Matawan Jo in t Free Public Library 165 Main Street M a t a w a n , N .J. 077 47 The Weekly Newspapers Matawan, Aberdeen, Keyport, Union Beach, Holmdel, Hazlet ft Colts Neck Vol. 17 No. 7 Wednesday, February 4, 1987 2 5 C e n t s Board m em bers applaudproposal School budget would raise tax rates By Seamus McGraw Brenner said that the budget "shortchanged $100 to $2,990 for 1987-88. "I've been on this board for 11 years,” ABERDEEN the kids." Those figures would be combined with Brenner said, “and I feel somewhat respon­ School tax rates would increase approx­ The budget must be submitted next week county and municipal taxes to form the sible for the growth of the district. It hurts imately 10 cents in the township and to the county superintendent of schools. The property owners' total tax bills. me to see what they've done tonight.'' Matawan under a $22.5 million budget in­ board is expected to adopt the budget Mon­ The board plans to allocate $100,000 of its “They said, ‘We have to get the tax rate troduced Monday by the Regional Board of day. $285,000 surplus as income for the budget, to down. " she said. “They didn't say, 'What Education. Faced with a $452,315 reduction in state keep the tax rate from increasing further. can we do for the kids?” ’ After nearly 5'-_* hours of debate, the board aid, the board would collect $12.3 million in But, Board Secretary Bruce Quinn said, "The kids are number one," she said, introduced the 1987-88 spending package, local taxes, an increase of $1.2 million from the board faces a $233,000 shortfall in "and I think it's the kids who took a which would increase the township property this year. 1986-87. and had planned to apply $100,000 to backseat." tax rate by 10.1 cents per $100 of assessed The school tax rate in Aberdeen would balance the current budget. But the Rev. Freddie Williams, a finance valuation and the borough rate by 9.7 cents. rise from $2.06 to $2.17 per $100 of assessed If both transfers are made, Quinn said, committee member, defended the budget. The budget, a compromise between the valuation. the district would be left with only $85,000 in The budget, he said was “ fair and. board's finance committee and the district In Matawan, the school rate would in­ surplus. honest." administration, would make deep spending crease from $2.89 to $2.99. The proposed spending package allocates Mr. Williams praised Robert Hesse, com­ cuts and eliminate several programs and as The owner of a $100,000 house in the only $104,800 for capital outlay, down mittee chairman, for his leadership. many as 20 teachers. township would pay $2,170 in school taxes, $118,200 from this year. "This is a budget that I can take back to The proposed budget also would provide an increase of $110 from his $2,060 school tax It calls for $198,412 to be spent for debt ser­ my community," Mr. Williams said. an 8% teachers salary increase. bill for this year. vice, down $153,832 from this year. According to Quinn, the reduction in state Most board members applauded the pro­ In the borough, the owner of a $100,000 Brenner critized the budget, charging that aid had a significant impact on the budget. posal as fair, but board member Marilyn house would see his school tax increase by it cut programs too severely. (Continued on Page lit) Program cuts could cause teacher layoffs By Seamus McGraw VBKBDKKX Deep cuts in school programs were pro posed Monday by the Matawan Regional Board ol Education lo offset a >l.v_\:;i > reduction in state aid. As many as 20 teachers may be laid oil as result of the cuts. Board Secretary Bruce Quinn said. The program cuts were included m the board s proposed s22..‘> million budget lor 1987 118. Programs cut under the proposed spend ing package • The nine period day at the high school The district would return to an eight period high school day to save an estimated s|7li.(MMI. The extended workday has been a key issue in the continuing contract talks be tween the district and the Matawan Regional Teachers Assn. The teachers have charged that the board C lam m ing continues violated state law when il adopted the new schedule in September A elanimer waits as his boat cleared a block of ice in Sandy Although the extended workday would be llook Bay. The local clamming industry, closed in the bay for a abandoned next year. Quinn said it should (Continued on Page 19) Colts Neck, school board sues to stop Navy I n s i d e By Alice Gallagher The suit was filed in U.S. District Court, pact more residents would have on “ already COLTS NECK Meisner said, “ to block the Navy from fur­ congested" roads, such as the Garden State Project Escape. a group which hopes