HHHHHHHHHH.US005564955A United States Patent 19 1. Patent Number: 5,564,955 Ingraham 45 Date of Patent: Oct. 15, 1996 54 BRACKET FOR SUPPORTING AN 4,303.033 1298 King ........................................... 4406 ELECTRC POWRED OUTBOARD MOTOR 4.37,144 2/1983 godlewski. ... 4343 AND AN ELECTRIC BATTERY RELATIVE 4.637,332 (1987 Glime.......... 44053 TO A MARINE WESSEL 4,771,722 9/1988 Tihany ...... 43.43 Primary Examiner-Edwin L. Swinehart 76 inventor: JerryWhitefish, Ingraham, Mont, 59.937 2250 Lion Mountain, Attorney, Agent, or Finn-Diller, Ramik & Wight, PC 57 ABSTRACT 21 Appl. No.: 499.546 A brackct is provided for supporting an clectric powcred 22 Filed; Jul. 6, 1995 outboard motor, such as a trolling motor, and a battery 51 int. Cl." ........................ B60L 11/02 relative to a small marine vesscl, such as a Hobie Cat, in 52 U.S.w C. ................. ... 4406; 14/343; 4/6 motor andprovide battcry propulsion brackct includics during abccalm chambcr conditions. for housing Thc a 58) Field of Search ................................... 440W6, 53, 55, D.C. clcctric battery and a transom plate projecting thcre 440/900; 476. 343, 345,346,364; 248.640643; from in a generally vertical planc to which an electric '293 powercd outboard motor or trolling motor can be clampcd. Thc latter bracket is pre?erably constructed for vertical 56 References Cited adjustmcnl. A quick connect/disconnect coupling sccures thc U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS brackct to structural members of the marine vessel, specifi 2.223.625 12/1940 Krupp ..................................... 1147345 callytobic to Cat thic catamaran. dolphin strikcr post and dolphin strikcr rod of a 2,507,613 5/1950 Reid ........................................ 24 R16-4 3,665.534 5/1972 Mclnyrc ................................. 4,34 -- 4.227.480 l (fl. 980 Carras ..................................... 248/642 22 elaims, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 1996 Sheet 1 of 3 5,564,955 U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 1996 Sheet 2 of 3 5,564,955 U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 1996 Sheet 3 of 3 5,564,955 5,564,955 1. 2 BRACKET FOR SUPPORTNG AN The bracket also includes as an integral part thereof a ELECTRC POWERED OUTBOARD MOTOR housing for receiving and supporting an associated D.C. AND AN ELECTRC BATTERY RELATIVE electric battery. In this fashion the battery and the electric TO A MARINE WESSEL motor are supported immediately adjacent each other and both are located unobtrusively generally below the trampo BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION line in both use and non-use position of the electric motor. Accordingly, occupants upon the trampoline cannot be The invention is directed to a bracket for supporting an injured under wind or windless conditions of vessel move electric powered outboard motor, such as a so-called electric ment because the bracket, the electric motor and thc battery trolling motor, relative to a small marine vessel, such as a 10 are located unobtrusively removed from the trampoline area Hobie Cat catamaran, in order to provide propulsion during and occupants supported thereupon. becalm conditions. With the above and other objects in view that will A motor bracket under the name "CHEETA MOTOR hereinafter appear, the nature of the invention will be more BRACKET" is provided as an accessory for Hobie Cat clearly understood by reference to the following detailed sailboats and is intended to propel the same when the wind 5 description, the appended claims and the several views disappears. The motor bracket assembles to the rear cross illustrated in the accompanying drawings. bar of the trampoline frame of the Hobie Cat catamaran or sailboat, and includes a support arm pivoted at one end to the motor bracket and carrying at an opposite end a transom BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS member to which an electric motor can be secured. The 20 FIG. 1 is a fragmentary top perspective view of a marine support arm is retained in a horizontal position when the vessel, specifically a Hobie Cat catamaran or sailboat, and electric motor is in use and can be pivoted to lift the motor illustrates the novel electric motor and battery bracket of the completely out of the water when not in use. A major present invention supported adjacent a black front bow disadvantage of this conventional motor bracket is that in crossbar of the trampoline frame. both the use and non-use positions the motor is located at a 25 FIG. 2 is a fragmentary perspective view of the novel position susceptible to being bumped or struck by an occu bracket of this invention viewed from the bow or front of the pant which can cause damage to the occupant, the motor sailboat, and illustrates a D.C. electric battery and an electric bracket, the motor or all three. In addition, this conventional trolling motor supported by the bracket with the electric motor bracket is limited strictly to supporting the electric trolling motor being in its in-use position. motor