Distftbuttep • 20,100 xtw. Lew (Might. H. iflgh H» r la Ms. See ' Dial SH 14610'.'" - bml *W. Htmity Ihnack fitter. StcoM Qua PMUI* VOL. 85, NO. 83 MM at KM auk u>* U MdlUoul MtlUu OtOcu. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGEONfe Delay Berlin: Showdown By WILLIAM L. RYAN tone than the slogans issued last spring for AP Special Correspondent May Day. Khrushchev Evidently Premier Khrushchev once again The slogan on Berlin, for example, reads wants to postpone a serious crisis over Ber- this way: lin, perhaps beyond the lirst Of next year. "Peoples of all nations! Demand the con- The Soviet press gives the strong impres- clusion of a German peace treaty and the sion that the Kremlin is not ready for a show- transformation of West Berlin into a free de- down and the risks it would involve. militarized city." That's all. There seems a distinct relationship be- May Day slogans demanded conclusion of tween Western toughness and Soviet tracts- such a treaty in the swiftest possible time Conference Is Forecast bility. The firmer the West, the more cau- and violently denounced alleged western tious- the Kremlin drive seems to be. plans to transform West Germany into a WASHINGTON (AP—President Ing Kennedy, he Is scheduled to have been easy and relaxed and Pravda and other Soviet propaganda or- "hotbed of war." Kennedy confers with Soviet For- spend the evening with Secretary devoid of any sense of immediate gans appear to strive desperately to dispel The slogan concerning West Germany now eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko of State Dean Rusk at a "work- crisis or imminent deadline. Koh- the idea that a major crisis over Berlin's reads: today in a White House meeting ing dinner" attended also by U.S. ler made a full report of the talk future is coining in the immediate future. "Warm greetings to workers and all pro-* that foreshadows a Kennedy con- and Soviet policy advisers. to Washington for the information of Kennedy, Rusk and their top The Soviet press chides those who speak of gressive forces of the Federal German Repub- ference with Premier Khrushchev Moscow Conference a Berlin "crisis," calling such talk warmon- lic struggling against militarism and rebirth advisers. on the Berlin crisis next month. The White House session here gering to heat up the international atmosphere.. of fascism." That's much milder. follows by two days a Moscow Remove Force* SLOGANS MILDER . Another clue: Khrushchev has, in effect, made known to Kennedy through Foy conference between Khrushchev Kennedy was expected to em- Another clue: The puppet Communist regime of East and Kohler. It was learned that The annual list of slogans for the 45th Germany has just announced plans for its Kohler, the new U.S. ambassador phaslie strongly in his meeting to Moscow, that he is very inter Khrushchev indicated to tht new with Gromyko that Khrushchev's anniversary of the Communist revolution, to sixth party congress early in 1963 to draw up American envoy that he considers be celebrated in November, is much softer in , (See BERLIN, Page 3) ested in a face-to-face discussion insistence on removal of Western of the Berlin dispute with the more discussions on the Berlin forces from Berlin is totally un- President. situation te> be desirable. He also acceptable and that the Western dearly indicated that he considers powers Kennedy has already decided to are completely agreed on see Khrushchev if, as. expected a personal talk between himself defending West Berlin and its 1310,000 Levitt 'Donation' here, the Soviet premier goes and Kennedy to be advisable. military and civilian supply lines through with the decision to visit against any kind of Communist While Khnuhchev underscored move against them. MATAWAN TOWNSHH*-Levitt The Planning Board said there no agreement without the pro] the United States to attend the his long-standing demand for Top U.S. officials actually see and Sons, Inc., last night agreed »»• ., eet. U.N. General Assembly. Gromyko, withdrawal of U.S.. British and to a work project "contribution" "The fact is you're trying to Changes Mind who came here from New York French troops from West Berlin, no prospect at the moment of to the municipality estimated in see how much you can squeeze At this point, Mr. Pollet, whc Wednesday, is due at the White the atmosphere o( his converse reaching any kind of accord with the equivalent of about $310,000, out of Levitt," Mr. Pollet earlier in the meeting sail President Kennedy House in late afternoon. After see- tlon with Kohler was reported to (See CONFERENCE, Page 3) Premier Khrushchev in return for agreement in prin- charged. Levitt