Ejtusjcvufe!up!Dpojohupo-!Hmbuupo-!! Vqupo!'!Tbxusz! www.caresco.org.uk Op/!88!Efdfncfs!31119!.!Kbovbsz!311:! Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year To all our readers & advertisers From everyone at the Sawtry Eye Thank you for your support throughout 2008 LOCAL PRODUCE MARKEMARKETTTT Thursday 4 th December 8 am—2 pm Old School Hall, Green End Rd, SAWTRY TEBBITS FARM MEATS, AYR NURSERIES, LITTLE COMMON PRESERVES, HARVEST FOOD 6 December 2008 (pies, quiches and desserts), 7.30pm TOMS CAKES, COMPLETELY CHILLI, Sawtry Community College SIMPLY HERBS (soaps, creams etc), WOBBLY BOTTOM FARM (Cheeses) Christmas Wreaths, Vegetables and more… REFRESHMENTS Moor Farm will be cooking Tickets £6.00 Café style - available inside Concessions £4.00 Mulled Wine and Mince pies Advance bookings 020 3287 1950 [email protected] Elaine or Viv - 01487 830480 2009 MARKET - 2 APRIL www.vocalacademy.org.uk You can read the Sawtry Eye on the internet at www.caresco.org.uk VILLAGE CAROL SERVICE At Sawtry Community College SUNDAY 14 DECEMBER 2008 – 3pm CHRISTMAS CAROL SINGING At the Greystones (Not at Greenways as previously advertised) MONDAY, 22 DECEMBER 2008 – 6.30 pm Everyone welcome If you are moving house, please can you leave a rec ent copy of Sawtry Eye for the new occupiers - Than k y o u SAWTRY EYE IS PUBLISHED BY CARESCO (SAWTRY & DISTRICT CARE & RESOURCE ORGANISATION) REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 288202 !!! O O O O C O F F E E S H O P Gps!jttvf!Op;!!Gps!jttvf!Op;!!89898989!!!! GfcGfc————Nbs!1:Nbs!1:Nbs!1:!!!! Every Friday Bewfsujtfnfout!cz!! 9 - 11.30am (Term Time) 23!Oppo!po!24!Kbo!1:! 9.45am - 11.30am (During school holidays) ! Ofxt!Jufnt!cz!! Closed 26 December 2008 & 2 January 2009 23!Oppo!po!31!Kbo!1:! at the CARESCO Centre Full Page: 17.5cm x 26cm A warm welcome for coffee and a chat. 1 Issue - £90 6 Issues - £450 It’s the place to be Half Page: 13cm x 17.5cm 1 Issue - £50 Everyone Welcome 6 Issues - £250 CARESCCARESC CARESCCARESC Quarter Page: 13cm x 8.5cm 1 Issue - £28 6 Issues - £140 Eighth Page: 6.5cm x 8.5cm Have you visited our new website yet? 1 Issue - £16 6 Issues - £80 www.caresco.org.uk For more information call in or phone 9.00am - 12 Noon Find out more about our organisation. You can even Monday - Friday download our latest annual report by following the link on the right-hand side of the home page. 01487 832105 I N P R A I S E O F T H E H A G G I S THINGS TO THINK ABOUT t h (Burns night January 25 ) CHILDREN Tasty morsels of minced lamb, oatmeal, herbs and 1. You spend the first two years of their life spices teaching them to walk and talk. Then you Sounds reminiscent of a Shepherds Pie? spend the next sixteen telling them to sit But call it a Haggis and people cringe - I really wonder why? down and shut up. 2. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing They’ll willingly eat sausages your own children. Made from piggy bits and pieces Traditionally served up cooked in tubes 3. Mothers of teens now know why some ani- That once processed pigs’ faeces! mals eat their young. Faggots go down just as well 4. Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they And really taste quite yummy usually repeat word for word what you Folk happily chomp on liver scrap shouldn't have said. And consign that to their tummy! 5. The main purpose of holding children's par- Black Pudding is delicious too ties is to remind yourself that there are chil- Not many dispute that dren more awful than your own Yet these are mainly made of blood And little chunks of fat! 6. We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in. So why will no-one try just once The Chieftain ‘O the Puddin’ Race That keeps at bay the cold and chill ADVICE FOR THE DAY: And puts a smile on the Scotsman’s face? Be nice to your kids. They will choose your For look how fit and strong it makes them nursing home one day. We know that – despite the sniggers – AND FINALLY: IF YOU HAVE A LOT OF TEN- For after consuming the Haggis SION AND YOU GET A HEADACHE, DO WHAT They don’t need any knickers! IT SAYS ON THE ASPIRIN BOTTLE: "TAKE Sue Fielding TWO ASPIRIN" AND "KEEP AWAY FROM Verses 1 to 5 - 27/02.96, Verse 6 - 19.01.05 CHILDREN"!!!!! 222 Sawtry Eye Dec 08 - Jan 09 As one of our regular contributors says, this Sawtry Eye Magazine is Published by: year has felt like there were only 100 days! Or CARESCO (Sawtry & District Care & maybe I’m just getting older. 