarthls:s again ·"I"'- 1)5\[<1llon. they se t OUI across :ne ;;ountrislr.e rl1emselves of ali associations '!Jith punkness 111 ~~ · ;" ,r y ')t!$lroy,ng church property and b UIGr1 tHlnl) But lilat was '.'!eeks ag o nd ttemp ts at getting f:tvo r of becoming respec ta ble activi sts , there :s - ·r people together to taik about the ideas which - ~. '(8ars laler . on May 23 . 1618 Ihe Iwo : ,,~ "'no rs VI t~m SI':-Ivata cl Chlurn and Jar o~ L.lv had tral1splred in tile era';: led 'Ja n were met with s.~ :a uf M.lrtlnlce wcre cefcnslrated ,llong 'Nllh less than optir::al enth usiasm. Attempts to no ~easen why the punk scene should noi put . r ; ':fsonill secrGta ry out of tr,e w in Cows nf !he organize ::In ana rch ist block at the anticipated r pelitics imo action. P·.llj .': C.)stlt.! '1('l!0 !hH rr.cat below, thiS lJme by ..i ,",ei ''':'0 vi ~v e( 100 n()bles enraged by Ihe 3cp" ,nlmenl ')l uge ' Mumia demo '::as <':fl ;re!y ignored and . • Be P:epared ' We COuld ....vo rk some thing s out C· · t> e nOlOriously 'nl o! era~1 ca tholiC arcnouk0 other post Homestead- r2tu rn -r da talk abo ut any ahead of timp.. Agree on time and place for ~ rc.,r-dn d 10 Ihe throne . Acco rdi ng 10 a C4,/ll mp"rary r. lslo"an: ··:-.Jo merC'{ was Granl cd of the eXCi ting tal k hasn •ilated ri allj pupils emergency demonstrations. Get together .... -n r.d ~nt ~V we re be th ~r.r :) wn dressed in their ei the r. Phili Vneeds a kick In the ass . There 's lo ts f'rnerger cy pllone lists when and in(;ase : '03 S Wllh :hel( racie rs a~a decorallcn headfirst _ ; ,)1 ;he weSlem wII,aow InlO a moal beneath the going on in terms of good projects and people.
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