Vojvoda - Concept of Providentia Deorum within the...(53-62) Archaeology and Science 11 (2015) MIRJANA VOJVODA 904:737.1.032.044”652” Institute of Archaeology, 94(398)”00/02” Belgrade, Serbia 321.18(37):929 [email protected] COBISS.SR-ID 228047628 Original research article Received: March 4th 2016 Accepted: June 20th 2016 CONCEPT OF PROVIDENTIA DEORUM WITHIN THE IMPERIAL CULT AND PROPAGANDA ON ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS DURING THE PRINCIPATE ABSTRACT Ever since the beginning of the Principate, after establishing the imperial cult, propaganda was also developed and adjusted to support this cult. Reverse images on coins expressed different aspects of the imperial cult, among others the concept of providentia deorum. Starting during Domitian’s reign, then during Trajan’s, in Hadrian’s time, the concept of providentia deourum is clearly focused, ex- pressing multiple connections of the emperor with the gods. Not only does the emperor enjoy divine protection, fi rst of all from Jupiter, but even more importantly, he was chosen by him to rule. An image of the current emperor was created, who became emperor by Jupiter’s prudence alone. This fact, hid- den in the multiple meanings of the aforementioned images of emperors and Jupiter, was clearly shown on Hadrian’s mints, in the scene depicting Jupiter’s eagle, which brings and hands over a sceptre to Hadrian with the legend providentia deorum. KEYWORDS: ROMAN EMPIRE, COINAGE, REVERSE IMAGES, PROPAGANDA, IMPERIAL CULT, PROVIDENTIA DEORUM. The institution of the imperial cult, as known ever, at the same time, it represented the begin- during the Principate, originated in the 1st centu- ning of the imperial cult.3 Caesar transformed into ry B.C., but the breaking point in its development a living symbol of all of the virtues familiar to is represented by the deifi cation of Caesar, in 42 the Romans – he was a triumphator, liberator and B.C.1 From one point of view, in the 1st century pater patriae. The connection between the invin- B.C., the problem of the legitimacy of military a cible military commander, political leader of the commander’s position, not institutionalised in a 3 Whenever possible, Caesar highlighted the origin of republican sense,2 relied on the developing per- the Julii from Venus, starting with the famous laudative sonality cult. Caesar’s tendency to stress the or- speech at the deathbed of his aunt Iulia, in 68 B.C. (Suet. Caes. 6). He would express the idea about the divine origin igin of the Julii from Venus was actually one of of the Julii through his speeches and deeds. After Pompei- the methods he used to justify his position. How- us’ defeat, he started wearing red boots and toga picta in public, as a symbol of the connection to the kings of Alba 1 The article results from the project: Viminacium, Ro- Longa, whose establishment is connected to Ascanius, the man city and military camp – research of material and son of Aeneas (Dio Cass. XLIII.43.2). During his lifetime, non- material culture of inhabitants by using the modern he was given numerous honours (a golden chair in the technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digita- Senate, permission to ride a horse in Rome, statues and lization and 3D visualization (no 47018), funded by The prayers were dedicated to him, he had his special priests’ Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Devel- collegia, the month of July was given his name and, fi nal- opment of the Republic of Serbia. ly, his image appeared on coins) and, as Suetonius notes: 2 The Triumvirate was not an institutional body, but was “bigger honours than a man is allowed to achieve”(Su- created with the initiative of men in power supported by et. Caes. 76). Similar comments are encountered from the military, with the excuse that the state needed order. Plutarch (Plut. Caes. 57). 53 Archaeology and Science 11 (2015) Vojvoda - Concept of Providentia Deorum within the...(53-62) state and the gods was established, at the same to be possessed by a “good” princeps. As propa- time leading towards the establishment of a mo- ganda, these virtues were skilfully incorporated in narchical autocracy. After that, Octavian wisely accordance with tradition, tending to be restored established a new governmental structure – the by Augustus.7 Principate – within the framework of the already During his lifetime, throughout the Empire, existing republican institutions.4 During his reign, Augustus was respected as the most important the imperial cult was gradually established and, in person of the state, who also enjoyed great reli- time, it was institutionalised. gious respect. Testimony is given in a paragraph After Caesar’s apotheosis, by a decision of the from “Life of Augustus” by Nicolaus of Damas- Senate, a decree was issued that people would be cus: “Men gave him this name in view of his claim allowed to respect his