Charging that the Navy violated federal ther construction of military housing in an Parkway, routes 34, 79, and 9, and county to open a drug- and alcohol-Iree teen environmental laws, the township and the environmentally sensitive wetlands area,” roads 520 and 539. center for area high school students, Board of Education yesterday filed suit to pending state and federal review. • The Navy has not reported w hat impact held a luiid-raising Itoman toga party halt construction of 200 housing units at The Navy, he said, has “bulldozed, filled, the construction would have on the area at the Red liank < on) in unit y \ Mt \ Naval Weapons Station Earle. and begun building in the Hockhoekson flood plain. Saturday. ............ I’age .! At a press conference in Trenton. Mayor Swamp, a federally registered wetland." • The Navv has not a(fdressed the impact Henry Meisner criticized the Navy for The suit charges: on the quality of.,education and the in­ Births building the homes without obtaining “ one • The Navy has not obtained permits to creased costs of “ potentially doubling the ( lassified single permit from any state or federal increase its water supply, which conies township’s school enrollment, essentially < rossword............... authority charged with the responsibility of from underground deposits of water known overnight.” ' Drug-related charges safeguarding and preserving our environ­ as aquifers. School officials have.estimated that the Entertainment ment." The State Dept, of Environmental Protec­ expansion would add 600 students to the l.ctters........................ The 200 homes under construction are tion recently ordered many municipalities district at a cost of $1.2 million. Current l ocal People ill the News part of 500additional housing units the Navy to reduce the amount of water they draw enrollment is approximately 745. Obituaries has proposed for the Colts Neck base as part from aquifers by 50%. In summary, Meisner said, the Navy is Opinion of a plan to relocate two ammunitions ships • The Navy has not obtained permits lo doing something that the federal En­ Police R eports................. to the Earle port at Sandy Hook Bay. treat the additional sewage that the housing vironmental Protection Agency and DEP Beal ( state Transactions According to Meisner, the Navy’s 1984 en­ units would generate. would not allow any municipality, county, or sports................................ vironmental assessment indicated that as •The Navy has not contucUJ the Siati private developer to do: Build first and ask What's Happening manv as 600 units wouW t>e built. DepL of Transportation regarding the im­ questions later. Page 2 THE INDEPENDENT February 4, 1987 nce SALE CONTINUES EVENM g^ToAM SALE^ABTTfHUBSTFEB. 5,1 BLUE TAGS ORANGEorGREENTAGS RED T A G S ■ r ■ * •The BIGGEST SALE in our HISTORY! •CLEARANCE ITEMS FURTHER REDUCED! •PRICES SLASHED in all departments! * Off our low est ticketed prices. Because of the tremendous price reductions in effect during this sale, we will be unable to honor our usual Senior Citizen and other discounts on clearance items. (No Lay-aways or rainchecks on any clearance items) MANAHAWKIN HOLMDEL BRICK TOWN TOMS RIVER EATONTOWN sTuirn sous sMffw m w n pi*u wm n TOK IM! SMffK KITH I MALI 35 mm n «tsT 1NTERSECTHM Of MM »« t ITC 35 AM CHAIKRS mtt n mm v t wm* sun nwt • uit v mm s t vrnvF mm STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 AM to 9:30 PM • SUNDAY 11 AM to 5:00 PM THE INDEPENDENT February 4, 1987 Page 3 Victim's wife charged with hindering suspect's apprehension Keyport man indicted on manslaughter charges By Seamus \1c(>raw charges Ceaser's wife, Vic­ According to police re­ reported to police. learned that Pender may The case was remanded to FREEHOLD toria. with hindering ports, Ceaser. 40, of Division "Its not uncommon to have given the gun to a Municipal Court, but William Pender, the man Pender's apprehension by Street, went to Pender's have someone lying on the woman at the bar But so far, authorities do not recall accused of gunning down providing false information room and kicked down the floor there for three or four he said, he has been unable whether teaser was con Gaylord Ceaser in a Keyport door. to investigators from the hours, Keyport Del. Ste­ lo recover the weapon. victed. boarding house, was indicted County Prosecutor's Office. Police said that Pender ad­ phen Wheeler said, " but Shortly after the incident, Based on past events, last week on charges of The incident occurred mitted that he had produced usually it's someone who is police suggested that Pender police have said.
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