2008 has gone passed in a flash and Resource Organisation) here we are advertising all those Christmas village events. Don’t forget CARESCO the village Carol Service at the College and, to get you further in the CARESCO Centre mood, the traditional Carol Singing event which will be in the garden at Green End Road Greystones this year (details elsewhere in this issue). Sawtry Huntingdon While you’ve got your new diaries to hand, why not spend a few min- Cambs PE28 5UX utes going through this issue and writing in the details of those not to Telephone: 01487 832105 miss events. We’ve even got the dates of Feast week, the Carnival and the Show for 2009, so there’s no excuse now for not getting your www.caresco.org.uk entries finished in time. Articles & Letters can be emailed to CARESCO. Please put as subject “For Sawtry Most exciting of all (for us) is that this issue will be available on the CA- Eye” and enclose full name and postal RESCO website (www.caresco.org.uk) as a download. Many thanks to address — Email: [email protected] Sawtry.net for hosting the Eye in the past. Why not spread the word to www.caresco.org.uk those friends and family that have moved away from the area and let them catch up on what is going on. Marina Joyce / Liz Coates Happy Christmas Editors Marina Joyce Advertising/Sales Liz Coates Samantha Rees / Donna Green Co-Editor Design / Artwork - This Issue Printed By: CARESCO PrintShop E DITORIAL P O L I C Y S UMMARY · All items are included entirely at the discretion of the editors who reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any item submitted. · Views expressed in the Sawtry Eye are not necessarily those of the editors or CARESCO, REGULARS CHURCH NEWS they are included in the interests of free speech. · Anonymous items will only be considered 2 CARESCO 16 Sawtry Methodist Church where the author has submitted their full name & 4/5 Dates for your Diary 16 All Saints’ Parish Church contact details to the editors with their contribu- Make a Date tion and have requested, with reason, that these 16 All Saints’ Fundraising News are withheld. Community Activities 17 St Nicholas Parish Church 6/7 Notices · Before printing a critical item the editors re- 17 Glamorous Christmas serve the right to approach the criticised per- 8 Readers Letters 18 Remembrance sons/group and offer an opportunity to comment, Your views on subjects that matter where possible, in the same issue. At their dis- 18 Saint Luke’s cretion the editors may delay the critical item to 26 Classifieds - Advertising !!!!!!! 19 Remembrance the following issue or publish without a reply. · The editors cannot accept any liability for VILLAGE NEWS omissions, errors or mistakes which occur in GENERAL INFO / production. 10 Sawtry Volunteer Car Scheme · The copies of Sawtry Eye delivered to the par- 10 Feast Week PLANTSMAN ish of Sawtry are accompanied by the Sawtry 10 Sawtry Show Parish Council Newsletter which is published by 19 Scent & Pollination Part 7 and the responsibility of Sawtry Parish Council. 10 Going Green 11 CARESCO Christmas Cards 20 St Johns Ambulance Division The full Editorial Policy is available from the CA- 20 Scores on the Doors RESCO office during office hours. 11 Sawtry Tree Warden Report 21 Cambs Residents ‘IN CONTROL’ 11 Royal British Legion 12 News from Sawtry Library 21 The Energy Doctor Writes ... DISTRIBUTION OF S AWTRY E YE : 22 General Info - Credit Crunch If you know of anybody who does not re- 12 St Neots CATS Protection ceive a copy or would like to help deliver 13 Wellside Surgery News Sawtry Eye, telephone: 01487 832105 13 Sawtry Winemaker’s Society SPORT & CLUBS between 9am—12 noon Monday-Friday 14 Sawtry Chorale 23 Sawtry Ladies Hockey Club 14 Sawtry Chorale Winter Concerts 23 Sawtry Football Club 14 Fairtraide Fortnight 24 Sawtry Golf Society 15 Sawtry History Society SAWTRY 24 Sawtry District Bowling Club 16 All Saints Fundraising News S a w t r y 25 Sawtry Motorcycle Club TwinnedTWINNED withWITH WWEIMAR e i m a r 333 Sawtry Eye Dec 08 - Jan 09 S C H O O L T E R M D A T E S F O R Don’t forget - during all weeks containing a bank S A W T R Y S CHOOLS holiday, collections will take Autumn Term 2008 place ONE DAY LATE End of Term - 19 December Spring Term 2009 HDC R EFUSE C OLLECTION Start of Term - 6 January Sawtry, Conington, Glatton & Upton Half Term – 16 – 20 February have the same calendar for refuse End of Term – 3 April collection, however the week day may vary. Summer Term 2009 To find out the exact dates for your prop- Start of Term - 20 April erty visit http://applications.huntsdc.gov.
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