and no provision is made for housing an associated 30 FIG. 3 is a fragmentary rear elevational view of the D.C. battery at an unobtrusive location. Accordingly, it is not bracket, and illustrates the manner in which the electric uncommon to see the D.C. electric battery lashed in a rather motor is secured to a transom plate of the bracket with the unsecured fashion by bungee cords or the like to one of the shaft of the electric motor aligned with the longitudinal corners of the trampoline frame. Obviously, this location is center line of the sailboat and the axis of its mast. dangerous to occupants seated upon the trampoline, and it is 35 not uncommon to have a battery simply drop overboard, FIG. 4 is a fragmentary top perspective view, and illus particularly should the sailboat flip under the influence of trates the accessibility of the rotatable speed control handle high wind or virtually any other adverse sailing conditions. of the electric motor through the center lacing of the trampoline adjacent the black front crossbar. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG. 5 is fragmentary rear elevational view similar to FIG. 3, and illustrates the electric motor in its out-of-the In keeping with the foregoing, the present invention is way or non-use position. directed to a bracket for supporting both an electric powered FIG. 6 is a fragmentary exploded perspective view of the outboard motor and an associated D.C. electric battery bracket and a portion of the sailboat frame, and illustrates relative to a marine vessel, most specifically a sailboat, such 45 the bracket as including a platform for supporting the as a Hobie Cat sailboat. However, the invention is equally electric battery, channels for receiving the dolphin striker applicable to utilization in conjunction with a boat driven by post and dolphin striker rod of the sailboat frame, and a a gas powered outboard engine or an inboard engine. How vertically adjustable transom plate to which is clamped the ever, in keeping with the specific intent of the invention, the electric motor. bracket supports both the electric powered outboard motor and the D.C. electric battery in an out-of-the-way position in 50 FIG. 7 is a fragmentary perspective view similar to FIG. both use and non-use positions thereby assuring that occu 6, and illustrates the bracket with the channels thereof pants upon the trampoline will not be injured no matter the receiving therein the dolphin striker post and the dolphin striker rod and a removable pin for maintaining the latter sailing conditions or the attitude of the sailing craft. components in their assembled relationship. The bracket of the invention preferably utilizes a vertical 55 rearwardly opening channel and a pair of downwardly opening channels to embracingly receive an associated DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED dolphin striker post and a dolphin striker rod, respectively, EMBODIMENT of the trampoline frame of a Hobie Cat catamaran. A single A conventional marine vessel is illustrated in FIG. 1 of the removable pin firmly secures the bracket relative to the drawings and is generally designated by the reference dolphin striker post and the dolphin striker rod thus enabling numeral 10. The marine vessel 10 is a conventional sailboat, the rapid assembly and disassembly of the bracket relative to such as a Hobie Cat catamaran or sailboat, which includes the trampoline frame. The bracket also includes a generally port and starboard hulls 11, 12; front port and back port vertically disposed transom plate to which the electric motor corner castings 13, 14, respectively; front starboard and rear can be clamped. The transom plate is also mounted for 65 starboard corner castings 15, 16, respectively; a port side bar vertical adjustment in another vertical channel to selectively 17, a starboard side bar 18, a rear or stern crossbar 19 and vertically adjust the height of the electric motor. a black crossbar 20. The side bars 17, 18 are conventionally 5,564,955 3 4 connected between the respective castings 13, 14 and 15, 16, wardly opening channel 80 is formed by a portion of the while the crossbars 19, 20 are conventionally connected back wall 71 of the housing 70 and two vertically disposed between the respective castings 14, 16 and 13, 15 thereby spaced generally parallel plates 83, 84 welded to the rear collectively defining a trampoline frame 25 within which is wall 81 and having aligned circular openings 85, 86, respec a trampoline 26 defined by two trampoline portions 27, 28. tively, therein. The generally horizontally disposed down A center gap or slot 30 between the trampoline portions 27, wardly opening channels 81, 82 are formed by respective 28 is spanned by conventional center lacing 31 and similar angle irons, each including a generally horizontally disposed stern lacing 32 spans a stern gap or slot 33 between the web 87 welded to the rear wall 71 and a vertically depending trampoline portions 27, 28 and the rear cross bar 19.
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