Genius, in the same way to honour; and, scattered over islands and conti- they had always respected the Genius of their nents, through city and tribe, they revere him by house masters (pater familias). At the same time, building temples and by sacrifi cing to him, thus it was made possible for Octavian to become divi requiting him for his great virtue and acts of kind- fi lius, who, in 29 B.C., dedicated the temple to ness toward themselves.”8 In all of the provinces, the divine Julius (divus Iulius) at the place where temples were built dedicated to Roma and Augus- Caesar was cremated.5 The next important mo- tus’ genius, following the tradition of the former ment in the development of the imperial cult was decision of the Senate regarding the respect of in 27 B.C., when Octavian allegedly handed over Augustus’ genius. By using religion, politics and power to the senate and to the people of Rome. propaganda, Augustus managed to establish an This “resignation” was undoubtedly formal, ac- imperial cult, through which he achieved the rec- companied by senators’ pleas for him to retain ognition of his divine nature after death. By modi- power. At the same meeting of the Senate, Octa- fying the concept of Genius and accepting honour vian received a series of authorities, securing him to be paid to his own Genius, he established a way supreme power. Besides this, he also received the for the public to unoffi cially worship his possi- honorary title of Augustus,6 and a decision was ble divine nature. At the same time he also relied made to place a laurel wreath on his house door strongly on the model of the cult of Alexander of and a golden shield, or a shield of virtues (clipeus Macedon, which led to the gradual development virtutis), in the Senate, bearing an inscription that of the imperial cult as a unique Roman institution. praises his basic virtues: courage, gentleness, eq- At the same time, within the imperial cult estab- uity and piety (virtus, clementia, iustitia, pietas) lished in such a way, the concept of providentia (Res gestae VI. 34). During the Principate, these was developed. Writers and poets of Augustus’ four virtues would represent the sum of qualities time highlight recognition of divine will in the fact that they were given such a great rescuer and 4 The main republican institutions, the magistratures and the Senate, still existed, although the Roman state was ruler (Charlesworth 1936: 109). made a monarchy from Augustus’ time, under the authori- ty of the fi rst man in the state (primus inter pares). 7 About the choice of exactly these virtues, cf. Walla- 5 After Caesar’s deifi cation and the following civil war, ce-Hadrill 1981, 300-307); for development of visual im- Octavian often pointed to his position as son of divine ages of virtues on coinage from Vespasianus to Alexander Caesar (divi fi lius), according to which he had legitimate Severus, cf. Noreña 2001, 146-168. right to revenge for his father’s murder. In 38 A.D., in 8 „Men gave him this name in view of his claim to hon- connection to this, he appears on sidus Iulium coins, also or; and, scattered over islands and continents, through city portraits of Octavian and Caesar with the inscriptions IMP and tribe, they revere him by building temples and by sac- DIVI IVLI F or DIVOS IVLIVS DIVI F (RRC I, p. 535, rifi cing to him, thus requiting him for his great virtue and no. 534/1, 2, T. LXIII.19,20). acts of kindness toward themselves.“ (FGhH 90, f. 125). 6 Ever since then, his new name is Imperator Caesar divi About sacrifi ce in Roman imperial cult cf. Price 1984, 28- fi lius Augustus (Kienast 2010, 63). 43. 54 Vojvoda - Concept of Providentia Deorum within the...(53-62) Archaeology and Science 11 (2015) part of every-day life and were, thus, required in high quantities. Among other things, the emper- ors’ power depended on the belief of his subjects that he personally possessed gifts or talents essen- tial for their own good, but which were beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. The belief was that these powers actually come from the outside and did not originate in usual human nature (Wal- Fig. 1 BMC II, Pl. 75.8 lace-Hadrill 1981: 298, ref. 2). On 19th August 14 A.D., Augustus died. He One of the aspects of propaganda, incorporated was cremated on the Field of Mars and buried in into reverse images on coins, is a motif with the leg- his family tomb (Suet. Augustus 100). After the end PROVIDENTIA DEORVM. The users were funeral, an eyewitness appeared who swore he given a message that rule and power in the state had seen Augustus’ apotheosis, making an associ- was for the benefi t of all of its citizens, given to the ation with Romulus.9 Soon after that, on Septem- emperor through the will and prophecy of the gods, ber 17th, he was offi cially deifi ed by a decision of primarily Jupiter.
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