would 'absolutely refuse' ciple to construct another 650 Walks Out to add any item to the list, then houses here. reversed field and agreed to th Mayor Norman E. Wood re- sidewalk, in addition to the oav- Present subdivision! map ap- plied that he "deeply resented" irig of a 1,000-foot portion of County Imposes Condition provals call for the construction the accusation, and as he spoke, of approximately 1,250 houses. Matawan Ave. Mr. Levitt walked out of the Matawan Ave. was substituted room. See Other Levitt for paving of Rose St., which He, returned a few moments Township Committeeman John To Sea Wall Repair Work Stories, Pages J, 21 later and the mayor continued: Marz, Jr., recently had resur- "You say this is a good for atate With the new-agreements, the faced without authorization by the FREEHOLD' — The county ederal government would put. ''Since the slate has the township. I say it is a good park, for which this is a main total will be increased to ap- governing body. Board of Freeholders agreed yes-, up about $500,000, the state $250,- deal for Levitt, and if this were Irwin said, proximately 1,900 for a project Originally, Rose St. had been terday to contribute $250,000 as a 000 and the county 9250,000, to access road," Mr, not so, you wouldn't be here to- on the Levitt work list. share in rebuilding the northern rebuild the wall between the "we feel that the state should valuation estimated at nearly $45 night." million, including shopping cen- Additional Items lection of the North Beach Mar- Ship Ahoy Beach Club and Sandy take over, the road, It could then ter, recreational facilities and Harold J. Dolan, Planning Additional items on the list, wall in Sea Bright, but Imposed Hook State Park. build whatever jetties were nec- utilities. Board member and president of as per the agreement made last significant condition: : ' Freeholder Director Joseph C. essary, as it. saw fit to protect the Board of Education, who nlRht, are: That the state tike over Ocean irwin said the alternative it the w«ll and the road." Levitt had agreed previously to spearheaded the fight to get the Paving and curbing of Lloyd Ave., In Sea Bright and Moo-' "patch work" on some sections of Mr.' Irwin said the Sandy Hook donate work projects in the equiv- school sidewalk, moved that be- Rd., Church St. from South mouth; Beicti, as part of the state the1 "dllpaldataed" 17-year-old State Park at the north end of alent oof $500 per house. The cause of the omission, the en lantic Ave. to Line Rd., and Pros- highway system; and that the barrier at an estimated coat of Ocean Ave,, is used by many final agreement hammered out tire agreement be thrown but. pect Ave. from Rt. 35 to Mata- state assume full maintenance'of $206,000 to be split halt and half more, people man residents of last night — after many bitter The motion died for lack of wan Ave., all to 36-foot widths; the Ocean Ave. seawall for the between the state and county. the.immediate'Monmouth County words and accusations — comes paving of South Atlantic Ave. future. County Road area., ' to slightly less than that, based a second — but the board later (See LEVITT, Page 2) Freeholders disclosed they had The county Is required to share Since 1959. Mr. Irwin. laid, the on figures provided by Township took a stand that there would be made the offer to the state De- In the costs because the wall pro- county' and ttat* have spent Engineer Karl P. Heuser. partment of' Conservation and tects Ocean Ave. which is now a about $400,000 in piecemeal re- Street Paving Economic Development after county road. pairs to the sea wall, on a 50-50 The work projects consist main- Sandlass Settlement learning Commissioner H. Mat Mr. Irwin. »aid the county la matching bwii. "This can go on ly of paving of township streets. Adams was applying to the feder- willing to put up a larger amount and. on,'.' he »aW, "but unless a Some school work is included. al governimnt to* grants under at this time to undertake« more major rebuilding job is don* now Argument last' night was over Is Sought by State the Accelerate* I%bllo Wortu thorough job If, at the same time, it will.be of mtl« value." testallstion of 2,500 feet of side- Program for' coast -protection at it can get assurances that future Sea Bright'i mayor Thomas walk along 'th....e school side of SANDY HOOK — Attempt. s are ParPark.. »ng.te and Ocean City. responsibility for th* road and Faael welcomed reports of the Mr. Adams' plans, th wall will past tb U» •tttt. new pliuii. ' lir front of the new being made for an out-of-court ney GeneraG l HerrW J.
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